he has all the details worked out get will house all the requiredperu hot broughbany replies WRONTIO council will be approving its 1968 tax rates next month Reeve Matthew Van loree tieitl discusses plans io ex tensive road work and other improvements with Deputy Reeve James Wales Exam iner Photo Increase 13 Expected In Tossorontio Tax Everett Stain Tossor ontio tax rate will be set in June and ratepayers were ad vised that some increase is now certain Our local rate will be up 13 mills and there will also be an increase in educational costs sald liecve Matthew Van Lo cc discussing the tax outlook The rate is up tor the Alliston lï¬gh School EQUALIZED RATES Deputy lteeve James Wales aaid it would be diiiicult to guess what oilect the new county school system will have on school rates tor next year INNISFII NOTES Discussing the suggestion this would make equalized rates throughout the county the de puty reeve said most ratepayers are chiefly interested in wheth er they will be higher or lower as well as the eiiect oi the new system on education it remains to be seen how it works out said the deputy reeve tvho earlier had released statement which pointed out opposition to the county school board plan on the ground it re moved the administration away irom local ratepayers control Various improvements are be ing made in Tossorontio Con cessi ad near Earl Rowe Taxpayers Protest Bills For Drainage By Ratepayers trom Carson Vil age with couple oi earloads at people irom Toronto came to louncil meeting to learn why they were now getting the bills tor watercourse opened seven qyears ago The Toronto group on learning that councfl did not hear delegations until alter expressed its disapproval of aving to sit around for two hours but agreed to split the diilerence in the time when Council shortened the proceed gings by an hour The delegation was shown the profile of the ditch and the area which had benefited irom the deepening and told that in loss the matter had been taken to the Legislature tor special act At that tithe the number at contributors had been reduc ed and the clerk handling the matter haddied The original engineer had been changed and many other isctorshad come into the picture However the delegation still wanted to know why it took sev ten years to bill or the work Many had acquired their proper ties since the beginning oi the ditching SPECIAL HEARING it was arranged to hold meeting of all parties assessed with the engineer and other par ties on hand to give them the facts in the meantime accounts will be held in abeyance Inter est has accumulated but only one year had been added to the amounts billed Roads and drain age arc still to be decided af ter highways engineer John Moiiatt has been consulted TOWNSHIP BUILDING Architect Gary Alex represent tog Pentland Baker and Pol aon told council he would not be part oi any proposal to place additional rooms on top of it the present oiiice building He submitted general outline whieh is still awaiting estimates or costs and might easflymako ionisius public buildings on par with any surrounding mun icipality He willnot know it the 1old Strand school will be suit able ior such requirements until There will he rooms for lire men and police tire hall with hose tower and consulting rooms or both council and ofï¬cials in cluding the chiei or police In all it may be building that sonnet along with coun chamber DOGS The canine population was dis cussed Patnswick resident told Council he was tired of dogs running around and gettinghito trouble ri am perfect shot and can soon get rid oi them it that is permitted he told council The eiiort to get helper ion the animal control olflcer has Down curate Some members of county coun cli including the roads commit tee the warden and invited dig nitaries took bus trip this week through part of the county roads system stopping at Boe ton to be guests oi that village tor hot beet dinner with all the trinunings served by the ladies of Benton Dr it McKeivey one oi the hosts told the visitors that the home tor the aged he oper ated was second to none both tor the age of some buildings and or good service He said some beds were open or am bulatotypatients and he could guarantee comiort Warden McAulay apologized tor the delay in arrival of the busload and regretted that more members had not come along for the ride innistiis two represen tatives Reeve Joe Cochrane and Deputy Reeve Allan Todd were among those on thebus Start Call Tests For Winter Fair ALLISTON Stall Eight South Simcoe 4H