WEATHER Mamas tomorrow 14m to might cringe tomorrow as See detailedforecaa on page 13 EXAMINER TELEPHONE Wreath mm 0M 718631 root Year No11 Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday May 25 196 usSCOURS SEA FORMISSING 99 Men Aboard Atomic Sub lire Missing In The Atlantic BULLETIN WASlllNETON lAPt The 18 Navy reported today that an oil slick was spotted along the return course of the miss lng submarine Scorpion two days alter the nuclearpowered rnhs tart known commnntca Srnurr CONTINUES French Education Minister Resigns 000000 US attack sub was mystery An obvious fear was that the Scorpion may have suf fered into similar to that at the Thre or which disap peared in 1903 with 129 men aboard ms is the nuclear attack submarine Scorpion which was reported overdue at sea by the Partys CiiATlIAM Ont CF Con servative Leader Robert Stan iteld defended his partys poli cles on Quebec Monday night what he called er tremc views of Quebec Liber II on special status ac c1131an Pentagonlast night Defense Department statement said the submarine had been scheduled to return to Norfolk Va at tour the Conservative leader added new wrinkle to his campaign taking on questioners after two speeches The tone was mild at Sarnla luncheon but exchanges at on Robert BOnner Resigns VICTORIA CF our way shuffle in the cabinet of So cial Credit Premier Bennett was announced Monday in coniunctlon with the resigns tion of Robert Bonner 47 as British Columbias attorneygen oral The shuffle sparked reaction from oppositionand labor spokesmen that the resignation to enter private business by Mr Bonner loner veteran and the men considered most likely to succeed the premier showed tithe government was having in ternal problem The shuffle brought only one newcomer to the cabinet ranks Cyril Shetlord 47yearold farmer and logger from 0mine ca Who has criticized his own government several times He Post noaanr BONNER pm Monday at the end of routine training operation The Scorpion wastast heard from May 21 AP Wirepbotot Stanfield Defends His Quebec Policy PARlS AP Education Minister Alain yr of tte caught in the midst oi strident turbulence which touched oil the strike wave that is costing France more than 51000000000 DUKE APPROVES BUSINESS SUITS LONDON AP The Duke of Norfolk threw welcome bombshell into British society today announcing that for the first time gentlemen in busl ness suits can hobnob with the Queen at the Royal Ascot races Opening weeklong Ontario evening rally here had sharper edge Mr Stanï¬eld said Mr lohnA sonsllnion Nationals arty has firm rule agale part in fedcral elgc prpvlnclltly and share the views of theConservatlve party As for Mr Farthault he was tconvlnced federalist who supported the Conservative stand of one Canadaone gov ernment and two founding peo pics can tell you my friends that Mr Farlbault was defend ing federal positionsincluding conscriptionpublicly at time when it wasnt particularly pop ular to do it and when he was booed for his pains 1Dress for gentlemen in the Royal Ascot enclosure will be morning dress uniform or lounge business suits said bet notlce sent by the duke the hoped for sun by Queens gcpreaentutivoat who backctheglllï¬vion onisie Ascotytothose invited to the royal section of the race course week in lost production re signed today Premier Georges Pompidou said he will take over Peyre ftitoa duties Ma reports circulated in Parts List week about reshuf ftlng of the cabinet and Peyto litte 42 was among those fre quently mentioned as likely to be replaced its had been minis ter for information and minister for scientific research and atom ic matters before he moved to the education mhrtstty April 1967 With no end in sight to the general strihG leftistleadcr Dancers er Image the disqualiï¬ed win ne of the 1068 Kentucky Derby has finished hls racing career Introduce Legislation To Allow Temporary Absences TORONTO CF Legisla tionwas tntroducedln the Ontar lo legislature Monday that pending changes in federal criminal law will permit per rad following street corner It was sworn in as minister of ag riculture Three years ago Mr Shelfdid sparked royal commission in vestigation into gasoline prices in the province capstan News Willlind Occupation 0i Germany West Germany passed one of the last milestones Monday in its change from an occupied nation to one fully sovereign when Bntarn the United States and France announced they would yield the last of their key