II 7ILast IGolclIILonsdctleItBlt Sold For Amateur an in rentallay said are girls 555 EE or EEE is SEE tarl OSIIAIA it Di lulled learner Quad open and Brit HI Elwin mauled the heavywdmt event It the Ontario IreIItrla milieu dlmbliatahipe Saturday The moaned tltie went to on lltsiiahe It or llalweratiy oi Gitelw Vhlie iellaw club member Orlando latovelil eap hired the tillwand awn Doro Narrator oi the To Mb Altllleut Utah won the IlledivltimahdlllltAlttonol All IANILI triehti at ng gs gig E53 as Ed or ggi henna lindretti Takes The Quarter GP OMAIII Cell iAPl itldrorea hence carom thorax crammed thanauuhoitoMotoot hitetonhltrtheeroiotdube on Manchester the taupendutie Ionian back oi Liverpool dining the MP Phoiol Drain oi Iamtlan Unleenlty MA lotheitlltdauulvaiaway MWMW llrsenal Snaiches ll 22 tie WWWrm tDo rope In the mpouod claaI clue and learnrnata lien and IONDON lltettleri Ararnhl heighten clubs ileum and mm deleIt with lastminute an Iron It to Anenalsohe common which nutml Iliy coal in In noun mum arm at Shetlteld out It participle tom the maths rave on John 1h nanirday limped wort It Dita vlrtore Included Victor in at Geomiown iJoh In the Robert Slip oi Selim 0n Lastuie Penalty Goal hi Inatehcdatleitornihaedreoi Dirrioo Ii Iiauhettcr Ind Iiioutroot mote It the Annotation 0th aeroIiiaal lint Division has iceda mmumlnee willbeell to victory to hothhaata oi the are It dilator Speedway Andreiib dttwlrtl tecylia Tormm eat but how Jackie Stewart the leuthllnlheliratl tattle land was home more ortahleitaocotdaabeadoi astawartinthaucond itiaercuilvtc carried Mpiua anduworynroneyJhe mlmm Horses aytna cavnntati ram mono Duration unused Wt PW Jeerey Fernando Alvarerueh Wilmer in eirItlo ohone midi brute It trearn Saturday and are the Calumet Farm Ila iottrth Plot ida Derby victory and atrool poaition tor the limitachy Derby alone with Itoiat The Flu lantern Fleet held oil Jaelnto Vuouea chute aboard iavored executioner to win by three Eastern Fleet will attempt to beeontetba elablh Florida Derby champion to no on to win the Kentucky Derby Io dialer victor lu etttlooer no second and Jim Trenth was home third end Try Sheep under the wire by head over Tampa Trouble let tilt lltt peyoil Bronco an Italian Import Peters Creek Wine The IIlih reunion tori Peterl threat com home in tbe iiith race It reenwood racetrack daltuday to combine with are ondplaca Sunadtr ior an orac tor sauna onto Peiere Crock finished the lit ittrlortu In at aeconik and paid new and cm Jocks dandy Hawloy won the tire race with Swiss lieu tantttt and look the Icoood Inlntt Stoke City Saturday the teams will replay Wy alter the it drew Uterpool also enrno item be hind In thI other Ieratilttal do Irailnx Ercrton tl alter to rival had taken the icon in the ninth minute Anenrl erlrcd out oi the the mean Fairs than by Col on ltieaday seemed to have lost their cup hoper when untan dedIStoka rimmed an early aaaault by the iondonerr and then loch command Gentle hall Dealt Smith put Stoke lhil liter 22nd minute met lick and nine rrtlautea later John Nichle aelaed on delenllte blender Charlla demo and Ieorcd second Ioai thy PeterrStorey early In lhamttd hall rIvled AM was third lathe iteld oi to In this antler teat leadlnr up to the tram San Juan Capistrano lithdlctp April to lhy In it new to re and llmurovshlow lbrnpa Trouble with Eddie Beinreota aboard paid mo and aooo and Btouco returned no llUlm IN FRONT At New Orleans Northtlaldt rushed to the hoot early and it him areec nos victory in the helm ioulalana Derby at the Fair Irortnda Northiieldaaon at Kentucky Derhywlnner Northern Dancer returned Mid dim and mo Secmdphcw List paid it and as white Will lilyl returned Illl healered the Stoke goal In that to mlnutee Iiitl when Sinks ddlender John hi honey tired hie hand on the ball to the Nth minute storey rammed the bail In Item the penalty spot ior the equalizer MAGNIFICENT MATCH Two secondhall oats Aluo Evens and litter tie me iivcrpool victory over Et erton In malnlllcent match Alan IIIIII olntirmlnuto oat ior Evuion tooled eoort tor victory httl Everton tuiicred severe blow when centre hall lirlan Lahore went all In the toil Inlnuln inilnwlpp it collision with John ToehIct Lahore had been the hey it ure in ruperh Berton tenor whlrh hover looked the Irma alter his departure NdIIIIL 120m