with 845 05 in EXAMlNER rsmmuss 106rh Yur No22 Large Manhunt In New England For Police Killer HAW Mass AP than no policemen steed mud northeastern 1M mat and New Hamp Ibim late Friday and early today for wuinm it Gllday one of ve Demu charred tn the mochlnbgun slaying of Boston policth dintug bank robbery Wednsday on police horn in communi tla also manned roadblocks when Glidny ii of Amesbnry Mm was spotted several timu During on these police said he stole three can look qu persons hostage and was cornered once but eluded capture after Exchanging shots with police Also nought were Katherine Power Debra Odd regis tered in senior at Brandish Univenity in Waltham Mm Susan Sm 20 Albany NIL June graduate of Brndeis and Stanley Bond Cambridge Mast Police slid they believed me three flew to Loo Angelo Thursday Robert Vllcrl 21 or Sum ville Man was exerted few hours tilt the 328000 rubbery Wednesday of branch office of State Street Bank and Trust Co Patrolman Waller Schroeder was kiel dlirud ntg shrub It was killed during the nibL Conservatives Risk Votes On Farm Market Council Bill OTTAWA CF lhe federal Conservative party tradition aUy strong in rural areas ap pear to be taking calculated risk an the governments nil tiundl farm products marketing bill that could pay all politically o1 lenve it with egg on its face Bill 0157 would umblish national lamproducts minkw lug council and set up national farm marketing lgnndes for various commodities when his provinces agreed to panidpnte or delegate their Powers The Conservatives dug in their heels before the bill ceived lowed reading in Lb Common last June letting it mainly with the accusation that it does not guarantee farmer representation on either the council or the agencies which it would establish However Lbs Corinavotive allowed the bill to go through nd readmg and on to com mlteo when the light was to So member were mailed this weekto deal with can on acne province indirectLy by bovin their maikgbug board rum gain mm my meanconic nccdm session today Arttannin session is to end soon after members resume sibling on Oct if govummcnl plans pan out Mr Olsons plea was based on the cblckcirand egg war that has sprung up between severat provinces and the danger of it spreading to other cammodldm fbc chickenlinden war es defensive conflicts started last spring when Quebec grew frustrated trying to com vince Ontario egg producer that they should restrict that exports to Quebecs bigbprlcu moneyind turned to regular lions to protect Quebecs pending producers The Quebec egg market sud dcnly became less attractive Ontario producers would call to have shipments approved and receive no answer or would find their perishable product waiting in the hot run while being cleared though red tape For the first time it became evident that provinces may be able crudkt imp2m of syl enltnrnl commodities from plish this feat directly by limit ulster Olson urged ap lng imports because interpro val in lime for speedy Cunt mobs passage this ueuinn lbn vlncial trade is federal jurb diction Barrie Ontario Canada Saturday Sophmbor 16Al91ll OFFTRACK WERS NOT BEING PLACED Duke Inquiry Told No Evidence Of Wrong Friends TORONTO CPl vigor nus lnvutigaunn by five mum hem of the criminal lnvnstlgn flan branch of the provincial po lico turned up be evidence of improper associations between Georgi Clinton Duke and three men of alleged criminal back ground judicial inquiry was told Friday The former head of the branch Assistant Commission Hmld Grnbnm testified re guiding connection between the millionaire Onkville Ont businessman and two of the menlobe Pirann and Donald Red leBane He said be knew little about Daniel Gnsboninl the third person named by Dr Motinn Sbulmnn New Democrch Putty member of the Ontario legislature for High Park in June legislature rpeech Mr Justice Campbell Grant of the Ontario Supreme Court in conducting the lnquiry into Mr Dukes relations with senior OPP officers and with persons of known criminal activity of Mr Gusbarriul lift Gra ham said have no direct knowledge that be is anything but rehabilitated clleen 1112 Elam Examin BARBIE MINOR HOCKEY TRYOUTS Tryouts for Barrie Minn Hockey Association teams be gab this morning nt the Bar rle Arena From left Elli Itemlo novice coach gives stickhandling in to Steve Calmveil 10 of Welling ton Street and Ernie Cumm ing 10 of Guthrie during the early morning session total of 81 boys attended tire novicn trynuu Later in the morning peewoe and bantum aged boys had their turn an the ice Examinat Pbotal Civilian Ahmed Toukan Heads mm tarsuntan King Hussein of Jordangnly hours after cutting on Palestin 13 Convicted Of Murder Launch Immediate Appeal CALGARY GP An imme diuto