club members have had calves weighed tor fivemonth test period for the Queens Guineas competition at the Royal waiter Fair at Toron The rules require the calves to gain at least two pounds per day and also pass county and winlt ter lairculiing test beinra qual ifying to show at the winter fair Those with nominated calves include Ebb Rain and Murray Cechraoe both of RR Thorn ton Allan Sproule and Paul Wil son oi RR Stroud Bill McKen na of RR Lorett Rhadurick Price of RR Utopia John Vancise of RR Stayner and Sharon Swaiflcld of RR 1Al liston The calveskare Aberdeen An gus Hereford and Shorthorns and the clubs represented at Park has been reconstructed irom highway 39 to the park and the new bridge is now be ing completed Reeve Van Loree conï¬rmed the agreement In which he explained the town ships share was only live per cent oi the cost This was be cause the bridge has an under pass and was chiefly built tor the benefit at the park although it also will be used by Tosmr ontio Lirough traiiic COUNTY ROAD 13 We were very pleased with Ve very pleased with the deal said Reeve Van borne stating he tell the pm tect would be oi great beneï¬t to the area Reeve Van Lorec also said his council was pleased with the count work to be done on road in ich links Everett with Stayncr County work includes miles oi reconstruction irom Everett to Tioga Reeve Van Loren said he understood this included new bridge at cost at approximately $600th Tossoiontio councillors in clude Calvin lreland Stan Bailey and Clarence Arthur 4H Girls Plan Stayner Show STAYNER tStalil Much ills terest has been shown here in arrangements oi the Hi Horne making clubs oi Nottawasaga or their achievement day program which will be held at Stayner Collegiate auditorium on Satur day May 25 The theme Cottous May be Smart will be ieatured tall program is planned with morn ing and aiternoon events in the morning the girls will be asked to judge and give reasons for their selections at cotton dresses and materials renter Study Bridge Plans MEWS mammnmnmavmrums South Sirocco WI District PicksOIlicers For New Term NEWTON ROBINSON Stat At meeting in the Orange Bait here attended by represent alive at it branches Mrs Gor don Malliou oi TntleahamJM reelected president at South Simcoe Womens institute tor second term She succeeded hiss Bolt oi Thornton to the otiico year ago when she was first elected district president also at gathering here The election was conducted by Mrs John son at Collingwood director oi the Federated We mens institqu oi Ontario TWO VICE PRESIDENTS Mrs William Sutherland oi Bond iiead and Mrs Don Monk mo of Cookstown were chosen ï¬rstand second vicepresident Mrs John humble oi Tottenham secretary treasurer and Mrs Davis assistant Mrs Rey nolds oi Beeten was made icd uation oi Agriculture represen tative Annual reports rcflectai an ac tive term for the 14 branches Which were busy with centennial projects The units represented included Alliston Becton Bond Read Bradford Cookstowa Churchill Coillsons Hill Ever ett Fishers Corners Giliord Le iroy Ridge TecWeriil and Tottenham HOSTESS BRANCH President oi the hostess Tec WcGwili branch Mrs it Bos nmworth welcomed the dele gates Mrs Molilon reviewed events and progress at the We mens instituteduring the past year Miss Joan Warner or Al liston home economist gave report oi ili Homemaking girls work Announcement was made the county convention will be held at Goldwater Oct 15 and iii The international convention of the Associated Country Women oi the World will be held at East tanning Michigan in Sep Assessment Rolls Going Out Earlier Eleven of the 52 municipalities in Simcoe County will receive re turns or new assessment rolls earlier than usual according to new schedule released at the county building here in Barrie The rolls or Sunnidaie town ship and Cooksiown village will be returned by July while Cob llngwood Penotang and Victoria Harbor are slated to be given their returns by July Alliston Bradiord Beelon and West Gwiilimbury also will re ocive assessment rolls in July with the scheduled dateJuly 29 Thetownships oi Medonte and Matchedash will be given their rolls by September The other rolls wiliibe return ed by Sept 30 The change was Cr made to achieve better spread of the work load or assessors and clerical shall it was explain ed by Cookstown Reeve Louis Monkmau chairman of assess ment tense with the am SeptI to County president Mrs Donald Harvia oi iiarvie Settlement exteodai greetings and best wishes District greetings were extended by Mn Gentle