BthOI Causes wW PnggaPunishment TEE hmiurrzxnhnhsn uoxnu amount to rm Wm reel 53 offmthg ml Ind highway ande at the mam 31 Mm the any luvs hunch L3 55 paid mm IJum can Audrey Control Air Wu at 15431 sanl earlier uni1mm by Wu min nuwm cm ns ihbleil univ21 Mn and him Donald Bush at Countus Distrsd Acuiwunuot MI um King St Angus entertainod Fri pay him Eliiott rst Vict day aligning at party in honor pmsidcnt ol the Five nnion noumow 1am oi thrlr Marinlaw and daugh al board was speaker at tho Den An underr tor Capt and Mrs Murray incmg held in the men an be was Mnlwbacupgnn gr 211 nacggrtivegrcinczgemwu gzutgtixirrogg mcmbc le Md 1mm wi 4mm INTERNATIONAL TOASTMISTRLSS WEEK IS ON NOW posting Among the many zuzsu hers cl dubs rrorn carrylilo mm my mm de Imrarn 1A Wm my mm mm Pemmhug lor the boy told hlra usctb Mazuinh 15 193 Barrie hlapr Les Cooke is Barrie Toastmlsiross is an in Skyrwm oi Lakclicw Dairy MKS Charla Bush Mrs Neil tour or Ottawa was hip wrmm gallonn abov talking at Mrs trrnnnooal organization ohlcn Anyone interested in units Busb hirs Robert Elliott Mr or the program ggggpmaxagf In gmmw who Ace Jancs pruident or crituulag wamen to practise iniormatiun should cantaqt and Mrs Sargon Guorgls 31 pm the 0mm moan hum mg hm on bl Mm IS mm cu Wmmmimtss Club mm5 idem Th an Tng CMbh Mn D150 waded that should have waited punished when he milkiner 1mm ulcers land 11 Barrie lllcr prochalming this next mulling is ohndulcd or trcos acct crqu Oct at iEx MrS Alan Bush all or Angus day wk decuuve meet be Mum so he could not week but WI do Wu mwwse zit him week Toastmistrcss week in on at 915 on at onuncr Photo and Mr and hirs Fred Coulson lugs and board meeting held smme pmmmwin wow um out to rotor oi Barrio Others included iir tn the Sheraton cannulth Hm his way If no method at dd Ix cm loan as Ed Cm M11 min should no plioc should invo been dis Mast Armrlcnn oggyk and Mrs Shearer of and Mrs Clair mug CumG Cw 1st Md ll draws mm mt3 lfdelsdllll gait gilt fili fomtg fwd UN ml 01 GRACE COUPLES cum opening moclinn Oct 28 at THE sorry ciod even it she has Members cf Grace united pm special invitation EnnEunI we bu was to me mots in Church Couples Club mot Snt been oxtonded to aliriew mem Prom ihls undnunlcd urduy evening for rearnnscr bars to attend Am to Alarm so De on tho alert qr penal vrwch may have somethinz to hunt and games night Prizes yrnotico and teaching sessions Names or who am unprnclicnl or arena do with the US diva mo were awarded tho successiui will be held Oct and as $3353 cot temperament bi are murders and thorastann rumba me wail llipwd well as Null and at 130 some Mk edgy my nov to DEC Salinas of characters who ro my pumpkin nit with 3thppcd itrs Yvonne Armstrong rm lo MAY it ran tartSome caution in monoy int silat lime in mens Diamand wedding annrrcrsars nuwlysleds trawlle lol comrrn it the Contmumiy croom and collcc were scrvrd grcsidcm at the section will be rm diiirrenccs or mutter needed tnmtmcm into at night chcruiclessult AD stint in Bar urn ltd Grand Trunk House The lahs cnzcriutntd Lil at the conclusion Mumbch ab need not invored Hide Americ mag mfaxlwhicn aoiquly WHS the rlnnur many servicgnlcn from tending the social evening were mifxcgfnmg