Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Mar 1971, p. 11

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is aI Egi resents sin theYladcrcorpI warlord muneat di mammalian tha lemea bootha Thdcunirduntudmallted oiyavents condos iromhot on on In new Dante to tempuary ciole will tillIttdrlgyeeterday eyeoosouthoi StrwuiVineltdltllamyesI Summerhchool emitters Summer school eounu still be altered ltNotth oouennu In Barrie and Park Street canes llle In OrltUa Milan will bvoperlted until 11 Glasses ollered in the tile year program will include htnth cmutics French Science Tin till Ind hxlish tor Grades end to in both cities Grade ll retirees at both cen tres le tnciudeltnihrmnticS French Entiish and Physlu Grado ll courses ollcmi wiD he French hluihcrnatica and anthy Grade 13 mrsea In miner and hilthematiu will he oi terdav Drivers wereIIdentilled at El nine Wallwin oi Sarborouph Edward liyht ot means Get drndZucchetio oi onus Lyte Snell oi murmur and Stan icy Jarvis ol Mo ilr Snell wss edmitled to Ray at Victoria 11mm or or high observation ills son David was treated or haulsca and re lrasedJolai damage was esth mated at um Asccondiirecor thaelly will keep carelul more Mull sevens nicotplanttnrnahlurathstthe aprtnymolldounotcarryd thallttdxlllillntol encircled strum ilrthcr down washesthy unmeasushllnnfeemnn ensi cream collee rate Do nontlsotrevuthlsmrc or jello eating contest we won by latte lhancan and wine rate waa won by ilnlt rhpatrich Elli oi the thenvlneI An Ontario Wales Resottrcel oillcialhaallsoln tinted It vIlste mahhpentcoi hranohyrtll lntntluleposbie pollution nltheltrelmby the lludpee mum hlndhy the city thither mdmlmthl peeve ahldgellt has Edmond deplcsltmln healthy held to comatwtnnerswwlooeotthe he Vypreventmmliudynentcrlnx Ascreunln the ren ecu rmnt lnpenntu omen thrillers1 litter troopers namedhi Inn two otCeneeahttanhtlhynlsllllown ship at 1155 am Drivers am nor hitband nywaler oi Port hlchwll Georln diattte oi the ravine eludre on itinall dumped private In the tleldoealr the concession eepra theeootrletor Elmer Duster lshiledbytbecltytodeole ot the null material The process apparent travelled under the snow into the ravine noon win 11 Year apech concern oi the Ipollution ol the we on atreIrnIiaom your pond dunins as mum AIlnclllhflttCll ultheDWll hliminthlm district rant tarp enzhaecr with the commit hootsc lnthe meantime thchIy dumpiottocealein lleld iron which the stud eerie lhejiuduIs between and as per ea water when It Is dram on the tie Ilhe rest matte horn severe tram process that has been letedenhy bacteria ills used ls icrtltlner city at torcAllmblyarald filta citvl toured with the private hauler rllh Ier him to abide lathe ventilation oI all lllhon that pornn and ap prou the dumping It also meet ties that the contractor keep the dumping sites live ilorn eone plallt Board Approve $41000 Tenders tenders inc more than WM pageant in auppltu were Ip The supplies Include wort noieboob Ion Penetanl audtimothy lidlctt slop wroie in March 11 letter paper and pencils olltexdale Carol Bywaler was treated and choir can so was estimated at two Nonnewas lath third acclden La pmaouthoi itn Gordon Deawadhcricl who haspzodaiedbytheatrearna waneManilthth In Dryer In Cooke in prunes Strwrd Vineltd on llldtway Drives involved were Rocco Pireuao oi Sault St blade Gm aid liill oi Pcoetnng and Elise belit Gillan ol larder Late Damage was estimated at lL Pioltsronal Engineers Told Plannint lal continuing ah tempt to buDd better tray ol tile for the citizen the eityjs new planner George Gray told motion or tho5rocoe county lend at Barrie only rhapter oi the Association oi Pro Four year courses planned ior both cities include hiatheI malice mans Scicoreend En pin in Grade and llathemat hrs and typing tor Crude It An enrichment course in he pinneie typing will be oliercd at both ls lion board oi educa tion olllclels ere studying the possibility ol oilerins other cour sea Including Computer Science Art Ind Them Arts ill de mand lor those courses is shown win Lootf tin 2Day lire Hall lor Angus Village apecinl committee will be termed to loot into the posihle constroeiton ol hlobay lire station in Angus The Ionnltlon otthe commit trn was suggested at special rneetInI this weehot the Ital Chamber oi Obtltmtm Essa Twrmhlp council onus Rate payera Ataoclltlon and Earl Otnntnghant Thornton lire ehlel the meeting vm held to dis cuss on ppareet Ilreprotection problem In Angus tnvmshin council had received several lets tern expressing concern and need tor better the protection in tho tillage As result oi the meetlntI Allure may get Mullen temper irvm the too the department lhcrntonla to WI