Ll line Floral ploymrni industry should yr sea gadmntratpsnatm thlajcoridbomondou to ruew tlarattllhiiheraiaatotbo ins dons osmo cooler mt Im one at tlra guyaba an OriginMotility the Dewittst of Landrin Mormonsintro in Orillia tonight It It battles of the deal at man lbycaMl Patsy was tales to hospital with lacera tions and costaqu Drtrrr at the other car was Phillip Marriott rs of Intel roaartr tractstr toad eat pal applications in liar rls found bat there dont seem to be any loba Host of the tabs for the summer have Ilrcltiy bccn takers Two Accidents Damage srss utlntatod at it no in Accidents invnatlgnt ed by city polka on the neck ctrd No uric stern reported Policy Spring at Willow dlia and Cia ion Perry oI Pains wick drivers Involved in an uddaot ct no mo yu terday near Iatttla St Darn aaa var troo parked car owned by Don WyochelSLvasdlm era problem but Mmhumdumm thnkoveryihlngIsbcingdona onDnnlop st Eutyuicr unrr possible tobcticr the alt liairuim himtined uatlon think anyone get dlck Ntlion oi Stredd Ind Ooh cen lineuhsvr at Essa Rd Da lob If he stunts one bad cn ouch student 01M Iwo Accidents No One Injured Ontario Provincial Police in Withstand ill in attacks Iohn art of hit Barrio and Shirley Iii Grant of hill contraption harbored In City For Over 50 Years Five Automobiles Proposed Young Offenders Act The federal aorcmrncata pro posed Young olleodcn Act molt llr mac Natl Simon said Saturday night III was speaking at the tilth Anniversary ulobratloo of the Barrie Optimal Club It to band on the notion that specific oficoccn merit aperit ltd range at ptmiahnpcnt ha ulrl1hls mayormrynotba comm may opt not ata or children Dr aim said run mach times To Speak Embroimhf lit Simeon North WNWs Is posad to tho Yetta often NDP Assoc Meet isnt it The proposed legislation sci Iobn Iisrroy candidata for mmsgmum prairies oi trot ten years or yotnsg leaders from to to Iryesrs old meeting of the Sinacoe North mu mull rm catamarans the ti thm scars allotted Will he be ready to lace tha worldt Dr Itynard Inked its ltka iakhsg person out hospital in the middle of trui mkrgt Mi Lion doalitq cry organ ra monomeric taititiihttt partys provincial secretary in 113 atrium 111 amnprarkcd diliernres arlo NDP leader Donald litre 15 indiliitecntmiielctirlaucm Donald in his lladershlp bid mm things must Ill be Air Ilarooy now teaches at Al aldcrcd he said the child klason doiicaa York University must be trcaitd in the context sct ruin or regulations Milli IIIDINCIT Under present itslslalion Dr Ilynard said mlids record is against hint on another charge Club oi Barrie hcld its charter Will Saturday night to club mam bcrs and their arise galhmd at the same place tor dinner and Innirersary In the tire intervening years the club has undertaken may The riding aasociitim villi mun Hm choose It delegates to the partya leadership convention to be bald April It to It in Otta va near grown to IA tic rnlnor hockey lacrosse ball he said auqn mamt man to the three vehicles was ttte Optimist sponsor ranch contest annually for boys under it years of age It also annuain holds Youth Aypro tlogmufglii club is looking to establish inntn Acn tlettstchmn and or fingerprinied for acne rc cords But under the proposed new near WP at child prcsurnahiy for It is legalistic In its approach helps out the local or Brothers boys an outing to various parts of tho cotmty Vrhrca tha Embryo yoth paras seeking help the 0p hlay the ebb powers For Lars tuck We feel crery psolort has In said Isa are world lnd most successful vroicct has been the Optimist hlinor Soccer Iunse ht haltsm tantra airy to the Junior II league ACriminal Code For Children oi personality not with any child cannot be photographcd and punishing In Its climb Dr head said of the proposed leg Elatlon this bill has to ba Nimurgcd that people Irita their members of parliament coniiticnlill and cannot be used rutsrro use as evidence herald letting them know the on not approta ol the proposed art Long Way In Five Years Of Service To Community 0n Aprllao toss the Optimist community hfonthly the chub centre In the city tiresyobs Is tallingabuttanecondicalvr oiaht at tha Outlincntala Willow orsanlsailon by taking fathcrtus ion for the city Itr tcrrtratcn said but what is theta lot Ibo kids who dont leiI bochcyt the club contiou its rock 331 Le 01 if Iv ll arlth youth will establish Mr dance to mark lhn clubs firth tmlata contribulad hm Each ty an Octagon Club youth Optimist Club at North colts late Ita would like to see then become rcatty inspired in youth projects that have left their been worthwhile ttr Venus Itr Veronica said special guest at the Satur Im ypudthll or all have Involrcd in it mm mm en pm ttcnlt ry Versirslsn one of the nine charter menabcaa still Ktlro In the club Its membership has lions arts district governor ch ch Gordan Iorgcnaon oi inni oo hlr tocmaon ageer ot Barrie club was toastrnnstrr at the It thotirr muting The charter members still ac on club organ the learnt in at in the heal our arc Itr teen with it trams It has groan each year since Vetsrntcn Graham Downs AI iiocott itlillam Ilocklcy Ed In the next five years the Jonniaps Ilsurim Itcogh troy complcla youth and community Frank Ilidawd CanadianCancer Society Coal In Barrie Area ls $30000 formula for presenting ran tcr Lr now Itllilble to all and needs only