dinner Ind my Egzegfddigggahxdius DEC to JAN so Capri envy ol the warldfrllgzrnfg warsoi marriage andwitrl mih only moans lransportnlion Camqi Dordcn at their home on tlrCi and Alas nglllkill5 Mr he NW Cum Wm MAY mg annual Mk mm norrm unem in tan ILuury mum devnw paruwrs In good health horn so years one other than or St an YS aha MH lt ccltnln summons ride imitation ch will help yen also it than or in brains On Saturday lr and Mrs bj ham and busty up Yoan Howard Felt operated icw John Bolton lr and Mrs be nt ma prn and prn mm Forcing issues will do with iuturo planning and resources to the mic Howard Felt we lrnoon mold Ellery storo in Barrie ror marry Bruce Chappcll Mr and Mrl Babysitting will be available at more horn than good JAN to FEB it mourn pose oi kcoplux women dragon Nana cm of Barrie 10 mi homo ram hr Hm mm li JuNrzzzto JULY Clank instAn excellent day ior lnnk lzcd counted cnshrlncd Mid 09 0059 101 commit gimme winch ccmmunlly Nil WWW Am sum and the pm we mm Not rt good day or using your trig contact with persons innuun Chrome convertibles curls Kempmtcl Drive mil rm morro to 35 Ross Sirte men as sccrateWircusillclmgl FIOrd llr and Mrs monthc some climlmsumcea milliva spherrARca nlondorlrdw r191de Ind mug Kim Mi lhr 0M Emmi beyond your contr Pro cc uKansi all gr congratulations l5h3m 13nd toer llr noa huslnosr idmlnistminr lcs mm Ava Pisces the uncx labor Mennwhnc Lag lI 1h lbr ts luv contribu cmlarytrcasurcr ol the ion and Mr and Mrs Hugh lu TS Drop all thought or ionadla ed purer involved may at then household and pcnhc iolftiiril ilnrriocnisirlcl Collr 1m Board deli lance business trip it wont l3 misunderstood some mutu agony and timelillnl lilo hay and parkland with homol until rcllcmcnl 1919 mm GUEST Darn throw em you old wlmhltu SE Mm things Mked mm tram ulcn and hlzh blood Swim Cimmrt rEllllHll my 51 mm mm wltnout your knowlodge your once will prevail todoy Benoit lmunx mm in HXdid miliralld mittr Raiders than mm son St was in Ottawa during garage its grenl tor cleaning mm arm has pymned onesMormwum clipped this rirtlcle la Mean Felt were married the landscaping and gardtnh tth be 10 Ink Cm the wackcnd to attend the can out Lhc lasioc oi the cor cm my mm and mm ma lls so was amused Today Ibwbif mm 35 Mb rlr in ram is club sun so to om ubrll now from later Othera Iome mjummm mum living mcmher and as an hao Not good period tor makinz what adverse suggest extra hop you Wm mt Toronto Oct law ll ardi Fl 35 mm nlnr lire member still retains now commltrnlcnu or importm care in trawl Ind nine An geihsriju Gill WWWVC keeny interest in tho service decisions warn splint takln sudden up hcgclgcmg mngllfgg nan ccorgo Fnircndi WWW mm My group He was secretary tor on to NOV Scorpla rnancos loo aorlouaiy chldwm Womens Auxriiary now the Un dthmst moron ollictn mm Women combined 13$ nwlflilllsm rs rlswayrgrs nhcmdg lfgg and Bummm Wm lorlnnnyyoarsano hasheld cx Imbmmp in 0mm Controvers not Ipyly to on woman 5m is MW mm 50 99 onto Lodge or Barrie and served as mo mun who tolcrnlrs no Mi l1vr ntr Felt was tor many years as mam mum urch my Ea luten and the bndc on he Ema or mummy gmorn memberships the Scottish Th hm all or wggAproLZxl 555 mm rule hodlos or liarrto