fjHtvt no snow WILL G0 on The ntmt In Iaaat at Lon dma Grant theatre ta tan banana at new replace nIenl protect hi the Ilatlonal Ballet than Illl to ca Felt nontu aunts Hum Campaign Stcirtsl WROMUICPJ the no lamator llama Illaltta oI Bnal Brlth Itartad Ila oatr yelp tor undmtandln Tum wlthamrptlanlarlot araealatlm at Metro yum Lea Iar IIunIan Illnhta AnttDeIn mallm aatta and min mm mun uIl nodal Iatlon arnanl the MINI canndd uotu DItUOIIItAIIINtI mm cm model hearan hy the In IIIIn oomme IIon an mtdlealrlrua uae Ia belnn held here IIlay to hear Jme from menu unable taatlutdearlkr Inularu nu annouan Tuesday The Unlled Church Ontarlo llama and Buhwl Asaoclatlana Ftdcratlon Ind Canadtan Mental Health An aoclatlan In amoou the Vanna to appear Mlle aamment alto nlll he lavlled notII outu mm NAIROBI IIny IllutMrt Palm mntltlIMPtlltwal Anne ew ttvm here tunaoy tor thth umnuatthlna lactation lnI mattwentlle IIaal Mara llhtn gaunt the nlllablrnaalumta hraken by rluer vIlIeyI and wooda are the last Iltonthald ot yanteplelm In Kenya nllh herds oI Inle Iope Mllalo and Iehtu The re Ieruo alto Inn Ilnn ulevhant atelnncerna ltopurd ylttttult and glutlo EXECUTE TEIIIIAN lrnn lAIt Fltt narratlu ImularI were no outed by Hrlny Iquatl II III Iaaleh In Wall Iran Ilteaday enumbtr Could Be Good KJIIUNIU ICI Sernntlury Ioth Iuauhora could he one at tho molt powerlul ortunlmtlnnl Iur ecunontlr goal In the taun try an ultltlul ol the Canndlan Unlnn oI Iuhtlr EmployeeI IIIII Thuday youre one at the that am Wartmen an Inn Ian In dancer and Illta Cell Pram lrlktle drtaetar of the may term In latte dim Rights utttxl Iince non law no tn Iwml at month an BOOK 51 ILL BANNED Wm AuataaIIa um tutIIIal Ilotha novel Port Iwya molalnt utll manta wattlth ltltwrt In Auatralla Federal Oletorna Illnlater Dory ald man all many that two twrtthad declared the booi ohecene II mutt ol uhltlt he on prohth tyne Cuttwu Act tram allowed II to he groom nto the country ILEI rwonn JAKARTA Intlanenla IIIu teat thouaand mulr were evacuated II IIde aauud by man oayI ol heavy ulna awch the centre So marunn uravlnclal canltal ol the total rndlollmrted lladto Semarang heard here Iuld Ieven donuly populated dlalrlna were Inun dated by Iour Itot ol water uhktt Iulrlcd ltuauult home and ttreett BTUUHNTB IIILLEZI ntnrotttt Ital Ithoal chlldren um IIIIetI and Injured Tuesday when In school but and Inlet mth mun Inlch northeast nI hm Iollco told dump truck lnIdetI nlth dlrt IlIIKEI the uhuul hue ramlnn autol Ilde toad Both uelelea were badly damaged Will Probe War OTTAWA lCII The Con aumtr Allulra dcpatlmunt was uakttt Tuesday In tho Common by Wallace Nubllt tPCOx Iordt to mod It Intoalttatlnn botaqu uI turntcloue uttlvtty In that he duurlbod the prch war utnvnt IIIu grocery ehatna Cuntunttr IIIIulre htlnttter Ilon ItIIIard Iald the matter It helny looked It In Ian wholhcr lharn nave Dttlt any otlanm under the Comblnut Inuuatlte ttan Art or any tnlaleudlnn Itt ourtltcnunle Ila Iuld he would Inllaw normal frattltc In not announclnn mu trtltur ItIIer told North hark at ttuthcra II nralculunal dovul upmnnt temtnord lIr IIIIaIy Onlutla roulnnal tlir tor the unlun and John Mm IIan III nutlnnul dlrnttnr nI uruanltullau uru unndtttjllnu an urnanltlnt