as anagrams the summer aihnon cirizENs aau Job wealthy pious righteous man was consider eal by God to be trueaer vaat Satan challenged this nlvlrhdn By REV KEN HERON st Andrews Presbyterian Chord Jesus aunt was mock anild gentle soft elfcminate pious pale faced Galilean lie avidt about spouting unattain ibls ideals He spent most of The time with children on in ltltA trace Above all he was harm hi This Is the current attitude held by most people outside the Church and too many inside thE Church it is sheer unadul terated nonsense it is colos aal lie invented by cozy cowardly generation that hasnt got the courage to face up to reality What was Jesus really like Physically be was worthy ned oriental JewHe was la hrs combination con atruction man and blacksmith He was strong gnarled and probably littleunpolished in the social graces At about so years of age he took to the road as an itinerant preacher DuringI abort three years he just nut turned aoclety inside out It llob 11 in mini oi misfortunea Job lost his wealth and his children weri worm MEDITATION Christ 15 Threat To Affluent Society suppose his basic character istic was compassion He cared about people The socially ac ocpfablo selfsatlsflod sort he ignored The dirty the diseased the morally dcgenerate he loved with ho desperation He Win man good humor His enemies charged him with being glutton and wine labor and an associate of nine His reputation waa none loo good among the ChUiLl people of his day He was extraordinarily sure of himself am the way am the truth am the life Greater than the wisest and best of the prophets be said He didnt hesitate to put him self on level with God If you have seen me you have seen the Father Yet he was humble man atooptng to wash the dirty feet of his disci ples the most menial task of servant Ho waa uncompromising ln tolerant demanding and blunt Anyone who turned away from sacrificial obedience he called unfit for the Kingdom oi God He was arebel He cons tradicied tho Law of Mosea NEWS OF STROUD news orcooxsroWn an aura numeral Mr and Mrs Kirby attend edihe farewell parW lofthe community hall Churchill for Mr and Mrs Norman Coutta titty 17 Mrs Hutchinsen Tor ontoï¬has returned to her home more two week visit with her daughter Mrs Baker Mr and Mrs Albert Gilroy aners Donnell arrived home Sunday having attended Ghnd Chapter sessions 0ES lor the State of Dela waste in Wilmington and also for the State of New Jersey in Atlantic City They returned by way of Montreal and visited Man and His World on the Expo silo Hr and Mrs Murray Mc Dowell and Heather attended the baccalaureate ceremonies and spring convocation at Waterloo Lutheran University May19 and 20 Their friend Wayne Douglas of Belmorc re solved his Bachelor of Arts de 339 in psychology where in town during the holiday weekend were Mr and Mrs Jack Lang and family Markham and Neil and Robert McLean with Mr and Mrs Bruce McLean Mr and Mrs Keith Cause Toronto with Mr an Mrs Kidd and Jack Co Mrs Walter Korchnck and children with Mr and Mrs Earl Carr Mrand Mrs Ron McKilllcan Ottawa with Mr and Mrs Harold McKillioan and Elver Quist Mrs Emerson Gil roy Long Branch with Mr otM closing meeting ot the summer This will take place JuneS at in in the Town Hall when so citizens from the sur rounding community and town will be guests Mr and Mrs Bruce McLean entertained the children at their neighborhood to fireworks dis play Monday evening Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Art Hansen included Mr and Mrs Jack Sinclair Mr and Mrs Albert Link of Weston rs Boyer Mr and Mrs Wanchuck Slefnllr Miss Watson all of Orillia Mr and Mrs Martin Mrs Paul Martin and Brenda of Barrie Teniollow railroad workers of Mr Hansen called to wish him well on his retirement Tommi Representing Toltenham at SimooeSouth District Woe mens institute annual held at Newlown Robinson were Mes dairies Mullion ll Pot ter che RDavis Sulson Tipping Ander son Huribert Miss BlancheCrowe hrldedobe was guest of honor at miscellaneous shower Friday evening in the school room of the United Church On Sunday Mrs Lancasler and Jacqueline cntertained num ber of Miss Crowes school friends Jack Wice and family of June and Mrs Bert Armstrong Mr aiklMrs John Campbell and famii Hamilton with Mrand Mrs Ivan Wright Mr and Mrs Gordon Dnnnelly and fam ily Aurora and Mrs White aideand Endsley Churchill