Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1968, p. 3

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NONTH COLLEGIATE GRADUATION QUEEN Barrie District North Coll egiate graduation chosen last night is Norma Duidge Princesses are lilo Eckhart and Debbie Craig Here llliss Doidge dances with her escort Doug Tomlin son Examiner photo LAW AND GOOD GRACES The Child Molester How To Deal With Him ay sec noun scorer Barrie Police Deal In our article inst week we introduced the subject at the child molester and admittedly dealt with the matter in is cur sory way You will appreciate llvhy we cannot deal in specllies in such cases The question may he asked What can we do torcducc the incident at child molestation There are some very tangible things we can do think Dur schools have always been aware ot this type ol problem and think have dealt wisely in keeping the matter in check Some suggestions tor school ot ticlals most of which are pro bably iotlowed now are No child shouldhe released to anyone except parents unless prior permission is obtained ilram parents Any phone call received re questing early relaase ot child canbe double checked by calling hack to the childs home in any case every eliort should be made to determine the authenticity oi the request The police should be advised immedialely of the presence of unauthorized persons on school property who cannot justin their presence Full description together with license numbers at any vehicle driven is of great assistance Basement wash schools can be trouble spots It should be remembered that some ollenders are lound mongst school children Teach ers ought to watch tor unusual behaviour in older students Cirildren are naturally irieud ly and the child molester will tage of this knowledge We can not go so far as to explain all the details at the danger to our children so they are constantly atrnld of all strangers We still wish our children to respect dults but at the same time re main alert to inordinate behaw iour by the few who may be potentially dangerous The child should know his full name address and telephone number He should he taught the pro per use or the telephone should he get into ditticulty and be told that he may obtain assio tance by merely dialing Children should not lear pol icemen but he told to quickly seek the help of the police when in dilticulty with strang ers licence number is oi more use to the police in such cases than most other information licence number may he writ ten in the sand or even scratch ed on the sidewalk with stone in The police are most apprecia tive of lnlormation trom parents which may lead to the identific ation oi the child molester Please phone us it you notice any person continually loiteiag where children are grouped Teach your children to play with other children it possible and to play in open areas Ad vise them not to accept rides or offers at candy or money frompelsuns they do not know even though their playmates may be anxious to do so Children with pet dogs seldom molested Encourage your children to use public streets on their way to and from school and not to crosstieids with tall grass or walk through wooded areas en route These are favorite haunts for men who have designs on small children How well do you know your baby sitter Hire people you can trust or who are highly re commended by trieods who have einployedlbnm tor some time And of course any type of fondling by strangers neigh bars or even relatives should be reported to the parents by the child How may the community at large help in these matters More next week are Force Children To LeaveMO Wainwright manager at the Shanty Bay Drive in theatre has been told be will have to appear belorc hearing of the Ontario Motion Picture with in wt screening Valley of the Dolls at his then tre gt An inspector from the board Vérn Castle at Tomato arrived atlhe theatre located low mile north otherrte the Kinzie tormrn presi dent oi the Georgian Bay Reg ional Development Council has called for education of people in hospitath to encolrrnga tour lsts to stay longer in the area it is avidentf he said We are not realizing our toll tour lst potential and we must on alyre where we are tailing short hir Klnzie quoted statistics that showed 53 per cent of the American tourists who visit the area stay one day while It per cent stay or two days and only it per cent stay tor week or more He said that Switzerland has earned the name innkeeper of the world not by chance but by being hospitable people and noted that classes are held in Swiss schools to develop hospitality trail All phases are covered in their schools he said and we must tollow their example by educating our people to live hos pitality it is imperative we make our tourists teal they have heart In triendly country we have hospitality tor sale let us use it he urged Boy 14 Injured City police have charged Barrie man with counts under the highway lraltic act and the criminal code and 14 year old Harry McFadden of lllelrose ave is in satisfactory condition at Royal Victoria Hospital this morning as the result or an ac view Secondary School