up new Examiner Weill Publisher WilllIm Teller Qumolfldnlpr ichhImn Managing Editor ruesonr MAY IAGI TV Image Is Important In Canadas Petitical Debate it be ins to look now as though Canad tans wil have their great televISion de hate and this time it probably wt clude New Democratic arty leader Douglas as it should We have favored the thing from the start because it lets the party leaders to living rooms all across the country and gives them the time they need to say what they have to say on important issues confronting this nation Prowding it is in fact debate anda lively one it can accomplish more in short period than all the speeches that wdl be made by the leaders during the campaign The leaders themselves of course must put on show of wanting to debate even though they may have some reser vations about the thing Campaign chair man for all parties are understandably concerned that their man may not come across on the screen in way that Will benefit the party and win support They are caught in dilemma There may be more to lose from the debate than they care to risk There may also be much to gain Television as political campaign gad get is relatively new it makes some pol iticians nervous But the medium is here Hnggrisy Andy Gambling 0n numerous occasions in this column there have been editorials suggesting that lotteries are poor way to raise public funds However lotteries in many forms seem to be opular with wide segment of the popu ation Many will probably agree with the Ed monton Journal when it suggests that now the Canadian post office which cert tainly must know what they are is de livering entry forms for Mayor DrapEnus Montreal lottery to 510000 Canadian homes surely even the most bluenosed citizens must agree it is time to end the hypocrisy in the nations gambling laws In this land of $30000 cash bingos $50000 goldbrick raffles and $35000 paradisehome raffles at socalled agri cultural fairs periodic pennystock hinges lavishbetting on horses and countless millions of dollars exported to foreign lotteries surely it is time for even the most nervous of politicians to face up to reality the Journal continues Montreals particular lottery paying only per cent of revenues in prizes looks little too greedy to be verypop ular oncethe first blush of novelty has worn off The experience of the many countries in the world that conduct state iotteriessuggestions thatthe proportion should lose no time in passing the Crim should be at least Soaper cent mIhe Quebec government is going to have court test of Montreals lottery in manner so complicated that special to stay and it is not difficult to foresee the day when party leaders will make most of their major pronouncements in this way and campaignin in every com munity across Canada ivi be thing of the astfor them Television has already worlied an enormous change in this re gard it can only become more impor tant political arm as times goes on We do not suggest this is either god or bad thing There is still no ing quite like seeing peo la in the flesh par ticutarly positions ls simply that it seems inevitable that there will be less personal exposure in the future fac tor unfortunately that will work against those who through no fault of their own are unable to project favorable televi sion image it is to be hoped of course that in the end the image does not completely trans cend the man and all he may stand for This is one difficulty facing Prime Min ister Trudeau in his campaign Too many kisshappy girls tend to istort the image and obscure the man in this regard the adulationis for him both good and bad At the same time apposition Leader Robert Stanfield and Douglas prob ably both Wish they had at least piece of this kind of image action act of the Legislature will be required to accomplish it But Premier Johnson as sures the thousands of Canadians who have already sent $2 for multiples there of in voluntary tax payments to Mont realneed not worry about losing their chances of winning prizel The first monthly draw will take place May 27 Im finding it hard myse not to buy few tickets say ltfr Johnson While he was minister of justice Prime Minister Trudeau said he wanted to legalize lotteries under proper con trols Accordingly he prepared bill to take them out of the Criminal Code and toss them to provincial control The antilottery politicians such as Albertas Premier Manning who say that gambling is poor way for the state to raise money for social purposes are sim ply holding up very dead red herring course lotteries are no substitute for taxation and never could be But thats not the point at all They should be re garded an an innocent form of amuse ment which only government supervision could keep honest And if they raise few millions periodically and painlessly