Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Mar 1971, p. 6

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mmstmiIj For enr01d Grandson pIrltee nipaleiubt went hit two woeha In em Plan SInlII It and wIInI data to be KNITTED snails two ehoiialto hallready tor and eummorI Standing Mouthful SEE problem In thIt are her too to how are by mun name which She InelIII that ha Ill call me Auntie TitleII my tIratmIrrlIu and 51 cg Ihwbore donewaatany problem with Given STCATllAilillLltCIi The lint outoIlown Broadway tryout In thie dtye theetrleal IitiItary drew nixed review itodey from Herbert Whittaker oi the Tormto Glohaand Mall The play which had til pre rnlere thunder II muaieel union oI AIIcIAdImI Booth Iartlnelona Pulitzer Prieewlo nine novel written Ioddireeitd by Peter llanrillon Both liamilton and hit com poser lion iiyere have thIt dietinct Idventaprto Iee what matte mouihlul tor child who learnln Id talk trm chm him to call you TAun cept the heme Ind II no en the child reached lli re III reIllao rill then oarranoua opens Deer III laden lly III an Isothpikiod um anythinp woridtoratrteodtnrtebewtii not let Inyme do anythlnr tor her What In wmlwtthrherr Why doeeotebe reeiiu that In honorable perm IIPDIdliu the chance to donate tity litterintact lo the Hit It the earth ller whole lite he been First Out0i down Tryout I1 Quite Mittednheview handllhp ol the mo Impiliown eetlnr DupllI ill ilm ltr lihltta ler raid the premiere emu all better than have many outot town Broadwa tryoutI For one thine it moved wall and lattice Itunilton It an en part in creature dIaco move ment tor peoplowho are not Initiate dIncere AM St Catherine Iuppllcd zvoma enviable ebmcter Ictoro Iih II leIdInI IIdy Suzanne ZIbei lrom huIlIIo the they hII alerted oIl with pencil world and needs Itreorthety toe told Mr WhIluIrer But even ll they take hard IhIrp look It the chow think they will be railaited tht IIr kinptont novel bar chance II mualcal lit Whittaker preteed ilr IIInuItone choreomphy end Mr liyert openine tour but me critical oi the producilona The Division 0i ye liut IIyI iir Whittaker the cherIcter at Alice email town Inch Wily dreImI Withlllld Ind erIndeur Ind her enle meat ol the mo period take too ion to let tip htr IIImiiIon New York reticent is known in tblr em or work with locall theIir Leaves Lots To Be Desired SASKATOOII lCP All cl pcrt on reality law IIyI Cana dIIn legislation on dlllrlon ni properly between mom and wile when the manlch enda leave much to be dulred Prol Wueatcr who leechea Iamlly two It the Uni vereliy oi Sutetchmn healtI Iodrm loan and In III Interview that courts have dlilered widely In their deeielana Prol Wuerier hII begun Ilud ol the problem aimed at ilnd Iolutlona IhIl accord with the modern concept oi lllfnllll Id In equal partnera IIItIorIcIIIy wivu In CInIdt here Inc to It right to ruin teneneeloitow eIdIvareebut not to ehlre oi the property Ilie cited deeiaion oi the Sn preme Coiut oi Canada which eid thIl wile could not chain in the propert unIuI Illa hId rnliic ilo lconlrlbatlon to Ilii purchate ln recent SIIinchewIn Iiudement Prol Wuuter noted wlie who had worked tor is helplnr her husband build culturII usetr estimated worth moon received Ihiv hen the merriege tnIdIvorceI nonato non rennet tha property tree In the hut btnde nlmo indalthoulh the who had contributed to lie value marinara oi work the hot contribued ll lab II monthly maintenance but there are circumelancoa In which meintenence could be poornlbttltule ior writable home court hId provldcd lump sum maintenance Iat tiement and recent Alberta ent hId ordered divlaion oi property deaplte thI earlier portion oi the Supreme Court oi CnnIdI Proi Wueater contended tilt the time may have come to coin elder new leplIlItive Ioiutlon to the problem IhIt would rec omlte adequately