yawnas Early September Wedding TULIP AND DAIFODII BULBS will be conducted in the new at areas 0f Barrie from to pm Phone orders from other arm can be made at any time by calling 735667 The Ys hlcu Menctlu the Scnlor Ser vice Clubs of the Barrie YWCA nlo proceeds from the 1S Barrie Ya him and Ya cactus will undertake doc to door sale of tulip and daffodil bulbs Monday eving no bulbs have been imported directly from Holland by 1h hlcu for sale in the city tulip bulbs includo redand white and ydlow var ieties DwrMmr delivery In the average space is at premium and the homemaker is on the alert for spncesavm Theres Spacesznrf that willglro you added my spree andngive you added dollars as bqnus What you arent we Iri might just be what the isng hunters will be loom for the upcoming NwlyXCW sponsored by Trinity Azgxn Church Winner and forOcLGandItrnmsomu til pm at Trinity Parish Half Collier St By submitting your unwanted goat for the sale you can nuke some money and so will niniiy ACVY Donor receive half the aalewicenlthe articleandthe ACW receive lhe balance Mn Ernest Wolfenden is gen ml convent of the sale posi tiaruh has volunteered her ser vicg for since the twice year ly began 12 yearr ago The Odds late is the 24th and Mn Earl Badges Mrs Will tam and Miss Jarrod Iluy rft inmLWoltenden and Mina Jane vmm lnity urn convenes articles be lponmrcd by member of the ACW Only good clean clothing suitable for Fall 728891 or rid FOR SALE project Will he usbd for youth work and YMCA prelecu The packngrs of bulbs will be sold or one dollar each In tho plo tum above Elll tlargllmt Job man president of the him cites is shown selling the first package to Barrics Maynr Les Cookc home closet is Worm weather apparel is mansion photo huts ERNEST WOMEN WNVENER and Winter wear will be acccpl sold only at tho Sprlng Nearly New ASSISTANTS as treasurer of the Ncarly Ncw proiect other convench ar Mrs Moran who will look after the salcs assistants Mrs Mctcnlfc Mrs Rick wood Mrs Scat Mrs Armstrong Mrs wear purses louclry and othcr clothing accessories Household necdcd llrc dishes bcdd tug furniture anti oloctrlonl up plisncts in good working ordcr Prcturts books bricnbroc aud antiques all altroct buyers The new mcmbcrs will be at the Parish Hall on the day pre rinus to the sale IOCL all day to receive articles for pricing and tagging Aniclu not sold must he picked up the day following the sale unless donors specify giv ing them to welfare or mission ar use Articles not picked up will go to the Scott mission or other missionary services or to Trinity Church welfare in charge of Mrs Plgnll and Mrs Sparham Mrs George Seymour will act Asquith Mrs Fisher Mrs muunn truths Mlalu3 required ivr rheanel Chumncv Mn innhidea mens suits womenl Mrs lnclr Butler Mrs wear childrens and lufnnts wear shoes and outdoor foot Wuodgcr Mrs Mlllonuy 1de and lo lln porysuik is in charge oi public ly food Quality Differences Be Problem To Shopper Whl mnku blue brand bccf different from red brand And what is the difference be tween grades marked Fancy or Gaolpet These are some of the ques tionS the consumer finds con fronting her when she does her weekly shopping in the super market InCnnoda many food prod ucts in retail stores are sold on the hosts of quality grade Retailers and processors in cluding Grocery Products Manu facturers of Canada point out thaithe grade ls regulated by standards established by federal and provincial legislation and must appear on the product or the container SHOP BY GRADE Consumers Who are infnrmed nudiwant value from their food dollar learn to shop by grade Selection should be guidcd by the consumers budget by her am llystastcsx and by the kind of meal she intends to prepare In grade identification the word Canada indicates that the product has been classified according to federal standards enforced by Canadas Depart THE MAR 21 to APR 20 Aries day for actionl he sure your energies are directed into can rtructlve channels only APR 21 to MAY 21 Taurus good period for introducing new Iideasi also for developing thqse of others MAY 22 to JUNE 21 Gemini Especinlly favored lntcllec tunlycultural pursuits alsn con ferences with associates in fur ther mutual interests JUNE 22 to JULY 23 Cancer Bo prepared for the unex pected and should it arrive you want lose your equilibrium meat of Agriculture inspectors Among the items that are vailable by grade are cheddar cheese skim milk powder meat butter poultry processed fruits fresh fruits eggs vegetables either fresh or processed maple syrup and honey By far the largest proportion of processed fruits and veget ables sold in Canada are pack ed by grade and almost all are packed in plants registered by the federal government Cana dns food processing industry has pledged itself to cooperation with government in abiding by regulations that relate to grind log The end objective is to at fer the consumer protection in the form of quality and slan dardizntion of grades in multi tude of fonds at the retail lev El IMPORTED FRUITS OR VEGETABLES vhon imported fruits or veg etables that are canned frozen or dehydrated are said in retail stores they too must meet ted eral grade standards if grades have been established