appeal will be launched rgutnst the noncapital murder conviction of 13 men charged following the death of motor cycle gun president defence lawyers Friday The men all but tWo mem bers of tho Grim Reapers mo torcycle club were the largest group ever convicted lna nlngle murdcr case in Canada jus tice department source said They were brought to trial in Alan Supreme Court after Ronald George Hartley 29 Epsu leader of lho Outcast mommy cle club dledltlarch Evidence during the veday trial indicated he died after one of the accused hit him on the hand with in length of chain dun ing confrontation between the gangs on run road southeast of the city The jury was out for almost nine hours before they returned their guilty verdict hldny and Mr Justice Nell Primrose passed the mandatory life senb cocoa As he passed sentence one of the 11 Jurors shook his head and Possible Police Force yIor MidEast WASHINGTON ReutmlTop UnitEd suites olclnls left open today the possibility of his USSevfet fierce to police settle merit of the Middle East conflict but denied the Soviet Union had already made contact with Washington with such proposal Rescue Teams Sea rch For Lost Miners DOLA Zambia ReuteintRescuo teams frantically searched todal for more than copper miners trapped tn Zamblos forest mining disaster as hopes of timing them alive 31de faded Electrical Crisis Appears Over NEW YORK APiThe eastern seaboarde grand electrical crisis since the extensive 1966 power failure appeared in be over tony after three days of voltage rationing and deliberate limi ted blackouts Oomolldatcd Edison 00 in New York City out back its voltage for the fourth any in row but not until afternoon temperatures began snoring reaching record Melt of so degrees atatpm Pope Paul Is 73 Today VA CITY APiPope Poul fumed 73 wday but for the smudaiNln mw he planned no birthday celebration Nixon Steps Toward Independent Post Axum id at Ni has taken the first wilt rm inc numb States postal service to on independent federal agency mamint nimdnomhel board of governors that will be in charge morning it trial on charges of 1969 Pilots Demand Cockpit Protection APtoAitllno lots are demanding the shot doors main than over now that armed arshnls ride dim planes as guard against hijackers Mmwm Mmw 321 the judge tasked him why be had done so My Lord just dont undert atnnd this What WM the charge Tue charge was murder the judge replied No mean the sentence Your hardship As the member continued to shake his bend the jury was pulled and the ludge said You were pulled guilty as charged You know the charge you saw the indictment Someday theyll legalize it and when they do were ready ion guerrillas to slam the door sautJuievcr an dissumllm and hostility formed new civilian government today under Pul entlnlnu premier Wham he charged to do everything possi ble to return the strifetorn country to normal Radio Amman reported but Hussein hadtll7P0lntEd Ahmed Tnukan to bend new man cabinet to replace the military government formed Sept 16 11 day before the kings tanks rvlled into the capital of Amman to try to crush insub gont guerrillas The military leadership under Brig Mohammad Daoud re signed Friday its the king reached ceasefire agreement with tho guerrillas tiller nine days of bloody fighting In tho Middle East monarchy Tuukan also will be foreign minister in the new cabinet which includes at least five sol diers and four other Polestln inns Hussein earlier had sold in Radio Amman broadcast that new government would be formed wlthln hours in the same broadcast ho to fitted Egypts accusation that Hussein had violated the Jan danlnn ceasefire and planned to liquidate Arab guerrillas Thu king sold his forces had ob served the truce dcsplto end less provocations and called on the guerrilla to slam the door shut forever on dissunslon and hastlllt Meanwhile the guerrillnn arr cused the Jordanian army of murdering Palestinian wounded with mochlneguus and axes in an Amman bospltul and for mer fanlanlan ally Libya broke diplomatic relations with the beleaguered monarchy The Jordanian army has been standing stlll around Roman and lrbid 511 miles north of Amman for the last three days Hussein sold in his broadcast Tho situale in Amman was calm ho udded except for scattered incidents where the armed forces were attacked Heebargrzd that number of guerrilla groups were opposed to the ceasefire and were trying to sabotage it The charge that Jordan had broken the ceasefire agreement was made by Egyptian Preslr dent Gnmnl Abdel Nasser in cable sent to Hussein and broadcast Web Radio Amman It was sent in tho names of nine Arab countries whose lenders have been holding on emer gency summit in Cairo News reports from Jordan Friday