Bell oi Duntroon ior Simcoe West Mrs lillda Sibthoqie tor York West lira Ayers at Lake St George or Simcoe East Mrs Phil Ruabbrook oi Grenard lor Simcoe North and Mrs Gordon itix oi Stroud ior Kempenielt Simcoe mom srovuro Ordinary Seaman Harold Fraser in at Stayner is tak ing week basic photo graphic course at CPR Bor den His parents Mr and Mrs Lawrence Fraser reside at Stayner Canadian ifnrces Photo Creemore Society Plans Lialac Tea CREMORE Stall Con vener Mrs ivan Alexander and other members at the tea com mittee have been with ar rangements for lac tea to be held by Creemore Horticul tural Society on Saturday May Other members of the tea committee include Mrs Dodds Mrs Curran Mrs Creed and Mrs Van Klaver enlhe president Mrs Black burn also has been giving lead ership beautiful display of tiles ls plannedior decoration or the tea an annualievent which prov ed particularly popular as con tennial project last year Annual spring flower show is planned for Friday June 14 and summer showdriday and San urday Aug 16 and l7 at the eemore Arena Notice has been received here that the annualcoovention oi the Ontario Horticultural Association wfll be held at the University oi Windsor Wednesday oo Fri day June 19 to 2i Ivy Leafs To In ThOrnton Opener THORNTON Stall ï¬nal ists in the Sim coeCounty baseball league and winners oi the southern section last year Thornton lndians are drilling ion their home opener against ivy Leais on Saturday evening at oclock The contest will be the hemeen these two clubs since Thornton shaded ivy in long drawnout semiiinal last all it took ten games for Thornton to to three with three diets in between John Johnston and Don Ward ie are expected to do most of the hurling for the indians Don Johnston veteran see who np crates plumbing business in Barrie has decided to retire but most or last years star play ers arobacksAI new Don Johns stop younger brother of John no relation to rail Don has Boston Cookstown and Nails wasaga emu or ion as aw in noun SiadlB moi mun mum on on will macaronimi ms dwammununnmow illitltlililltiilltiiiiiii Dont been trying outtvrth the team DRIVEiii mean mhhtllshvhiétlutuu an and should gain place While starting lineup is still uncertain Bill Laycock is ex pected to catch and iniiaiders inlt cluchJen Patterson Murray and Bob Broley Don Shannon and Ted Laycock Among the outfielders are Gordon and John Sutherland Jake Smith and liar ry Ferries Long an enthusiastic baseball centre Thornton has an excel lent park behind the Orange Hail and the team usually has good ioliowing Rivalry with the near Foam MILTONBERLE nROBERllA 5mm mama by ivy team has been keen ior YEBTS Thornton is scheduled to visit Orillia on Wednesday May 29 to meet the deiending league chant pion Majors in game under headlights starting at it Harry Gordon of New Lowell is president of the league with Davis Arnold of ivy vice pres ident and Reg Westbrooke oi Cteemore secretarytreasurer leoBurns of liivangus and Joe Timmons Barrie also on the executive now snowmd SHOWS IA 700 905 pnonn 1mm WURGODFï¬LYéNJQHD mammals mt are To End Oro Hazard SHMTY BAY SiamStep have been taken to replace longumetniflehnardontbe Old Ridge road mutt oi here narrow bridge over railway track next to hairpin turn The Barrie Suburban Beads Commission nude up at lime iormer unruly wardens is studying plan which will be submitted shortly tor county ootineil approval and the Out trio department at highways it would necessitate some upro priation oi property to be used in mnhuictlon with tho propos ed new bridge higth Clark county engln oer told of some at the ditilcui ties in the way of the plan but the need ior early action was also stressed tor the saier oi the travelling public Currently action is being taken to obtain an Ippralsors value oi the pro perty concerned PROTEST MADE rgident oi the area Rains Line 0N has iorv worded letter to county couolt di protesting the proposed ex propriation stating it will do much damage to his property The proposedapproach to the new bridge would build up to SIAYNEE Stall Editor or The Stayner Sun Dave Phllipps marks his 21st year as Stayner resident today on Fri day May 24 He came to this Simcoe County town from west earn Canada was impressed and remained The May 24 date oi 1917 ldt lasting impression with Mr Phillips because there was four inches of snowvwhen his train stopped at Geraldton He did nt know what to expect at Stayner which was nowto him at the time and while there was no show it was cold mis erable and wcL Alter the better