Lodge oi ontlnent W0 mm Ifhougy ict Chu Mln tat ad lidwaiiol Eerilltlizgflolxi wgregars oi World War is cisgn lwrrlorargwmemhcgwoi IDNDON AP The mlnl lug chin aloro whlcli week it rtde degrvosvltm the Su rrno Council lor Crin midi controversy long resolved aao iaunohodltsnow ynuugSl trim anoint minimumnu mum rumou wwcm ll ti tltlodl ll hr mldlh II DurAnnLandnLa lk ttgradrd by Malawian aihsggrsgkfclll lrvsc wanting aghdhglfgd dgg im mulls um lr wont to party lmopxocgla omntn ct icc mum mm mm to En mwwm Lands Chm nothing nbovo ltnooilovol hphdnggdacxg gnarl Irma hlr and rum Fell have one russc can an oven kCre mum MM mam Wit gem 13 wilng mm Llctcdma grimly lmmt gt nu crln ll or glofgm 103 Emmy do not auto Accurdlrln to mm No cawn acquaintances tried urn rm Squnm um um 51mm Quinlan desimsr Jenn Llainrd IIIIWIIIIIIIII Attends Variety Air aim 1min uttORCAGF 33 Thu rnrialonno irnr mm to mcgargggg $311 Last night was invltod to tho he idl ilk homo al ralativo No sooner timed Mm July 1m tmrln abngdhilgh wxlmr my and mammal And he hammered he Gunman Simcas Kcmpcnlolt District commentary or her trip to the TM mums The mm mm mm ndmitlod ii hotter commer WW4 01mler Womens Insult id Vr lely my on Emir msg33335mmmggcgf Mrs aimr Cameron and Englluhgovcrncss lunk to Hill mg gmlllgmnim up up every gutsl tor ticket to hlgh mm In Mrs Lorne Chiltlck poured shorter Chanel akin nru lens his Sundry schoal tiny 0i tainrnim prodmuan 33 1gfcgzrf 030 tea and cotton during the recap nullrcyllvc French glrl mm gmfggnmnlmgm course no one had the nerve tI lrn Ed lion Anslstlng warn Miss Mac and Hit men are lntululcdln rclusc call this highgrud min gar coupatronal Con itsruling the triennial miller Mum Mm 5mm In Firm ml gm Magusm swam mm wkmhll Wllat do you calliti Marl Thrt Mrs Allx llnrvcy Mrs Ar mm Ha cxpllirl lwn It glrlin tgengairnncsmetheh oil 833 ammlcrmdwllllho hur McKenzie lllrs acorns mm mllhy lrlguislllttlorylwlllr Plum Wm 1W non old iuvorilcs and conclull hold in Guthrie on will1 25 wltn inileliicd Mrs Leighton Si Mimi mlmiklma Tho midi out oi atop wlth llm ed umir Presentation mm speaker rum Ontario rrovln Clarkr Mrs Sinnicy bovcll tho times we uvo in assorted Holy Now Mr Thornton cgttlt Cirll Pnllu Alterer mam Amour utuso nrrsent lrnmolu gt mm Canon doalanor Marto Mitre sanded invitation to the uu llllillg and no liorlmn lllid oi lown were ir and Mrs $343 an Zgdlfg two it requires lcnrriln ta leave 75 persons to attend will sponk on horse onloty Siriniy Lovell ni hhnwn Dr 3pm move in ll now why and are irgsimzmcogcccgllfynthg1liLrutrtiilt in the ten ml linilihlrswllltlllllilgtlln die mom ll rm limo lorlltllntlndy 11 cc tl the in Vliricty mvht tier erton Mrs lluhtrl IV ll l0 at the Edgar Centre nravloon um Slun lllr tlt ii linrvry lLlLlh in oi out en lo romnlltlo woman whlch then Mrs Max Craig district nro irlcl Nitllollril Carrolan Mr and Mrs lohnanlll OlllzlLrIn Councsllrcoirlzlrln lltlprlrliuwrfdll Elli oronty ans mill quirk sldcnt shawcd picturus Vllhl Fund llclon Dr lixltl llrn mm of Ariii Annual Conlrrrnro was with Mra Marlun tutor at mm mm Wd llnrllnulon Dr and Mrs llultl Stllurdu in Control lllilt lzlmynio or 0N NR Kill Slitldun or Dunditlk Arthur all iiullli ylllrnlll