EEEE iii ii if it rninlitu Pkkern It omi dot at the Wmhlm min liter III oI nem IIry oI Ital Immim Ind inn minaret innentlture hrlnn to to the totl number oi member nppolnlnd rnllho ordernlneniorrnupdmrmh ter tester II Parson Io notnreed ltr erenlIon In April Ill7 Mill REIDGNITLD lhe rompInlon Innrdr Irre couched to provide dioilnctl Cnoodixn menu ot morphine mum merit undo Ior mire to OInIdn or bnmno Ily II hue othern Inverted with the inter Gernrd IilIorr It Iorrner edi tor II Devoir nod editor ol Iermi boob now pruldertt nI llnrino lndneirlen Dr and rattler held oi the physiol ogy deputment II LIIII tint mniiy Ind vlmhnlrmnn oi thI deluxe ruenrrh boIrdI coadinntlnr romrrrlrtee on nndlrnlruenrrh Ilny Iiela lock Tl Iorrner Supreme Mu Ind rhnnccilor It hit llnnter University In ll ermiere to director oi the lsuoorsrw LOCATION roll IGAWmL home Such It not the case here You will notice that the re robtre bedroom can easily lie world thin TV room it Ihreo bedrooms are II on re quire Extra larntory It on renlrntiy located Entry huiil rotiden direct Ipproach in all anr nreu oI the home Tire ring are In Ipeeioun with Ind Iiiie windwr otldlnl Imple llnlrt and tour utlon Sepnrnie dining Iron Iunetlrmnl kitchen complete Iho IIth III thin oeil pitnnedl Altrirk Veneer home It would but ixoullo easy to odd on nthrelied nrnnn whore lrtdlrulrd hiIrtdprd Blueprint Ior this yDll No CHM cost moo tor the Flat Sci Ind 00 or each drllilonni Sol blueprint com ntpiy with the Miami Ilulidln toxic or cannon nnti Ire ob Iinnbie by return molt ion Ilrr rurlrienin rnust remit rep at Eniu III on liiueprlnleh IREN GUN UPDATED CANBERRA AunirnilI tiled Ap updated more phlotirn Ierrlon the Bren will introduced Into the tutrnliIn Army thin yenr nnyn Anny lllnlrler Anthony Pen Nook Ill slid the new weapon In lmmien uInt mldtille the union main crrellroee In Yield oi endurnr IIIrry More to who In In In Edmonton ambushed the Iorld meld tIIrI record Inr ior Indra 4mm lI llodznoo It tom rninoioner oi the Notbwea Irr rilorla Mott Moot popuinr Iothiom Ind prolic composer oi loll tongs The mlpirnln ol tth yeIII Order or and Innrdi were mounted lzn Dee II nnwnerur OIIAWA ICPl Gomo roenl rhernlnu Ind Idem ll brIrlnnI metre up therem In In Immenl Ilpoed Wzdoeo dn with the irennury board lleprewsled by the Proton Ilorul Institute oI the Ptnblie uuprncncnilr6rr liyninnder tipiou ihrouIII poo Illrr truck umlnr load or our tool it on hill Power Over Unions II THE CANADIAN PRESS Potter to ImpoeI compulsory binding Irhiirnilon In Ill Inbor ditputeo would be rm the Son Sertke oI Cnnndl the rhe nrlru Involved creme oI III nod to per rent in each yell rat twoyur coo Couxt trIrt Ind the no Idem norm dor Ind lllrptRtDl inertIre In ends yenr at twoyrnr run It Quite olten bedroom home becomes too large alter the rhil drm Ire Irown and away Irom hntehmn yorernmrnl under government amendment Intro ured In the Iertrinture Wednes zei In Under the new law heavy lines would be impqu on et rher employee or employer ii Inch nn electric In Ne WumlnlIII 50 Poi teem nntrhod the rim for III Inlnuiu than Illedjr arbirrntion awerdn Ire relented by either ride An ImIndrnent to bill lihe Essential Services Emergency Artwould mnhe Ill employeen In the prnllnee minted in the binding nrhllrntion The Initiation originnily printed in root to nrtlio disputo inrolvinp Saskatchcwnn Powrr Corp employees Iron been the IIrpct ol rritirisrn by labor lenders Belore the ltrrinesdny Iroenl ment the art rovmd only em pitores In martini servlen tier nIlurIl III Inter hoe III employee Ind eortIiruelion workers owner monumental InruplInItIon Nho Ipporenl oped lllprisior Claude untrue rorrnrs The proposed nIttcndrnent will mnko every pernon who ea authorizes eourueln or proouree