Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1970, p. 30

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CHRISTIAN ISLAND CHAPTERS AT BARRIE FAIR Mrs Harriet King left and Mrs Sophia Sunday iright lot Giristian island two gradu ates of recent zkweck course on Indian crafts and sewing sponsored by Canada Manpow er were at the Barrie Fair Saturday demonstrating some types of Indian eratiinp The ANN LANDERS AD SES items which were on display include handmade moccasins and beaded headbands as well as dolls clothes sewn out of Hubby And His Mother fAre Too Old To Retrain Dclr Ann Lands Recently we had party at our home My Iiilows were invited as they al ways are when we entertain Both are in excellent health should feel IDzoodl After dinner noticed my rnotiyenlndow hadron for her son to come to the hack of the house My curiosity got the best of me so followed them When opened the door to my sewing room twhidt had been closed but not locked was shocked to see my husband busily trim ming his mothers toenails They greeted me In friendly manner and invited me in My motherInlnw said with comldarablo pride cuts tocnails like my Irving feel so much better now Its is load all my feet For your information Ann hinders Irving is 46 years old Am wrong in be set over this It seems to ms middle of party is hardly the time to cut toenails And dont you agree that my motherlnlnw should ask her husband and not KITCHEN KAPEBS mine to perform this personal servlccwlfe OI lNT The NailTrimmer Dear Dynamite According to your moiherimiaw nobody cuts tocnalis like her Irving so there you have it agree she could have selected better time but not worth fighting about Your husband in too old to re trainand so is your mntherltr law Forget It UNREIISTAND Dear Ann Loaders My father doesnt understand me am sure lots of letters to you start off Ihh way but lm not stap ping here What want to say is dont care whether my dad un derstands me or not because know he loves me We dis or on nbautmany things and im sure he thinks lm dumb and miserable think he is spaced out and has no idea of what its like to be teenager today But underneath it all feel his love and know he is smarter than am about certain things because he has lived through more know too ho Is on my side and everything he tells me is for my own good lie may not always be right but he is my friend and this Is what counts Son Drnr Son What great lol ler lm not printing the name of your city because lm sure Eggs Sold By The Dozen Are Bought By The Pound Eggs are currently in plentiful iupply and an inexpensive mcut alternate so take ndvantngc of air built in convenience But on being what they are and not mechanical filling or pack aging devices they dont al ways lay the same size of egg They start off on pulie laying small eggs and gradually work to large or extra large as they become mature hens Doyond saying what the cur rent price is for specific sizo fnuturos musterpiece usually goes unpromotcd hccuuso pr tlcaliy everyone buys eggs by size small medium large or extra large ignoring the fact that weight of dozen eggs should he considered in price comparison By knowing what the Canadian government rcgu lotions are regarding egg Weights and sizes you can net ually purchase heavier doznn Ontarios many egg producer processing plants and distribu tors supply Ontario homemak ers with top quality eggs all year round and as stated nup poo hilo cm mgilziiwiiiiilllirn can live 30 traci plics are ample especially of small eggs at the present time To assist thc homemaker in de ciding which size is bcst buy keep the following facts In mind gt Government regulations set minimum weight for each size of egg in each size category Min imum weight per villi for Small size is no ounces Medium ounces Large ounces and Ex tru Large Eli minccn Lnruo size and Extra Liir are pan ed as Large only in omo areas offering special bonus to ohop porn From this you can see that eggs sold by the dozen are net uuiiy bought by the pound To simplify the nbovo regula tions check the local prices If grade Small are our quar ter less In price and grade Medium are lilo eighth loss than Grade Large tho cost in all the Home nunca fur mince To help in using eggs in In tcrcuting wuya there is trcr reclpo booklet nnliiitti Cooking Ontariou Egg Send your ntimu all scoklnl yams Faun up and address to EGGS 109 Vungo St Vlliawdule Ont and request copy The nutty omelet recipe which follows is good way to use eggs but with new twist The cheese gives it nut like flavor and iii delicious us it tight main course nnytlmc DUTCH COUNTRY OMELET cats salt and pepper utrips bacon In pieces medium onion chopped tmcdium tomato peeled and chopped medium mushrooms tcrcd icup coarsely shredded ported llollund Edam or Gouda For the filling suuio huton plccos 23 minute then add onlnn tomato and mushrooms cook until tender Fold in all but toblcsponnn of tho shredded imported llnlinntl cheese lifelin wliilc to make the omelet beat the eggs suit and pepper with fork until yolks and whites are well blended Inhout 20 seconds Iluco tableapoon of butter in omelet pan or non sticking skillet set over high heat Coat bottom and sides of the pan by uwirllng the butter in It when Ionm sottien pour In tho beaten eggs Lightly stir eggs with the flat II fork while baking