occupation rights MayNeed Special Quebec Status EDMONle GP Quebec Progressive Conservative Marcel Earthath said Monday some kindvol special status for Quebec may become necessary within the Canadianconstitution unless scmethlng else is agreed upon quickly Montreal Police reentry Victim Police identified Pino loe Cotizza it ol onday of what was apparently Montreals lttth gangland staying in three months Ask Steam Cars To Fight Pollution wnsumomn or Actuater orus senators has been urged to put steam back lnautomobiles and thereby strike blow against air pollution Will liename Mental Hospitals ToltONTO cg Most of Ontarios is provincinlmental hospitals will be given new namesSaturdayDr Garytlormack discolor of the health departments mental hospitals branch said By inrum will go into effect Sept 15 The newrrates lncluding 130 lire Arrested In Kentucky Riot LOUISVILLE Ky AP Between 200 and too National Guardsmen patrolled the streets of Louisville today after looting burning and scattered violence broke out indie citys predoml nannyNegro west End The disturbance which erupt rally Monday night resulted in thearrest of 90 adults and 40 juveniles most of whom police said was charged with disor derly conduct or breach of peace Sporadlcsniper fire injured at least two men one of whom Eras reported in acrlous condi on EDMONTON CF late night long distance phone plan anywhere in Canada for $1 max proposals the maximum rate The new rates will applyto all areas servedby theerght the country all members of the Trans Canada Telephoba Sys tem some increases were an4 Issue wndLnNn or New Democratic Leader Doug Douglas of the main problems in the led crat election campaign is to try to get PrimeMinister Trudeau to discussthe issues The June 25 election is not lng game but serious business Mr Douglas told about impera sons at party rally for candh the Canadian Transport mission represents the eighth reduction in toll rates affecting the companys Ontario and Quebec since 1060 The Examiner TODAY Ann Landerss Clty News2 Classified10 11 Comics12 Deaths10 District5 ounced yesterday byBelt can on and the Trans Canada that would allow calls to almost Telephone System Under the for1ate Jnight threevmlnute di rect distance throughout Canada wiil be 31 compared with the present major telephone companiesjn $195 On stmilar calls Ontario and Quebec the maxi mum from $105 to 50 cents dialed calls withi The plan filed today with 00m In series of rate changes ased on the principle that the later the hour the cheaper the call the proposal would save telephone users in Bell Can las said Monday night that one adaa area an million year The late night rateswill be in eilect between midnight and estimated $325 am Bell Canadas new schedule beauty contest nor parlor kiss slated for introduction July includes cent maximum charge forfa three minute DDDcall datesin theNtagara riding ntghtando can within 0nt placed between mid amendments that died Wltllldis solution of the last Parliament customers in sons sentenced to provincial correctional institutions to take temporary absences The bill also will equalize provincial remission of sen tences with those in federal leg the lit acts now dealing with adult offenders and change the name of the department of re form institutions to the depart ment of correctional services The bat is dependent on ledcr al passage of Bill Ctss hodgepodge of Criminal Code users out Bride Do you still takean interestin everything do Groom Certainly darling Foreirample We spent aliday wondering what you put in ï¬lms biscuits we had at break ast $1 Phbne Cans isfoén Possible Across Canada ario and Qliebec The cost of call from London to Montreal would drop below the maxi mum from 05 Soho cents Beli Canada also plane 31 maximum rate for three minute station to stationcall wrthin Ontario and Quebec be tween pan andioam and all day Sunday The present 150 maximum is$ llenyllinirhetween Thalidomide Dig Children And Deformity AISDORF AP Seven ofti clais and scientists aria West German pharmaceutical firm today challenged the basic pro secution contention that the drug thalidomide wasto blame for thousarids sof malformed children and caused nervous disorders in adult users Dr Erich Schrnldtlvcichner the leading delence lawyer said causal ltnlrrhad notand could not be established underpresent mgdtcal knowlcd proposed that aprovislonal gov crnment take overato arrange election of successor to Presi