chase hmnllou ptimper There is dclloite need tor bitter tire protection in Annie and John runner mm the Auto Ratepayers Assoc on Il lccrruthat the the Inuit out olwater evori time the la lira actordinl lev It apotesmen attendin the Dieting The committee is expected to he termed In the near iuture II crntred around his contention leselooal Engineers pp dim motion at the Baysbore Motel Hotel Ian night llr Gray outlined the history and modern approach to plan nine in his specch Over the past ltlt years or hon areas have become Increas concerned with planninx Cities developed mermtly In haphetard manner he said not producing lit urban envir onment to be proud oi There were no real adranrv cs In planning uottllhe IIrst hall oi this century when plan nets realized that there must be rmlrnl to prevent decoy ll Gray said Dut planners were more crrned with things like patterns than they were with associat cd ruinecring mile and had little comprehension or the aocinlimpiicationa The era nI rapid yrowth inythe drchdrs alter World War planning he said in unplannedlnd even some pinn ncd communities there was Ila Modern Planning lieynlinlioals veiorlrnenl oi lorre auhdirisions with little retard torjcbools parts etc industry located on vacant lands near the mldentlnl developments As mutt the province put pressure on municipalities to plan development the mult ing plans were not anphlsticat ed or conoplele in todays terms but they were done on rational basis or development he laid the only major drawback was Inllenthilliy In its presentday lolns plau niny combines the old type con cerned with spatial patterns with general ty lnd timing ol development Jurisdiction or planning has ex panded lrizm basic land use and street patient to Include public services physical and social nullity type pend denaity oi hostslno urban renewal and unity atruchrre lodern plhminn deter mining the pooh or municipal ity or recon lemme to achieve lth this attempting privtiahlgdcra In the men can Wm Gray said ltshot periect system but it Is wortnhleuhd ere improving where tensihle Iudge Denies IDeiertceI leal delcnserenucst to loopen case Iur lurthcr evidence nu denied in provincial court at Barrio yesterday On the basis ol previous teeth mony ludre IL Foster lound William hlclteever oi Ferris Lane guilty of ddan while at cohcl inhls blood exceeded oa percent hnd ned hint trooI Defense counsel Gordon Ile lurlr plea to reopen the case that vious evidence hld tell ed tovteetoblish that the hreath test was tries on on approved Dortenstetn breathaiskf hit Ilcltlrir told the cool that he had nemuivcmhcd machine in question at the Finds ManIGniltyiOn 08 vinrill police and Inland and there was no Indication on the machine that it was Dort ensrcin the notion to re wrote town Altoroeyio Atesaodert dtha coart that Mr ldclluk hod lectivety closed the Genos case but Iaiicd to bring forward any Iurther witncsles at the test hearth lie the pointed mt that lhere had been no motion tor honettlt in theme to his munatloh Iudu tos ler laid there had been ample opportunity in crossexlrnlnl cirv oratorth alderan and members oi the Darrin Ianre Stationery ntharrle which attended to work luwlnla room teacher to help the child Fedmtionol Shown ouster oi science degree hi to em minute or the dry he will supply all worth oi pea ute my hormonerec hyacinth MJIM re roomIv ulnar as an it lvIBpard Keep Special 3g Es 3E3 gt is all 33 is Ends $2 itch states with oi lcs war one raeommendation ol the boards special education re Barrie Studedi Gets Scholarship John David Murphy of All Darrin has been awarded one yehr postgraduate lchoilrlhlp valued at mot tbe utoihrshlp was ewarded by the Canada Britain Schol arship Foundation March 22 or the purpose oi enabling Canad Ian students oi outstanding intel lectull promise to ptrraun post graduate rtndlu at university in Britain htr Burp in edu ilnal year at political science at Trinity Coikga at the University oi some lie will attend the London teanltlonllrdatlons Cldsses headedbyorillllma DilllrvwnJeitlmvllsi onwme tolenchal and taxpay atthewhole report had Elli tits E5 hlr iielllyItold the hoard that Detonation oi mhmlt claas students is unrh way loma echoyla in the totally light In appenip he when the prindnela teacherl lid administr atton race the students involved would he better all in retriar classroom with remedial help at tervall The main prance is to orn vlde better emotional and EEGax lat envllumant im thau child nohaahrhe hewhu col slim attached to than lactate and ls lan his classes unity clue leerherl can be better used as medial corm seilnrs said htr McKay ght SEES i= EEEESI Egige sh 35 Snowmobile Clubs federation