lAi luudurs missluilur ln lyyffcgng dellrnltrs who lnllt week coldi KITCHEN KAPERS uni iil llriltLorll lmd Mu lrlull ilutlmkn Slilltnu Cnllnly trail liillllrtl Cliurull Mr Elm Md mini Annlt rimmml ll lorlmlrl nnd lllrry unil ottonucil liiiilourlc wha llro meal outr Mr mm CANT wlll alumina lllu Wetlllllil irhllnumr tlln business inert or lit the luncheon llorptnlk Emughtcfgmmf We lth nnythill Effflitt ml lhnurnnp zrdlaltrnorl In St tltiilll with her oxpcrliiccii on PM an Colnpinlnod llomua wall po 19 trulrrwr Irrllhytorlixn lrlp rlw took through Enll mammMrI ur Tm DAbroslo People Como in Umw mm bum Nm llnran road carrasvcn anco lrom Nlg mm Midi 00 ill lr5 liorlrnrn hinloorlo orlalilln rlurln llro aurnrnor unduxdlaimtl mm International Fair up Hunger Icullur with tExnnlltler inrm 1h llm Daiitmt nllcrosklrlod IBritish n4 ltoiltln danutlon to the Cheese Products Successful Prolect it ml at mm all thrills 233 virtual lid Chm quurlorh lll Gonuvn narcotl E0 Plodua dllirior or new Soror mu Cheese holds the spotlight dur CFAn cwm Wm 10 111 lty member will tnko place in W3 My Thoy can be solved wll lng October do sign on ti as deep Orange hmnnlll lirm in tlio Noritl room at llalltlny inn lqufnlulgrbzlllcosmli 332 unit at this Tho momh El anagram mm antitrustunin Cirrvh llmclli tiltiliifilsiiiiti maltrndommlli llltlr rrlur mu my rmrm it lnlmlh Special displays toaturlng dutiundlni nn zine Sirvn ml leh on Dec ll with cold Ilka pdllllcnl grail uni consume 195 be mild Chm WY Cil in Mitt alorrllllrniliiHYLl huitnt at mldnlulii and onter uaaociutlonn plnlrnolrnri cor shitrug svaggusmggeung mms mm ii Mucmllliin nnd llHK man by 89 mm mm mm mm um om lf the will fli lll iii iil ill sum rm wind ill llllniiai Smitty fills 729m be uni ed iin um whnlmd trlnli nr wnmull to im in ntcrnoan minim ltlirtriellea Yiotirhnrliil ilmlllrrflxrllll imd will 5will curvinlrn Numb Tl CWH milk Hih illl WPnhKnTm ggsxgglllnolgnalgmundwl dinll lilCOLuEnaru1lrulii in and Imported 51mm rvhllyli tlutmn tn than only or try Mlll nccortllnl to Mrsr Mr Niliicy Kooto will opon czngaw ohm illtly There nrn chooses to suit nu rind crueltqu lind cnnlllillll may Mm WWW Wanm mom aurorli wlil nanln sponsor occasions and every person sandwiches urui sulicos my numb lllun iliow and it ill iitlll Many If the Europeanlype ulem lirs ltn Slilphung mid lln Keclti huh been worklnu lranuun lintkn nupurvlhtlr at donnm mm mm cheeses are now Successmny 51 Jun yellow inr lhl hillillllilll mooting with Mrs Lilliti iiymhurnor 00d lllld itlltrliloll Ontario mile in Canada in order lhal Sill iluvorm Wan MM Mn wm chmrm of wmmmm nm mum Eglint lilivld no ti live It slinl consumers may became aware hm gum or to fame rimr Socrrtury rnnu tum wlllrll lit purl hi lllt Ontario my road nunoltin Turner tllrnc rl Mr my It mum of mm cheeses me home my Mm on tiiuaiii tr lllt liltwulnwn Clottian pnrtmont or Trildo und noanoo tor Cunrlimar tllvllllon Ontnrln Ensign um gm Slgm commas of Canada Agriculture in in tlnliuu Llnlru Inluntn nntl mm in mull The llupnrtmunt sponsors Domirtmont ol Flnilmillll and mm mnvmuon PM have pmvided inmrmuon on MUJAU iitll known till immlltuc on ovum nch llil illld trillur nllnilllr culllur Cunlllllllur Mllttrlt uml