Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Apr 1971, p. 14

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minigrzb rr 45 =znrzzzn= nitE is in no is 355 31 its En high it IL if =1 11 or Ev 5355 15 52 gSE EE gig lt if itij mo elnee it iotned In the roar eprnIlon NIIL only worn marcr too my eIrIIhieI in an muoeptlo were on the the BoetoolllontreII or aran Ind Baton ere to rtrmrthorn whet we all in Intrut them than nuttern bet One Mole Iter Nobod note Tremor in no the rm ItetheBruinIInthelrluttwo pmee wltb Montrul bulhr rur lint Realty Olyrhlmplvnrhlp to yeerr Ind deem the mom Boeton ollenoe In con rldered key to their chances thlr teem Bot cheevm qued Item the lent couple tou conl etme to predict Inythlnp allure ooIch Dilly Iter IILI IueIdIy IIm Ire Iny rer lee mehly whether teem II on Ind thl Iort oi Ioellendlnl ll tell Ihe Plyern Ilth pIIy tn tlebochecklor untoloin tor the breIkI Ind trylnr to upIIII Ire on Iny openlnplhtyvl been pinyin le It hockey tor lake to the Ihrold be reedy tor or non eIld the term Honireel greIt who her couhedlhlteeo to three NHL chInwlooIblpt but never toe Stenley Do Ihe 3th Huh lut won errp ll lNl EAnlnet like the oer iodloperlod uld PhllIdelp coIabVlo stunt Weve lot to blot oil and log their Ielt ride where the llu hrolhere operelo Durlnp the re IoIIod urlcnro outroo lhllllell St Kitts Knocks nongers Out Oi Junior Playoffs DychHADtANPIIISd Dionne within raven The only other quarternoel SL Cnihertnee Sleek Rewkr hooked Xltdrmer itenyere out ot the0niIrlo Harley Ahead lion Junior phyotlr tueedI nlxblwhh In euwatn north eoneecotlre Victory tn the beetoteeren quarternoel In IheIdIye an other yerrre Ottm t1I hlln ed llImlltorr lied Wlnu to lead II theiLtquerterllnnl with one note In Kllchener Herrel Dlonoe led the link with three laelr wblle htlke Bloom owed gllr Clyde Simon uored the III The Heater Icorerr were Sill Berber nith two Ind Chuck BIIlr with one The ilIwkI moved Into to uyln the norm They then moved lhuli by the end at the mood irerm Hill outhot Kitchener to M211 CAMDEN The now more into IemlIi III Ipelnet ltlontrerl Jun tor Cenndlenr in otthI It the Ieeond eonrocutlre Ihutont tor otthI IIlnrt the Iled Win11 lion llohhettI led me with two yortr while Derry Gthnnr WIyne Iierrltk DIre tee not only Wllron Irlded the oth ere otlIwI outIlrol Iled Wlnu to re The nextva will be pleyed Illll unsettled resume Iburo dIy It Pelerborouth with To ronto hIIrIboror needle only tle to cllrnlnIte the Peter It club In rcor ppolnte lor the to load In the llrrt ho rnloolu ol lonlpht Io Ottan with leth In plIy Includlny twe porlp by IIImtlton rotary torture KWVIZW BOWLING Henley Nltll IIIII In time one no TEAM STANDer MM Irelqu hi Let ler Cerrlere 45 BIrrIe Hunt iner tt IIIritlrne lJle t2 Iierrle lInnlny l1lller her roll to Claim Hotel to For Plurnlrlnr er non lonely It IAwnrde Plulerinn to lirndele Lam 1o Cwohnd DrillerI it tllrh Bllrlm Steve OeIrhuk our Gerry hic Brthe on lion Allow tit Pill lln Peleley Ill hlel Ilaberteon Mr Triplerr va Ombuk out Tony Pek 7or lino Abbott 7m Wllllr PIir ley1th terry lichridh 7tl Ilel Debatlon Colum Ilelony Group trot pm rero lIMiIIIt edI Barber Shop te Set ebony Plurnhlny It llonle De mkrvlce tt itllle ilulriecrt ll Illmmere Drlllerr to ho retire to Ilnrrie It Flrrnnne Tex tlelnotle GIry