Annual specially trained record Abont Loon snowmome are The only local auppher Includl sdtool oi Economics and Foil teal teacher can do more nod expected to Illtnd ll All In ed in the tenders Approved Is tlcal Science ol the Unlvrrsity II he helps the regulnr class null convention oi lb Ontario afternoon leamed on revised more runser no net tonne In manab plans in the proposed second Dorian Parker It ton er and Aid Jack Morrison Revised Arena Cost At Slightly Under $300000 The architectural firm hired to design the proposed second ire wince has come up with levised plan In which it estiI mata It will cost the city $299M to build the arena not Including architectusli lees The revised Ice surlece hll been cut to bare bones by re monnp estrus such as Irnulated bitch laced walla paintinz and site development Millet Salter oi Seller and Al Iison the Iocll architectural ttrrn hired by the city appear has reduced the building site yd before meeting or the city development committee and the arena commislion Wednea day lltcrnoon to outline the re vised plans The Itnn had originally estimlt atrd costs or the second lca aur lrce as high as some includ llI round MW coulpnieol sprinkler system And erehitetturel lees By cutting out the year round sled cost oi the revised ice sur lace plain Is more hit Sailor estimated the city can make iurther lavinya oi moon by cuttingnrt insulated brick iace walls Lost ttsooot Crystaptu beards cost 31 ml painhns tcost mono and rate development icon atom to reduce the estimated cost at the ice surloce touudtr Wt REDUCED SIZE in the revised plans the approximately 500 with aIdiIierent Inr out oi dressing rooms equipment recomme ethy no loot lee ltlilm but putt the maturity oi the lee soriacea room on one aide Representatives ol the visited the Albion Bolton Com munlty Centre which was com aro lent tloo oi the breathaiylcr techni hw mallet codrment eprin fpleled recently atacoetot Mp clan Ind ruled aralnstthe de luxe ActionI tier Iyltem and not Ineludlnp theardtltectural icon the little out lnchailnp llruconununvh Ity centre and Ice aoriaecy htr Salter said the retistd plans pile structure rompnrnhle lo the Bolton buildirtl the planele be rtudied by the arena coon over the next week The city development committee will loot at the plan Monday night and alter consul tiny with the arena commission may come up with recommen dntlonlnrthe next rocetlng or City development committee chairmen Aid Al Macmil lan astrd tor Salter to provide estimat ol cost leditctt tl approximately hailIlia leltln were removed tir Salter sat hyremovin two rows oi sent log the buildinylvdUt could be reduced hyTeeven Incl inaaraennmho ens lnd extra equipment also need ed lur year round ice mnhinz could be added later nus pus Gordon ticDlrh Arcnn Oom rnisaion member Ind oi the Advisory eonunlttee on the lecond Icehurtnce which drew up the requiremean lor the second ice surface that year said the revised plan fiills the hill be Ed the will Cluhe April iota III ll Bench The convention In behzg epon lortd hy the Wasnga Snowmo bile Club and lull weekend oi events he been pimped On April to at the Wreath Beads community haD there will he get acquainted recep tion Spelhm and panelists will deal with several aspects ni rnliinz on April 11 at the Oatvlew Community halt there will be bullet and dance Saturday nkht at the Dar daneDl hall room lhclederotion meeting with mutual elections will he held April it at the Oaktiew com munity hall Rented vacant school building at Utopia will he oiiered to the Utopia community Centre board at In year rental Ice the entrant hoard oi eduratiun lust ultht approved rental oi the building which has heen declar nd stnplue by the board the more come at the request ol Essa thwnshlp clerk Brian Galley whowrule to the board on behalf oi the community centre board The rental arrangement would be temporaryaneement to give the community the use the building until it can one turned to the municipalities re spomible for its original con attraction The board lost your approved policy ol returning surplus stsltool buildings to municipaqu lor the nominal sum oi $1 or ii the board was to he required to pay the municipality lor the in return tor the mu niciplllty vrri oil the hoardl debt Hula section oitho arbitrhtlon wsnEtooilerthesameataelee surlece album the arena and the second ire nntarephritdtnr which twill go on Part and Recreation property on Grov meditatiode mtttee mlshtwant totrtale oil dary Dun tha seating to order to addth insulationunderthelelpadtha wIDallowyelrroondlcemlh turpentine Inlteadolrntlct ohljto AprilItcenraklnyopI

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