Mrll gum and Immmm some the more In ms hull cheeselorcumy mo autumnal mm or mm ram throughout the limvlnco Slllrluy until hint munmzor banal new he Chan which Hows give mature fllllilllllli ni grind llMtl clillllv to rrluko wnmun itlnlo nwriru oi llnnk oi Nuvn Stlluu lurmttn 32333 the types which being an gt mm tllutr iltlv in the community and holluwlng tuncll Mrh Lymtlllp Jun pm Wm ho my disllos well as rim or his lli ll twin cheese tray With or wtt out memory willrt my lt lulr mpar untr in H0 tc nur hpuu rm liu ut on II an menu In Nov an sins Hmbnutd rrsr=gtmsiga gure or On Mwwmhatr12mekmm73uufdi mm 1158 mm me best in rind in sundwitllis null arm ks new lllillwlllr nrruon iur the no linnmy oi the yummy the Ontnrlo ndlillrtmont at and textures VEl limicvl it llh lll lra curt duty at Grove 12an ullmrl ilUlllll nnll wu llkn to lruril lilo ilotirtlllll tliu mnlerr in cannon They have the snlyle yellow with thick roller ed to pin on unmet or vol rlru iniurullcu wlll ytln nml mnnulaaturou urulltlullit OPEN DAILY AM 10 10 pM Mawmama SUNDAY AIM 105 PM vainad scintilrrn crumbly Pi gwlciggrs and trail mvmhrrn to NIVO nrod puslnlgo Roam5 HA FA5HON5 salads soinrl drasstngs and 5mv ler anly ill Hlnmvri llOPENS INCLUDan slimline BRlEi Creemvveilnw wilh tan You my obtuln nrldlllonal In The Outwnrd and the inner tray an with lrult grading buying as we as mnnv ni viuw or norronnl anaonrnno Auk For Mrn Littio with greywhite mold hurllice may tit publication 1396 clillllud unll mlilllcn the cummunlt nn Ill cream canalstency depunding Cheese it is uvalluhle iron Xlniilu taunting rimM lAIhliZSAN lHllr it oi llllltll in to Alter till till it Mrit ni Trilllu lllld norointment litter Li ow will lll 35d iri1 515de ll ivnos dark WW SWIM try hard Milt liulchold llgmud ll burner wnmnll inillitilca tlln Mrs llymliurncrs tnik illtt piln Indication ma VIHOUS avors grtinulul usunliy llllllttil lrurp look lillur iNlianlll valuntoorn rlprntllna ul rialunis ni rutll ttlll cl wlll tlnawrr wrlttoll qliosilonn ti Vegetalylny Custom Draperies we 135m in cheeses unit cvtry wcdncm illnk mlr conilrulcut imp tlom tnto llilt ti ll hanging gas wmch are made OKA Amy Ammo mum nnnn linlt hacratnrlu Wyolu llgk llil tho 1th nl llltlr ttlotiuy llm tlllliw ai Onllirlo tlualllllod 65 WELHNGTON 51 BARR PLAIA name as are imparted varieties isucchpemiilrrln iuii rlrll flavor low vulture kb uil lltisu lrlly with is 0r llrli trained the nLur Creamy while hue MITID TIMI WI peppery Ivor Serve an llummonllrnlorl slumps lnr lliu Mianion lur an in Creamyyellow large lrnlos Ushers which in auppurlod MW MINCE cheese tr with ir uwuei mild Use ln snrlllwlrliun lret Fumundii conduclad ll camp salads 5m and mnducs hm mm um mm MotlDAYS MR am your surface sun smooth elastiC lormulton on chonao lncl dl Woman Ilr rurzii illurtti iritl rr vaur millennial Mild to ungent serve on cheeset the mnnuincturu lnsprctlnu ad the mile impml TILL no am admonition croamy white novelrclpes by writing lor as the iomrmayor the win on ripengss Mellow lo pungent or Chagcirnm iniarnuilnn my hullth mm nitun we ve rhnmtra and with ision amtda Department at Au ltolralrrnt 72615 Connor Bl irlllt WW Oltuwa Alllhllllinltwm mm by Mm MM 59 Mann ainwww war