or the product Country of origin must be shown on labels STARS SAY RELIJTA lengc and you may face some interesting ones now Meet with vun NOV 23 to DEC 21 Sagittar lnnlSome good news from rel aflves afar should make for an especlally happy day Domestic concerns highly favored DEC 22 to JAN 20 Capri conilSnme changes or adjust ments may be necessary if so handle in your usual philosophi cal manner JAN to FEB 19 Aquar foalDirect your very effective energies down worthwhile road Stress your artistic side FEB 20 to MAR 20 Pisces JULY 24 to AUG 23 Leo GlE consideration to ideas You may run into some opposi llon Cnunternct with logic and yaurkecn scnsa of humor AUG 24 to SEPT 23 Virgo friendly clay You should pick up sums new interests havo on opportunity to profit through creative interests SEPT 24 In 001 23 Libra Rlde alongwith propitious ln fluences Acqualnt yourself with new trends and tnkc measures an occasion demands OCT 24 to NOV 22 Scorplo Y0u usually enjoy chat and methods that clicked be fore and could again rho with new twist pe p5 ASTROSPECTS Some adr verse planetary inuences bring tendency Inward pessimism during the early boursbut it you can ride them out by con centrating on your blessings you should find the late after noon surprisingly happy one sociability and El marked uplift the evening in mental attitudes should spark Some canned vegetables and this includes beans and peak are graded and marked as to size or they are marked as sorted slzes or mixedslzcs when shopping for canned veg stables and fruits look for grade marks Canada Fancy is highest grade signifying that the prod uct has been packed from clean and sound fruits or vegetables at the peak of maturity The grade indicates that the product will be free from blemishes and of good color and uniform in slze lhc marking guarantees uniformity of size and color Next onthe scale is Canada choice and here there are slight variations in size and color but the product must be packed from fruits or vegetalhes that are fruits or vegetables that are clean sound and tree from blemishes The liquid will be fairly clear Canada Choice is suitable for use where tender ness and flavor are required but where perfect uniformity in size and color is not neccssary The next grade for canned fruits and vegetables is Canada Standard signifying that the canned fruit or vegetable has been prepared from quality pro ducts but is not necessarily of uniform size Fruit of this kind is very good for use in gelatin desserts or frozen dishes or for puddings And vegetables that are marlrod Canada Standard are excellent in soups or scab lopnd dishes TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 723ltZ414 hitsl Illllllul Es14mg mumn Mlntnu Royal unultoa Wedgwood SpnlB Rnyul Albert CANDLE SHOP CHINA AND GIFT SHOP COLLIER ST OPPOSITE WDOLWOBIIIS OPEN Dally E230 600 Thurs Fri II 900 $122112 7282395 Held In Shantv5BanClluICh Call Andrey Canno or mossi XI BETA Pl mm Thirteen members of Xi acts Pl Chapter at Beta Sigma Pbl Sorority mct Sept 22 at Ross St residence of Mn Alex Sim 00 hlondny $11123 Pot hick supper will be held at the Wood crost raidcnce of Mrs Gordon Spring fhls will be followed by an evening of Court Waist Mrs Alex Sim presented the program Art in Our Heuel and stress ed that althouyi vn may not be able to mate wort of art we can use works of art to achieve beauty and unity in home det crating The Oct 15 meeting will be acid It the home of Mrs Ken Donovan 209 Garson Street JEANS DUPLICATE BRIDGE Winners Wednesday evening at Jeans Duplicate Bridge Club were first Hazel and Mathewson second Mr and Mrs Schnnn and third Mrs Condor and MIL anery Scpl 30 has been designated the 50th Year For The IODE The scml annual meeting of the Provincial Chapter of Oult tario Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire will take place on Wednesday and Thursday at the Chntcau Louricr in Ottawa 1pc thcmo oi the meeting ln lhls the 50th Asnivcrsary Your of to Chapter will be You the Citizen Highlights of he twoday meet ing will be the BestownlCcre many on chncsdny morning of the newly organized Lomirn Billings Chapter of Ottawa Leading the discussions during the aficrnuon session Seminar for Citizen will be Dr Morrison Deputy Director Gc cral Food and Drug Directorale Department of chlth and Wel fare and Professor Douglas Dale of Carleton University The public is invitedtn ot tend these discussions tour of the National Arts Centre will conclude the after noon activities reception and dinner will take place In the evening at which time the pro Iuntntlun this Short Story wnrds will be made The program following will cmpha size the soth Anniversary onlo brotions of the Chapter Thurs day morning will be mainly dc voted to discussions and busi ness sessions Mrs Bruce Cralk Bum dns provincial president wlll preside and Mrs George Tait of Toronto National President of Canada IODE will he in at tendnncn throughout the entire meeting Beauty Hints Skin care continues to be all Important How good your skin is basically has much to do with how well your makeup lonklefoisturlzcrs in everything are must right through your makeup line up All new mois turized slick makeup in tropi cal