AROUND PHELPSTON MILLEW Mr and MrsJidsnStenscei ebratrd their 15th Wedding In ntmury May to Miss man celebrated by Rev Delanger neon dinner was held It their house They rec eeived guests in the snernoon and in the evening the maple were presented with lazy boy chair by the constantly Miss Albertine Coughiin Tor onto spent the weekend with her aunt Mrs McLaughlin ills Sharon haddock Fort Erie spent weekend with relatives here recently Mrs Peter Fallon attended the CiVL convention held in the Royal York The banquet ior hockey team winners oi the TO GOOD HEALTH IM Tims Orr wavrnirv MILO MG DRINK rhinersl service for James Johnson in United church Tension CanBring Hyperveniilaiion By JOSEPH IthLNER Ill JOSEPH moisten Mp Itesr Dr blather My daugh ter recently wrote that she was in the iniirmary at college for hyperventilation Csn you tell me about this coadiuon what causes it and what it anything oen be done to alleviate iti Itlrl LCS Simplest way expnn say that she breathes too much Shes causing too much venti lation oi the lungs This is commoner condition than good many people real ize especially under the ion sions oi highestrung hardwork ing college students it is nervous reaction and isnt by any means limited to college students other iolks can labor under great tension too Anyway the tension leads them to hrcatbomore rapidly than is really necessary and they inhale so much carbon dioxide that it actually changes their blood chemistry The human body is very complex apparatus The level of carbon dioxide in compli cated fashion which am not going to try to explain serves as an index or guide as to how rapidly we ought to breathe it you exercise very strenuously you burn up more oxygen and produce more carbon dioxide and you begin to breathe more deeply and ireouently You dont have to do it conseiousiy you do it automatically our carbon dioxide levels re to normal But it under nervous strain Drug you do the opposite breaths too alien and too deeply and throw your carbon dioxide level oil in the opposite direction you have touble too The subiect knowing subcon sclously that he needs some th thing or other begins to try to breathe even more deeply This of course merely blown away still more carbon dioxide and the situation gets worse instead oi better The poor Victim meantime thinks be Just cant let his breath and becomes more and more tense scared and breath less The simplest solution which usua works is to have the pa iient aathe into paper bag The bag accumulates esrhon dioxide which then is breathed in again Pretty soon the carbon dioxide level returns to normal and so does the patients breath ing its simple treatment but very often etieetlve in some cases sedatives are given to help the patient relax and breathe nonnaliy again That really is the key to the ï¬bula trlouhle gcninml relaxi at peope cang tin gri siege oi hyperventilation ont recognise that loci and as they come more frightened and tense they make their own Louble worse Therefore reassuring the pa tient and explaining how simple the trouble is basically is im portant Dear Dr Motner am 77 and drink lot at soit drinks be cause other drinks disagree with me The label says it is ar tificially sweetened with sodium cyclamate What eltect will tisis ave on my kidneys liver and pancreas cannot take any thing with sugar in itiVG Neither the cyclamnte nor other artiï¬cial sweeteners will harm kidneys liver or pan creas in excessive amounts it mayl cam jtziarifhea in some peop any serious re sults were knowu the Food and Administration would not sanction its use Dear Dr Molnar What is tympanaseleraslo oithe ehr ould surgery he oi any help Mrl MS it Is also called otasclerosis formation of spongy sort oi bone iniertering with conduc tion of sound in the ear Exami nation sod special tesLs are hec cssary to determine which cases can be helped By all means CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER South dealer Both sides vulnerable storm use pesos esoerss assr nus VQQ 437643 scum assumes KJG ssxq The bidding sums West North East Pass Pass was 3mm Qloé games Opening leadjack at clubs reader sends this hand on which he bid and made seven spades NorthSouth were using the aceshowing convention over bwobids and Southwested no time bidding seven alter North had shown the ace of diamonds It is not easy to see how de clarer made the and prowess before going on stop reading right here South ruiis the club lead in grand slam JUST FOR MONEY 1n ioa mnnev you can earn as Marvel graduate is only start Send tor our rm urocnure which neststoss an the wonderful sismort oils career opportunities you can sum as MBrveHralnhd omen sitmal hairstylist Write or visit MARVEL EEAUTY SCHDOZS it youd like to test your to exb sio eioor st lg kpay mfltfllmegrnrnhchlugs one union meridian over invests