Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 May 1968, p. 5

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ORG is shown in COUNTY HOPES TO SELL PROPERTY Negotatinns for transfer oi Stmcoc County property in Barrie to the Ontario governlt rncnl continue to receive may or attention front county councillors Three members ol the property committee which has been asked to ob tain an independent appraisal oi the warmth mm lett to right are Vespra Reevo Well ington Dobson Nottnwasaga Deputy Reeve Edgar Currie chairman and lnnislil Reeve doseph Cochrane if the entire block could be sold the county would establish new centre at nearby Holly Ex amlner Photo Ask County Road 101 Be Made Highway SUNNIDALE CORNERS lStalit Request oi Simcoe County council to the Ontario department of highways to take over county road to from here to highway south oi Totten ham received support from township oiliclnls There is tremendous vol ume ot tourist traflic using this route from west Toronto area and highway 401 to Wasaga Reach said Snnnidale Reeve Lloyd Pridham stating action to make this aprnvinetal high way was tully instilled it would help to relieve some at the weekend Lratfic Janis on highway 400 and also make it easier for tourists from the southwest to get to and lrom Wasaga beach area LINKS MAIN ROUTES Now serving his eighth year its head of the Sunnidale cnun cil Itccve Pridham said he was frequently asked why this route hadnt been made high way it links highway at the countys southern borders with York and Feel with highway to here The latter is main route to Slayncr and Wasagn Beach Describing the route as north south artery Rcevo Pridhnm said it was largely tourist road now with much heavier volume of through traf llc titan local County council at its llay meeting agreed in principle to straighten the road at Angus with diversion to Margaret street The route procbcds through Essa irom Snnnldale Ia highway d9 east of Allistnn and then thragh the potato and tub acco growing area to Tattoo ham and highway RACKED IN ESSA Essa Reeve George Davis supported tt Prtdhams contention that it should be made provincial highway was glad to see it was brought up and certainly am in favor said the head at the Essa cone cit Newton Robinson Blacksmith Makes Shoes For Race Horses NEWTON ROBINSON Stall hVe still do little shoeing and we make some too but boost at our work now is re pairing form implements and machinery said Gordon Erce dun well known blacksmith whose red painted shop next to Newton Robinson United Church receives much attention tram visitors 1Amnngst others hlr Rreedon as made shoes tor sulky race horses at the Rowclands stable owned by Hon Earl Rowe rc tiring lieutenant govcrnor of Ontario and humor lth tor over do years Rowelands is locatcd less than halt mile irom Mr rccdons shop lhese are some at the shoes he said exhibiting light plated horse shoes of dilfer ent designs made or changing track conditions You put points onthern tar winterrac ing on ice be added Laurenl Ricard centre geniorvlce gt president at the bl alter Vito announced plans for Born in Simcne County and life lang resident he is native of Adjala where he learn ed the trade from his father the late Fred Breedon ltlr Rreettnn has lived in Newton Robinson since 1933 and aper ntcri his shop since 1537 is nice place to iive said lttr Breedon of Newton Robinson He said he gets to see horses at Recton Cooks town and Markham fairs which he visits regularly At one time he used to get to the larger sulky races but hasntdane so in recent yearsI always liked horses and see them run he commented He has tollowed the progress of the Rnwelaod horses with part icular interest When visited at his shop ltlr Breedon had theforga and an vil in operation the conitrti ion hits ounjéac Mo real he quar ters bull Gerard Pelle tn Essa Deputy Reeve Eugene Smith said most of the road was in excellent shape except for stretch which gives trouble in the spring south oi Angus He sold making this route high way would bcln to relieve trot tic bottlenecks during busy weekends on too and TI routes He felt the department would be rendering valuable service to the motoring public and tour lst trade by taking aver this route The route runs about mile west at Beelon in Tecumsetb township where it proceeds to Tottenbam as part at its main street lt would be good idea said Tecumseth Deputy Reeve Harry Cross when asked his views about the department making the road provincial highway The Tecumsctb deputy reevo added suggestion that new construction through Albion link it up with Bolton it would be an important development road and out about 10 miles off the travelling distance Advance Bridge BY Earl ALLISTON Stat With the new entrance road now open numerous visitors from Allistnn and elsewhere have been inspecting progress at can structinn in the Earl Rowe Park area west of this town Tossorontio Can Si road just widened and rebuilt was opened from highway is to the entrance to the park The road was closed northward due to new bridge construction by the Roger Machiachern Con struction Company or Mount Forest large sign directed traffic into the park NEW UNDERPASS Besides an overhead crossing tor