Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Feb 1971, p. 6

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UIHKMUIHMHI Inky MIPRMJVP wallWWIIIIpJAdetJIaIe Show IhIp lllly an no In Mm Ml mmmooumn an 59 otheneewhcnbeeh Children React To Death In Many Different Ways IteooIrch mm omue otoynnteuyotmroehlnoehoveluotooolo Ioothommm 0m whodleonr hlmoollmlohenouerw no FMUWIW 0th En if 31 zone roomIron leeotIlnwomobowed oI mhttt cblld vbled mew eeen Where II he howlme noted Ill an VI uplonotlgmoonnzol thorn ternoomtlyutletyto to hint howlteleootllotoxbedled mo ooohe IIod milllo lblItIl lbp led MW Ill mu children llIo loved our Ilvo blrln ol ewlonotlone wh In below or dont Ilm Ito me be told tbot non orehonereermttlennyhe new It to men no Home tveld recIIeoe Ind Impuleleo they mold eel yon Into APRIL It to MY II Home Ind llvelyttme to be wIIh trlendo lh oycnlnr 21 to JUN ll Oemlnll llon Yooeo Ilod IhII In album tle lrlend tolled you loin prol ble deol JUNE 21 lo JULY 11 Cum lle youuoll Iodoy tlolnl It Ilono more proflloble thin umm JULY It to AUG IntA nnotl trlp tor mlllf wont po oII Form IL 014 to em remot Dont roltcl ehInIa IIernem her lhot VIIIon II the Iplee oI dtoouI Itle It to tthnl An Inecnlouo ldeo eon be In plotted In eonmtlon wIth Ill ov oeItlonII tnIerut 001 It to NOV tkorpt IIdrIIy ureonvonllonol or oIl oool oetlyltlu could poy oll Iodoy or why the doeoolawohe up IIoIn em out he mtoht thooethodllld motowroltw whom my Inoolre mm In the be rered younI An orcoolonol bereft 3th my outler deoon loooo becouoo he oupoouo he lied done Iomelhlny eonelnl the deolh Ile moy recoil with not Imth ll one or the loot mother or lter he Ion Ioall when be In not height end obodtenl In eouhoto touoobootouob lure Althde there to cooln olon to may IreIe Ind donIIe tool oro Iechlu be lunch on ootlrnlolle note new IoenoIere who Ipeod Ihelr weeknde In oroonhed ortlnlllu Dmtho Inulnelo mutter cho by lore Ileollny ltro Alvln hmllh ed on Iho UCW Preehrterlo In hlld lond Ind reeohrtlono reIortIIoI the Itoluo ot womenend dIy core nuroerlee were ondoroed lone reeorder Ind modern hymn In tho worohlp Iorvleo mooted by ItrI It Coch ond Mlle Shoron UMI eneourortd noun vortldpotleo do Illu Idlol Ind orlh lee wbloll II the donut blue one 7th humor snow end Plot Irooolooelooroueoo oqu dentlubllowerobowloorohold ltovoolorbotnetebobntld yinnu Hortiatltorol lodety IltlllIIIII AIIIIIII hell Cornet Show Ind boow Cloth Ire yood whileo Int hello OD norMom to Toronto on Ubrory IIIII pnn Ihnro Iowptnhwhllo llorll rootlod bluebltb Ipeoher DooAI new hourlollowod the moeIInI whloh wIe mounds thoAlpho Uolt under It Edoy molten oeonuonehlmeho ooothw no Ioult Ind Wrmvwm NOV to DIG mutter IIoIae ontdenl ol eotuoe bet dont plnch ponnleo where Ipcndlnl Io tolled tor BBC to to MN to Cartoon Me IdeInIo It ehonoe to creole roe Iood lmpreo oI youroell JAN II to Ill II Annortlol 4o eooelul how you prooent your Ideoo You could oullollr oureelt III to to moon lhlo could be onother IrrIIIe doy uoIeu you oleer Item eouroe homeroom home lnllv leodlny lnlluenooo queol tool you be extremely IIert In hull noIIllnnnrlol neonIIIIonI Ind oIono now Dont lIIre otoelt In rooy promIIeo Ind do not enter Into Iny new venture unlcoI II hII once llonIll lllb Itentlol hIehIru or II In llll wIIhouI