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none law taniaht near tlvc illrh iiiednca day near as Sudbury North Bay northern Loire liuron Georgian Baysni romeo cloudy periode with tow llurries today and Wednes dhy Wind lipht lllgii today low to high 20 Low tonight live to 15 oxeept mar acro Airoma region lllxh Wednesday low to high zoo biotin inconi flipper nay aen eha la at nnlvrrsity llla income lor yeIr minu comes ehen till my tax return can apply the Neich Provision itlrai deea hall on at Title means that in order to claim your rod nu depen dent you must addthe amount by which his income exceed Ivan in your case to your art Youwliibave to rise the at oil Tax Calculation method to determine youran eral and Provincial iax payable and show the was ial Adjustment lathe epecea no third My Ill and are arpal atcdlrat res oi have nylon mai arparatleIZIueemcnl llevl ever do mr er aa allelaace iiev del telalrninrlhla aiiolanca on my income tax re turn in not absence oi writ ten amount or court order you may not claim the alien Inca an dcductlon ilomr Open House At Eastviw Parents at Grade students who will be allendlrrp Eastle racondary echoei thla lall are in vited in an open house ionlrht hi liyde principal will to dress parents at pm in the caieioclunn loilowlnl harem will be giv en tour oldldhoaciinoir son esman parcas may take their Grade dilidrco to ilaeerheol ierthe lamliiarlution nix ii the allowance il rolliclenlly lilo larxa lo coulltuia support you to entitled to claim hurried rerpiinn as it you were rtiii living torather run ciuaorm rituns underwater Blurer lhol ll oldul member oi the New York Stock mhanxe and ion csi holder on seat In the or tilyaar hlsiny million Scrlimho produccd the lanxheet numiadslmair Broaden to dilly ailer iougllln tea to The play band on Clar eueo Daya Lila our Father eteichu in New Yorker man on Brood id cd tine open mo and ran eiahl yam 511 periovmancce nipmom 0am iinance Cornmiiieeiindorses Change in ileliare Pincedures mowed Etch la or mulorarIIppralaaloitha vimiai an RIVIIV Board which ac an appeal hoard lac milero applicaota nance chairmen Alderman ii laid the actiooa ol the review the mimic illiea at their con troi oiw tare column not the weiiare bill cumming The provincial mediated II lull in ereilaro being paid to rottweiler haveatripped whovenisitnih Aldltersey tie raid the municipalities lea to main needn id coatroi oi hells admin Wallwt line Ie had innoaahie controlrra cold control ect are We Rid Aid ilersey Pile could make wereetiorra to Ippiklnie aboriiehere ihey could llnd iohe Nomaid Aid Hersey ii an applicant is reload by the city veilre strator the pro infill review board me pay We are Willa com try oi parasites he said The coenini will recom mend endorsement oi the ilalton county reaoiotlou by city coon cil at its next meeting more lilayjPaintjlirov1ncial Court the city Ls aeeiln rilclpa lion at the mundanepari mtoi ptibUe eerie in ro iecl lo auppiy temporary orbuaempioycdeeilen recip ibe propoecd proicci lncludea painting oi the provincial court and mlrhlralaa guarlere la the citys lire hall and polch bulld iny on Volpra St The nance coronalth initial iy note the department to in quire about policy in painting ludicialbuildln Iilrr 85in paint lob was one at the coun innisiil lirndloyoen To Road School innlelli Townihip counnli yrs terdey authorised John Conan lounehlp road supervisor to at tand thoCS Andcraun road achooi sponsored by the Ontario Good iioads Association Approval was also given to El rncr Pool to attend the hiahony rend Icth also rpon sored by the Ontario Good iioads Association Both are three day schoela which deal with the moireenan co and supervision oi roade iy courthouse The ritygoestloro ed why otdy rotinly welfare re cipients were hired tor that ion The has told the city WWW ailm hrli it all idler co bulldlna ii nursery tide the city will ecck to hare the di pay too per cent at the coat oi painting only the notion oi the buildin lisrd lor provincial court inn Plans Drainage Survey innieiil