Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 May 1968, p. 4

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Ellie fiioirir Examiner Published by cmldllft Newspapers United 16 Bayfieid strut Berrie0ntnrio If McPherson MAY HAY Walla Publish Wiltiam Toifor Managing Editor XIII north WW new Welfare Is Necessary But Who Pays For It Donald MacDonald the new president of the Canadian Labor Congress appears to he downloearth rson at least on some aspects of the anadlan economic scene He told convention recently that every one of the social welfare programs introduced meant that the costs had to come out of the wage earners pay cn velo Maybe he di nt say it in those wor but that was what he meant The Samia Observer believes it bl time that governments cut back on fringe benefits to all and sundry without taxing us to the limit We have sneaky suspicion that governments lc labor disputes and even strikes because in the longrun wages and salaries up and so does the government take in the way of income and other taxes single man who earned $50 week and paid $200 in income tax 20 years now gets $150 week and pays 3000 in taxes the writer recalls cannot scrape up enou deductions to merit the demand upon is tax dollar and he actually would be better off slashing some of his earnings in bank for his old age than he would be in financing government through an sion and other programs This is not to suggest that social wel fare projects are not worthy But univer sality of social programs are the means ggeraied pen tiieuneiéeiu it in RETIRE AT Also 33 to discouragemenL if we were involved in union the last thing we would sub scribe to would be program of further frln hanefils hhat we are comin to is this If the Canadian ublic starte not to reject all of the al benefits that our pohticlans are dreaming up but limit them to specif ic areas we would buy it As long as we have hospital and physicians care card we are admitted to ospital and we get good care But patient clipfiin cou ons from stocks and bonds on not financed by workers struggling to make ends meet Our social assistance pro rains must reach out to the impoverishe or the dis tressed and we have thousands of cases But let that be consideration of new political slant that is looming and let it also be one which labor unions and their counterparts in industry will recognize We need some plain Canadian common sense Dilemma In Czechoslovakia The rush in Czechoslovakia toward liberaUzatlon has had an unexpected re suit in the Soviet Union Soviet intellectual is re orted to have said to visitor that Czec oslovakia has spoiled everything for us He meant that the Czech drive has brought heavy restrictions down on the heads of those inside Russia who are fighting for greater independence and freedom of ex resslon riters painters musicians even the natural scientists have felt the backlash Those who have openly pressed for greater freedom have been dismissed from the party and worse from their professional organizations The latter move deprives members of any way of making living 30 YEARS AGO lN TOWN Barrie Examiner May 25 1938 Work will start at once repairing deplorable dirt road between BarrieAngusCamp Borden Hon Dr Simpson MPP Siincoe Centre and Ont Minister of Edu cation announced at annual meeting We mens Liberal Assocn in IOOF Temple Road was formerly Simcoe County assumed by province last fall Town ClerkTreasurer Smith noted mark ed improvement in collection tax ar rears Barries six beverage rooms must have done much better business in 1937 as municipality received larger cheque as share from Liquor Control Board Officials of International Plow ing Match inspected site of Edenvale ex hy County of Simcoe Headquarters and gaming are beside Nottawasaga River on ghway 26 North Simcoe Conser vatives named delegates to national con vention in Ottawa next month including George Johnston Mlnesing Graydon Kohl Collingwood Herbert Robert son Mrs HilliardMeredith Mrs Thomas Burton Barrie Oliver Cameron afBarrie named Registrar of Deeds for Simcoe County succeeding late George Vickers Howard Allan Churchill ap pointed Inspector of Farm Loans Boy Scouts planted 100000 trees atAn gus durin weekend camp Vernon Seadon Barrie won gold medal for Junior violinsolo at YorksCounty music festival No popular young Barrie DOWNMEMORYLANE resserl satisfaction on layout presented The crackdown reveals to the outside world the dilemma facing Soviet leaders There are many Liberals among the pre sent leaders in the Politburo But the Czech movement has swung in favor of Soviet conservatives who while not pre pared to take the country back to the days of Stalin are afraid to take their foot off the brake They are afraid because they have no idea how far and how fast the intellec tual community wants to travel It could be much further and faster than the leaders are prepared to move Yet the longer the brake is kept on the greater will be the rush toward liberalization when it is eventually released as it even tually