the contribur lion oiboth perlnIrI Iie raid the Ieeuole particu IIrIy relevant In SIIkatchawIn where IIrre number ol tamily iarma the been developed throuih the Joint eilorlr ol hue blade million NEW Willi NEEDED Iioaever It In Important eitewbere In Canada In well and new look It the dIlelon oi property wn Imone the recom mendationt oi the rent com iniatlen on the claim oi women he part oi hIa rrtearrhIProl Wurrter la etudylnu how the problem to dceIt with In Vltiotis Canadian provlnreIIand In platen whereHIhe mythot oommun pro It am no iiut procedure that mlahl work ttell olaewhere my not be ed hppllclhla In Santaichewan wbcte any iertaIItlve propor IIa Ihould reect our rural Iitu Ipent doinr enema deeds lot othera hotelier War on the recelvtnl end tor Ib tone tael uncondortable No one Plouiouioe are thI and whetfcan dooe Ibonl ItIlllllel ll Charmin Dear lIIt Some people no Io lnaeeura they cant Icy oept Inylhi even cum pllmerii When you tell them they IooIrake theyropl 0bl loot terriblIl the probhm in lack ol tell etleem Iney muet oneIIntIy on the plain end becmerlhey leei unw oi reeeivln Not IIIowlal Irienda and iy to reciproth le not eneroelLVI it it IeiIlebneIe tinned iatlde out winner Drar Itnl leaders The latter irom IieoTonihmmy twiie oI wardrobe or coloriul Itrlpee dd to your kl Ind ell For Illlted lookIoi ribs and eyeiele the NIH color Iheii IL minoritan virulent IIIIARCil it II APRIL 20 ArlenExcitement lound with Iomo hitth unconventional Ic ouIIntInces APRIL ii II III iltllle ritalhlato no compromise which unlike principled Your ImIpo could euIIcrI MAY to writ at inenunll Unexpeetodmeeso ee wt opllmIItIenewa Ihou be to loitId up ii dig 11 Outer rlmlerlmzonwhomlvu dro elm Itineted art are to run bujirwaa IuoclItrcouldJnnneu vcr you Into an tmdcaIthle slip ItlonCIre AUG 14 ll IEPl ll lirnl Flrrtilllld de conrrnlal 1an ring oucbes to your SEPT it tI OCT 21 llerIi ilIItch ll tendon to over tpeod on Krcdlt buy urelcsa pttrcblres 001 It to hey theorolol CIrry out your oven Ideu Ite eht perruIIIon however friendly Wanted In Seattle wu fro clnallnp raw myeeil in that letter beeIuee am IIao eating myaeii clothe prave AndIIm doing It Intentionally you iated cut Lila her no meIn ol IndItIrure mlphtuweli lot whatever plenum can Lille Tommy eating is the moat tun have too Althouur Tommy and are mimetee theres one hip dli ieroiice lie in men and am wont IIII wile turned him oil yeIre Ito and non he hate all women hly husband hurled me on your are and hate III men dont care It tomorrow never when There holth to look toward to except three bit meIIe im encloeinr my nameend telephone number In one Tommy teeo thie Ilitd would like In meet me in lunch You dont vao to worry about romance here Ann All Im Interested In In iood Threoa llnI Dear IIaI IIercI your letter line but Im not ebout to Id vertice your phone number Who at youre Interested in load but In In eudience oi 54 million there are bound to be love kookIwho would iuei love to call you up Ind tellr nousrnomniurs Iteme which you may not have thoueht oi llollll in thI the crater but whlc benetit Irom thle rtoreeo Inuan eoiee tplcee eIttu tom and lely ilee your bIIemeot Ill lly heat Isinee warm Iir rue thII mater heatlne tho upetairI tree expenelva STOP TWEEIINGI linlltiiel Jill remml Irem lace and peer vrumtaanl me death IrII iett Ientettaltee ctr er Ilmi II Intranet El GOODMAN llepletered Iketreleptet hlldlaad Mill Member cl Jamie and AmerIcII lloetrobIIII Alaeclatlau pr adrncturi hill be very Inuit with porn eerie tritiumthem Ire knitted with FM Beehive Fiaeeeina tip cIreim In ply or leons Ina lineni uNan airmail ainncu ti rrn sums sill hey it II no innith runcoed will built lupin the putt proveaan Inveiuehle reset today DEE It to IAN it CIprn miniSome cbanm in linen eIII InInxemenie Milled In