night said the fighting but ended The mundtbcclock curfew which had been in effect in Amman for mom than in week was lifted for five hours daily Radio Amman said However the Al Fatah infor mation office in Beirut Leba non sold violent fighting broke out at dawn uutsldc Amman today spokesman reported an lIS Discloses Evidence Oi Cuban Submarine Base WASHINGTON AP The United States defence depart ment disclosed evidence Friday of what it said appears to be submarine support buss under canstructlon in the harbor at Missionary Bertha Whyle Plans Training Centre In BC PETERBOROUGII om total Bertha Mom Whyte fully recovered from gangrene and stroke announced plans Frlday for nsslon training centre in British Columbia its students and eventual mis sionaries would be youLbs who have broken the drug habit and accepted the Lllld Jesus but who dont have anything to do because they dont want to fit back into the rut theyve broken out of graying softspoken women of 54 Mrs wbyte sold but home in Nigeria for 100 orphans is ap orating successiully Silo said aim is planning an emergency centre for Blafran children and hopes to regain Whitehaven in Bowmnnvillv 0nt us headquarters for her mission work Wbitehnven is the home where she cared for upto 150 mlidrenln defiance of Ontario regulationsuntil the goverm mcnt moved tn to yours ugu and removed the children Mrs Whyte her husband Bart and their family moved to British Columqu when they leased property on Giant Head Mountain near Pentictou The 30 government also refused licence for in chil drcnn homo and they left for Nigeria Clenluegas Cuba possibly for use by mlssileflrlng Russrm subs now pusltioned in the At luntlc Defence Secretary Melvin Luitd said that While we have seen activity along this line as for us Cuba is concerned it in little early to determine the ex tent of Russian naval involvo merit there White House officials quickly responded by saying the us would View the establishment of strategic base In the Carib bean with utirwstscrlousness However no diplomatic repre sunlallrms have been made to Moscow Officials it immediately titcw purnlicl wlthttto 1962 Cuban missile crisis when President John Kennedy said peace in Lite Caribbean could be preserved if Soviet offensive weapons were removed from the area and kept out in the fu tum The magnitude or the new novel development in Cuba is not the some as eight years ago when Russia placed offen sive missiles on the island 90 miles from the 115 mainland nttnck by royal troops on gun rilln positions at Zarqu He sold the fighting was for control of bridge on the road northeast of the capital The royal after having suffered heavy losses radio reported earlier that the curfew in 2mm would be lifted today implying that the area was in Jordanian army hands from Amman to anu 15 miles Lipr retreated be said But Amman TORONTO lCPt The Joele Club armed with evi dence gathered after an investi gation by it own security agents says that litth of the money wagered through olf trock messenger betting shop reaches the pnrimutuul win dow of its five Ontario trucks xe club said it will ban from the track it operates for then ougbbmi and stoudardbred ruc ing nil those it known are asso eluted with operating offtrack shops It also called for pmsccu flan of the shops by federal and provincial outbnriLlrj John Mooney executivu vicepresident of um Jockey Club made the announcement of press confemce Friduy and Said the evidence will be forwarded to Jultlcc Minister John Turner and AttorneyGen oral Arthur Wlslmrt of Ontario ISSUES STATEMENT Mooney snld in statement For considerable period of time the Jockey Club has been cf the opinion ian very little of the aggregate maniac wagered offtruck messenger betting shops is being lawfully bat through the parimutucl sys tem of race tracks when messenger first commenced messengers were observed in signicant number with lists for wagering on variety of bursa During the current your very few of such messengers have been ab served at the track despite cen Ltnrxoul Jonmm tbs management and by Emilan pummel Bottlng by such messengers has appeared to be sporadic and the aggregate nmount wagered has been relatively 5mm tendon Dick deputy Attor neygeneral said Friday night his department and law enforce merit agencies are aware of the ucthlLlos of ofltrnck betting shops The police are working on this continually but they find it is very difficult to get the needed evidence he said Iockey Club Asks Prosecution 0i OffTrack Belting Shops Mooneys charges are based on evidence collected by Jack Club security officer who placed but at 11 offtrack shut in and near the Metropolitan Toronto am In two of three betting expert menu the offlcc Placed