at Plan Birthday Party For Gordie Howe Night DETROIT iAil Gordie am will he died delryed and birthday why It Detroit melr Saturday it will be on prior to the lied who and pone II the IIIIionIl tinder lam IdMuk II lid II III will be mm nude in hrItI mentor bottle the more with axicm Elect IinII lilo Juindnorilie oi Do iroIiI ruler lnIoIIer Ind merit will nuke the mutton liowe II will receive the Innl vriurbie ohm moi Irorn the Detroit dimer of the PMBIIODII Rocky Write err Moodrtioo LeItIthe term mind he reared on ilrrt um liowe wlndinI ht NI Iain on pruenud with Ililcr lrIy by Thronio contain DI Km bolero rune mlml the hem mnoxro ICil Gordie liver In hie 15th NIIiooIl Itacitry tensile moon with Detroit lied Wines in owed on NI Drd blIibdlIY Wrdneedey by Ibronio Ink The veteran right will to thy brtei ccnlreiro core moay briore crowd oi rue iiowrl iorrrler term rnriu NcIln UlinlIn Ind Prut ltrnderoon irodrd to Toronto by Detroit In till olIo coo grlriuhled the Detroit at loll drnr winnm true one who tnowr Iomethlny about IiIIInI on thin lee cooprtulolionr on your birthday Ind our lath Innllrrury In NIIL the lot rxrrnl IIId It received IIIndlnr olI tion thI trrtcd Ibollt one minute it telegram trnm irimc Iilrllrtcr Tnldcnu war rIro prelooied lo Ilm It the irr To the maiut oi right miter in the dry ilan mule revere public IoocIr Inccr tncludiny one at city hIli where hinor IlillliIrn DeoniIoll yruented ler cuIIIInkI roll pin or hlr wile Iaileen him with BUSINESS GIRLS WIN Gilth TROPHY IIII IIIrriI Oilrlinr Olnb buIIrwu rirlr tum rkipood bi than Newton IIII IwInicd till Illth Trophy berckiiIm Illoo Gilbey rcprclolltatlvc Shown Ibove Ire ironl leItI HoofCutting Operation fHelping Better Rattle NIIONIO ICIl Kidmo and mention in being credited with helnlnt better ltIttle be the Ilrrt repeal winner oi the rearon Wednesday It line wood Receirrch Thebyeerold titty took the nth rm by hit rnrtll Ivor AIIII Orrin The winnerr tlnlo tor the to iurlontr win In 15 Iccmtdr lirr trIIocr Dr Euchnnnn GIIIIclI vclcrlnylrn iormod the operItIoo dllrinl the winter on the horror irct Iller wItchlno vcterInIriIn In Enn Ilrnd pertoml IlmliIr open on 1hr boot II will in moral planer with IllrnicIl IIvI mm the colonel hand down Then It to tired Ind htlrtercd to elbow tall circulation Ind growth Iio ll BOWLING Nempilew LIdlrI Ittudry Ironing lune Enbill Itooobernor or ill inI or ten Shotr b5 Boomcrrnyr II at hitote to Bury liner to ISwingoII One Nightcrr ti tloillerI to Noon Dogoiue IIoI Toddler 37 Dine Illir My Nlilo Alloy Cull IIIIII no out two one illi Idan Mliii Connie Illici iII Belly Purlrtdro 1m Joell Toyv Iii Iiclerl hreedoo tit ir oe GIIII Iii Joanne lirnnr iii lilw liobe DI lilnh Tripkr binrlcnn Lynn iII Juno liar ruw no Connie IllllerplI Til Dotty Partridge onlyioon Try ior Ito Irlne Grile Iii Innnne lihnnn his iieirn iIrecdon tenorr Crown III Ioltno Iiobhr 607 uillll ltlthl lotus DBNVIJII ICPI Qtiliirl broil Pete Lllko will bonrcunitrd with auditory wtttlrlnr In Notional Foothnl tram trade Wedoerdryzthel Icol him to Phillgtlphl Ediiuh tramI Dell ver room here unto undlrotooeddrln choice Unto to wrr ouIrterbIck Iur Crlrnry Strnlpedcrl iroln View to Into under Williams liddte Altai oi the EIionAo III Strble oi Toronto which omlr themlllorgl MN or ercnl you The meter oi llettor nettle rad IIIIII hi grid torso The duty doll le oi Poor Oi tie in tile ilrrt rIce Ind Golden llronze In the record returned limb The crucial oi llloo linric Ind Sllctoui In the inlth prld toino In the ilillt the motor at Illicit Plrtnl nod levee hunch retumcd mod and tho eighth rnce emtor oi Nllo It Good end Ola De Dior led timid TASTV FRIED CHICKEN TAKEOUT SNACKS 02 Floor with Prior lie Dinner plrcrr with IIIII Cole hlnw Dlenrr Itollr LII OIhrIll Iler pirrrr MO IDutllrl ii pteerr with Irirr Olilrrrl to pircrr Lil AIir For our Other iIIcIiul hicru NURONIA RESTAURANT lilo diord It irollll First in ion For Swamp fever moment too ulelnel IE Ergo in 53 IiIrCotlnIc director oi IIcInl IIIIIIM Donnell RIM