orotsaviHIcL GRADING COURSE toerdey Iludi 11m TehernneeehTttIedeeendIhrrrrdy mo Irtoo pm tor to net GEORGIAN COLLEG kworth Stret Barrie Ontario reneoom iotirtrorMAriort chit Mr Morley Sample Depnrtmertt of labour WIIII MW tor Inerti MrJNiGeddes Georgian College OI DUIIworthStreet BARRIEOnInrio NI seem TENDERS will it reoelted hy the underrlxoed up to PM YehrrrIry Int tor the purohru oi the toiiowlor NNTRACI lIt One new VlhItIOllhIDIllim Grim moo the complete all hodr hoirt end reewpieoiny equip meet lot One reworhlcie minimum GVW tenor Ihr complete with eoinhiortion dump hody rpreeder Inti Iroot roowntow hrrrrerr 714 One new vehicle minimum complett with It hydr mAUGHAN City Clerk Fltlhl1l IIIMIIMIIIAM Irorrerr Wm HJI Willi ollllr Will AUCTION SALE SNOWMOBILE MIMI htl or rrorr Impaler Trotter end ierpe conolxnment oi neuroriee Including chrome Import ooverr rte Ind clothtnr etc Saturday February 20 It pm Iharp At Sliver Mentor Service Centre OrrIo roiiee north herrle on IIIIIIVIIJTI or nriiee rotrlh ol Eloiveie SPECIAL NNBIGNIIENI SALE OPEN TO EVERYONE ht Pleu ertter nuchtnea torrerir rid ell dry Fridayor Seiurdey one to It em Nero 1971 Britt III Ithoteech nreehin It tiiltniii went live or to Iy III ryrnerm order or entitled china hornet oi oyn Inre INN AND eurtlorteerr ONTAIIO oerrnrirerrr or miihillnrio IFON rmvnicrto on roortcrnsro heeled tenderr eieert tendeilor Roi ii go it merger in gm either it 35 ii it tun IIIMIIIIII AIIIM WM lhlmdtoottll II tin Itldlln CM WIN ho Imtieted PROFESSIONAL MUSIC LESSONS MARJORIE RANES Teacher ot Plene Ind theory Pttpiil propered tor Iloni OorIIerIIlory Examination AUI GRADES ALL AOB MI fem nt rmrm Mia wr err onII more Modern manor mom Dental lbll ANGUS hi ROSS RA PIANO motto prepared tor Intel comm IMITIIIIIIIII IIIth WIIWI little ATSM MNe IN DIM CLASSIFIED mime ere BATDRDAVI AT the red mite Irony my lot prevedpol mmhdireeee dinlor Kitchener end Summon omittort LAND SURVEYOR tnIrIIIIL DOUGI McMASTER Ontario Lend Meyer ore Idehr one PO Boxt SIAYNER OhtIrIo mm Accourtrems 7M9 MI Jodi Ind AMT ArtirorTJGilhert Pnhlir Aeeoonte uowrrt nettle SAIIUD It NOSE Ind MATEO rnrmr Iti umeig ntelller Ito emit mo new 1F OBITUARY DUNCAN MIRA Dome Meme who died ten 11 It Royellttorir Noepitei or buried It Bertie Union RTISING DIRECT PHONE troottr It WORD MINIMUM CMhllFIED ADVEITIIIND III Dlltouni IIIII IDW Ii Illd Ilihln IIIIL One iwtln Wd Tmt Inmwllvl IMNIM he not were per Inuan lent me It eereeeotlve Inurtleru the per W6 DIV lllmlott twill II ilple Inurtiorir my he and Mo lent to Imllellert omen rItlIlIet rrrultr eoirlhen in per cent Innit tum II Hid MINA VIII Melton ot motion term then wet coon II II WOO uh IlillIOIr moron Ito Irnritt litotnlrelitrr IMlKlAOlIt IIEIIM NOVIIII In MAIIXI oiudl IL IdlillttMl woe II pet word Cemetery Inn to Iller rervlce rt Pothch Ilirnerel Home In Bernie III Itcllee who resided It Dim St Will III Iiler lire dutroyed hi1 rerldence April 21 III hld lived there tor the pert 17 your Born In Brechin III thin he wer the eon oi the we Iiniry hicRIe rod Alexle Netheeon Ito worked tor Yule Ind Try Ior ldotore In herverton heiore In to Toronto where he on emp eyed with Widner MOW on Fed Avenue When tuel tents exploded April toot he erred hit em pioyere Ilie when he drlued Miner horn the timer Newmwtgdhee in Itth III er enrp hertln rentreetorr IONITIID Iu ed the hotter II II Don lop St III le Invited by hi wile one drurhter tire nepdcirildren Iii reaidlnr In Derrle IIliherr err were Inuie Demon Bert nddition to The rtali otthe ittoiihimu en trend Indl member heelthitnllllnOniIrlo