rt usurp tut urkurnaur Den Dr our Waroldmbxmnn TELEVISION Gm lMusic munultes 13 ittrunnionrho Allinlaa no scotteze Variety Show km uosm XAzdv mums and tachycardia as many as our spend in eight days lusting anywhere from to to 2t hours 811 decor say hehas some PROGRAMS zBUFFALDSEmiBUFFAID IOBDNT0 7BUFFAID9wom lIWNN ll PWMUGH SATURDAY WEBER EVEJING uNssu or liwruzuu mu Lluux Hath Sltu saw nu RN R2 IGkn output llnqerln m1 tum caus 3am nutme the same as he Decal lamb kon Wane no urnunto crease in Nufzh 7Neulyed Cum LsmYm Now News obn Hons 1mm llJnnhoreu snwstux oLocouster to 353 Juotu lem lions 6311va ctr oNeu aux Spun 1107 rn minus SLNDAI SDTEMEBK MDKVISG AK mums not mirth suns TBullilaKk ms window vetde use no ll use Piltrv Heart JNv Danna Ava unit km su Brut 77hxxtthtln Harms inclull Copnlzl orce ma awma Tommi JNuonly 39an 2m Bar New manna lSttxlov Pitttoo 5h7mlnl 6Dazuld hum 75X7 omt Lamus invitation ssm 2215 ln WEI SEtx ma 4way Walt OXol Lg llXLLIJIII mullEll mld tlllm 2UJP mount 7310 4point no And uu zMtwte Ilbe um Touch 3way and Collu Hum SUNDAY SEPTEMBER EVENING Hunted Inl Heroes uncoln SmartI bYounl mw umwls IUnder the Tree moo ail nonan tmwley lullolltlu Amateur Hvur 1113 Group VTam Jones mo llTo Rom with man Dhnty 24mm elvsewsquutcr llJriny Tlent 7Ilttvle 1Newt Weather Sport ilWorld 01 Disney we LWlld Kill donI WITRik Counlrv lLlule linov 7Younl Rebel styl lame um um Wm LNcrunakzr 1114 Old Tezmcnt Iln Plum IlTDDDHOW TodY moimom lsEA sulllvnn 7FBl 2aul Croshv ealnn Campbell 9Henn Lucy 46km calnotion alum Sundown owa 21mm Onu adlrwvexma L230 thrown at Honest 9111 12 at nutlssr us 74cm held as um NM 11 lllku Fusion Wu out tscnwm Laltt rm 3613643 calendar suns goonsll 50 actsm risottole 5th Finder IlvSymudum on Drug mum 1Ynns rumor Clkhrate 9qu Sew no 1nouur 7131 and uswm kmw not 3me cape And Win Fauntl ZGoternmnt sum 7sunou solonto orled mu mo sPro Foothill 7Movle rutut Gun ALIVQ vnmasll mo Hot rm 11 Dream or Jeanni ma 5r Pxeu rruu medicine will 1203 ll but that doesnt seem In In use beealue these spells 6031 seem to bother him my lle continues In P11 and run even though his heart rate near 200 beats per mlnxtg Just how scrim Ll this What Enlist lITMx GM meysmal wrench man thin the hem develops sudden period of ripid beating bu rhythm remain regular It is dirty common occurream lamb out him mt use link torts naturally have Rad bembeatthnlhqulxnt inlifL arm one at madamamiss suddenly Reneriesraid mwmsmmsse mmmm ummmmssu laces Gentle chimera Eollhebxi ae map amazmrbm thwa sud vu ita neeexmm at their one ussavor mt felt maulsemm mm Ninas ht Ls Rmto that ne but is ea Nut his 3581 sh deem to xw we ks no as the unknowns ms Nine pmblminmenamusriaue cm is to we are that ii is admin mm reaction and be on who no worry Mlf be may win short it mere re to was some cm in Wk more Riots madam If mt SQ5 mpxiemglniiwlhKN ll will taxman in cars sometimes titm hrs rncnlrlv Irrllan hle form the ma MW bombers imwlsr minors The bars otherwsr lt 1W qzme norms mistmemos also Irkvur Qu tm ms Mr lebd either infnrllnn or rapid hear Ma ts randy fatal to