lib winced WednadIy Iboi the luck in become IhI lint ll Crardr lo Lnolrmont coronal nary mum to deirtt numb lever to race bouts All boner IlIbiod II IIillI Donnell attend Richelieu Prrk or oli premier murt 55 Odkuiiie LY oroduco he Itivo coulnr Tat militate cl crilvo titry The Curator Tent pcriected in lm by Corncll Unlvenlty mulch or ll whethcr hatre II equine Iniccilour ancnlIImorI commonly brawn II Iwrlnp IthIu One week Iro Dr IIalInd Ar mileno oi Duntobln Ont preeb dtnt oi the CenIdiIn strn dIrdbred lime Society urged In Toronto thII ouch IrrtI he mIdI oompllllery throughout CInIdI outstanding in At CASAV Swim comm Ice tool hmwn hair and mold IIrownoi Mollie with II In the boy ii Ind lIdtletolr llnnIt reeordInd ilrorittortrr willie time at tour orbiter III wII nolnod Wednerdry IbIoob Iecnrrir In the who tree rteodtal pertlmnor In the cm IIyII III III the orieloei hulk dtIn lantern htIlnunIor Am earlier thiryeer ctI Iconovn chenille IIurrIy Whtlo oi OItvillI IIII mum 01mph wbowonthmolbnevumrnd IIMdI IiolmeI oI Edmonton the ninth lothlr Iltrlcled mm 357 yFlume Ilro Iet nIIIouI remrdI both $32M inliIodIIIndtvlrlunI in nonrhino Only it my WM me mum ngtiIln mourninhrnu mt dctermincl center oi Hustlers SCMIISmivFingls llllno dun Street colicnilie In OrililI cu rteB 931 III nto trim on lend tho unite out Mchlecr coo awn mm RINISIIII Huilerilwllhl nonI Itwrr toot mr uthcoei In Iecntivoiumvctory nrlrn Wiler pumped to It in tho it letter 0rllllI non Elammnobustrlnmiog mm It lonilllellurum Iecmd Into Ioeldit It PM VI ittrh Ieorer ior the blues who were behind lid It the hit Home Th wII Iirlrn menu with It lnil Dob Scruton Ind DrlIn Tmmmmil lirawano Richie Iurrry rcorcd eithi wit it lmIer In liltir hervyweltht MW title bout doernt nod thIi llrrtinSecond mm MM Iron lI ooI on CRIIIIIFJLVIILE Ont iCIl In iillIir will IiIrt eIrly no In no mutton but Illwru Amtllt outrunrue thewltlieulhnanIrhlnIlon ltnIIlloI clme tilmIIIil iit in look III million irom me the till mm ml It Iivhllk next dry All told Iiudcnt limoy blondv nldll to Will wmloltnwe Interntotterrostrlomu combine with IlrotrIce winner lumen mm 15 Midi Clint it MY WW hIr withdrrwn tom the preO New York SIIII out lien lympic rector lournImrnI ior oi noton Ilnrtrrohoiur ilnIaotIi reoroor tho tnternr Ind Ihrt cit me lemon liorlIi Foothill Federrtlnn Inld then but to my WIy OlbI llod been trrlncmorrrlnrfrrtncrr ex drIwn In the note prelimlnery poorer hoiolr nrpionor Ind or IICrnIdIBerrmldIInd cverythlnr to nine out licr ultimatum httI covered rhino birth mu motor at Itoblcnh l7o Vln itirr Ilolner oi the Inner Flue Club bed time oi our to the lib lollmetro brcrIt rtroke to better the tnIrk rt men rot IIII llt trilch Stenboure oi humor Deubloevent whom were tiny but Rnunvletl oi Col all Ind Wendy Nation oi tbridzetllr both in ii Ind 14 till Icctl oi VIntottl under lIleIt Ind smith oi Etobicotc ludcrelurr OntIrIo look the overIll title with Lott point allowed by Britilh Columblr with tall pulnle Alba hm lienli M9 Ind Quebec M0 Winnerr were ulcctod on bcIttlmr hrslr Irom IndividuII nigh hold during the lodIy pen rain Clipped Illio Pulse victory oi Arr ulcer iouthrIee oulneitr oi NIT lllnI tIrewrr Ind IImod Pick pIid little NIrdInI Brewer Ioolber iontrbot out onto Ind woo In the Iixth me hDrrn iIIDit end Sun Cruller Ilnlrhtd iirrt Ind recond ior In eIIcior oilii in other crIclorI litrr leI comet Ind III thI Dr combined In the reveolh mo lielon timer Im Newton Allin Jul Milton the ninth ior 170 Int Wltbe Lindr lorllc record Ind Juno llect Ind Century Girl cilctod Wriiht iced tilnmlncr lho Ier Into in the inn to the crowd oi 5421 MONO wrncrod BankoiMontleal hastoans Bankof Montreal mmcmmm Nows tho time to lhlnkabout some letloliornext wintolEvelyTexecolumrcelsde ncdtoensurelho complete combuttlenolevely last lap oiallAnd oll mcanltno mosthoaiiorthe lea trlmIavatIIhle Imam my Wm Golonowiexncoiomocomow Simeon Petroleum bio 13 Am street llollnoonronr Trlrnhole new ilcNIhh lIeItlny lih hlnlrrrtcr Iiirret Icicoilool iiilien mm