your Interest JAN it le Elli ll idenare duelKeeper IInd QIII open thin to be cir per fiend homeroomdo there with postponed proloria how whether oI prlneSI unper eonIl nIlrtreeapedelly it your plans involve those In partner Ihip with you till material in tcrcsla are governed by renor our planetary Inuencer to you should hire eood rolnlEape clIlly iIvorod contract nepotlI lion and properly deala Yep Bill IdlylIltmmlid Venue Input to null In ioree romance do mestic IIIIIrInnd crcItlve pur eultaahould condone to pleua wee tin Betty shler accretery lollorlze lira JIrnea Dulllelrl the Anti eroomed 1030M CPI Acett blushed with pride It didnt think aha no the heel to the province wouldnt have voted lor her be IIIri with rIIImomente alter hie prett IiiI Jean war llodtd til lilo 00 cinnamon School nun enduociatiom will donbathIe to be idem to Mid but idea on Womeae Lib mior the pm hey ter yearn onihe moietiena executive delelied Phil Donnie III lliIrIrI iii Ilt tie to ill Douala ttrdlwie In men who lsII immr loot vlLoprlnclpel ol vaIa Secondary education hunches no It contain Ich inne Garrettad he heIdol Ihleloryde eshrrt tun Acell pittinaI on withered Blrtlih rho Ipote It Inc cooler eneoeitar the elect IIld Ibo ie moonllhle mill teocy at there In iron out pmtnolel education pie tureI iheblppeat eontaoveny It preeeni to over provincial povraomntdedaiontopleee coordinator ceilinun lehoolboe Some teacher and bond uy the iovernment decision will melt teacher cutback er cluqu Ind Ieo erI deetloeintbtouiity oi oi ruponaible Ioimihl Ind matilv wIIeeth eta lia title yearlf iIrI Antlwbo leku oltlce the ore ebel elected dtcpruldent In lm Shemedotbeauitheruiiot Diurnal tweed Iwhtch her in than ville0rt hwrltttronlre dMeetingSIIeidi Brianne the XI Glmme lti Exemplar cho ler oi liete Sterne Phi met ItI home ol tin Jame trui Ilcid hllnutee Irom the Febniery Council meeting were read It was decided to Ive the pro the received from thI ancnke breIieIIrt to the li $th tered llorluhop luridI Gucat epcalrcr tor the cvcrdn oI the llarrla United Appeal Ibo econri meellnl ol the math ape held It the home at him PIuliord motions ol olllccrl toolr finch Ind the Witn executlvo Iiitd larm 93 Green ue Weyue lira David martin city emmell representative and executor furl vow true IIIurIcI Ione lipstil filth daughter or lir and in William llosenpllug lint vIcI will marry John ttlxon aon ol hit and Nixon kiliii May in Cen tral United Church oinuouo SIERRA cniionrusmutii our all BRUCE rriiiiisulr goiiriiiiio PAIIENTSI Ilcto Irarummer holiday ior l0il that your child will never lorcctl For $5500 per weair the younyrter will ride home tullei cInocy camp out doort Ni and learn about nature lion and III the lood your child can eat will be Iu lied ndoor accommoda Only 20 children per week beiweenlba tier will on accepted tolensurc individual attention For more lnlormation about IhiI beIuiIIuI I00 write to the above ed lira Norman hetdtin director It we decided to rive don ation tothc Gryphon lheeire thla year one oi the groups charity protects bill Exempler decree iCOLLIER sr 33 ISSARD Chapter wu held tor hIrt Emcel Men under to welcome her to the chapter Followlno thI hulacatmeel Ina lilra tielen limenler pry ohometrlat with the Vice lde lliiepilII Puchia eea war the treat cocaine The next meetirmrltl be held at the home at lira kneel Alexander Itpril snotty cervi COBEli 81 grirrir cunt Inn otrr SHOP meals or wooawonrue ciiiiitiit 95 Cookalreel that Will suuoevIMAnouzan Im IXIOII no sr GILES crtoia erLrasseur site rotiu STAINERjS Preceded lay Inhort eerylee Morning Prayer ILL WELCOME rauasonv IS sivioaurizrh bill Wlah and Set ileq 300 200 or sunr soo rInI trio illsir ourt faxciuslvr CLAIROLWIOSAION across racciwoocwon ow ALSO Ar TH nape restart

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