the pun When eugs buvo thickened spoon filling in email the middle of tho omelet Lift the closest edge and euro fully roll the nmolct up in tho other Ida of the pun AUow it to for few itLtftlmiN then tilt tho pan flilti roll omelet out onto wurmrd plfttt Sprinkle with rvcii Hhrtddcd lioilnnd chceii bat with butter II de ntrrd place under heated broil er moment until rhuenn me one or two ilctvlnga quor im NEW IN CANADA buckskin and were all made by participants in the course taught by slrs Mason of Guthrie Examiner Photo there are millions of dads out there who would like to think it was meant for them Thank you for writing SAY NUIIIIVG Del Ann Llnd What can be done about young ininw who is too lazy to acknowledge wedding gift She waits until she runs into people Then she gushes all over them and blurs out list of excuses for not writing thankyou note This is especially embarrassing when people outside the family call me to ask if their present was received The usual phrase is We he vent had an acknowledgement Maybe the gift went astray havent said word because dont want to start anything if ever told her what thought it would he the end of our relationship Can you sug gest way to teach the bride some mannersTWhlle Plains Dcar Sounds like your daughterlnlaw about that My advice is to say no thing If her war mother didnt teach her manners she is not likely to appreciate any belated lessons from her mntherIniaw When questioned nboiit an un acknowledged glit urge the per son to call Super Slob and ask her if the gift was received Theres always Chance the gift did go astray In which case the store should be notified THE STARS By EBIREIJJTA F0 TOMORROW Despite pond influences new governan personal relation ships some restrictions are im posed by certain plnnctnry as pects notably need for euro in all correspondence and com munlcntlnns generally also In Ilnunre Neither is this good period launching now enter prise FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope lndl while you ciin make way in material Int ls during the next i2 months it would be sensible to concentrate on rea tinntltllc goals llliIltl thtin to strive for the Impossible on Oct in you will cnttt an excellent period for occupa tionul itltclclttliflf which will limt until inldJununrybut uftor lhut meant for brief pclt riods In late Morel and early August Nupti At St Andrew Reta Marisa Harris ha in of in and sin Giants LEu ru cl rm pm Frederick Ian Is Ired Dotson at an 3m and the late Mr my om married on Aug Rev outs Jay Win the alternx May in And ws Prbytcriu Church Barr Baskets or immde 51 all rigculled the church for the DCCBSICS lrs Lest wslu prumed the organ and ed sole 51 Don losoo who sang weddisg Prayzr and Edwards former pupil or bride who sang sameonc gig grr than You or BRIDAL cantid Given in run use her In ther the bride war lull length gown of Penn do charms and Norwegian lace designed with iscolieeved bodies and full skirt accented with chapel train axirnding from tin back neckline are tiers usion silk fash cried the shoulderlength veil litid by headdress of flowers and rhinestones The bride car ried bouquet of red and white rows ATIFNDANTS niiss Susan Marshall of Bar rie was mold of honor Mrs Sandra Harris Mrs Betty Oslo icy and iliss Diane Perkins of namp were bridesmaids The brides former pupils Pamela Fortroll and George Edwards amended as flower girl as ring bf 111s maid of honor ud brides maids nvre niptruth am of was de charms and Norwegian lace fashioned on the Iiiine with overskiru of lace the color of the underdresses ihs maid of hcnars gun was mauve and tits bndesnsids dresses were yel low Th flare girl wore gown In similar style fstiomd of mauve peau do charm with an overrun of wtite lace Roses of matching malaisi fashioned their hesdpleces Peter Dobson was his broth ers best man Eton Harris broth er of the bride Bob Oakley and Bill kid all of Barrie were the ushers RECEPTION The brides mother received guests at reception in was sing Cumunity Centre Ker light pink dress featured white flauntd lacs overlay and she were white and pink rose buds in her cotffurc matchinl corssgs of similar owers The bridegrooms mother as sisted in deep pwpls ensemble and carsage of white and pink rosebuds The brides goingvnwsy outfit wnsapsls green crimplroe dress trimmed with white lace and accented with Vith accessories and corsnga at yellow rosebuds On return from the honey moon trlp to Niagara Falls and points in the USA the couple will make their home at RR Harris THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUST SI 1970 PEOPLE AND PLACES Call Audrey Cannon or Nancy Rodilanes It 1204531 SEPTEMBER WEDDING The engagement of Miss ltulh Margorct Cooke to John Edward Ilead has been announced by the brideclecto parents Mayor and Mrs Cooke The bridegroomelect is the son of Mr and Mrs Clarence Road of strand The afternoon wedding ceremony will take place Sept 25 at the Christian and Mission ary Alliance Church in Barrie RETURN TO ENGLAND Mrs James Rich Mrs David Stone and son Jonathon left Tor onto lnlernatlonnl Airport on Thurdny cvcnin for the home Willti light to England follow ing six weeks visit In Barrie Mrs ltleii and Mrs Stone and son were guests of Mrs Richs brotherrim and sister Mr and MrsT Arthur Sills of ltoso St lilrs Stone and Jonathon