more money rm specific bursa than turned up in the track show pool for those horses AGENTS BET Mooney said his agents place ban of nfftrack shops on Sept 15 and 17 and men checkell the pattern of wagering at the tracks concerned In this first experiment the agents put beLr to show run third at better totalling on in Canadian money on abutop Manly in the third race of Gun don City St Catharina Out The total amount wagered on this horse to show lbrvuw the parimutuel system was $50 of which only $40 was in Canadian funds in the second experiment bets totalling $19 in Canadian funds were placed at 10 off track shops on Coquinc in the fourth race at Garden ClLY The total amount in the purlmutuel slmw pool on tth horse was $101 of which only $60 was in Cana dian funds The third experiment was made Sept 17 But to pincn finish second or first totalling 3191 were made on Glensan blastle in this WWI In Mum Mbuney bald amount actually wugumd was $169 Mooney admitted lt is not pus slble to establish which shop or shops failed to through the partmuluel by tom He said however the Jockey Clubs investigation showed that some operator or employees of shops are persons of such reputation and record that they would not be allowed upon the premises at Jockey Club trunks OTTAWA CF The Cona dlan armed forces are well into their descent toward the re duced manpower levels set by thegovernment last year Figures released hidny by the defence department show that the Strength of the regular services at July 31 was 91721 computed with 97044 on Sept 30 1969 The drop of 5823 in 10 months represented fast start on thin departments goal of cutting the number of servicemen to 92000 in three years announced Sept 19 1999 by former defence min ister Leo Cndieux The new defence minister Donald Mucdonald takes over department wlth the smallest active service roll since 1951 At that pointearly in the Komnn War builduptotal strength of the regular was 68427 The following year it had jumped to 95394 PEAK IN 1952 postwar peak of 128474 was reached in lamo year after the Berlin crisisand since than than has been steady decline when integration of tin armed forces begun in August 1964 service was 119058 Canada hit its alltlmo peak in military strength in 1944 when iaotlvn servicemen numbered some 189001 Ex Film Censor Bevieviring Movies EDMONTON CPl Jock Dny former Alberta film cen sor will do movie reviews on freeInner basis for CBC Ed mnton it was announced Mb Mr Day was suspended as censor last December after two morals charges were laid against him no resigned last week The stnry of life between suspension and resignation will form part of CW television program DONALD MncDONALD The postwar Lrougb was in 19 IMJWO men in Life First World War the Felice Finally SEATTLE lCP Pollce Frl dxry night flnully pinned the right name an young Onturlw mun behind bars here today charged with kldnapplng Van couver man in fund and son chase that followed bank roblt bevy in downtown Victoria Thursday RCMP headquarters in Victu rio identified the suspect as Ecrlrhurd Batuman 19 on On tnrle resident for the past nine your lllld believed to be nrlgl nully from Hamburg Germany Police said he may have lived in Bellavlliu cut when taken into custody early Friday morning aboard US Coast Guard outth alter three persons were held hostage abuard sailboat the youth Armed Forces Descend Toward Manpowe Levels number of enlisted men reached iaiunn The low point between the wars was 3959 in 193 Canadas defence budget bus been frozen by the government at 31800000000 for tutu at four years ending with the 19 73 fiscal your LOW IN 194743 The postwar low in expandi tums was $190000000 in 194749 the postwar high 51832418461 in ISMm The alltime peak in expendi tures was SZK9317689 in fiscal year 194445 Compare this with the halcyon your 1924125 when the defence budget was $13320037 lowest in tilie pastFirst World War pn od Not just the regular forces are being hit by current defence cuts The reserves which also bail been declining steadily for number of yours on in proc ass of being cut to 19000 from 23000 lust year Identity Young Kidnapping Suspect lduntlllcd bimsrlf to American authorities as Rory Shayne Prior to his armst Canadian police had been referring to the suspect as William Lawrence Olcrilk 26 man who oscuped from ll minimum security lnstl iutlun in British Columqu enn lier in the month An RCMP spokesman said Friday night tentative tdontlft cuilun naming the man Olcnlk was released because of radio brondcosLs the police hoped would persuade the man to nun render Batman laborer was lddnr tlflcd through fingerprints forr worded ta RCMP headquarters in Ottawa by police officials hero the total Place bets