ï¬r social purposes whats the harm in at Parliament when it meets again that Code amendment now prepared that would take good deal of the hypocrisy out of Canadas gambling laws OTHER EDITORS VIEWS SECRET TRIALS Buffalo Evening News One of the worst features of the so called Reardon Report which the Ameri can Bar Association has adopted is the long backward step it takes toward sec ret trials in permitting the press and public to be barred from protrial hear ings Under such rule as one alarmed judge reminds us we could expect heat ings to be held in chambers where all WW CANADAS STORY Squawsl Ate CSOtiyip sorts of things can happen where bed judges can wash out cases secretly on some technicality and the public would never be the wiser and where the best judges could be made suspect by the very secrecy of the proceedings The judges point and were sure it is not an uncommon one among his thoughtful memzflu THE BOOMERANG ptatoilvalodn QUEENS PARK Jurisdiction if Gums Up Welfare ByIWNOBAnN Trixan lftberll James who If than of tuna he mum in on been not our welfare mum commute peo EI sold thIi If disabled mIn drawing assistance got married triumrmwuwmmmmmmm REPORT SeiiciiQIS Prominent JIn Vote Campaign by rarities wicnoison Ottawa The Pearson Par tisans have matched to war They are fanning our Across the country not in mere platoons but in cnesbtoconst phalanx lighting the battle of Liberals versus The Rest While Lester Pearson was prime minister he made 39 ap pointments to the Senate of these some lit were prominent organizers or fundraiser for the Liberal party were defeated Liberal candl dates or cabinet ministers surplus to rcquirementas they say in the armywho were pushed aside with firm kick upstairs This type of appointment was repeatedly criticized during the Pearson Years Our upper legis lative chamber was intended as nnasscmhly of sober second thought to apply the brake whénneeded on unwise legisla tionpossed by the electcd and hence Velectionoiiented ldwcr chamber This intent was not exactly met by the Pearson an pointmeiit party bagmon and backs and electoral rejects However with the Senate now enjoying holiday of at least fou monthsits 515000 year members have no parliamen tary work to occupy their time and thoughts and many of them especially the Pearson Porti sansare able to work as back up mon for their partys fight ing troops in the election The tip of that iceberg showy up as the chairmen of the national and provincialLiberal campaign committees Natinnl chairman Senator colleeguesis that this as much in theIJohn Nichol vice chairman interest of the bench asit is of the pub ltc for preliminary hearings like trials themselves to be heldfn open court EXplorers Gift By non nowniAN Simon Fraser began his dar trig run to the Pacif May 2B 1308 when he left FortGeorge There were four canoescar rying Fraser Stuart Qucsncl paddlers and tvtio lndian guides As Alexander Mackenzie had been down part of the river fwhichthey thouglitwes the C03 lumbia in i791 when he be came the first man to crossthe continent Fraser and his men knew they were heading nto dangerous waters They did not realize howeverthat they were starting on what has since been described as the most danger ous journey eyer undertaken by men Fraser and Mackenzie were fellowidircetors of the North West Co but itwoulrl appear from Frasers diary that he did not have great deal of respect for Mackenzicpwho was his sen ior 0n the iva from Fort Mc Leod to Fort George Fraser discovered Trout Lake which was large and navigable Fra oer wrote it does not appear to have been noticed by Sir as he used to indulge in littleAsleep and not for many other om issions in no other manner There are other critical reler once to Mackenzie in iasci lg diary meeting with the Carrier lo dians who had never seen white Then before Theywere living bye lake and Fraser and Stuart fired their guns into the air to proclaim at the belonged Then to complete these mony Fraser gave the Indians tobacco to smoke They had never seen anyone smoking so Frasers men gave them dam onstratlon it nearly backï¬red because the lndiaos thought Cr that thesmoire coming from the white mens months was the spirits of their ancestors and bcgan to run away Fraser managed to reassure thcmrand then gave snap to the snuaws There waI another panic when auger North America Que unusual adventure on the wayitoiumptng off place was the snuews ate the soap and it began hi from their mouths OTHER ltlAY 2i EVENTS lostWest lndics Co secured grantpf all French colonies in 17584Woifeleftifallfax to at tack Louisbiug isleLower Canada authora ized creation of four regiments of militia MSFire destroyed two thirds of Quebec and suburbs iBSSlteilway service opened between Goderich and Fort Erie in US was awarded Slip 000 