must b9 men Harry Payne Smith and Fred Miller drowned in Kempenfelt Bay Sun day afternoon when canoe capsized it was worst boating tragedy in Barrie area many years Town Council decided take action at last in providing Cliff Car ley with some lifesavlifilg equipment at Mulcaster St dock anager John Dobson announced ening day lineup for Barrie Baseball lub against Pence tang Catcher Doug Ramsay Bud Kash rier first TomHare second Garry Lc Gear shortstop George LeGear third Keri McKenzie Eddie Stransman Harold Laking outfield Pitcher will be chosen from roster of Ke Bill Poole Johnny Johnson and Cotty Tribbie Reserve Jack Dyte Dalton Corbett Don Bowen Steve Hines Buster Clark Dominic DAmbrosio President George Ullmanprpsided at annual ban uet Bar rie FivePin Bowling League ophies awarded to Tony Saso high average Jo seph Saso big three games Archie Hudson high single Dr Harold Smith elected president Barrie Tennis Club succeedin Seagramcliosen captain RCAF Camp Borden willget 200 moretrainees next month to re lace graduates assigned to stations Cf Cadet Corps given high praise at annual inspection in Bar rena Commander was Bob Delaney in structor CockburnyliaroldWhites platoon won George Rodgers Trophy presented by Colonel PatrickVHennessy CO of Camp Borden Ivan Graccy fielders are OTHER EDITORSVIEWS SPECIAL rauosau PROBLEM KitchenerWaterloo Record ne Trudeau almost entirely unconnected with his serious res onsihiiities is one vhichrmany men in problem at all it is that ofbeing target for the oscu latoiy ambitions of young Canadian wo men Known as an admirer of the fair sex the new prime minister early rev ed rashly susceptible to re nests or kiss fro excited teenageg ls Bec use oftbesu situation now the hand Canadarbe atoms to get outof forced to run to eludea girls would the favorabl habitat ta atfirst was worthit be in Now he may not be so sur action is in keeping with his ay have felt problem facing Prime Minister ght not consider ccess of few the and ridto the prime minister of foreseen but Mr lrudeaus king calculated risks The risk ch anyway might have chfor its delicate equili brium Asking for special protection by security guardsnot onlytwould seem un allant butalso unCanadian The appointment ofa ecial assistant to handlethe lng wou if consider ed be discarded ediately No other bachelor at thejto level of overnment or even Opposition es ablishment would he likely to gratify the aroused fe male interest in politics The answer finally will have tocome from Mr vlrudeaul himself Like the choice of an electi to lein for him lone Parliament ivhi found it too niu The oldster who dentures he calls the outrageous behavior of young eople doesnt realigcztliat his attitude ibnsed to more or less exte on envy Terry Red Storey Joseph McBride Charles CANADAS STORY GoodImpressionMade By Chief Poundmalrer by son aowaiaiv newness on when hula Riel monitored to Genenl lid iddloton but the Poundinak indian 34 may held out LETTERS TO THE EDITOR FOR FREEDOM Dear Sir feel cannot let the letter of Master nizyk May zlst pass without comment our he saohio take walk to his head teachers study and educate himself little further by obtaining answers to the fol lowing The difference between Canadian and British subject and Canadian and Englishsub feet Let him also ask what parts of Canada were darkened by the shadow of the swastika in eldier 1914 1918 or 133545 on were thoshores of England Many men of all nations fought and indeed some paid the supreme price for somathhig that was valued more than the Union Jack or the Maple Leaf They fought and died for free dom These men would turn in their graves could they be told that the only freedom these little people can think of is to telk out of the seat of their paan through the medium of news paper Yours faithfully Smithson RR Barrie WHERE THEY STAND Dear Sir in this day and age of mang lcd morality and polarised poli tics the time is long overdue for citizens to decide just where they stand and what they be llcva For my Part believe In the dignity of the individual ro gardicss of race color or creed that mans first freedom should be his freedom of choice limit ed only by those measures nec essary to prevent infringement gt other citizens individual is believe in civil rights for all and double standard of rights for none in equal rights before the law and that the concept of collective con science collective guilt collec tivc responsibility and Icollec live aspirations are an anthema to human development and the progress of civilization believe that the only legitim ate function nf Government is the protection of its citizens and the carrying out of measures called for by the people and which they cannot carry out for themselves that the will of the maturity should not encroach upon mans God given individ OTTAWA naponr rarities Nicaoisou Ottawa Liberal leader deau appears to be deliberately confusing the election with nonissue The intention is to distract attention from the para mount economic issue and the