weather came he began to like the town purchased the weekly newspaper and has remained here since Mr Philipps has lrequently been commended by newspaper colleagues tor his interesting articles and com munity minded editorials which have done much to pro mote the Stayner area the Northern Railway in 1354 Stayner was first called Nottalt wags Station and then Dingwatl beiore being given its present name in honor oi pioneer land owner named Sutherland Stay ner laozrilt became an ioeorpor ated village it years later in am and in another 16 years became town Now town of 2000 popula tion Stsyner has its own inte rumvrcs ausv Tel Aviv police reported the theft oi 19000 cars in winone out of 20 on lsraellroads They said 9870 were recovered most after they had run out oi gaso line and been abandoned lNELuDING Founded with the arrival at BESIABTOB beightoioverwieetabovethe present mod immediately in root of my house and that out all this direct approach to pmpuu south oi the track this Moot urbanhme Mr Roth erplainlng his on position The diversion leading to Joe Ora Wm come within 50 feet oi the ver anda on the east side oi my house cutting large corner all my lawn as Well as causing the destruction of at least to iully grown trees in the windbreak to the east and south oi myhouse including couple oi flowering shrubs on the edge oi the lawn Also the letter added where the new road crosses my driveway to the west oi the house it will necessitate the re moval oi at least no large spruce trees planted by my lather when the house was built 35 years ago The present watering piacc tor stock in the ï¬eld east at the house will be removed as well as the barn iarther to the east in answer to questions by county councillors Mr Clark conceded there were problems but pointed out the project has to be done In practical way The suburban roads commls mediate hockey team curling dub and community recreation centre with aruiicial ice Al though it is in the Collingwood High School Area the town has its own Collegiate institute an attractive business section and is servedby civic minded or ganisations The Stayne Womans insti tute will mark its 56thbirthday this year The Stayner Hortic ulturol Society also is an active group as well as the Legion Chamber of Commerce and Lions Club The library in well supplied with books and has kit chen iacillties Mayor Elmer Dority liloe iong resident oi the area who has lived in Stayner since 1919 lloni Miss It Lion includes Fishe Canton Hfllsdaie Smith Campbell bl Barrie lender Ore reeve and James iiort oi Barrie leaner warden and mayor NUMEROUS INQUIRIES Oro residenia and visitors have discussed the hairpin turn and bridge for reï¬ta and in quhles as to why It hadnt been replaced long ago warn aumer NE in his letter oi protest Mr Rallies also clalmcdthe ap proach to the proposed bridge will take bite oi loo icet in width oii his property south oi the CNB This is all heavily wooded now and he said will come close enough to the shore line to prevent iuture develop meat at part at the lake shore Properly At another point Mr Raikea suggested There is ample room east oi line Oro to erect new bridge without the necessity of doing such serious damage to residential and lake shore property gt Mr Clark said he had gone into the matter tboioughiy and It was now up to the commis sion county council and other authorities to make the deci Slim 21 Years At Stayner Editor Congratulated operates term implement buri ncss lie is now serving his seventh yea as head oi the council which includes Reeve William lttore and Councillors Harry Mathers Alliaton McDon ald Arthur Pool Ken Kerr Donald hicintyro and William Knox Elected to ofï¬ce no two years the colored in completing the second year at its term Wil liam Fullerton is the town cleric having succeeded Gilliam Mr Philipps became ptdillsb or of the 90 year old Stay ner Sun when he purchasai the business com Bill Rosa newspaper was iounded by Harcourt last iiuys monumental 20 091W CHARIIONHESION APE ioTolwoowruMAunemm Saturday menu from mm CHILDREN 75c ANY TIME mushroom BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE Kilt HUNTERJAMES which JAMBW avorwxr PLAYGROUND FOR THE KIDDIES WINNER or mainstay1mm BEST PICTURE OFIIlIE vean jlitln STEIEEH BESTDIIiEBlOIlN0liMAN JEWISBN BEST SiliillNE SILLIPHANT on iiihmiï¬iiitoslttPHivaï¬R ammonium SIDNEY Hill iEli STEitiEii aTHENURMItllJEWISON humanism PRODUCTION impotent MtRlSCHhgiihhlt swoon momentum mWMJONES stitchiimtenoumgnmtuumslhmom winw mmmmmumumwroumvsm RUSSIANS rm TttE