reIdIny no rlnl 0n the permit olde out no overbonrd tor whet lookI the brood now monoo llllN LANDERS ADVISES Ill1 Ill Beer In Indore lworh Ior been IoeeloIIII otlont whom we hove been Ion ny Ior ooverol monlho luel loll the all Ice In note oI nenr eoIIIoIo It Mom not nor telephoned her otter mldn ml to Inlorm her at the dull cl mutual lrlcnd IhII women who to Illlt her Ielt become terrIbly upIot end he met locnd Iovorol In bed uotellwo whotthooeto be ned by phonlny Ilelr otdorl oerron In tho mlddlo the Iht In Ilve bod nowet rm who Iot the roll nolhlnl lohelp No II we robbed of hndly nlIhII Ileeo or you to tell your reetrro lhol oy eve bod nowo they Ihould It III wotl unlII mornlny ItI router to loco And It you eon loIl Ann undue why poo Ineonelder $1 To uBmIAmcsru 25 man CordIIloItIl yr IIIoroo more nned here tIIIn outpldtly end IuIroI coulderotlon Theree rttlnoe otteodlom lntho poreon 7tth on yo boInI the horror at Shot lid on lheoo loom mor yonnu eontltlorlt molor vlo Iorydlolhey oro the at wIIh the bedroom menthol Ihlo eolurnn wIII odour them but perhopo It wIII it who up the Ilethno ol ouch deer Irlond who oledyou to he the at to lleod Deer MI hetero Int wllo Ir Illetoone Your Ml ANN MNDEM column pom Inftho ill dolly novel end we Iee It when ever we eon melted two hunrlIco ol mm In wool In the Ilrol bundle were Holletlaro IIolIInI mlo lhhlt mllr II pnlout ne oooond hurdle wII onother let loroomo nowo lodoy In eolved two letten lrom my 1th ooyln Ihe hod dinner wtth uy know In hloh Ichool Ile morrltd trlond ol hero Ind there ll no Iunny IIuIl onnI on Im oure ot It Whot do people both home thlnlr they on mm more by lerllln men In Iorvleo Ihot to old to mount Do therhoIIevo II wIIIehen him not Every one ol the people who wrote IIId they were tell Inuoe booouoe they were true In con help moot when we oro Ibh to more hlm to nor mIl oonemotton wtthoul teoro Ibout the loot loved one when we we retell mony hoopy expo rlonoee be out we end thee oer nn bod toeether whllo he re 11th we ohIIl not try to loop the doll trom oeeInI or over no out mowtn nor to mob Iool hohohloul uiool ery or we to herd to control our emotlone Ind mole the eltmtlo In whleh he Iloo eon WI Ihould try to been our chlno up end on how holly torword Proellcelly Iny non who IIvoI lone my loco eome lorrow trono Ireoeomont In ouch trode tlmeo myoell hove Ilnod help end eomoooun by IeIlIII myoell ol the prlrlteyo bod however Ibort ol compon Ionohly wlth the loved one bod loot Midnight Phone Caller Sadistic With Bad News trlendo dont coll lhII trleod Ihl Do out Photo prlnt my Ieter odd blut oI your own IIIInII AnnOrlpo OI An lIlonIranII Door ILL ltoed the odvlte In the letter obovo It leolloo hero II to IIId up oretrue Irlondo the there nobody nee WNW WE Door Ann tandem Whenever reed letter In your oolIInn rom huohond who eomplolno beeouoo III who ride too much money wh could trodo pleoeo wlth hlme It you thlnlr Im only let me oopIoIn Yoebrounr who Ill hove lo ecroun tor No hove tun Inf Ioln end don Yorbroum tl plone to not ott It the end ol the oer on Ilve at the hill yeIrorIonoer IeII In hlo ttrloot boot noun Moybo IIl olnI In low hIrI Ilony the my to plckrttn en he told In In In MW rvlew There hut doornt oeem to be my reoeonto lonero tho Ihlooo thot oro Importoot to me ony