it our sunls art run lattgrd mo bear mwle max weaken entslnp breath rakes sbh warmest morass rmrtorarily Qnrtmlt of nsss and dusQ color stuns simplr methods to wig snub subunits st tee that your have awe tulle we swim sweats on as Dis mu hrs cough not com mum wwmhlza toru cat he saw Dual heren or emu Fm 335 our so lbs for rowed mule will JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK mutualitnt Yblre snubs by pregnant minim low lnx effect on the mu dllilif Would they came aux segmental of that chad tnmnr will smirk tend to lira swimwear scalar babies NH mt 3221 as other tats musculature At any T1 Litp mm women East dealer Bnh suits vulnerable 31mm 0021109 AKQJ om 4142 The hlddlng not South West North Pass Puss 44 Opening leadlack of dia diamonds tom wm illV15 lull cw gun2 7mg lirzcwi Wusum Yum Yum 11341 zPrulnent Nixonl mo cMurv Grlllln llnu SIch Au nus JIlovk The Fusion or slow Fire aMoyla The leht The Hunter lzunou Attlck into DQucnlon mica moo alutme the Store It mo tuvm 7Ncwx Sullivan ll 12 our Film 300k tJulle London MORNING VIEWING MONDAYv T0 FRIDAY 31 no IlSpsclsl Pllce 35 LNuu 45 mun oresup 1009 Gnuooln Gourmet 2Dr Klldlre 4Luclllo tcontsct FY01 mo gallme META rlku arcl Misses 9Corwon Pllyhouu int liPevton ZchlIlh Short MAudubvn rhotr 110 wnm Vlnmon zcbnccntrltlon inmenotv Llkvcrtcy Hlllbullel 7thltfl My no 5ch New um as 1201 rt Helene wZSzm Fltreel LJnmuy Allr iZILoVIW lleDnubll sur Hollywood LOVE nl LIN 7Thll Girl DTopln 55 mil Pine izcnrwnm MONDAY SEYIEMBER 28 AHERNOON Izou 7All alv Children Jeapurdv II lzNzws Weather 5Kan kldlcheon DIM FEW no ceck llicamcr pm USMC oltlovlr zMovte 1229 Turns Izrmn News bell Mo 2Dlvld Fro mm ML 24 4Selroh For 7tfrroitrt irflllwilmu llLunchoon Dnto film Loiu gum ll 00 knelt rne ltmlm Wm Love Me Tender llMcrv crimn Axon or luuulh lAs The World 555 North Mlplt artme out For Svltndul Thln 6Doubla rhomile 3Dlrk Vlll nvka ncnmn on street 7Dltlnl Game LYamoua lurv Trim n5nlnt Clendnr 9Anuuler worm Ely Cltv olTzke Jo recrcl Storm 1ienerll Hospital Ilht UV 12333 Nluht Commlln or DTrnuble kc but Many racv lleLuctlle Ball Lnr Trek Aniaautomo Gourmet cVIr lnln Grllum DMl lnu vay HQuck mow Moorw urltt MONDAY SEPTEMBER 28 EVENING Mr lirll ul Drum lHolInnvymczrih lunniu mo Lao 2alr Valley aAnay GrIUIth 44mm Mason Mwket nohln mod Love Lucy osm Tnk moo lllrglnilu Zwnll usuper Cu 7Nu wit Weather Ln zmd skellort SGoveruor and Gunsmoke 2W MMlke Nvun 7YDunn Lawyer rnlnrn tcrol Burnett llvlronllde llDavld Front limo l2 pm New Mummy II izNswi Wont sootu ltd Martin 1120 at kPnrlrld mlly mm 5anth North 1110 lZHlllbllllor 77 Toll 1v Truth lzfm nno SLZITlen liNowt we wutlier sine lno Dru 33 Itll 900 lZTo um Wllh mm suldnle no Ntuhtl llMeolcnl Contra Fluch Grll llFlerro uni3 no man 1Vertern Junbot oxm LII 15mm F011 DCarol Burnett Marla mm Holly sun The IVY 1200 ZJbltnny Clnon Bold one Movie l3 mn lllllyborrv MD 12New 7Pm laot Weather 55 lllnrly nm mo nan 41mm Day oPlr Whistle 2chk Vln mite 1Am mm Conuquvml llUndor Attack IiiWINK or Wild sec1 hm DUAIIvcrllly the 10 IMovle more Always Iomnrrnwl mo 1D cowu