AW porturnn ht me at Ben tnl thle weekJIur tnterroedt horlItlthett turn we loodIlhowlnr In to ttlnn llrne lretnlt stlyner no more Mrtoomvucnllta who pt notntl mr tun lwrodtwewd Sthr cl ll enny Ne Nod my with no mu 31 how to kld hie turn on to an Mm gtCoonetulottono Ire to order to Dlnoy end hIl teem Keep It on hoyrt Our Ieohrl lilo nude en enoellentllwwtnu ltnrt the Sterner lqued Orr ye playedl tenteItte nme even them on homltdl out Ionjtom entitled wel tied uolrlte Ltlle end Bob Gm ohtetoed hotel eleh Orr tullor hon lilo woo ltort North llrt week outltln Dillonvttonltowcron DlnngtetLv how our etde to wlnt lt1hl gtSenior contort wll very true the unto wel tted all end Iteoottnued on tntoe themewho run out at the ftor thtr aloe Leo ltooornlnl helped our lltlellb herr ever the IlnltleouwtlIoott In North OtllInttrttteilteellI Ills WNW to ltlh elm willie In the PemSouthI elm Ah nwrltn the eleel end John turn the 1th Speetltor tilled the IVIIIlbie mtnthounoohurih term on hlnttnr lnd eom town were utdto hevnnot on nd the out threw even thourn we didnt nllee ttrlt or mood 0n Intrtnrthe Mmmt been In North wtthuellrr Moore lad Inttn deter the hunt mutt wlth Incinto worh etouwhh It number ot ltltt hnd Itudentr 1M lho Tnyutottl tum wtrnhx the ethde town Itth notntl Iotbw teond ollee thlton chum women with It then Stun Iosrrrts nonuon Intewve ennui lumen It we en exhlrtrttn hut toy our weekend to St lorenhr ltth School We took in lurh vtctnrtel no the ten Seutpturtnr Teen Queen Contettlnd Vlrfdtu dehltlny twmmentr Snowmobile Seat Little Protection mnnoN Ont It Anor lnohtle leltl dont hrotertlzklr 11 horn honohrl mt the will monitor to rltnry march done hyIDr Verne Robert lhdI Dr ltohort Ituhhlrd of tho Untuertlty ot hitcht en ht my lltrty to NnIlleIhr on re relented lodgers Intendrxoto groom the owl revere eondt tnhl Ither In Inowmohtlo optb etlontend Ilmttlltld the trnpeet lump or drowhte lnovr otttle elrrytnz nhwund tut dummyntour teet ontotl concrete too modummy Meta rocorded ntrlrd tottoo oI trorn Io tolt three ttr own Weigh reltomrteltedteuthln IIIIIl Inn oer urnrn twlueo trorn U300 In IAN mourn reporteltd out elnIIto lnythtny In the lllllll1s and CALENDAR nos By dentin the eyu oi the lurker uutvtne Moore or litle to Meet me other hero ttIut Mllltlhll lod rein ru prune In the throne ot the teen queen htlrl htooro thoroughly enjoyed herrtlt It the Gemini prelentton trophlel Ind ouch She rm honerod et may no tlrlltol lueh ll the herertln Denee end the Dutch Etttlttlltl melt Club IIer Iettow ltudlntl end teneherl would the to con rrltutltl Chrlrttne The teleoted 5t Ioel truly tore lettered tor rrleh in on der to meet the deadth tor the todrtnlhut their etIortl were world when theyIlelrnnd at the unenlrnoue deetl on ot the lung es It WI tlmo tor reloietn when rte mod In our Iln lthe ed protect It hl hero Iter Title II Olhwd Stlntord Ntlrlrl Felts to It Andemn Vlhlt by It lod Itrrntrrttteeeme In llIt with Mot oI there trlnu eeme ontte eloeetoether In mth polotl Iutt hetorl tho vrrrntltny meteh henttnr norttelolted on Feb ln eherr tournlrnent lt Barrie Centrll Cotteltlte Thouyh hertnl tell plum end rnolt oI them new we hired lecood with palm OrIIltl runneuonlulnuwnn emu eenteyto our c6lertetenlutrttene you It on Illnd Burt Meteor In the Realtor ohm were John Wllloll John Stephenlon stew lrt Dreitt 00 mil lnd ltly undry Weekend OI Glory For Our Schodl reee tor the othor rchootr ltlo hld door luoerh toot hut thtl to not the end oI our Ilrt ot mun St Iolrnhl USIIIAGII eleln etllmed the tltte oI Too Doll The win teem hrounht home the trophy rrlth mood niece rthboo nome how won by ttlrh hrenrrln Ito most one hld horroth In hlr pocket the htnlor teem wero llro rtetnrloul ullh Gord on Krotore Ind hertd Strict erlnrtinl Ilrrt end third him rthhonlo John MhIINm the Stator teem llro when mood plneerlhhon oer heroeotered lhIonto hlutto lleldt Mlty competition tor ehotrl In the content ilNNi rtlcr T0 ornr Join wttnIIrlendo Ind Ilnttty tor en oxoelllnt met In all tort Ihe deltetottltood lnIeoolIod to nertoctto hind the nervtch treneoltentt to ii 7mm trtrtl mMVIL rm rtaee lol Brim rentm We met SIIOWEIIOF colon SAWvat Wit Feature Value 1st QUALITY BATH SIIE Approx 22X4t Hlnorow AUDIOLTVXZS FACE CLOTttS Appmtht N0vrl tho portlct time to stock up and me on noettty Caldwell twetet Toke your pick trorn hope notootton ot decorator colour and etytoe ln leeward ltd eottd lhldee HANDTOWELSSubs tlh crtdwolt luxury eunttty thenrod hand towels to eleortoo design end cotaorl BATH TOWELSSubs mi 19 Jonetle tern heth towetr In vort ety ot decoretor lltldu Itrg HANDTOWELSSubs Fun 99 Colourlut COIMN lecnolrd hand towole TEA TOWELS Inn 99 Assorted Iocquerd ltnon tee tweete lpproxlmntely 22 3h KITCHEN TOWEtS elclt Assorted cotton terry tweets in colour IINIchhO prints KITCHEN APRONS 99 Printed cotton ter rpm to match towete described eve CALD ELLVSHEARED TOWEL ENSEMBLE BATH TOWEI HAND TOWEL FACE CLOTH BATH TOWEL HAND TOWEL Ne Ml Ill Nu Net Reg Nu 199 954g 269 139 69 Veiuettlke ehoered cotton twete in three torrltlc ntyiee Luxurious Itret quality ehonrod towote in everlety ot deco smon printed Intlnlty etrtned Tlndterhor eoltd ehldo retoldeelone end oolouu tn the eoteotlon are three ettreo mpreeo Beth and trend towel hlve rlnge loconteMlny ttvh ntyloe FMUVII Tuntno or Diplomat Mix or match IbOIUINUI coloureln Iheeelootiom them to compliment your bathroom decor Enjoy NonUse You may Wettere option Church gt 1st QUALI LDWE SHEARED TQWELS FACE CLOTH