Ian 71 Hill blodllrt no rule Arerere Ind lion Abbott 231 learn hlihlr III John Porrler 21 BEAM llltlll Tplr Oreohuk roe Item no IlIndleIp Gard hllclre Ito mole Ind ilIodlrIy rrIot lterehrno root Quelltyiny tor olIyntir llnyollt etert Monday April it Bruce Cochrane Bruce CochrIne It oi Iierrle younp bowler trorn junior terror It SheII howling they look lop piece Soodey In Toron to It the Junior ehImplomhlp IJWM by the booth Iliey iie competed Irrimthundrcrtr oi other youneelerr Ironr lite Tor onto IreI STUDENT IIOVRH it II ertlmeted thtt more than moot univrrelly etudcnlr will be Ieelrirre Iummrr lobe In Cm IdI thlr ycIr MN MBDEIII two It r1 ltnr are saloon rnsrnntr Vuu ninthorrt rots Stern The tIrIt Irnerelnieellrr ol the Beetle Ind DIItrleI Senior htene III III teem will or Irelth WWIIDII rrtlrld hlotore on Sundry be etndlIy It pm Any lIlIl lIterrIttd to en tertnr the tune Iheold Iltoon II well II IIy pereol IItrreIIv ed II In errrutlve poellloo FOR SALE It tired llorrhell Unllorrru You 0141 Will Scil lnnle or Sweeter Separately Contact Randy Lacey irnpertetHIetoIII MINI Illrr It LIll more Hustlers The angers 72 Orti Career em on olrht to an to Iced inviheirjlmeoe 00ml Ienr intermediate betbell um nan Second lune oi iheheet live will ugh Wittle roeoaduy Th nlm Defeat no then Itchrlde with Due IlthIw wllh leod WW Ollh Ind there omen reach Aniduoltheprevlnterltnlshio all Mullen led hyltpointItt1 SIIIthlltlmobulIIerlhelud dwindlelollxpolnlulrlylntbe mood hell II thodeleemloed Cum took Idnotele oi Iter thlreeemwlthoot elder Dill IteAleeroI heather wII theIrne hla Itorer wt to in woman then In teeodPIolArnonuneet me Men the tlouhlo ilruree Ior limo moon ychuk lied to lllrrlIwlth it who eedr 1th klInWIlee nruo eisprn ed Baltimore Show jBowo PoiniTo Knlclrs Iy InnAmman Inner Tlrod but me Baltimore Button yttt on Iplrlted thew tn theopeolol IInre ellhelr Ito tionni hukethIll Auoclrtlon Eulern Conlerenre linII mea dey nlmt beiore bowin to New Yorkltnioh mm The Bullete who em all menme Ieriel with PNle delphle 7oerI durlnhe weebe AVelerIn Harrie Flier loin Pete PInI ehtowho hit cond ItrIlllrt eeumr hat been end emotionIlly drelned en eurdlol to coach Georye shoe willed under Into chute by the deiendlnp chmploo Kaleb Centre WiIlLe lleedl itunp Ihot with air eeeondr reroIlnlnr wee the decltlve Ieore eithourh New Yorke Deve Dmtnrchere mm the Knlch beck wlth three clutch beeketr In the clot in minutes Panagabko in Hornetj Roster Idded lo the Gait Homet llneup to help the OulIrio Hockey Ae IooiItlon Senior ehImpI In their drive lor the AIIIn my mama who Joined Ilornlt etr in their InceeeIlui Allen thrp eeIron two yeIrI no end ayed with the OrllllI Terrierr or peer In the Allen or Ilr wen one at live plIy acted lromolher Senior cl the tiIlt club to hoqu their lineup Ior their peeler unlnrt Thunder IlIy Mnr Two memberr oi the Orlllln lerrien bounced out at the plIy one by Dell lent weekend were chum Deleneemrn Door Kel eher Ind lett winter Tern Ste Certhy loin the Harriett do twoex CInIdleo NIlionIlI eoaltenderr lien Broderick oI Orkvllle Ontr Irrd Stern Ilrxe oi lltllrrtlllo hloliewkr rrlrn IANAtIAItlto nan on do ml tertiwee the It the Otntatnlel tourney which ItIrledIIIryeIrupInoIIu ItohIe amtmnltl telehretteoe or Columbia the reepooee III Iapreet not only on the pert oi