RENTALS HOUSES WANTED Mn fill 53 Mar APARTMENTS 10 RENT GARDEN TERRACE duodern bedroom maisonette large living room and kitchen with dining area lull basement oil but and III conditioning Milli PHONE 7234752 mm mm glut ued tempura nut and Tutpm Mi Wat or rent month III loop downtown loodon Excellent at Mk 40 point milder annuity Avatlnpieolupe Lani nbooo mm hulllea been mm wideohms diriein Term 73991 own WOMAN MMMI II no to harem ye nleanlrmmm in round or ome flan IQIQDLIUDG 72H FURNISHED or renl re ems eelh him Mr rm unawyl nrtoienl no promd ell untitled rupplled eolldren weleame Apply 55 Dun lap Weai ADI Two nwnooni apartment run and reirtxenlor supplied ullnl and leurtdrv ldlltier newa dee outed and in lmnurulrte condition Adultu only Telephone TilMEI ancus leahed room sport meat our television prime batll no if niyAvIiuiglli mehleEI otel poop Meteor Available Immediately Three bedmm Apartment in tri possumannexe 7mm Now ammo lor July new one uni luv bedroom npuruoerrir riove uid munici rupplied lnu end portion lldIlLlu Adultr on Queen shat Telephone Teall evenian 0N3 nhnlioo lDIliInml ior rent in new bulidlnx store relrlxenior end Imlnfl Incllltlen Avrilhie June very rentrul Telephone 71mm AVAILABLE immediately one bed 6011mm nolnmrni on our route rim and rerriremnr ruwlled Ap ply 21a st Viulnt 5L Apt in on ullnnooli lower heried apartment More Ind reirinerutnr IMDDlIm rentnlLv located on Perinth street Ituniilbll lune 5751 Saturday only mueet 1549 ruRNismm apartment roe lent pnlrtnx poll explorer Itddgbï¬lglg very renu or here or red Telephone 7268177 ROOM AND BOARD nluclrl mrolsherl bedroom un mliv located Boan ooliomlt perk irvz ludililea Gentlemen Por till the idiomdon telephone TzaTsal Most new Bond Available Illk mmIlllly central lMIllfln unlic In only oorrino recruiter rein Dill 12941110 Roost AND hand Ililbld tor reliableh lzentlemudnl crew home one coo WarmHon radio Sophia strut est GARAGE FOR RENT BUILDING or rentMsuluIoflllo€r misc rrmre filial valiev Taxi ouolop SiICI TEIODRODO mZul SUMMER COTGES COTTAGES FOR RENT 1lean BEACH eottreo tor rent watcriront bedrooms bath room shallow bathing or rotll children or June only 360 per week Phone 7250100 rum umrm water none ant are nurqlllrrie bedroom liv Ln room dininx room bathroom kitchen elretrlo stove and rema eratnr hot water rerreped venu orh rue hudltuz July or Annual stun monthly moist ARTS FOR SALE NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD ihe house at line hmdloonl DOMESTIC AND WORTED BROADLOOM honoring all liter and price 91 Collier St Phone misll PIONEER Antique Second Hand Rocking chairs glass etc Clean used iurniture We BUY and SELL Estate estimates welcome ESSA moan cznAli posTa ior sale and hem gates All lengths up to 15 ieet eiephone Lia7m ELECTRIC HOIST Will we no tensor msomnle Trievllone 662622 ml mmhm parts or sale moo vnditioh Telephone alter prn 7234891 ncrLlAN Piano excellent tone unflkhtlleltphoue mBSS ELECTRIC 510 II Finley tramwmmii will Drill TeILDlWile 7118531 cnummhn Id lte odd Vchliru RCAstcreo hvdamthoo nu nil rt epet Telephone Ilalln Draco Furniture duh tu bles chlxr inner stationery Ltd nunlop West ï¬lm or Iel sows win me silo Telephongz aisle noan moor oarno tnlm or nlo pearl clr pit of boxin elem Telephone 95le uter mat wam um interiormeme per union lawn mowers 1mm loam rheeLr pins urea beds on eshllzh mean can ind rï¬u mono new In use em or