significant al issue wbich are what thls election should be all about The economic issue is simply this Do Canadians want more of the rising taxes and rising prices whl 112 ferric Examine lid Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authoer as second class matter Post Office Depart ment Ottawa and for pay ment of postage in cash Daily Sundays and Statutoryliolidays excepted Subscription rates carrier 50c weekly moo yearly Single cap as By ma Barrie $2600year by side Canada Lish posses sions 315 year USAaiid forcignpm year National Advertising Officer 425 University Avanue Toron to MoCathcart St Mon treal Meiriber of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian udlt Bureau of The CS dintl Press isu clusiveLv entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper and lied to it or The Associated Press orlieuters and also ths local news published therein ch the Liberal govern ment has created five years The personality issue is even more simply this Do Cana dians want to be led through the difllcultiea and uncertainties of the coming years by an un tried man whose policies are unknown The red herring which is now being trailed is the racistissue John Dlefenbaker Vton power in 1951 by ignoring Quebec where the Conservative party had little supportand concen trating all his efforts on winning seats in the other nine prov inces This was the famous war plan drawn up for him by oldaoldler Gordon Churchill adapting the prqven military principle of reinforcing lift Today Tiudeau is seeklngto win the election by ihc same policy with significant varia over the last tion lie is ignoring Quebec uol rights lhst morality can not be enforced by legislation that neither government nor society has the right to coerce the individual concerning his choice of friends colleagues employees or neighbors believe in mans right to work to the extent of his cap acity and desire to acquire pos sessions without penalty and to dispose of them when where how and to whom he chooses that to be worthy of his hire man be free from arbitrary government state or union res trialions which rob him of pride initiative and incentive believe in idealism rooted in the reality of human endeavor in progress built upon the sound foundation of time tested val ues principles and ethics believe that no man should try to command my conscience that all men be free to seek the fulfilljlmarliltllofflthelr own hu man an sp destiny This then is the creed of conservative the creed of that much maligned right wing in dividualisti Yours truly Patricia Young Vancouver looser Pflmdmhes asked for Mermaidyum Highwaysooth the bag uninvuly There is famous outrun of Poundmaker sitting on rug in front of General Middleton who was in chairwith his officers in semicircle behind him Middleton fold Poundmaker tint he was charged with high tree can but thelndlau chief didinot understand until someone ex plained You are accused of throwing sticks at the Queen arid lryina to knock her bonnet Middleton would not shake hands with the chief who acted with great dimly in fact he made better impression on some observers than Middleton did The military leader was knighted by Queen Victoria in less but retired as commander of the Canadian militia the fol lowing ycar because of criticism that he had used his position to make money from the furtrade Poundmaiicr fought good fight for his people and their lands Early in May he inflicted severe defeat on Colonel Otter at hitKnlie Hill and it is said that his Indians could have massacred the Canadian force if Paundmakcr had not re strained them An elderly squnw tried to say something during llfiddletona interrogation of Poundmaker but was told by the general that he did not listen In women dur ingcouncils of war The squaw retortcd Are not the white peo Dthcr May 14 Events 101 Colonist Port itayal Mum do Mona gram murals drowned at Port Royal ms Night aiiack on Louis bvrg by New England force In use Jamel Wolfe gave din ner at its as before lootlisburl campalxn us logic of Montreal received first Canadian degree in medicine its Newfoundland deic gates arrived at Ottawa to dis can possibility of Joining Can mt Steamer Victoria sank in Thames River near London Ont during Victoria Day ceieu bratlons with loss of 100 lives ma Queen Victoria Park was opened at Niagara Falls 1m Clay Saunders made first parachute Jump in Canada at Vancouver 1m Parliament passed hill to establish nations broadcast ing system ml Fraser River flood created serious situation in Brit ish Columbia ms Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railway cutg from it to 16 been off runninnz time between Montreal Vancouver 1561 Prime Minister Ben Gurion of lsracl began state visit to Ottawa AROUND THE WORLD Need Political Solution in War With By PHILIP DEAN Foreign Affairs Analyst Rumor1t peace conference with reasonably tight security feed on probability The minor that the US will favor coall tinri government in Vietnamif it is only rumor as the angry White House statements