with Mrs Alice Doonelly Mr and Mrs Jock Link and wayne and Mr and Mrs Lorne McLaughlin Ottawa with Mr and Mrs Art Hansen Mr and Mrs Allan Green and Sherry and Shelly of Fergus wilh Mr and Mrs Norman Baker HOME AND SCHOOL Twenty five persons were present May 21 for the last Horne and School Association meeting until the fall term film No Reason ioStay per taining to school drop outs was shown with lively discus sion following Mrs Bruce Moi Le President conducted the to atlon of nominating com mittee and committee to look alter the Gr banquet June in for class of 37 Mr Henderson reported the bus trips scheduled for June for the different grades Rev Mr Howard reported on day camps Mitch will be held in Ausust The associationwill have booth on the fair grounds the first day at Cookslown fair which Is school childrens day Parents were asked to interest children in lair prolects during The Womens institute has committee planning for they Mrs Earl lrw am and Vernon and Mrs Wice Smithville were holiday guestsin town Mr and Mrs John Nixon of were with the latters parents Mr and Mrs William Campbell Kathy and Frank Schriner Tor onlo were holidaying recently with their grandmother Mrs Keogh ohn Clarldge WI snr vtsited recently with mother Mrs dale Fialhas hem visiting her stepmother Mrs James Dmrn mond and other friends Mr and Mrs Barnett have returned from spending few days in Torontowith Mr andMrs Bob Mitchell Mrs Maryory Rogers has returned from Visiting friendsin Bos scan BOND HERD Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Douglas Reynolds on the birthof daughter InYork County Hospital Monday Rev Dublin and Harry Wil cox attended United Church Torn onlo Conference in NorthBay last wceio welcome isexiended to Mr and Mrs Luke and family who moved to townlast week Mr and Mrs Zieinba have moved to Matt new home near Slroud Holiday visitorswilb Mr and Mrs Norval Young were Mri OscarElllson and Mrs Carl Schcllcnhurgor of Mitchell Mr and Mrs Doughlllaon of Whit presented with Mrs Steele Barrie who show Parkhill son Lolsiand ley Pearson Thornton but remained falthiul lob friends muraed wlth 11122 Next Satan amoia Job him and condoned binsJob with tom but he stood am Withthem they bigoughl OTTAWA tCP Conserva tive leader Stanfield will cam paian through mthwesiem and orthern Ontario next week his Ottawa headquarters announred inday itwill be the first swing through the province tor the Conserva tive loader since he formally opened his campaign or the June 25 federal eectlon in Win nipeg last week Mr Stanfield eturns to 0tta wa from British Columbia today He instructed his followes to disregard the religious authori ties He dellberately broke the laws that society cherished His attacks on the good people the respected leaders were reckless almost vicious He called them frauds children hell blind Idiots wick ed and uniallhlul He told the clergy of his rlsy the the mg gï¬tï¬ï¬‚ï¬ugï¬mrwzglfnwm After someafternooa taping offended then they hated him campus Im then they feared him finally gar311mg $95 they arranged his execution for Rm Blasphemy and mom returning the same night Sunday is also dcvoied to preparation of TV and radio campaign material Monday morning he hoods for landon an operations base to the tour of southwestern Ontario ridings Waniesa for tha holiday week and were Mr and Mrs Blake VOgilvie Linda lien Gail and doner of our int and lumen Janice of Motion and Miss oration There is only one fly Sharon Wanlcss of Guelph in the ointment From thence Other guests included Flt Sgt he shall come to Judge the NW and Mrs Wilfred Kcowell lag and the dead Kathy and Paul of Trenton and Miss Carol Cox of Oakvllle Mrs Alfred Scedding and Miss Joanne Scaddlng oronlo visited Sunday with Ilka Harold Smith Mr and Mrs Stove Rawn and Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn and famii spent May in with Mr and rs John Wilson and Sharon of Scbomberg it being Sharons sixlh birlhday CATFRJOILMEETING May meeting of New Flos Wl was held at thebome of Mrs John DoGorter with 14 members and lbreevialtors pre sent Everyone commented on the motto Take time to be friendly and you will not regret it Mrs French introduced the speaker Mrs Dawson Eirnvale convener ol Agricnl lure Canadian industries whoselalk on agriculture and flowers was enjoyed Mrs De The most remarkable thing boutrlesus Christ is