compensation for fishing ï¬lm attacked at Fortune tiledGeneral strange failed to defeat Indians at Red Deer eek AL leissir Douglas Haig urged Canada to get rid of Ross rifles toesHouse of am in on passed Old Add Pension Act but it voted down by Senate later mittDionne quintuplets were born near ortb Senator Richard Stanbury tario campaign director Sena for Andrew Thompson New foundland chairman Senator Potion Saslratchawan chai man Senator Herb Sparrow On mmï¬mmm tithe flame Exhibitor 16 Hayï¬eldSfreet Barr 0nt Authorized as second class matter Post Office Deparb ment Ottawa and for payr ment of postage if cash gt Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscriptio rates daily by carrier 50c lrly $2500 yeari Single pies 10c Bym Earrie $26 yearly Ontario $1200 year motor throwoff $15 year Mail out side Ootariq 514 yearn Out side Canada Bri posses sions ï¬ts year 17 and foreign s32 ye National Advertising Ditice Ninctccn Alberta chairman Senator Earl Hastings Prominent among the sub merged bulk ofthat iceberg are the lecralparty hngmen now busy raising campaign funds frdfn rich corporations to fi nance the Liberal campaign Top of this group is national fundrulscr Senator John Aird who is credited with having col lecled some 510000000 in six elections Others known as Lilieral fundraiscrsors Senator Géltrins uebeci Senatorvitst lenbury ow Brunswick and Se or Everett Manitoba Among prominent Liberal or ganizers are Senators Lnng Laird Kinnearand Davey On tnriot Senator Cook thewfound land Senator McDonald Sas kotchewan Senator titl ertnl Senator Urquhart tNova Scotiat and or McElman Ne Brunswick Every one of those is Pearson appointee The National Liberal Federa tion has an apt slogan Dont nothing This is easier in such cases where the taxpayers an already paying them $5000 your to be lifetime but tempt rarity unemployed senators Of course any Iiiynl party run porter will put his shoulder to the wheel during an election campaign No doubt other sena tors oot supporting the Liberal cause are doing that today But somewhere Along the lion there is need for sober second look at the method of appointing senators when such huge phalanx of backup partisans are placed inn position of influ ence on the public payroll How democratic is an election when three of the five compet ingperiies have no worker at all in this favored position of béing paid $20846 per week by the taxpayers yet relieved of other work so that they can de vote the entire eight weeks of the campaign to working hill time for their partyI AROUND THE WORLD Compare Vol rnrzir DEANE roreign Affairs Analylf The Congressional varterly publication devoted exclusive ly to keeping tabson Americas federal legislators has publisheda comparative sturb lot the Kennedy and McCarthy voting recordsThis shows that Kennedy has been moreof lib ernl than McCarthy and ex plains thus why hobby arouses uch fea mong more conser vatlvo Xsegments electorate Ken edy has opposed the con serva coalition oi Southern Democra nd conservative Repub on 83 percent of all legislation sopportcdby the coalition Kennedy is given as per cent score for liberalism by the 0i Kennedy And McCarthy disarmament Carthy did netvo ing Records did lure Kennedy voted against poli gt taxes McCarthy would not op pose them Kennedy voted for government curbs on racial dis eriminotion by unch ity fra lernities or sor orities life Carthy voted again mo NOT vorn Kennedyvoted for the Arms Control Agency which develops Control Agency which develops schemes lttc note against dilI erpeiidi series of votes with complicated effects McCarthy showed less enthu slasm for more foreign aid than did Kennedy offer pay if they will work for Gulf he would immediately lose his pIymeotI But if lit moved i3 wbiih the lady without benefit continue SituIticor nich Is this can happen with our welfare pro gnms While the programs rodIy for ulmple IrI supposed to be based on need rather than mains tut there are undoubted ly quite few cases where peo ple arent getting enough money for basic needs while others Iand perhaps bit more HUGE MACHINE 1be can be partly due to the fact that it requires hinge ad ministrative machine to handle welfare in the province Some of the people in this ma chinery are bound to be not as good as they should be The educational problem also is big one There are people who could be drawing beneï¬ts or could be getting more assist once then they do who dont know what they are entitled to not the biggest gumup in welfare always has been that it has been split Jurisdiction be tween the province and Ottawa with the federal government putting up lot of the money and laying down lot of the ruler SITUATION DESCRIBED This is rcsponsiblefor situa tion such as described by anoth noI his pIymenII would or Liberal George