Concession traffic the new bridge also will providean points to wit drawing of the proposed con Ire Manpower Minister Mnr ehand looks an IC Stayner Will Set Tax Rate Soon STAYNER Stall Our local rate wont heany more than last year said Reeve William More discussing the 1963 tax outlook for Stayner Reeve More said he anticip ated the rate will be set early in June Ho said most ol the tignres were ready and were now being reviewed CEMETERY SERVICE CREEMORE tStafi Cree more Ministerial Association making arrangements for the annual memorial and decoration service which will be held at Crecmore Union Cemetery on Sunday June 18 Tho service will start at 30 pm the enthusiasm shown John Taylor at Alliston Lions Rowe underpass tor Earl Rowe Park visitors to drive rom one see tlon to another There are some 650 acres on the west side at the road and no on the older part to the east The Royal Riverruos through both There is also an osacre artliieial lake Which was helped by the spring drain oil and recent rains Under an agreement between the township and provincial government Tossarontio pails only five per cent of the cost at the bridge constructionMem bers of the Tassorontio council include Reeve Matthew Van WASAGA BEACH Stall We intend to lollowrup our rep resentatioos with brief con taining our immediate recom mendationsand planning forthe next live or it years said Wa saga Deputy Reeve FredMartin The brief would be the boards submissions for part of the de partment allands and artists master plan tor Vasaga Area developmentnver term of years It is projectional plan covering 32year period said the Wasaga spokmmaonstatlng be was glad to see this given attention but main curleat inter mediate plans These bad to conv form to the master scheme for area development We are submitting plan or highway arteries for handling heavy volumes of tralfie during Creemore Lions Meet Tonight CREEMORE Stall Cree mores newly organized Lions club headed by John Nay will meet at the Legion ball here this Monday evening when fut ure activllles will be discussed We wce verypleased will 53 governor whoasststedin the or ganizing althc eluh itis the tlrst new club in our district or sometime and it is going tobea real active one STRICT ran canon cxmmm monitor Loren Deputy Reeve James lli diairman ot the planning board est wan centredvon more th tw um Leader from lttlistoa In Quebec city amsmn tsum Quanta £13m A9 Joanlw boomtloo at Ontelm Quebec gm Munitions tht the temuniii opened rec continue through to Wednesday During hls term or district governor Mr Taylor mode of tidal visits to 42 clidu includ ing Barrie and be also helped to orgalum now club at Oren more resident at Alltrton most or his tile he is past president oi the Alilrteo club He served In the Canadian armoured crop during the war Now urvlnz till second year as deputy mve Mr Taylor has been member at Alliston council for 12 yearn During his term as president at the Alltaton Lions the club won an award pllqul tor growth in membership rlldiala council Holds Local Rate MRITHO Stall Adlai ratepayers will pay more taxes this year unless provincial as rlatance ottan lncrelses in ad ucational levies The council hende by Reeve Prad Baxter held the rates to local purposes at the same level at last year withw mills tor residences and arm properties whllo commercial rate war 23 mills We did our best to hold down expanses where it was prach at said Reeve Baxter who Is chairman oi the county road committee Reeve Baxter was pleased with county council approval tor theAdlaln requut to flasher signal light at the county road and county road 11 lntcrtac tlon at Lorelle The area school rate is mills and tho Alliston ngb School rate is up substantially The county rate is about the some Besides Reeve Enter the council includes Deputy Reeve Francis Kelly and Councillors Russell Sirr Peter Kearnr and Ernie Sev MAYH Wales and Councillors Stan Bailey Clarence Arthur and Calvin lreland FENCES ERECIED To make way for widening Concession road new lences were erected with provision made lora road allowance oi so feel New culverts and wider turn areas also are planned Alliston interest in the area is reflected by new homes along highway to west of the town Merchants and other busi nessmen have commended the project which they eel wlllbe of considerable aldin boosting cabs which he then stores Qt Corn RyBIIANMnB mgowlng oi corn for shell edzr aadcobelnorela lively new venture to Statue County made possible by new earlier muntog Varieties ot oomVOoo oi the lira groin corn powers to the county was Garfield Hall Reelon who now growl acres producing an an literals five to six hundred too at corn min year The interesting part is that he has been growing corn continuous ly on the tantale tor 15 years Corn is about the only crop that you can grow continuously ynr alter ye and still get his producuoo remarks ltlr Hall This in sslble because after you take cob or shell ed grain oil there remains large built at stalks and leaves which when plowed book into the ground break down nod keep high level at humus In the soil This tutors and the fact that there is go strong market or train corn maker com an ideal commercial crop PLANT EALY Mr