am Mr ltacllllinn not the mu trt tantrum nenutlallon may to to pravlnolnl level II you lhlnk youre he Itaruatnlny wllll Ilnul houadl In another youre hadly mIItaken II lttOll lI IfIyou are getting mauled Iltla baekat hold Inlatmntlon and am neaaalally halplul for you Call your Welcome Wagon Itonteaa today Iluutu tunnel or ltdam yr KllltttDllljtott III II II the Intta ou trout ol the lbuln Photo QANADA mow EVISCERATED oust IllIlIIEtBItOIIEItS OIdTlma Valun mean Evary Day PRIME RIB LewPrIeaI Old Ilma IleII IIuI on Thin um IIuyI the on um ectn DEFERGENT $149 tulult nr Inataal QUAKER OATS It 52c Ill ota IItne Iuturr lung or MONAR Autmtxes Ildo Ready NACARONI OR SPAHETTI LE PIE FILLER Ialtth In In 01 Emlllt Icon tln lane Gyaln 28 Gem Rlee that In Illapl Lent IIaln Bravo Saueatln nuntpun Celina Caaemar ctulItlal lllt ChItIten Noodle SOCKEYE SALMON Old IInIe lulnral la OII Iutt AJAX HOUSEHOLD CLEANSII 2t eserveyournettodeyl or 014 Tlrna Euaturtl Inn Ind trader Rlbzstetltls LBS It CHOICE TOMATOES am tum 33 63 TonderllekoLard 23 tlatlt Flnevitonalh45e LIton Sou 22 on llma ntmtouunut tilIt Ttna GImttIIIIheIaalta uqu um on tour 131 lat remunt regaini mth In eat the 311qu re ant attmtlm to the detriment dayGarrett uInnnuean otnetuhtntlmunry unl Itlh the NItIanIIGuIrd not to line at Port Inward Wad llo ROASIS Ittolre Ilutnn lrenen lamb legs hole or IIIII 69th Old Tlme lralure lJtl Ilenta BREAKFAST PRUNES on alnn Iralurel tlh ItI BEE HIVE SYRUP 39 llltl IItne IeIIeIeI Crunhrn or Ill IJlta IML tln LEE BRAND PINEAPPLE ltd Tlme IIalural IIILb nu 53 than tIn Bite 24c BUY OF TIIE anathema Aylmrr tttoloe ltunllty GREEN PEAS yorctttncotu 73 nrlt Ill at oil Blnta on than Old Tlnta IIIIIy on to ttvtlr IInI ic ML tttd Time to III avaregal 37tl Sum Premlurn or LIay hIIoIe Rlntllese Bacon 59 lb an Itnt that 01 JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH FLEECY FABRIC Peblum Canal Lamp BulbI 0139 Multord Wrtta dun Setvlattaa 59c Gnrhea Bone on Iltno Itatural Vaalallra SHAKEN BAKE 55535573 It yea rant Ia any Ill OLD MI FIIIKDLIIIIE kl In III Ill Ill III only Autumn and III lathe IIII MI MI VALUIV II ADDITIONAL RAVIRIII New OrIeInI er Utah srokttte KIDNEY BEANS I6 Olant Blue wont LIQUID 179 Foetqu att Iaet ltol IIa traturel Illa III Iaclt ItOl scrotum Eeatoret lirOI GERBERS STRAINPD FOODS GlorBIc OLD TIME VALUES to Velvet llILh 29 Poetry Elour Pranaha Freeland We II It BB 100 Well Ill ltd BaauI pkg mum mutt anon PAMPER CAT FOOD Ill taller QUICK om sums tChoose from many exqulslto patterns It Pl taro nteea toura lot only In hunmun IEanty GREEN PEAS Ml llntr PERCHVFILLETS hlotnln Itntry hmonllt Itnwvlnl PUDDINGS IBoz tuh 49 Fully llatttl Dutlrmutt mm Illurhmy SARA LEE PIES 69c Uh noun Antltapttc LlItaalne Artlna Bronte Sella IIIlr ltltttll BtyIcmm SItln Cranm OEDTIMEII fPrttuce elres Ital Mn 63 reg tutu 49 non It Value Namtun ttlt late let MP tlmt lulty tattleI ta alrult ttlt Etna mm Plant 511 69 La Mtlnttl ttnnapnla tttm WANNA nEEItEEt WMZWHEIIIE nag iaanlelt ltypal Onlont 45a SHRIMP nut of Neut0rteuns IIIII Ilma Itaaturet NaNIaa SHREDDED WHEAT on Ilntn laaturel Irelrlml the amt SWING ORANGECRYSTALS lc175 Ital and thla Ilatnhuri llutta er WIEIIER ROLLS umm It tutu TD lelt Ouantltten 1W To