Buhtor of NlIgIrI Falls where widow got caught between the two gov ammonia Thls woman had been drIw fox payment from Ottawa Because site rot smell pay ment one year from the crisis of her husband who died she lost thin The federal payment wasnt renewed And the provln cI didnt provide supplement be cause so far as It knew the Otta wI paymenlwls Itlll contin uinii The old Iton oftoomany cooks Then there Ira boluses of fun too much rtgldlly Thus as was pointed out in tbs house that with married cou pie who are drawing allowances when one dies the payment of Prat spouse is immediately cut Yet there would be certain mutual expenses which would be continuing until hdlustmenls could be made Therefore it would be reasonable to phase out the dcccascds payments Our welfare people on very fine But they are trying in run big system and there proba bly always will he lmperfco lions ITS CLEANUP TIME SYDNEY Ms Serv ice clubs newspapers radio and television are cooperating to promote spruceup cam pntgn for Cape Breton island In some communities service clubs have offered to donate paint Community members as asking dimers ol piibllc cnm mercial Ind domestic properties to take responsibility for im proving their appearance THE LIGHT TOUCH Things Columnist iinds In His by ear BOYLE NEW YORK tAiliThinls columnist might never know if he didnt openhis motl Ever get the idea your pet dog is eating you out of home Well maybe he willif you let him The stomach of 40pound pooch can hold three timcsasmuch usihst pf lsopound inan Salt was once so seem that it was used money to pay Roman lcgionarics and the modern word salary comes from the Latin term salarium or salt moirey But were in no danger of running out of salt today There are enough salt beds and domes along the Coast alone to satisfy needs alone forzs centu incidentally only five per cent of salt is used to fla vorfood The rest is employed in chendcal industries rel driving causes more highway fatalities than excessive speedihe Automo ble Manufacturers Associa tion says that only five per cent of injurious accidents occur at speeds above 70 miles an hour The Knowledge lain Re Will Review Auto insurance SARNIA CF Cornwall resolution opened the way Mon day for review of the theory and practice of auto insurance by the Ontario Chambersrnf Commerce Th resolution expressing concern over the settlement of claims urged safeguards so that settlements would not have to be decided inicourt it was referred to 0C9 directors Wilson McLean vicepresi dent of the Toronto Board of Trade said claims are ing settled expeditiously He so is fortunatethat the provincial government has rejected the tdel of compensation without erelly wanted to retain it This Board has been accused of wlteh hunts Americansfqr Democratic Ac ifennedyvoted against legis tion McCarthy is cent Kennedyvoted for disclosure by senators nd their employees of assets giitsand other outside McCarthyyoted against Kennedy voted aga st spend ing $1557 to print it So tligcu eat the rip lreport n78 per 425 University Avenue Toron to 640 Cothcart St Mo freal Member of iiio Canadian Daily Newspaper Fubitshers Association the Canadian Trees and ureau of circulations The Canadian Pressls ex lusively entitled to the use for republication of news dispatches to tlilspsper cred ited ion or The Associated Press or Reuters and also the loca new publis therein so slip in not defence air ccorth McCarthyvoted against and Kcnnedy voted for government for prescription der Social lily didnot ole against deployment of in securities side Kenned voted for cuts in the lotion to undermine the Su reme Court decision forbidding unnecessary delay in brin ing suspect befores judge Carthy weI iibstdy paid by Lhe Defence De la wir cold in this will consideration to fault in the set tlemenl nfclaims Mail search centres throughout the world now turn out 60000000 pagu of technical information yearly fastreading scien list would have to read eight hours day until the year 3163 Just to wade through was outpouring of facts Quickies Nerve impulses travel only at 75 feet second in frogs but at 400 feet sec ondmore than 250 miles an hourtn your body The game of chess originated in Asia about 4000 years before the Christian era began Thcro are about 40000 nails in the average wooden home housewife who ironsall day puts out more energy than bricklayer it was Stephen Macock who observed Consolation is hard to lindï¬ THEYRE THIRSTY 40foot tree may absorb 19 gallons of water day in the height of the growing season BUGHTY BINGO EMBASSY Mil BLAKE ST iiivASiiAr Pill Sponsored by Barrie Minor Hockey Assoc on the opposite BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE IltliEfPfltllEli Harmon TifEttoiMAiiimtioitwiiitiMiiiseiinfnuctim IN nvssnius noncoan THE RUSSIANS ARECOMING