dent de Gaulle 5m Francois Mltterand president of tho nonCommunlst Federa tion oi the Lelt called for telec tton of de Ganllea reform pro gosals in the June is referen um Since do Gaulie has threat ened to resign if he does not re cclve massive support at the polls Mittcrand said thn dclt Parture of Gen de Gaulle after June 16 ll it doesnt come be fore then will provoke the dls appearance of the premier and the present government his owna Peter ï¬lter of Bos ton announcedtoday statements it is with tremendous regret that announce that Danccrs image has run his last race He will not be able to start in the Belmont Stakes an Satir day He did not come out of his Work in good shape yesterday After conference this morning with Dr Girard re garding his right ankle have decided to retire him Dancers Image is too honest and game horse to allow him to race in the Belmont and not be in per WASHINGTON tion AP all us Navy armada searched the stormy Atlantic today for the missing atomic submarine Scorpion and her 95 crew members What happencd to the S40 fr Fuller raid in prepared Avg inks can Bitty em out to riot tcr deeau re fsct physical condition to give islatlon consolidate into one act ills b9 Postal Strike Creeps Closer MONTREAL CF Can adas postal Workers moved national strike Monday at convention where delegate after delegate demanded hard line in nego tintions with the federal govern ment Loudcbcers greeted William steaddy towards KayI national president of the Canadianllnion ofPostal Work ers as hetold the unions 10th triennial convention only change in the treanrry boards attitude could avertastrike iiippic Priest Speaks For Poor MONTREAL CF The angry people arent here said Rev loiinG Burke watching businessSui delegates leave the first session of threeday churchtsponsorcd poverb con ference agthrllnlversity of Montreal Mr Burke Vanaffable young fAnglican cleryman known Montreal as th hippie priest because be rganlzed coffeehouses for young people is attendlngthe conferenceaa delegate lawyer at tho Nuernberg war crimes trlaltwo decades ago also raised the possibility he would object formally to the in troduction into the case ofahout 200coplaintiffs not named in the original indictment If grantedlthe objection could delay the case until the issue was resolved the trial already is expected to run two years The lawyer said the belated naming of the ceplatnttffs made at impossible newed and spelled out an old Liberal promise here at hoist tcrous Monday night rally cli maxing an election campaign Quebec swing The Liberal leader waded through some early booing be fore pledging to introduce bill at thenext session of Parlia meat to make the French lanv guage an ofï¬cial fact at all fed eral government levels Lester Pearson had promised the bilingual step before hand ing over the prime ministers job to Mr Trudeau last month French would he raised to the status of English inParllament An unspeciï¬ed number of planes wore scheduled to join vessels ordered into broad search Monday when the Scor pion failed to report in as sched uled at the end of Mediterraa ncnn cruise source said navy attempts to make contact with the sub were continuiog because she was returning to the United State submerged the navy had not received any communications from the Scor pion since midnight May It This was termed routine But about noon Monday the Scorpion should have come on the air asking Norfolk Van for docking space No message cameShe was duo there at nm The navy dlmatchcd the first of 10 Atlantic Fleet ships to find the Scorpion and by pm Monday announced she overdue Ihe weather lsvcry very bad out there Admiral Thomas Moorer chief ot navalvoperntions told news conference the submarine Shark re ported is to nvfoot waves lom the area wm Introduce Language Bill GHERBROOKE Que CP Prime Minis and in federal courts depart ments andagencies The post of ofiicial languages commissioner would be created with the accu pant reportingdirectiy to Par tiament Federal corirtswould be ob liged to operate so that nobody would be handicapped for not understanding or speaking ei ther of the otiiclal languages Bilingual districts would pro fact the language rights of ei ther French or Englishspeaking mmoriti Any citizen would have theright to deal withrgov eittlnent in the language of his choice in bilingualism districts or abroad vnth steihosc in National Heart Hospita here today£4 da after his operation AP rrephotoi