loruor never cored Ior Ibow huelneoo Ind lIIed mon III thou hectle yeoro olmple Ille YIrhroudo now Hooto Ind more lluldonhrotnod ne We II Ill min In the Ioltt orIr ttle Metmdlonhlotrwnln IBM IIe trendy hoorohod moot ot III no ol otlluenoe III hoe eoltl II goeh Beverly IIIIII Iorlmont III In ZoIIIrd Iornoleon bonono plontotloh Up the mo Ire hle luxury tourlny bue ooo end prleod boudtt tor III ll neooo end no oletoot cutter whloh hell lot In tor moo by ntro My wlle hoe olweyo boon vory eoreIuI wIIIo the dollu In Iltt Ihe II loo clrelul Ilonoy IIIclIo to her lIIro coellohuro to oot We hove boon moor 11 were Ind hove onIyI hooded over my poyehoouo to her We own lovon home lreo Ind cleor Ind hove lent two chII ron through oollo We dont owo dlme Inyw ore end we hovo emoo In oevInII hondo lItoL poldup Inoureneo end would Illteto hove on exlro algnzyweoh In oddltloowllolplmh or oemoro men not tow hooto now Ind then It wlte IIyI No You wIII eel lnlo trouble heo roll women except tor thlo one ouII Comment plow Inpty Wollet Deer Pmptr Dld on wallet or hoodl For men olltrhrbuh ponrhoouoy IoIo to ontlllod In towyou mum to Iy from Iodoty one ErrMatror Speaker never on to hopplneoo rueonhIt mlookln lor otter Ilolrly Idln hoquIn 0rooolo0roon Sorority Meeting Bob bentley Iormor hereto moyor woo out oIreolrer It the ho Itmootlne XI UIIIIIIII XI motor at llotI bloom IIII lho montaghddottbeltud on Avenue omo ot Ilro Ito IIndDoheon Jr opened wIIbyo pot luck ouppor Durtny the buolnero meetlny Mro Dovld Green ed the meme ol the poneole breoltoot enamored by the Control weekend Mr Bonteyo opeoch on Clvle Ito IbIIItIoI ood Womene lollmd lho Feb meetlne ot the club woo held II the Strebono Avenue homo ol om Woyno lylteo Durln the motto control In to on ol thenumber oI metnboro Ind IheIr huIbondo who would Iltend the ourlln pert wlIh ZeII Lemde Itllu ot owelo ohIplor Feb it It the nor urllny Club not low not Cen IdIIn out no emrdoetod In Itonlln the not meellno Ill be held Mercb ot the Woodemt hood homo ol tort luneo Dtrlllnld Eleven llltend Ilngus Meeting oven mornbero Illendod the mootlne ol the lodleo Group llon Proohyterlon Church Ann leb It II the bone oI nlro lleotrlee lborruon Alter the mullet woe open ed by the rm llooo wllh the proyor theme Irlmmlno ol loomoo IIIII EheIII Pollell ol the III Atom tilrl Ouldo Comp onwo on the For nut orld Doy ol Proyer hlenh bwllI be held It on In Zlon Iroobyterloo llolen Plexton Ind Ilolen Bren non oorlod lunch It the coneho Ilon ot the rneetlnr The next moellnl wlIl ho II lIre Poorl btoorno home hlordt to It pm lord Snowball huobond oI Brtlelno Prtneooo blouoret enter the helm more In the Brooklyn eeotlon ol New York City llo woo oeoertlnr showoonln shootout Dllll thM mel oelnoto men all toetlorroltloe WE who Plonhlnglo Weddlnn Remember to leII Olllllt HOUSE Poohlono tor Spoetol Oeeoelono It Colller SI Borrle Evorylhlno tor the hrIdo end her only Vodtllna Gm vollo hudpleeco brldeomnlde gowns Ind hoedpleooe1 Ind llower glrl droeoer mother ol the bride golngnwoy outtllo end llngtrlo Chooeo loom our ooloetlon orbrlny no your loan or ptcturo end we con copy It tor you lIItIIdIISllttldly to one one Prttoy to one no Eeeohuo by Appolnlnoenl ml isonl510i thoNwcountryMusicCFGM

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