Township council yes terday vcd proposal by the plum board to do drain nae Iron auney oi the towiuhln The army would show the drainage ainiclure oi the corn Elele township and would be the rat more toward nature devel opment oi sewage IyrtenL Oourrcll authorlxcd the rupee ai provided the cost at cor voy does not exceed $1000 This does not mean there rowan system The eureay would only serve lor nature rcimocc llitl licevo Gentle Burton iowllloschllllllortgagos Get cull iart tor ho epaire anew oar vecitionmranyot rndodmron You Borrow $2000 $3500 $5000 Terrain Month 5010 04 $7220 84 3103232 iargeramounteup to liMll available Allpeymentahued on it Manihlylatmni low At pyr annum amoriltad ovarteraraaa notaahove Will our PLAN is arsr N0 BONUS dHltlltiE on tiiDDEN FEES With gtthe Associates you get mortgage agreement that Is eryetel clear Nobonus or hidden lens are ever ehai ed Nosmalhtokaregd appraisal and legal laoe the truck will be sliailod Miller The lull Oi Of Four Trucks The public Iona coninilled laat aunt recommended couch iiart Iiolon Lid er a1 you Vehicle Ieldtl truck Iilh hydrluiic tall gain tor the pohile warts department loader The ilrnta hid el Nlt The romnditcd ddayed action year connect lor the anddiexel lien is appeared by council ell wind rain mace Canada Ltd The firm bide Iere theimt at live reeelrd The price the city pays unler the contract ior res and oil ellibe rubleci to review in yeare llme media second channel to awarded in lint Motors Lid oi Barrie The Hard iiotora bid ol him ear nose me than bid by nurerileid lintan lid tor similar truck The committee ieltrlhe iiati Motors true In better value because it In ierrer and more eaaiiy excited The committee recommdod contract Dr upon you hide weight dump truck be Iasdcd to Atkinson Poniloc Dd ii hid oi lllill was the lowest oi too received The contract or moo you Vehicle eclpht piallorrn truck are recommended to be aeatd ed to Denperileid Melon Ltd ilrma hid oi 65 In the lowest oi three received Bide ironr ilva lirrns ior crane ler approve title payment to the coenrty nhlialtena ald aoclely tor 1711 ThIcltsrharooi the aco iciya get In approved last nlpht by the lame cummiltea and will be tabled al the next ranting oi council lhe eiiotmcni Ls up about at over last year apparently due to the umnl oi work the society has done In the city dur io the out year no taken into In bciaee the committee maker decision the tee outmoded Prudential Growth Fund isa newCanedion mutual iond muted and managed by experienced Prudential popleand sold only in Canada Usiin tial invosimoni GENliEM Canada limited health city reamH the lid in tin said this yenra inmaae la in than dcmaae registered uruncu Arm iiiaily thurcha tented even lugs thorn Alive both to yuan at Speaker is Canon iv rnu minim narrr hos listen oi rm Topic la aaaicrnsaaalarroaauauiateohmmr Honmfg are edoeiad irom lace mountirapuyment privt logos Conlldanilal arrangemenla incwhow the objective laid mateyour money grew by Investing primarily in overhear millilan easier on when pennplngaiatiensiinny would chum lion lioining Propolais ii 0n Construction Standards lhIcl dereiopanenl unlllhnl loehas ldcdloialeooac olalandarionmiheirm timoorwhooslrrxpropoula simian citys Share oifciis Budget lipiJiil Over Last Year on council will uitd In ileraeyaallihediyacoet based on no number at Child care horn Barrie reaction from building and see iai planning coupe The city devei Nin mitteo received plana tor the hexit itemier proposal lalt manhuntcannon iwouid anaesohhlece mm Intermedon about Irrrdsnllel ilvooth Fund ndmeapioapeeoasandlnyotherinlornudonao ctosesectlon quality Canadian atoclts You may obtain our true pmpecius at any SPEEDYSEillciidoattellusyourneadesndwoll eei up plan for you Immediately District Olliee ol The Prudential lnsuranc resonatorsnearrtonronuriiira CompanyaiAmenra Iiyoupretenlust It elipthecouponnndmailittodny AlliiOiltiHT roarooiv laltlr can pinto candlan lit at him ntuyarel saurrter caninconrantumno new dlwrlllflnd draadollhind limb one PHONI norm