allege must have been born out of putting two and two together There cannot be an effective end to the fighting without pcr iltical solution The possible po litical solutions are three main ones with their variants and permutations Complete American with drawal unconditionally Complete Communist with drawal unconditionally coalitiongovemmant in South Vietnam including mum bers of the Viet Cong Sniution it entails total cl pitulstion by the Americans no facersaving for them Solution entails totalcapitulatlon by the Viet Cong with no face Trudeau Is Aocused Of Confusing Issu es deratlon for foreign govern ments than for the rest of Can ada Quebec Premier Jobixons Vworst enemy is Trudeau and his best friend is General de Gaulle Premier Dan Johnsons rc sponsc was that he would have to participate personally in the election campaign if the Liber his continue such racist and antiQuebec attacks be pointed out thatitbe Liberal line is to imply that aviite for the deau Liberals is vote against Quebec nationalism Lirsiipraiisn IN Lipnn cons ivhere he hopes FrenchCana dinns will vote for him as one of us And he is concentrating ail his efforts on winning votes in the other provinces by his vi olent criticmm of Quebecxaud iis elacledyleadcr Premier Daniel Johnson The hope is to attract support from Englishspeaking Canadians for someone who will tell Quebec what its place is andiell it to get back intuit There are of course some who would heailractcd by this shal lowllne But there are already signs of the wasp backlash among the more intelligent white AngloSaxou tants and other nonQuebec kars who fenrthnl this cnm paign will only worsen the rela tfonshlp between Quebec and the other provinces Trudesus chief and intimate vi Mdnpower Minister Jean Marchenrl scta match to in speechdcilvered notln Quebec but in British Column The Quebcc government he baa shown morecons the inflammable racist iituatian uranium Niciir in load avavcisiu MicMic moon was con saving for them The strength of the US presence in South Viet nam is5uch that the Americans are not likely to accept any so lution which humiliales them and the North Vietnamese have repeatedly said they do not expect to obtain settle ment that would humiliate the Americans they know AmerL can public opinion would not Ic cept such settlement5o lot lutioii is out EOMEING RESUME The Communists have been scoring sufficient military suc cesses and control enough of South Vietnam not to feel they havc no choice other than EFF ulatinn theywould rather continue fighting Despite the fact that continued fighting would almost certainly mean resumption of US bombing the North Vietnamese government will not capitulnte There are among the North Wetnnmese rulers hawks whowould take caution VIN of no no North Vietnam over should the doves support capitulatlon The hawks are the proChlnese faction and the US does not want to encourage them So solution is also out The settlement therefore must slice the cairn in half in fess this was done geographical ly Vietnam was cut in two at the seventeenth parallel all the CommunisLs withdraw north at that line all the antiCommie nlata went south similar geo graphic slicing now would mean that North Vietnam would ac quire half of South Vietnam Apart from the fact that the Viet Cong leaders who are Southerners would not accept this it is solution that has been tried before and failed Unlike South Korea South Viet nam does not seem capable of holding military line against Communist infiltration Thus the only remaining conceivable solution seems to be transfer of the fight for South Vietnam from the military to the polltilt cal ring This meansno matter which way one interprets the wordsa chance for the Viet Cong to translate their military strength into political strength end to light it out politically against other elements in the country elements now largely excluded from the present gov ernment min THOUGHT For the Lord our God be it is that brought us up and our fathers out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage and which did those great nm in our night and preserved in in all the way wherein we went and among all the people through whom we passed Joshua 2411 Have you taken out little time lately in your busy sched ule to remember from whence you came Count your bless ings Praise the LordJ Rind ii tidbit CANADA WAS LARdELViH HANDS AFMI Mullah iii Fcsr NodMW MIMWIPEK cameo as av sng rams Macramemirt FWIEWlffIWM JURING dPfiiESDliZITAFA LONG DEAD CHIEF Till TRIBE WANTED HIM To CALL DFF Winl mowtr skim wondermentiv lemmacommando All Melittle MIPRONDUNGD OVER mYmMWflfflflMFfiWMH Blillifli NAVAL OFFICER Wb cogtoeouro WIlflMlI MM flIA SIG4m 40 W5 TIMEIII 530655 to moom mm wwzomi Mvsrakiausmnmiu 1651 runurmiaoa II Sluinij SMIN MEIVlOLGtiT DEATHJ I951t Millil BUILNNG RIMIIMtIaIflm IWWMMMJW merinoImmuni emsM Momma JfAflWi M51 lMffi MllflfiMdMINWW TIMI ININKMWIW ail Fl summers mm as in cessation mwwi Milton Anuster On

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