yester day atternoon Charged is Andrew Mc Lean who resides at the Clark son Hotel He is charged with tailing to remain at the scene of anaccident dangerous and careless driving driving with out license and having no proof of insurance McFadden has head injuries and abrasions police said RES BEEF Kinzie Calls For Education Of People In Hospitality Man 15 Charged cident on Nelson St near Enst ONTARIO CENSOR last rcel oi the first lecture was being mod MrCutio saw chlldmr mixing at Valley of the Dolls porcelain ol Valley ot the Dolls until all penile under the age at 15 had hit the theatre Advertisements for the movie to have adntlttance restricted to people to year at age or ovar on them Mr hVWalnvnighl said he couldnt see the board protch He said that industry strives tor hospitality to the public and trains its work torca along these lines Tourism is the third largest industry in Can ada should we not do the same he asked Tourismhaaa great impact on the economy of the province he maintained pointing out that 300000 people are employed in this industry Mr Kinrle was addressing zone meeting of the GBRDC in the llluskeka Township build ing thisweek liynard Names His Committees Dr Rynard Conserva tlve candidate tor Simcoe North today named those who will form his campaign commit OE Garner Barrie alder man ls campaign manager Edith Page of Orlilta is adver tising manager while Harry Rensby president ol the Benin District Young Progressive Con servative Association is public ity manager andLcn Montgom ery ot Grillia chairman at the speakers bureau Program organizers are till Caldwell president the Bar rie RC Association Ted Church ot Orlllla and Cam Parker ol Midland The Simone NorthProgressive Conservative association has opened committee rooms in Harrie Orillia and Midland Barrlas at 25 Dunlop St Defeats Evans Mine Tax Motion proposal by Arthur Evans hlPP tor Slmcoe Centre was de tented Thursday in legislature committee The committee on natural re sources approved government hill providingtor live fold increase in mining aereage taxes despite warnings from in dustry that the increasesmay mums our NIGHTS AT lakeyiew TAURANT ARE Monday Itoylihursdayv DELICIOUS TREAT wnconvoron on PORK CROPS wmr Mosnnoom sruca $1 70 curb mining development on in antiquated law Ho nidleujbe first time in almost 22 yurthl theatre work that he had em hath ask to drill down It Parent tee they can take childsen to such movies feel it is up to raid hir Wainwrle What and year old would get out such picture dont know be said Mr Wainwright was obligad to ask those in the audience who were under tote leave He attend to relund their money or give them raincheck it they left by the hex dfiuuTh in specter counted no cars lea said lllrn Wainwright but on eight refunds were applied tor Because at the shutdown the intesmlsslon dragged an extra 20 minutes lir Wainwright complained ot laws that allowed people to eoterthe armed toms at 17 get driver5 licence is and yet drew the line at to tor cen sorshtp Mr Wainwright said Friday and Saturday nights were times when parents took their chil dren to drive tlLr oiten in tall asleep in the car He said the inspector was pleasant but little sterner than he might have been Valley oi the Dolls will be screened again tonight but their pajamas and the children illngu nan Strand Marines in Skeetxhooting In Jobless Case MONTEEAL ice Doug MW Mm Ont we both the open and Canadian It Melitta Friday at lhé nth Canadian skan chun rlomhlr brocade reflect IN It nearby St Jrnvler GaytodKarlartby ol Btdtllo NY us modup in the open division He had also shattered allvloo targets but lost to the Carudlan shootoil there will he careful coed on ages at the box om TheHonorable la subsequent Ilsht George Albert Patrick an Strand Ontario was convicted yesterday in magistrates Court at making also declaration concerning his employment and drawing unemployment benefit to which he was not entitled Patrick was lined total at taro plus costs The attencer were brought to by an Unemployment in minute Commission inspector BARRIE SEA rooos For tlhe out Ell mom 109 Bradford EL stannen Progressiveiconservhtive Leader Try Our it my momentum Prime Rib Rnastol Beet or Turkey with the trimmth AND Your LOCAL CANDIDATE commerce nmoyrnnn Del Kelly president of 441 wag Royal Canadian Air Force Association has bcen anominntedman ol the year tor the Ontario group of ROAF associations Mn Kelly right diEPiayathe trov phy with Ken MItchelltegion at vice president The ua tionai convention in Kitchen er in October willchoose the national man ot the year the nomination The wing has ihlamarlred the second time the Barrie wiog has received also received generatpro tieieney award or the second SPECIAL CHILDRENS MENU For children under 12 only announcer FRENCH FRIES BEVERAGE 69c l85 DirnlopE year to draw Examiner oto FRENCH FRIES AvArnanLr rarer 500 Lakewew RESTAURANT EM DOG BEVERAGE our 713 Rynarll Elliott all still 0° FellowshrpHirll Collieyjsriaar United cooler LUNCHEONLIRECERTION lzNooN Totals Coffee assault Provided Illicit our welcome jjf

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