Hall describes how corn must be sown as early as pos rtble preferably during the first wackot May in order to give it time to mature As long as you can get good yield the ear lier maturing tho corn variety the better he says Andthll mesa down to so or to day corn it the yield will be good high yieldingcorn that ma tures late has no place In his program Early planting results in heavier corn and better qual ity he finds Ha controls weeds with Mrs zine tn comblnotlnn with her bicides tor broadleat weeds Atrnrlne in an amazing selec tive weed killer that will des troy most common weeds and grasses but will not harm young com plants Without it weed control in continuous plantings oicarn would be almost impos sible For killing grass and con trolling foxtatl he notes atro allvmun be mixed with the spray solution The only cultiv ation the growing coni cropgets Ll not for controlling weeds only for letting air into the soil agar it becomes packed by rests no mention Corn pests particularly root worm and corn borer which are ouite troublesome in areas fur ther south are little problem here because the severe winter kill them in this area says Mr Hall Corn is good tor the soil because it actually in creasea the humus content of the soil Iod tho otheruutrlents like nitrogen phosphorous and potash are easily replaced in the form commercial fertili zers its likes to commence har vesting the corn about October the tenth and complete the up eratian by November the first when he moves on to custam harvesting or local armors For this he uses both two rowcobpicker and as oi last year tour row sell prolt pelted combine The two row tractormount ed plckcr simply removes the ill long slatted cribs to dry natur ally Better than the cribs he likes the crib which he built up the second storey or the barn Which when he comes to take the corn out of storage he just parksa truck below and re moves door panel tram the crib and the eobs unload by gravity With the picker he can harvester to ten acres avday He eels that this is the least expensive of all methods of handling corn pointing out that listenarea our busy reasons said Deputy Reeve ltl sl main roads this wrll include bypass es and bridges he explained Widening of some existing roads new construction antlcxtensions also arevbelng given sttention As one of Canadas most poi ular summer resort areas tho Wacaga Beach area merits the tall and studied attention it is receiving We all reallzemtr great possibilities and are an xlons to aid this development meet it maximum success said the deputy reeva ot the summer beach village The government ma plan the making was thebnilkv of cab milled tor wasoga BeachJenna Development Brief drafted bya provincial intende partmental committee and cool suiting tirm It followed up stopgap measure started in 196 in which the government start cdacqnlrlng additional depth long that mile beach root The government plan includes the entire area around the bench as well as the village itsell Drait proposals fromthe Wa nga Reach council and planning board given to Hon Rona Rrun elle minister ollands and fa cats are now being allowed up with priority proposals tor early action These will be included in our new brt sad the dcpl atyreeve now PLAYING ROD SlEldEtl ntnuutwuonnci BEST ACTOBI tuln lhttlutfltTteM man nemhcsmmo isotcsicostnintoro tlflll SIElliEll HAS DUNE ll Afilllli to aim GARFIELD Hall VBeelon checks good sample at shelled corn grain whim des pite the wet weather he was heel and even dairy cattle feed makes top quality iced llowcver he statcs the use at cob corn is restricted to cattle feeding whereas shelled corn ltnds very wide market being used in cattle Wultry and pig feeds by distiller and manutacturcrs of starch corn oil and corn syrups and many others You have to go where the market is Last tall used the combine and shelled most or the crop because it was so wet and that was about the only way could harvest it 053 COMBINE He cad hafiest cardtvlth the combine at an averageolahout 15 acres day He likes the moisture content of the shelled corn to be down to about to per cool then ha can dry it in big automatic propane tired dryer at the rate oi 12 and one hall tons in every four ands ahalthour period when it is dired it goes by auger into circular steel bin of 1700 bushelcapaeity or up lnto the barn requiring on hand shovell tag at all Again when buyers rnv nxanmsn WANT Ans PHONE 7737414 Produces coo Tons nnudlly able to harvesttn good condL tlon with four low self propelled combine and pro pano gas dryer Baker Pho to come to pick up loads this shelled grain can be handled on tirely with angers Show Bot DRIVEIN THEATRE tttlet cu Llltliltthlll tnvt iti MN not at Mill EL OVER TONIGHT runsnav AND WEDNESDAY cocoayum av other within RIVEiN THEATRE lHE MltIlSCll CORPORATION SIDNEY PUlTlEil iilHlZ NORMAN lEWlSOthltlER MIRISCH ttillDliCllOtt Entertainment THE RU SIAN Super Madmen Suptarior VSthQY Sister tensions lHEY GOT It MURDER ON THEIR HANDS THEY DUNl KNOW in D0 nus um RUSSIANS ARE cone RE COMING NOW SHOWING SHOWS AT 7l10 905 phone motto mm moccasins lividURGODEgEgyANJOHNSOl RWth WWvatoydnmm MULDWRW meerWstKWmnmmtu

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