WHERES WINGEYI THOUGHT You ASKED HIM T0 DINNER du trum heart and themlis cub ratio heart rolls club andruhs the third round oi hearts gt He now draws thre rounds at trumps With nine tricks tlzilayed this becomes the post on Worth West 104 East in MT KJO Declarer eashes his last trump whereupon West iinds himself squeezed it be discardsihe king of hearts dummys eight becomes 9K DC trick if he discards dish mood deelarerb diamonds are all good Either way South makes the grand slam At iiret hlush it may seem overly Adramatic to trump the Ad of clubs in dummy but it South doesn do this he goes own The purpose at there plays is aust one defender of his hearts and thus place the sole burden oi guarding against dummys iourth heart on the other defender Nothing can be lost by this effort even though it may prove to be waste oi time ii the hearts are divided 54 that is the case Saudi can always all back ona tavurabie diamond division and is thus no worse oil for having given him seli an extra chance to moire the contract No chances to matte band are betterthan THAT am can LIKE HERD or STARViNG um are spending past several weeks in St And rews Hospital Midland Mr and bin Jack Stewart California have arrived at the Phdpson was mndumd by home at her sister Mrs Art Reynolds and plan to make their home here hir and Mrs Arpoid Fhrbes visited Mrs Forhos mother in Togronto General Hospital Dennis Brown spent tow days at his bama otter being patient in Barrie hospital Mrs Harry May returned home alter visiting relatives in Vancouver and Mrs Garfield Brown hss returned home aiter spending the winter in Toronto with Mr Ind ltirs Clarence Brown ltirs Wallace Wood and Mrs Ellis Booth are attending Grand Lodge in London William ilsndy En buried in the United Cemetery Monday Mould sr lOUIS 31 MRS FRAWLEY Mrs Constant King Mr and Mrs Theophila King Mrs Reg Morrison motored to Builalo Sunday to visit Mr and Iilrs Klbbie htrs King Is visiting her daughter lar awhile Mr and Mrs George Gouette and Kelly Ann visited on the wsskmd with the Frewleys Mr and Mrs Ramsay Port Credit visited recently with Mr and Mrs Lawlor Gerald Frost Toronto spent few days with Mr and Mrs Rudy King Mr and Mrs John Evans and Linda Ottawa Mr and Mrs Lloyd Deviit Susan and David at Oshawa spent the=wealrend with Mr and Mrs llee Far agher and their children were baptized in Hilisdaie United Church Sunday shower was held Friday was Church evening at the home of Mrs Ring with Mrs King and OFFiCE HOURS Hy MR8 It MUUIOLLAND Mr and Mrs Russell Brady Toronto and Mr and his Al bert Brady Stmud motored in Waterloo Monday to attend the gsdustion oi the latters loll DISTRICT ANNUAL The third annual meeting at Slrncoe Kempeaielt District Wo mens institute took place in Thornton last week Nine ladies from Stroud WI attended and about to registered The theme was Living for the Future School mildren from ivy and Thornton public schools enter iainedwith songs and square dance set Reports irom home economists Miss Joan Warner BHSe and Mrs Coral Header son dildo and item Miss itick Crown Hill the Dairy Princess were ï¬tted Ii dinner wss served by Thornton ladies with Flo Mui hoiland in charge of tickets lilsa Thompson and Mrs Good iellow registration solo was sung by Mrs Burke accompan ied by Mrs Black Mrs Rb was congratulated on her work in the past year and she later introduced the new president Mrs Lennon Mrs Eunice Smith has return home after spending some time with her daughter Carley tMrs Moore and ismlly in Richmond Hill and her son Glen APTO MRI CARSON Mrs Dsrmos Willow dale spent tow days with her parean here itliss Margaret Anna Loitus is home from Teachers College Toronto For their 10th wedding Inni versery Mr and Mrs Murray arson were at Bela Manor tor the holiday weekend In in non mberthnhunforbmater Iy be $4 height his mothersbrains DAILY caOssWonn Aeneas Armadillo LEIIIIIM 85610 stroke leather 93mm with Jim hopped mNatursd suriaee elevations 5rinters measure 15 Dip MIL uiiquid asideth it Medan Greeting Chlnl MIIII 15 Follower nioltnunl Id Excavation Schemes as river to Anglo Suvaest II Cod or mackerel II Celt 19 Chromo some part tionv ILGnrnhling as Require at 28 Bogota ILMiiitary cap Jump 33orerunner attire CIA as Basements 37 Close in 38 Quieted 42 For 44 Tellurium sysn 45Aiittei Rolllng Irwin Welll water an decry auveootl rescind wt ill must HIM HElLuBEtEIGHr HHVzfll rutroars Answer 39 Sattah IOrRiVIr in Elihu Ilroin CLEXPIDII so Sphere Germ Ellwood allggnlo IHVrVAA III HIS FOLKSHADM EARLY DINNERHE msr IINBHING JULIET JONB DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT X9 Ni PEr SAZWHAEE DO YO WAN TU WHEN VOU GROW UP BLONDIE Tl Bradford $t Barrio BUZZ SAWYER sove ON THE CAR SAVE ON THE OPTIONS use LEADER PONTIAC BUICK LTD out 7261885 TODAYS GOODWILL USED CAR es mutant cooownn woman