that he is alive Thats what Easter means He was threatto the cozy comfortable world of the first century He is greater throat to the caller more com fortable more affluent world of the twentieth century So we make up lie Wapaint him aa the weak knecd spineless non by Bob Ellison andKen Schel lenburger of Toronto Mr and Mrs Garnet Wcstlalfe and Phil ip Ellison of Beeton Mr and Mrs Wilson Young and son Bill pnd Mrslwart Koccshaw Royal Oak Mich and Mr and Mrs Edgar Knee Shaw Miss Elaine Malena entertains ed at miscellaneous shower in honor of Mis Sheila Cumminga Saturday afternoon Anyone to the community who would consider being Girl Guide or Brownie Leader is ask ed to get in touch with Mrs Bardeokl as new leaders are urgently needed to commence in the an ficers conference of Guelph SEE PICTURES Planswere made to cater for Thirtytwo Womens lnstilute mvnsml M31 EMF members and visitors root at that May 04 hall Mrs Harvey opened the HNGUS meeting Welcomed were Meryl Jane Watt Louisa Watson Eli By nine buckwonrn Congratulations to Mr and abetb Steers Diana Crossland members of tell who had rece ed provincial honors Each wea Mrs Iindy Milne Mill St on the birth of son at Royal lor Hospital May oo gift from the Lt and Mn Thomas Lcitch London spent tho weekend with the letters grandparents Mr and Mri Hunt Mr Hunt liirned me from Barrie hos pital last week much improved in health Mrsnd Mrs Norman Kllnclf Toronto spent SundAy with Mal and Mrs Ductiworlh Orma Walkinehaw and Frank Coliingwood visited Sun day Mr and Mrs Oscar Linton VMr anderi Patrick Lacey and son Windsor spent the weekend with the formars mother Mrs Eeltammond who hadvi ed them for neck and returnud home on the week ond Mr and Mrs HerbertBut torworth and family and Mr and Mrs James Drumand 35 WWSS Carleton ace visited Mr and Mrs old Belts Centre St Mindlidrsï¬iohn De Carlo Mmamaaflgft grï¬iï¬ygm waan ursewa mum my wa spentthe weekend wllhbarl me feud grandmother Mrs Roy Sleeper Lynda niDeep RW and so KennethI Rlver and Mrbandllirs Cam on were ï¬t P0 bellSteelarand Laura of Eli Luke shine blcoke were weekend guests of MllE Md Bmfl Mrs Clerence Atkinson Other vulflaa ha daushter and recent visitors with Mrs Atkln son in IaW Cal and Mrs son have been Mrs Jack Shep Badger THEME Petewnwa herd 01 Everett and Bill Shop Mrs Evelyn lephson Carol herd Dawson Creek BC Mr Ann anngebbi Toronto spent and Mrs Harold Pearson All the long weekend with her sis iaton and Mr and Mrs Mor ter and brother in law Mr and Mrs Joseph Atkins Alma St institute Mrs William Brethet and Mrs Smith convened the program Mary Janeand Louise demon strated making beautiful large paper flowers and wore the dresses they had made in their project Mrs Smith introduced ed pictures of her garden and also gardens visited in the Bar riearea England and Ireland Mrs Brothel conducted av lest iConveniencesour Grand mothers Did Not Have won by Mrs Smith and Mrs Watt Lunch worsened by Mrs Wil liam Sutherland Mrs William McArthur andMra Harvey Mr and IIOIJRO HOTSEGIEIOIJ and the Lord pni EVENINGGOSPEL SERVICE ll Poalponed from last Sundaydde to Moon WHY DE CHRISTIAN Oodl Plan For owner It Word nod Woraoninuiaamanusnunun and Gideon aisle lea rE Beers aarnei Friendly Blblentiellevlng Millionary Church Gotiergave report of the of4 mow but not quite saith ed the issue Job 81 GOLDEN TEXT Hebrews God mulled mm kuled He mourned gt greatly refusingtn air or blaspheme Elihu ayoung man who al 1111 Begins Campaign Across Ontario Once his fouriengiae cam RSIEn plane lands eliLondon lr Stanfield and bla wile board light plane for night to Ser nia lie has luncheon date and speech thce lie leaves by car after lunch for meeting in Wallacchurg There is an evening meeting in Cbatham followed by an over night stop at London Mr Stanfield tours the Ford MotorCo plant at nearby Tal botvllle Thirsdiiy morning and joins Mrs Stanfield for an early afternoon reception in St Thomas They both travel in motor code for brici afternoon visits to yl Tilisonhurg Delhi Simcoe and Branttord An evening meeting at Paris caps that day and the Sianiioldsi drive to Toronto for their over night stop Wednesday he remains in To rnnlo preparing more material in campaign broadcasts rs ay the campaign moves in Barrie for reception and luncheon helicopter picks the leader up there for an early afternoon hop to Wingham He speaks