or rosy bcige has the moisture laden coverage your skin iu its transition between summer tan and winter while ness needs for both health and beauty Teentigers are going oven board for yogurt and other hcal they lands Look at the rash of health food shops sprouting and the growth of the dairy sections in the super markets If youre the guiding light of young family supplement this health food fanfare with an all clear skin program for the teenagers Earn higher interest on our Guaranteed Investment Certicates now paying as high as eight and three quarter percent mm ofcial opening night of the sea soa door prize an well as prizes loathe vlnnrn will be awnrdcd their meeting with in non wal nomad queen for this iiiwad murmur GREETINGS for Harry Armstrong Codrlngtc MI day BARRIE JAYCEXTES ner roast Sept 23 Prior to the at the Loyal True Blue Hall lm new members were in ducted Mrs Sykes Mrs ton The next meeting will be ENNTY on com omens The sisnly nay Goal coitus opened members weighing in Uul Hen chk Norma Campbell present ed the East End Barrie Bells with gavel card party fol Congrntulatlons are In er of St who will be cclclt brntlng holsl his birthday on The Barrie Jnycettu cater taincd their husband at wel mcst brief business meeting was held at which plans for the rummage sale to be held Oct William and Mrs Wal hcld lit the homo of Mrs Sykes Historic oldst Mu Maa sen Burch in Shanty Buy In the setting for the auran cl Miss KarenDiane Helen Non roan ton daughter at Mrnnd Mrs John Home of Bay to Martin Robert finish the son of Mr and Mn finish of St Vincent St Hurts on Sept Rev Flynn officiated It the ceremony at accompanist was mus Ross of Barrie lecu in MIC hzr father the bride were Lloug white noun gown with long puffy rlecves high neckline an am pm waht and long train Her headdrul DI ntln emhmld cred flowers held threequar ter length vell noudUET She carried bouquet of pinkl trailing rvsu Miss Lois flame of Stroud was the mold of honor The brides maids were Kathy Norma of Shanty Bay sister of the bride and Judy Duunlu of Hawkestone 1111 mold of honor won full length pink gown with deep plnk velvct belt hanging to the floor he bridesmaids wore floor gowns in powder blue 3cm in darknr blue AHENDANTS All three ottcndants worc oppy hills with velvet tlcstn match their gowns They earned pink and blue murns The best mun was chtm The two pantsuits above make becoming outfits both for the country and the city In cnsycaro double knit fat Tics of Orlnn acrylic fibre the punt suits are by Modan pilisv coueuv clue to 531 TWO PANT ENSEMBLES FOR COUNTRY Miss of Montreal At left the safari style top is belied with four topstitched front pockets The tunic with pants at right can be worn with or without in shirt or pullover SERIOUS THOUGHT TO YOUR COMPANYS UNITED company cnrwosscr solicits your donu tlon They will see you soon imam Smdlcl ME AND MRS MARTIN ROBERT HULAK Fauhcad of Barrie Martin mn nlncu of Sudbury and Robert NorTcnu of Shanty Bay brolh er of the bride were the ushers The brides mother received at the reception hold at the Bay ahoro in green shimmering dress with while accessories and while orchid This bridegroums mother were gold glimmering dnss with while accessories tier corsagc Wu also white orchid The brides goingoswny outfit was red and black wctlook drum with red accessories Following their honeymoon Ru eouple will reside at 65 Thorncllff Park Drive Apt aio main Next Ycar Care Labelling For All Consumer Fabrics OllAWA Consumer and Corporate Affairs Minister Ron Bastard announced plans for the introduction of voluntary sys tem of care labelling for con sumer fabrics next fall The mllltl color five sym bol system will employ woven or printed labels on clothing yard goods and household tcx tiles The symbols lvllt advise mumclson how to wash bleach dry iron or dry clean fabrics Specifications for the new scheme have been devised by the Consumer Affairs dDa mrut and the Canadian Govcrre meat Specifications Board in co operation with manufacturers retailers and consumers The specifications l1an been rcnlscd t0 the trade and an in tenslve program of fabric lest lng and prcparntlon of labels wlll be under way in the coming your the minimum period for achleving lmplemcntntlon Use of the labels is voluntary but im proper use of the symbols will be forbidden The Minister expressed his thanks to those who have oficb cd cooperfntinn in this lntroduv liPPEAL Vllhe Barrie United Appeal urgently request you take advantage of your companys Payroll Deduction Plan very convenient and easy way for you to do your share in assisting to build better Barrio Be partner in community servico when your tion of the system and urged consumer groups and lfidllldlle We havqworkcd out sys oonsumor groups and individu to support it We have worked out syp tem for Canada that is designed for our needs lr Buford said believe it will be help lul in the care and prescrva tion of materials Similar sys tems have proved effective in Europe TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7284414 VELKAY Mntcrnlty Mantel Size 320 Yours for economy doors cast of City Hall 100 Collier Barrie 72838 Frs THE WAY io GivE Be partner ill community service