teem Illhlnl to compete hot IlIo by the eitlrenr oi Brindle Hello end Western tIIrrltobI the the Knithtl oi Colombo aided to mItI the toumrnen In InnnII errrrt ittrnowtheroelottheepoo rorl to develop the meet Into one the top Hockey Totnnr route In the World In the tree rilllorr ol the tented Quebec my peewee tournament end e13 eilort II hetuy rude to eel the drone potable eoteke tout lo tout in am the United sum Work yr lo helnfnenrrled out reng theme teIrru ledlln Amino HockeyAI Iodntion helping the tonmment committee in thin Intern Overflow Iwarlth or trqrhlu Ire up orer poem litr tInr button Ind Midget division Thur ler enlrlee hIre been received Irrrrn alum Hlooo SemiFinalsQSett In Mens Sernl llnIlIctlonlortheCoa IrImerI II CII Nichole not OK Johnson trooqu on to night It the BenII arr Club on Bu Rood Itertlnr It oclock All tines to erode In Conrurnere are pley yer terdny the white were Hurt rt CHI Scott Dryden tlreen met textre end Wire 101chth thnere Itlllllltomnllllllllm In Cel Nichole Ictlon the re Iullr oi yerlerdeyr lmll were Henry to bloom Arl Irru Green Clerk to how North on Meet Begins htStaynor The North York Senior Hockey term windlntllp the rea reo With the tint ol In Innuei rnernoriel tournemenl It the grow Arene tonlpht Ind FrL ll Etebl more will compete In the hill Win RurIl Hockey Tunnemrnt ior tint prize at two end the hilltop tro phy Second prlre too end the sterner llooe trophy TonlnhiI drew yutI hlldlend vr Anrur It our Mtsil er vr Ortlllr Corrtblnu in be me Ioiteninr Irldeyr drIw her New law Ill re hlerkdIie It It Ind Thornbury VI EdrIr Ioliowlny opens THIS strrtoAv gt Sundttys are Action locked at ORANGEVIHE RACEWAYS Orangeville DAILY DOUBLE AND EXACTOR WAGERINO Ontario OUlNELLA nxcrrma HARNESS RACES Port Time pm lent to Minutee trom Barrie Free Parking Available 22 Booth iCaop Midgets EE edhyDuePlrtrldlw hIm ltIrton mm EE to EEE slag Fig 57523 CD1 MI WI nthemgieor own 13d ohm mm HM mmr rII an Burram n1 woehehdtortheennnnlcoldeo Herrerhoe Turnunreal end mnromnoommm tutor Whirl hie bend Ml you with the mm In tor tbetelrnrmlnr Il coo cluh rm our rrx pleym hon thelr roetIrItler theeonehllmolthemthllr lose title to more TM in clude Wen HuhherL Klmelle Koeslep hrcttreth and re We ore expect In olher Itronr dune cioh next eeuenroenuerlttneeiln enter one our on this rm lo ly romethlnr When you eel thtI rood bl In 1103 rerlly hIre Ionethlnt NOW ou Cen Rent gt I9 Ford tor ittteee PER 99 a=EhBasau 33 IL errnae Goelleodlrtldrtlhn ee on FppzsrQo gawgssa4 Curling men bell to IlerrlIrn winnerr ply Ionltht OK Johnroooll or Corby pinyin Wilcox Ind Trehlrhnrt pin eyelrnt Hrur gt grub In In dny nlthl It on mu Ioekuier tImIee LADIE Ml the ute tor the Stmrt Wholeeele by to the out in mom meet 9010 marrow It 115 pm UllyWehb will meet shrill Drietow In the tineie teen Ad Inu leher on htIrIorr Young to re Inn Deed PheII rteroe the WWW Elli Comingyourwayeoom Aehaneetodoexertrngthmge Aehaneetogaplaeee See your military career mus Come In and sea youritecneltlh Train It Crnedhn Form BIte Hulldln TRIM Memoir 400600pm Building Seerilsmootmo Noontn 7M plllt Onil you prefer to score inlyaur ownlcommunllyapplylarConodoeReeerve Force of your ioeolRoeerve Unlitaday ThecahoelionArme Porter Give It methoupht

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