spectators watched two armlilnlla dittt It the battle between United met Ila lint dcleat In seven weeks when It went down 31 to charter Goals by Peter llnttwttan and Peter anootl put urclsea two tthIMl ll Illin rites and another liouaernIn loll otitet Icon by Terry mm ior horde In tho accord GIIIJEA lIllllD the win tooh ClrebeI Into third Ipoi In the Itandlnn uedalaolttlnlrmiwllhht II trdm Jd tnatehea Arsenal accond with or item to and Chetm has it palate treat lance Second Division hatter Cardlll city beaten to at Dinninyharn wu overtaken by both Iaimlre Uly Ind mitield Untied It the top oi the titanium leieeler thouyh held to acoreleea draw ll borne by erred United took the lead on real Iverale with Shellieid United aecood iollow lCIItII to away win over Drirtoi Aian hloora looted hattrick In Nodinyham Foruts 51 win over Crytial Police Celtic knocked out oi the Eu topwa 0th to toldweek by Alan oi Annierdam went rura ltu on to tie hltl ior aim Itrti Scottish league charnI El with to win over Ilhlrk Willie Wallace and John Iiuyhca put Celtic two up It llllillttte and llarry llnod scored twice in one minute In the second hall Celtic aiilt Is three points he hind leutte trader Aberdeen which but lirarts with hat ile irch by David Robb lienrcra bed to wait uriiil the 59th minute lot is that port urinal Air United but who really so John Crate and Willie Johnston were the aeorera iv more law to he held thtraummer at lirl hwhnlie Seoccia Hayley Top In IllPins SAULT STE hiAIIIE Ont lCPI Thronto woman end Sault Ste hiarie man were top honor to the Ontario idpln bowilny rhatnplonshlpe madly Eileen Sooeela oi Toronto had theme total oi than to win the womenr dlrtrlon and berth In the Canadian champi onablpa In Vancouve in May She belt out Sarth Witter oi Kitchener who hit ml Len iltyley oi Sault Ste hierlI had Mel Mai to beat out moth Sauit bowler Gino Parallel who linlahed with Golden Retriever Is Overtill Champ IDIIONTD CPI video retriever Irom New York State retained the overall champion IMP Saturday at the Canadian National Sportsmeas Show In door retriever trials lilnner tor the tccortd centre uilto your war Qt Bernie Broochl Ni and liail award by Jane Convoy oi New Woodstock Ni Ind handled l3an leltrei ol Palaeonttle The rhamplonshlr goes to the winner oi iuin competition amortl the winners at the dill trials held doctor the thaw FlrsiYear Reportirom Hundreds oi Partners rhino Iholrd anr tiuuto provid Last year Lasso was brand new herbicide and we made lot at promises Now the premises have been proven Lasaotairexlno mix needs no incorporation Leaao tatrertne will not damageyour crops orruinyeur rotation plans because there is less carryover Lasso dnlrnxlne controls both brondleatweeds and grasses including crabgrass tell panicum and barnyard giass in corn Lasso is available iiom your local town supply IItieoler For tree descriptive IiioraiuroenLessoiend its uses write MonsanioCanedeLImltad special Easier Classified Page In remembrance of loved ones will be published In The Examiner on Saturday April to and taro Erecu oner returned aorye Golder won the third Ilfpuhmmgtwig MI warm not Ewe gt mum mm mm mwmlu whiteaeiathracoaudorbo the latest tniieiol the Ontario mg man In my the process with recoadplaca ler Id tloro oi ycero note up Eastern Flocl can to hydrate double peyoil Afar LL mu WW am it man At AICIIIII Otilt Try SheaIpIi and only his aecottd ride elnee II mm lIdhtlttIm mm narnnmvrtra out 17 ahhlie CPA Clbol Bert reeled oil AI um MW ratio canon In the iii Brookvilie pace Saturday It ldo IlIwk llaeeway and cotnblned ltt Cap hiartia tor Ia Iraoior pet inrcIIIzmhotha turret oi bro or Sud 1m watched the two ehioncordhlalwtllwln In It atarlr thlI eeaaon For the daily double the coho Suitable verse Ime be submitted hlnalion war Pata rm to no or our Classified department that and Dr in the second ior lznpeyoii while Iottlnolll combination of Flor Ihrourhta and It Dandy In In iourth returned iron liandy Bee Adler and Dr Pit lined in the airth race ioran iexaetor oi lime and ltoety Town and Jenny Tar did the came to the seventh ior new tart race oxector at Yankee Mayer and Nancys Duto paid tidbit will help you with the wording for your tribute SATURDAY APRIL 10 COPY DEADLINE wEDNrsDAY APRIL7 which way to turn Phone The Classified Department 7282414 II