if IboOntIlloAlsodIliollelliu 523 ii fggi EL 33 ohoem display 1M 01 ll the lJeetrklllitlllty Selety AssodIlion It the towel eon er vention in Toronto this weel lie in admin Swill The model memes10M Inxlner Photo voluolelectrieltyihe Alli2U WIRING 0d nlelpil lileelrteel Willi ii Murphy loll ol 3min Ind ii IlieIInder BIrrlI Milo Utilltloe eomlnluloner His Retirment Little Less Pressure moment tellAllow olloe Barrie minnow heel Barrie resideolwfl Morphi todkloweentol my tune or holdln mm leted in term oi oilke mo tenluimonnnnsodn Wmmdhoeodidn in or lionlcl mectrloll llt dmee more how lo on oil liltiuthlsVee an ennui mun he is not conwletely Reticulum mum 41mm melt lromlhe ls Mm will tile melon Muit Itlh his lob weer In ident on tel the Barrie mu Uliiiti millionth on aluminum in Ilsa um mm with the summer techni JIan Emuwummm scheduledlor km M1 inkedend UnlverIEy liede Il meilnnlntlnelm Mudnmmunwmll name My mum tee lor next enrs convention he id RM 1m mm mmmi edlle mmnrwoMolrueh otly coolest We at halal pro id mud nepeIIed Mill Mmhyl at olllce trend devoloood In the odItloa toe mm hoe relellons Ind dell MWeloldm men presidente lob hie western me VWeather In Binnie Area Friday 23i22 blanking Kinntnn Petubomlllh ltlllIioa North Bay Sudlnny Sultan ilmminn aaaasaaaaeuue Nude GleleIu Willie itlyer nasuuassuazsu qgasguuaszuuu in its Youth Hostels thinly on to no law noun our zero tiled ntdIy 15 to lo Olden Inrdoul drlvlnz Ind mow urniny lodny Ioow Ind hery drlltiru me lever in oil to torrid tonight Windy PridIy Inrlnoll loudl with some mmln during in the Illernoon Windy liizh lodny low tonight 10 high Frldny 2o Snowirll accumula timiwllodlllndlenhyto um liontreIl HourdouI drivinz Ind non Inning My Inow Ind 11h Huron liIInly sunny hldly WM norther 20 to so decent Milli lth lode 15 to our 75 It WInd MW allotoulileh May me is new Period ol light in Iperinx on to law Imllur eke hy mlddsy Followed by thrill imitht lilinty Wind northerly told Emlllnn Nlmn lake Onleri Po rind at light no tIperlnl oil modernle It linen tapering oil to liuniu overnidlt liery drlltlnl Ind blowing now Wind northeut 15 to 55 today shilling lo westerly midi Tod Willi ltL Windsor Ill so on 15 Manet 1o Mont Forest Winxhnm Owen Sound to liueloh 15 15 15 lrenlon lo EBBUHEHDB lorced To Eatiheir losses Under Marketing Bound System GENEVA PARK 0nd lCll nutrient at Sikhener meIl compIny IIld Wedneodey liillill IlnIr lettn honed to it no prices dairy neonsenmllerorln Sclnelder Ltde the lturIl burningens 1m mIrtoIminIr inthis com munity htnortholOriliiItnIt the Ontuio chitten Broiler Producer Marianne lined meld Ineol this rit uItlorl gt Itprleslenelhmlllnlmtol the mesorI cont pill III Ion prot The milder Il power at to let ounlity not end goalie enndlnuxo In in grin one made Vlnhie lode minnow industry In WWW But Genki Mord oi Opposed By Dill UITAWA CF The lrneo department on let it be known the it does not went lb mories used hostels lor inn denl youth Iyain Ibis Iumnrer Toe lrderoi eminent is re ported to on unmininx with the province the idea at unto lid Ichool gymnasium Ind Iudlo riurn innleed lh delenon departments op rositiou to nonunion ol lllllb en lo dropln tentru wII eon veyed indirectly but dearly In memorandum on its capability ltx um part In till II lovernment youth pronoun lhe memarIndum In pm pared lor the Iecretlry rd etllee den whide II Inc coordination new and asked Ill izdeni departments lo Idvise it of the incilitlen the con male Ivnllnhin lor the neo mm Reliable sources raid the de lence department oilernd to do most at what it did inst HT provide eedet Ind Md mill tlI training Ind young peo pie to work dear gnome doing nuintennnce chore It my bass Homer it made no mention oi opening tho Inuitlee ln trIveiiinx youth In it did last Iununer mildlme HOLE OF CANADA urnran mMehIlrmnailneon urinlhlcm limiter Produ mm Board sold win the board has helped halter Prlorvto the omnizntlon oi theoroilerbolldbroilerproi Honour ronroonu Here oi hired at nppnuym on you uh on to mount CAliiem CARPEI COMPANY littlle Anonymmu ll inosrol Womm notmeeetbn Iwointnlnt nt tor JIek Merlinth inn keeper ii inn oi Barrio munduhiil bin llo In utensil mm in till lood Mushy 1M Iowlntment 0i oesf Initial Separate Board Was Happy With Drug Abuse Presentation in on will palm Bole Ioded mu nu SIunden unit lint llr PInxkl them teen Iln lnlereelln In adenineHM Iettluo Mr Plotter IIld lhIt IodIyI leenlImrIkhthInlhy wally dun credit lun YOliit INCOME TAX Wnuidyw plum tell nu lllelnthnll louhlelnelneomemplnm inelnhriednnrulndnlri ulndulynune prime My nuru xoonnulnennndnen mundane moonoh ex Since SodIl Inmate Numberln hwdoiget one You thould othirl In lppiiA onion lorln iroxn either the Fat alike District Tmtiur Ol llee In Unemployment insur InceOllieorInollieedlhe pal DeoIrtment ol Nllimll Health Ind Weilore llle Ination term should be completed end mailed directed on the tom 011 liner died int yeIr Indlplidlilthellmeniupen mantelIimthmm my incanetnxreturnu deduo lionslliuye Iiwlyl chimed mirthqude No moorIi untrue Ire notnnulowehle lot lneometu mimennn medulla end Inn to needle my In lmlsmuemWW notedmun unculelnlrnthllmemu Idedllctionf No The cost oltools in not deductible lrom New or em My miller liven Iith II Ind 9960 dont chine her IIy herlhiloel this lanthnnwrhelletthnt melamine lmn yene mothsdnuonlentllleywln elnirn her In depeodlnt in thillnmm Qilieellnrylniikollntl hibisuuhlll youlnly someone else In quelIyouemldmtelIinIIhl yurcthIunupense min the worked toe in employen Ind nth employer pIdmI ovu mom in the year consequently he dollblo Dude Penslu Pill mribullons Gin let this money had An employee my chin relund at In orer deduction or contributions when do tile his in return He rm to movie the cum Pension payment section at tho Tl lie wlilolerlllwe iI Iver But we mm nun mama tricky Mutual out our years oi experience lm providedrn wilhIlllnI mum We lormllild Avoid Mi Ind trouble Let BLOCK In into on your tIx return llII goodme to vim your condence rmn ntlnuln nonunion rem lune ol ammonium l1 Omdl United