strike or lockout rtntrnry to the not liable to ne or um DIINEFI rrrcnru do rzorrs The liutldutp Editor The barrio Examiner Ilnrrir Ont Enclosed pirate iind 05 ior which Irnd me the ll0lli5 Please make rnuiilnnco payable to The Barrie Examiner NIlIlIE AIJUIIILSS uuuuuuuululnuII THINGS ARE HAPPENING bY SPECIAL REQUEST book Entitled SUBUIIJAN AND WUNTUY dny Ior enrh duy tho nlrlke eonilnuen Drinking nnri ImnkinI wore nmony other topics trrlrwsdny in three at tho nine provincial lerlelolura Illtinn Iho drinking Ire wn lowered In Alberta rorrrnmonhepnn noml torklnll pIrty romp under re In briiish Columbia Ind Quebec who told III people are sending their money not health up in clpnrelle Imokeh Opposition pIrtlu In Ioundlond Quebec and Ontario look edtentnrn oi the cutlan oi Ute ml year attempting to embarrnna tho government by pretentiltl ndopilon ol nupnlo mentory rpcnrilnr esllmnlu Uooure woe invoked In the Newioundlnnd richnie Ior the New the depertment III the taunt Photo Aniline to thnl provincen poetcmiederntlon hbiory in Edmonton the Alberto lex Inlainre lowered the drlIkInI Irohotln In in il irorn II Ihe Iedn tlon duos loath hinted ooooo personl between il Ind to the right to tote In Ill Innrry without pnrrtllll consent and to enter lnlo rontncie in Viriorln Opposition lender DIre linrrett ulguld mum poneorod roe run sonnet curt on the ume day Ibo SoeIII Credit gov ernment Introduced Ieplnlntlon burning ill liquor lUYClSlIIl in BrIiiIit Onitlrnbll Heneolrrd no reply Irom the mmlvnhenho oIlrrd tor rialirodlriion AtQtrehee Gil niuAIIIIrI tnhledr Inmrnllorl lhkhitilil Quobete Ipcnd totnl II more lhnn nilmilllon year on dII lrn reliel An well nmokern had higher drnlh Into Ior their or groom Ind were more rumpll bin to dinenseo nlterklnn the heart Iunrn throat Ind moulh Ihe interim Iuppiy blll wII pnnred hr 5tloilnl Iller elo nnre wulnroted by Premier Joseph Smallwood TourT Enrilu In the demo there worn erioe ol nlruno iron the Milan bendnelvwben Iormrr prime minister Idtn Dielem er hnrl ronrinr cut oil hocInIe In unldenti ed uberIl munber refused the Immimoun wireth Iorhlrrr toeorr DEVEUOPED IIJEIIIE IlIr Dieienbnker bid been working over them he devel Ihrrlny neonrlrenrlinx de bnto on the blllthnt by provid lng Ior new minister Ind new mrumnuzmnumurln till III on true keep xovmunrotlntembere In but he had Ionte no phruu going4h blll wun Irnud Ind pollilenl We on Institution of Pullnmen Inrl rnid on the publle treIIury when he win cut oil In Idditlnn he laid the rov mtment would lose Ith on the bill It Communionth THOUGHT FOR TODAY it In better In noy nu one Irrrly thing dabble In thin do thonlonny there Wnshlnyton Gindden Arounlirmou CARPET COMPANY IIMIIED ltd Uunlop EL mini Flush atoay hard stains BOBBY PARKS AND conrrur RETURN roour LOUNGE FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT ENJOY min on uruur cmnwuorrr oourrncr MA with II whit mm II IWAI SaulFlush will get rid of iron and rust stains in your toilet bowl Its exlusive leaching potion cleans away rust and hard water stains Inside the bowl and right round the bend gisL Get SnniFlush Themosteifectloetoiletbowideaneryouomrbuy Ible to lEoWUnlted itItee 0on protintini Ind dvle eitctiornl to Lootyaar Lesson wasa brand new herbi and we made lot at promises Now the promises have been proven eeeoIolrezlno mix needs nd Incorporation Looeo tnlrazlno will not damage yourcrops or ruin your rotatioi plans because there is less carryover Lasso talrnzlno controls both broadleal weeds rind grasses including crabgrass tall panicum and barnyard grass in corn Lasso is available Irom your local larm supply dealer Forlree descriptive literature on Lasso4 and its uses write Monsanto Canada Limited 175 Boxdato Blvd Toronto Ontario Monsanlo