spoilt part of the holiday on bus tour In Alberta WEDDING GUE TS Outofciiy guests attending the Dobsoniiarrla wedding in St Andrews Presbyterian Church includnd Mr and Mrs Reg Mll lcr and lilr und Mrs Gar Mll lcr of Sundrldgc Mrs Iorold Baron of Niagara Ful Mr and Mrs Iol Criltcnticn and Mr and Mrs Churlcs Crittcnden of Ortllla COMMUNITY PARTY Grenfoi Cummunity Centre was the scene of party held by Granfol miticnts In honor of newlyweds Mr and Mrs Paul Duhsull Mrs Dobson In tho former lulu Marion llurris SUNDAY IIUHSKS Mr and Mrs corge ilouchcr Muy you will have to keep plugging him until Juno In order to achieve the success but can iID yours litter in 771 From early thut month until the end of next August aspects will be excellent for your inter ests and you should be well sut isilcd with results Personal relatlo lps will be governed by benefitant influ ences for most of the year nhaad but It would be well to ho conscrvutivu whore finances are concerned Soxnu excellent pe rloila along monetary lines are lndlcnt In November innu ary cury March and midJuly but the stunt strongly advise against extravagance and spec ulation during intervening py riods Most auspicious periods for romance October December late March and next August for travel and social uetlvltles 0c tobcr January April nnd August child born on this day will he endowed with great integrity iructlculity tinii officlo will if pcricctlunlut In till it ho undertake THE TOTALLY REAIISTIC WIG Olcrrnnnently set for different hair stych oCIlIIIIIClIIyID with flick of the ltrllltli OIODTV Acro ol Mndncrylln wnnb und wnnr llbcr OCant loan is color let IIEG 3405 NOW ONLY or eurl 2995 JOAN GARRICK IZU COLLIER 51 HAIR STYLISTS 7234M and daughter Patricia of Toron to wero dinner guests of lilrs Bouchcrs brotherlnAlsw and sis tor Mr and furs Fred Coulson chcslcy won the Unich Invest CHAMPION Mrs William Broughton of Chesiey won the United Invest moat Services Ltd trophy for the highest point scorer in crafts and needlework at this years Barrio Fair Mrs Broughton submitted 26 entries SENIOR CITIZENS The president and eight mem bers of the senior cltllcns Got Togcthcr Club of Barrio attend ed thu lzth Annual Convention of the United Senior Citizens of Ontario Inc held at Queens Uni vcrslty Kingston Tho meetin was aliende by 760 senior ei zcns representing many clubs in the province Svaln Mn yar of Kingston welcomed tho delegates and Crawford dir ector oi the office on Aging was guest smoker Gilcss were taken on bus tour of the City oi Kingston and banquet for 1000 guests was highlight with Stanley Knowles MP as speaker Afterwards an orchestra provid ed by the Musicians Union ploy ed music for old time dancinit and square dancing with lady caller Barrio delegates to tho conven tion were Mrs Crnwlord and Mrs Anderson Prost dcnt Mr McGhlc Mrs Irott Mrs Muir Mrs Wiscmnn Mrs Soul Mrs Drake and Mrs Williums Itlno attended The Getllogethor Club will meet on Sept DINING OUT NIGHTS Entire View RESTAURANT is Dunlap Family 725bth Niglitsl Monday to Thursday Sugar Glazed Hum with Spanish So uco OR Canadian Pot Roast of Beef with Natural Gravy 53 Children Under 12 $120 Comploto moat includes Dessert Beverage dis Panto his LII CtrDIX AND MRS PAUL FREDERICK DOBSON Folk Singers Of Trinity Church At RCCO Ottawa convention Mrs Juno Melcnbnehcr and the Folk Singers Choir of Barrlss Trinity Anglican diurch spent last week in Ottawa where they were guests of the Royal Canadian College of Organists during the E000 annual coavon tlon As one of the featured artists of the convention Mrs Melen bacher presented workshop eu RCCO CONVENTION Mr and Mrs Ward Iiiolen bachcr and family have return ed to Harris after visiting 0t tawa where they were gucsLI at the Skyline Hotel liirs Melen bachcr or anlst of Trinity Angll can Chur Harris was one of the fentumd artists at the an nual convention of Royal Canad lnn College of Organists held In Ottawa She is national regis trar of examinations for tho nooo Delegates to the conven tion were present from New York City Chicago Ontario and Quebec ccntrcs and from the Maritime Province titled llow to keep young people Interested in music The Folk Singers Choir direct ed by Mrs Melenbacher song concert and assisted with the RCCO service at St Andrews Presbyterian Church in Ottawa singing halfhour concert of cappclia anthems from the roar gallery of the church This presclntlon was in place of the usual sermon in the service STANDING OVATION The choir received standan ovation following the concert and worn praised for excellent die than and musicianship and com mended for delightful and thoroughly professional perfor mancc The Folk singers are part of the choir system of the Barrie church where Mrs luci enhacher ls organist and choir director Before returning to the city the Folk Singers and their dir cctor were xuesu of tho Kiwanis Club of Ottawa at their lunch con meeting where the choir entertained with program of lolksongs and Broadway tunes BA BUUTIIIUE introducing BALLAWAY TUWE Tho Velvet Look Cullnwuys volvot touch shcorcil lorry towels ALL SIZES BATH FINGER TIP HAND FACE CLOTH ll Groovy Boutique Colors The drapery gtudo Home of Barrlos only Bath Bouii Pink Panther Boutiquequo and 16 Collier St at Clapporton

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