public interest to put It to work according to Mrs Illi da Ellis education chairman tor the Barrie and district Unit at the Canadian Cancer Society She said the formula Ls call ic education no already know comb bout prerentln cancer and bout the bone is of curly treat ment to cut the death rate from cancer at least in half said Ifrr hills than why the cf forfs of the Canadian Cancer Soc lrty to educate the public are an Important Thats why we hm developed the Seven szcguonis Against Cancer and it is the rec FBI Says Crime lip 11 Per Cent WASHINGTON AP Tito NeraIItuteau of tnwstisr tlona preliminary Uniform Crime Itrport tor torn shows an llitpcmnt increase in serious JEWEL IMAM return niat ldortt knovr host much It being done but think peo rate are much more arm of the problem so theyll probab lybo doing something about St Amt Vera the driven in trotted in two ear collision on Irina St in Angus Saturday at am Damage was estimated at ti Comm iii pm on stay IMI Itrst north of Drivers nan tdentittcd as Fro drlck Taylor ot tilt Ititnsaing haunts BCANDIttlft fln striped shirt at the hurt City Soccer Club fitcta shot ou the Oohlnttood not in ac crimes in the US during rm AttomeyCcncral John Mitchell announced Sandor Illtchell noted harem that tlon at tho Borden Invitation ln as US cltlcs the total num al Indoor Soccer Iburnameot Barrio City won the game gainst millagwood id Aurora United won the tourney brai ing the Blrria Juniors so in the final game Examiner mo was smaller so in tons Photo The percent increase in two comparcd with Air ccnt acrossthoboard increase between tho and 196 and it and Red McConnell of Wood ford Damaaa was estimated at carnage nan SingleCar Mishap In Innisfil Twp lnotalil Mmhlp poilca hrvos tinted two single car recto cats on the weekend which res uliodhlnmmoso than 31400 dam IO the first occurred lan his day on Concession near Lara Simcoc vehicle driven by Iiod Black oi Stroud tall the road and struck tree lie was lrasicd tor minor in trustee at Itoyal Victoria Itoapi saoo darnasa recu rd boot ripple car sa cldont aariy Ilorday morals no concern is mar mabaay at Police said the driver was Ea rn Campbell till some MAI AIATIIEIVIO dont thin there Is enough Ins done for summer employV meat or even fulltlma cin ttittk uottad the clock tbcrt themrosidbaaornolobs Aurora Wins Championship At Borden Soccer Taurney Aurora United captured the Ormgevlls st in the final to to win over Markham to en chant salesmandiths aklailtlkrarrodphlymnltntelrhloslnsto tcrthottnai bi man rraroocmon our Mutt ti motto3 to Base Borden round Alllalon ticlcaled llorv Amhi chili tallon Indoor soccer dealers on and tho Suprcrncr wood Itlchsnorad trill Oran Tournament to gain the Series It find my Hymn Aurora donned Barrio lttnlora Ouncevllts tort to Mar isioo played in the day Ionl on no Malcolm Collar and Non WA 5W mm agrwnnlnir iron Bhriiedrlniaid territories once each iobeat toasts the first Mg fibnicriyliiiii the Aurora team had reacbcd rm to ih Borden trans and so an MW M213 LWAWAZ Sccoods lost so Barri in ninth hotdcnlicbs an emphasise ball control at arms tuaioca had don hoibramylrabtiuback aim not WWW AtNW soy orcrihohordonerato rt mm the out IdnktWSoriet run an in series It pig iortho Bargytirsta loataltotoaoordana rla titySotcor vhlrophvrthc NAillandthenlostiothaSup Attiafsn thaaaoapsa owned rcrncr boloreronting back with tho avert viii become lipcrltcnt increase berm 1981 find 1W The FBI rc rt breaks re rate rorlca Vlo nt crimes and property crimes an Annual ice Revue Slnphawln as or stating tcarn Em past at the Rania Ill aon we keep stressing the im Whore of reporting any unu sual symptoms to doctor The Seven Saterttards are for crrnbod hare regular rncdicat rbec dont smoke clganties has your dentist check for unusual condi no It rango with your iiOti0l for bowel examination and avoid cr rcsstra exposure to sunlight for women practice ragutar breast scilcxnmlnatloo and huh regular Pap test Airs lls pointed out lhlt ale snort 11 per cent oi all the money in be raised by the Sec icty during its April campalna this year will be at on public education The oh fire at the campaign for the whole oi the country is mm tor the province ii is arssoooo and for Itsrrie and district the oblcctlto is WM Education said Airs Ellis can take care of at least hall of all cancer For the rcpt tin hate to dcpend on treatment and research The Society is al locating tho bulk of the records irondour campalrn In March which will not only develop beta tcr methok cl lmlrrtcnt but which doctors are convinced will bring about the final dclent of use her oi crlmcr ed during MiW 26 Edgar Slaifors Complete Course riatf group of hi from the Adult tlonal Centre at Ed gar recently received militat cs for the completionon two ycartral program the men tal rctardat on ccrtliicnie coats an the pro am Is cred the Mafia De PomIttcrtt tori gr suprrv or development at the ceoirn The certificates duality the atoll as either redheads coins uttora or as cannibal in are Skating Guba lath annual ctors revue Saturday at the Barria tho term marbling ol lion mtrnramnd Sis Wamr bu been skating together for air yons they prorated rrry pcrlonnance no hair hon IoaaScntno Elisabetta limit Ioa Cousin can Aids Sargent Cori Fagin Shirley Barton mot Rona Ith chact nahn mist arbkh mmmlgrchichTol the