at rally Thursday night then drives to London to slay oveniighL Rex Humburd invites you to attend special Tuesday June at 745 pm Barrie District Central Collegiate institute liar Ontario Inspirational MUsic Nloiide Aimee Dwayne Friend anddn inspirational gospel message by VRevnRex Humburd FREE ADMISSiON also watch as the Cothedrnl of Tomorrow presents Rex Humbord Sunday on CFTU Channel Toronto Shaina CKVE Chanel Barrie than BURTON TAVENUE Mlniaier hev Purdon DA realistic FAthlf Church School mind In Ynu Are Welcome Eliot anaiSpeaker ulav Jan Motela MS ants Sunday School for all ales all services THE CHURCHOF TEE NAZARENE Vincent at Grove Robert Billed gt 7281737 WESTMINSTER PRESBVTERIAN Steele st WI In Ralph hlchmIIO BA Orglllll Mn Norman Tack Family Wnrahlp and Church School 930 AM Semen THE MEANING OF PMECOSI Nursery FIolIIliH Available Visitors are always welcome GROVE PRRR CHURCH OF CHRIST Grove Cook Sunday Schedule Enaday School to am Anemny it am JERALD OF TRUTH EM CKVILTV Evening Meeting 700 pm Thursday Izoo pan if you would like to read about Churches of Christ begin nith your New Testament MINISTERS Wesley Jones Dale Rldcout HS Grove 7761003 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLAPPEBTDN SI WOHSLEY Pastor Rev Harold Allaby BABD it no Bible School 1100 am THE DISTURBING CHRIST 100 on when can ears liiii p111 Young Peoples Meeting Thursday 150 pm Prlyer Meeting You are Welcome at First Bapliai anion concn STEELE andCODK STREETS BARHTE 7254142 Pastor Rev Black 945 Bible School for all ageal ll AM specter Speaker Les Cooke war no so cnmcur PM Pastor apcahs on TEENAGE KING Special music All are Welcome Roman Catholic MASTER 5T 7282985 SUNDAY MASSES my I0l5 sari 30 am SUNDAY MASS pm EVENING DEVOTIONS Wednesday at 780 Our Moth of Perpetual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 730lll5 am 500 prn MIKE IMllDAY It Hinttorn All church copy Chenj ges must be In to The Examiner offices by FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent St on rm as so Pastor WORSHIP SERVICES ID AM and 730 PM The Back To God our anauio CKEY 5904 Ian Every Sunday Morning ALL WEIEOME LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD in Steel El It Joseph Molltarla Phone 725M gt Sunday School 045 avn Divine Warship ii Lin Rldlal Church of The Lutheran Hoar IVl TIIIS IS THE LIFE PORTAL OP PMYE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 159 Collier Street Cbnrcb Service Sunday School Speaks to You ll AM christian Science Radio Series CKRB SUNDAY MORNING Ell Teallmany Meeting hid Wed each month RM The Anglican Church of Canada sr GILES CHURCH TRINITY CHURCH as Cook Street 14 Collin aim ME Next no can Office lzllo lamHolt Communlon no in Ho Common so am Holy Commualon mg un limo at is ulna of the loll Se °° in nwlh maid Ail Arc welcdml Thursday at pm FREE METHODIST CHURCH zoo Basileld Si Rlay fozoo Eflndly School moo llorahlp THE PROMISE DOES NOT FAIL 730 Inspiration Hour The Splrll lo the Word Wed ms IIle Stud Rev Cari Bull 1100 ana Morning Prayer 100 pm Evenaanl Everyone welcome Presbyterian Church sf ANDREWS Essa roan Owen and Womiey St CorafBurion ML Mandala Rev Kan Boron BA lid Orllnlaii Mr Van Homer Bards REV DELL MA organist Mr am Chnre hilt Service withdrawn to attend STROUD ANNIVERSARY ll ana and was It am THE PUZZLING PARAB REV JAMES FERGUSON corner leT caunca scnoor 930 ana Sunday School HS am lnaior to Senior 1045 mm Nursery to Pilin ary visitors Welcome as usual Walters and New Resident Welcome suasec DOES THE gt lsJclcra blunder belng apetear Is Clirlslianiiyln Gods way The Gospel Lofthe Chnreh vs the Gospel of Christit on analysis of the churchs position today 950 ansSunday School and Adult classes moo amFamlly Worship service Nuraery cars Chillrenls Church IiS yearst Rev ape at Pastor HI WAY CHURCH PEHTEGOSTALANNE sr 400 um THE CHURCH Fora ALIALL FOR THE ciiUiaaii uRcu OF CANADA CENTRAL as Si Minister lev Donald Jay BA BD OrganiatrMn Leslie Walker caba Director David Witilolr ancr ocaocu Meditation BRIDGE OVERrim iuvnn anoazr mm come and bring the family to church COLLIER st Corner Collier Ind Poynta Minister asv Pnocrpn as Aasoclate Minister aav rather an organist and Cbolrmasterl Mr Tnllord worship iroo and contamination MEDITATION ounce unnni on at cont st REV COD 01 Mrsinreher Cole on School ProNursery fdnrlng Wdrahlp Ha waam watcom IQ and