emr Ior onto to my will hIIBIdyiorprpilr Inneptmther Demand Inherit the On Moria Screen HOLLYWOOD IAP North American letter are rmtrierrror other porttei or their people on the movie men Ind more too in the turn to durtrr Ihroth moot oi the hint Ir more we woret poet ftieth Except tor me time rush on Broken Arrow Ind Cheyenne Autirmn the etory oi the Went he been told through white rnrne eyer The lndien Iencrlily her here thorn er the severe oi comes dont think our people were thnt mere rayr chiei Den Georze the DrItIIh OoI umhie Indierr petriereh who won the New York critic Arrerd tor MD for hert ru partial odor in little In lieu miei George II II honor Iry lender oi the Irerlelh writ or Inlet people Ind liver on Rererve No II the IIIIrrIId Irrdirn hind en the lower dope ol Vrnrtnrverr North Shorewlnn not mentor or promotion movies Ihrotrlhout the world the Imere oi the Indlen Ir wrnnl me try Silverheelr reteren IIoiIIwood rotor most noted tor hie Ihnto with Ihe hone Romero Morten havetinny pm Jetted the Iodieh Ie the II ererror interested only In In qulrihl Iertpr thlr iI en in eeettreey we oi the trlher were per outlet only wirehpichglr lire It rte oer NM DMlltO IVIII rrooert More on IIIOAI AND HIGH All phone Inurtleri order In ercrnIro er eonvrnterire II Frintle Iiorr Relph Ind Dolli Deviur tory woe threatened It rurrrc NOTICI TOWNSHIP or INNISIII l97l DOG TAGSv mm mm Wm TAKE NOTICE Ihet the Ill do tern Ire not eveiIIhiI It the Mmttelnn Deoertroeol reoulrrr III Invention In tarotI Intern tlnlr revmomentum tel me the Ilrll lneertlon In Old Ill My lrtol or whether they be reported hrlnre rrI in other tert to the neuron tor the IrItooIno net Knoll rotten III IIrrlI lxImInIr II re roorotote to unit one Inerrreetl winter Intertloei or one eovrrinemr mother only to rte extent or potlioII et no tmolr toe rnlrorlnt Ir rerr which no not an the retire or Inn aortrtnernent not or werettm er IlrrlI lnImlM rem eerily ct Iny wrro ortriorrtrrrr Iex Irrttlr TH Arher ottountrtenreoetww It In remloer Inrr umher In no rte II or not oi lzwn remote or IIIIWINI Iiurtrrmeerer will aye III III unit ore no denim wiunetleeiit Irrrte New te deter Cllitltled Idinrilllrnrtitn Int rotlerr Ph be nlvld WLIItIIM the exeretl who wth without IVII lrrr whlch mutt he more Munirlpel oiiice Strotrd end the loitowihr locetiooe throurwt township Armor BEACHIdemth VIrIeiy Store Iierrdy IIIII BELLE EWAItTTrnrrrhieyr supertut DON hEOOUItS DEACIIIIuntere Grocerier CiiuitiiueJrchone Icoerel Store CRAWFORDDon GrocerIeI HOLLY HWY TI 5IIIII Top Stucco Smith LEFIIOYhiexendere Verter store MINEIE IDINTItlneir Point Generrl Store PAINSWICKCempbelle Generrl Store tIIOIlNIDtISpeerr OInerII Store SANDY DOVELo Oehin Snrcir Der IDII RATE ARE A8 FIJIMINE Note or Spryed Iernele toot Ilemrie Itoo On or Iller the let dry oI April more or herhoorerr oi dorr III timer will he chrrlcd under the provtriooe oi thyLaw Sohreouent Ie the lit at April Im the trier will he lirle or Speyed Fe III tron Femalemo Iienoti Licence who llr BRIDGE one Nuroherr imII Control other dry metro Ramon teller hour 70 Irnel Shelter FIOMNIII Ly ettechod to the do Animri Control Oilice lilillliltli illiihi ii DISCOUNI EOMBSIIELI iIIShtlUItI erhliihitIil hrtlhtntrr thnt dirt trier IIII DISCOUNI BOMOSIIEII Phononont Prere stir not mot IIIiItI Niltrlihttl ii who IIAMI scrtr DISCOIINI IIOMBSIIIII toenterKmolII Nil MODEL CAR CONTEST JodginhSeturdeyFeh2l pm UNION DIVISION ur not retire lwteeere II eeehdtrleleni Torr one Print tor trot III Illcement NI pIrrhIII required eenrlron Itrvrerort Ionrrrorerneltn