Every band has theoretical bar that can be termed on mm on airs hill and pay rstly iltus the par result in this hand is our diamonds bid and mode by Eastrwest The Narth$nuth lIln it is three spades since declar at has three clubs and spade to lose However nor is often missed in practice for the players lack the advantage of seeing all 52 cards Thus in the present hand it Is hard for EastWest lo real lze that they actually have the better hands and that Nnrth SouLh are overboard at four spades and Curt be profitably CONTRACT BRIDGE ByJAY Laecumract one when West leads the lack Przbvcote the difculty of mm px menus to the de fate IE IS the bidding 351 if South maneuvers his c2ds clever maugh he has excellent dunee of stealing The challenge comes at trick or diamonds South should dis card heart from dummy as he wins the diamond with the see He then leads spade which West wins with the ace The delcnders are now in position to cash three cluh tricks but there is sLloug probabil lty that West having selen de clarer discord heart tram dummy at trick one may de cide that Souths Wonk spot is hearts He might therefore rL turn heart at trick three The heart return Would be finialnu Souths alley He would win Wllbtihe Jack draw another trump and cash the AKQ of hearts discarding two clubs from dummy He would then concede two clubs to make our Ol course West might be smart enough to see through Soust scheme and lead club at trick three away from the Souths scheme and lead club at trie kthreo away from tho KJr Even so South would get for extort doubled omc souns moss stun Pollumnnu roundl aunts 9Coametlu Eurrd Null or ingn Md boer Milan non Orion Curry 12 cumin Vnonuon seaport npota 13 Elliptical French Hmttened pmnoun 15 Franco nap 16 Turf 160hemlcnl 17 Orlando lulx com Fly in Jllpll 1800mplnlnod mam latterly ntutu 21 Sphere 25 Giant so Move lurtlvely n1 naughty one 251ypo or one wwisnoer 31 Forum composer Hull 32 Obllquo all Upolu seaport a1 Wnyl as russgoway ill Dugout or one Approaches 41 Portion Tunlafnn ruler DOWN Grumblo name 1A wanted ship Flora um Rs hard to shut up wife on complement PHONE 7282410 zging on the phone You have no chance to clout her good one DAILY CROSSWOBD Yuhrdly All 34 Girls name 25 Nautical term as Frolic as Moreover mr AN EXAMINER Wm Ap SECRET AGENT MRS FITZ BLONDIE BUZZ SAWYER DANUBELOCK AT THIS JACKETI TERRIFIC THANKS FOR EVENINGlE an M12 EUMerAD MAY USE YOUR TELEPHONE may werrr WW DID You TAKE THE MONEY ova Tb PAY THE GUY FORME BROKEN wmoowr rm M3813 mu comm mm so no am so an we NAIL on raw we to Acorn 11mm MY WIFE1 SOT HER MIXED UP IN MmAY rows K178 wasmtl re 5525 wiles WW as sea HMl we CRAXV DONTI NEED VOU MUST HAVE LOST SOME WEIGHT suds swap IF YOU mm TO MAKE DIDNT you err mannaBALL WK up AND UNDER THE SHOWER HENRY ma Damn more now HEEL YOURE GONNA THAT WAS kINDA COLDWHERE DID SAW QUICK MOVES VERY FAST ID LIKETO SEEVOU OUTFOR VARSITY FOOWALL YES 512439 THANK YOU MR NELSON TILL GIVE HIM THE mm toll norsic HEISDAD11IE OFFENSIVE YOU KNOW WHO SIJRVRISED AT HIS INVITAT SON 68 mum woMf GIVE HIM 1H5 MONEY JILL GET ntE