wndwyw os 41 THE mum muffin7 SATIKDA SDI 197 Pfil LANDERS ADVISES Manila getting married As Answer Hard As Nails Someone With He Dar You art hard all nu cant under stznd why the camps $1M Sci mm with heart to Tour tune to my ates when cud your cruel unfseiing ad vicelo the of rho yourdd hey lbsrne father hoopla suddenly trons heart The httln frJh came to his Ian room at 1131 and and he was We for D1 and He wauizd to get in bed with her She saw nothing wrong villa on request and let him mend the night there The nut day she began to have no and thoughts so she wrote to Ann lumen You told by she should harmrdtned and sug casted it ts boy asks to sleep with he again to take him to the kitchtnfuraslassofmilk and little talk Your cmnmcnt that 12 yearold boy should not be sleeng with his mother or any ferrule peovrs you have dirty mind 12yearold boy is baby think it is terrible the way you dragged this harmless act dawn in the gutter and made it look nastyAshanti Rather Den Ash Sorry but 12 yeamld is no baby and he should not sleeping with his mother or any other female If you arr unwilling to take my word for it talk to specialist INN AVDm who works with children Ive had letters irons myanrold boys that would twirl your hm ban Kiddo Gm WONDER Den Ann andch work in ncw buildingone of the most beautiful in this dtylt makes me sick the way some giru wipe lipstick an the walls of the ladies room put their muddy macs on couches provided for thcir convenience and leave halfeaten fruit and stale sand wiches lying around lbcy even grind out cigarettes on the floor although there are plenty of ash trays am annoyed by the stoppi arl Helps n65 31 lbw Kirk 85391112 thNe who come from at ma class families Would be in the mnzit spokeonr moor Rd than feel like we less wonder standing around Like durum while they ruin company propuv of New With NJ DeuLL Speakup by all mans 5m Ingrid tell the aloha tint their bad manners In not gun unobserved Your nimble reminded me that the most Immaculate 1nd hen laid out lndic room he ever seen anywhere is in your Levinml Johnson and lobnsm MARRIED 05 NM Den Ann Dude have an important qustion to ask if person has had marriage an uuled what is the proper am we to the question Have you evcr been married An annulment makes man ring null and void as it never happened 131i is vastly different from divorce which cancel marriage and makes it no longer binding Yet when tell peoplc am not married and uevcr was they any manber when you got married What happened to your nus band Am single separated never married or Winncon fused Dear Confuscd 1h curred answer is was mnrricd but and the marriage annulled WENDYS COLUMN Womens Lib Demands Alienating The Men ny wnhmr ulcxs IT IS AND to believe that some of these outspoken women who are raging on behalf of wo mens liberation are ious Thy must do far more harm than good by their ridiculous de mands and the men to whom they speak could certainly not be blamed for lgmring them Perhaps the women ask for too much on purpose in much the same way as person asks too much for his house on the basis that he then has some where in come down from But think that they an only alien ating this man most or whom Hill In Womens llborbtiou Is ty poor idea in the first pla ere is no doubt that some of ther proposals put forward are valid and most men scorn to grey with thcm Equal pay for equal work day care for child where necessaryl and more places for women in the higher lcvels of business is ad other fields ISAY THAT day care should be available Where necessary because there are dif fcrcnt kinds of women who would like to make use of service such as that woman on her own whether she is widow divor cod or an unmarried mother certainly qualifies for the bent fit of day care centre There also the woman who must be the bmadwinncr of the family because her husband is sick or unemployed If these women have to pay high prices in order to have their chlldrcn looked after there is not much left tromlbe pay packet that is smaller anyway because they areiwamcn Also they can be surE that the children are being looked after properly and that thecentre will be open every day Most working mothers have feelings of guilt because they have to leave their children and this should not be so it they have to work Ogcourse there are many wo men looking after children in their own homes and the major ity of thorn give the children much love and attention as their own mothers would But lt can not be denied that there are some who do it merely for the money and the mother who crtn find no other place for her child must worry is great deal ON THE OTHER hand there is the woman who wants to go out to work for other roa suns She wants to get out at the house or she wants to buy acme thlng extra for the house that ls not necessity That ls her own affair but it is surely unfair to cgrpoct the state to provlde the menus for nor to be use It has becn suggested by one of the womens liberation spgnk that House cleaning must become regular service at no cost What rubbish Nothing Is free in this world and are some families going to scrimp to pay the higher taxes that will in cvitably result in order that the woman next door can have color television The same spcakcr said th is home core for the must be available at no cost That is not so unreasonable for those who are working of necessity but it is unreasonable for the wo man who has been able to ab ford holiday abroad because she works THE SPEAKER would like to see Z4ltnur baby sitting scrvies cs Once again thats fine for those who must work difficult hours but for the others sub sidized service is unrealistic Almost everyone would agree to pay extra taxes to help those in need because most people re nlise how lucky they are AI so Lhe money spent in looking ildrcrl properly is saved by rlp after children properly is snv ed by the fact that in all prob ability those Same children will not become burden to the tax payer in later life either as delinquents or sick people But for couple who would dearly like to have children and FRIEND OF YOURS JEWELLERY ESSA roan cannot it would heery sailing to have to pay taxes so that woman who cant be bothered to look after her children can leave them in state subsidized nur scry if woman wants to work for any other reason than necesa lty good luck to her But it should be her responsibility to gel her house cleaned and her children loode after not the stoma AS FOR ALL that nonsense buut equality in some fields wo men can never be only equal nm quitu incapable of lifting land carrylag heavy things that men can lift and carry withease My mind is quite wintercued in what goes on under the hood of my car and why would want to take up boxing am delighted whcn gives me his seat or holds door for me even though can stand by myself and get through it door too These little courtoaics nl nlcusnnt brief interlude for both parties concerned and luld b0 duller without them by 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