ï¬lgl Earn Moonstone Telephone Il cotton for rule Lira liv BE In Rood condition 3200 Tele phone uon AurmlATlc Washer and Dryer liar Glria rout rue as All in paged condition Telephone 718 BUITAIL Fender Mulbnl luaur one View round unit 10 not eoll card All he have condition we phone Home ualco poncho Air rumor lor note In load condition yor nir ljltli particulars toleth vital AcconnlAN lnr rule in ex reliant corldillnn nd dournoel Telephobllo moon all atom tor uie nod Ior No Sin allot Eldon Telephone undone eutgr 35 out ooolia lune nlhhle or rerun Aha oil nilom Te Clem 11 Im aiii he as wired Ur grr no volt out Genaliar Ono luv oi nope mm gran Illsflgimmehgu lame Spec moo Itlrnlighl totr mehdnee no we re no on Well Slnxemanrrte mm LELTRIC uilnr nith twill pickup and orator Inmaluo will rul ur rm included his pew Phoul HISIT Illcl Dm suowcnae or rare with mu il °ii lr oil 23 en he re up no Dung street mm oAltAGn poops set oi wood en nrul noon no elo lee themte sole Rood eoddttlnn Jump rot uood mattress Tele phone viaem Illcr pan neatvmms special reotul Mn nlee ior strident heatl ep Ith Muhlnel WEREnumeral mammal SIN WI 725659 nil Llh MIIIBIIST Plano ly Hill be or am do he 239203 ectVildeIJttm mOIIL ultmalsn Wuth innth Iot nle lltaii complete with pump Alla VLKIM vacuum cleaner Illll ler type both in excellent eopdh tlorl Telephone mam SIGN FOB all in 12 of thII cardboard Engaging ea oue nityAuiJAbiu at some tnnliolr blulneer pitta CHINt old Jewellery ihnltlhl lamp Clockl steruou silver cut lrry lornlrure Weaver noilouer usbunloo out creamed ellwe clidillon Tellehhflno humus tired and new All aulr unteed RemPurchase new drum It tlLaa monthly Fred dvlee and tips on drummior problems DliUlll Cln am Your street north oi Elinor Toronto Telephone Mi NEWSPAPER PAGE MATS sire ld rural or itnlnu hislrln coups Allin reruns Bib mild insulator or 25c Pin redeni Ind provlnrit tax Apva Barrie Examiner conlslta lire omhome in outdoor toilets Eau down to Ilrth live unpleasant elellie in task Pull dlrettions ThoILtlndl or users rent to coast Order now Shoo per ean postprid Lou Clbln products Box Tll Guelph Ontario lie 75 Kenmore an inch Electric Range si lionti 1i lneh Electric Range 00 Gurney inch Eleotflc sis Gurney oom inoLion coil and Electric no Fllzldutre Roirtderutoru us each Philips primertar 375 Trifle arlru Anlamluc Ms vrrnier Washers $25 and hell Eltdric Motors Mirror Ree 14 inch Seli Propelled Llwn Mower 95 Robinson Throwre Dunlap street Elsi Telml BOATS AND MOTORS Yau 1968 CHRYSLER MOTORS Now On Display at RHJGE ROAD MARINE Ridge Road and Con Dro leislog nova plumle lieoat with to mo ma non 330 $42 releprooe 323316 er Dvmu is FOOT Plywood honpout ea hp llermrv motor electric rim complete with trailer roan Tele poooe msm alter pm ltlmcle an no tool alumi num boa 16 DEL nu Elude it is root Illlntlnllrll rmu rlier tv 27 Anne SL 25 me retro siso Al ii Tiegilt Roller also curler go eee re Tums no is Tom liehomov end meme Boat for slie Dal bum new ma Telephone mom or my be reen at an inept Avenue 11 Food Dhryslel Edat oltlrwillr urronrn deer 105 no muster gall71 songwriter hell record Metwipers eee 7121 Dwe pump elodrlc ho eon Johndon motor Alan Telmnnnn51694 liter lsli moT Sail Boat or sale all EeliillI ml gttinnilcolzvpleteémre eree en ti reieplzooe Oriilta moral mumsz elurrsalli bolt and iioerluar covered weight sail are 175 so shill Ilvt outboard It Hunter Boat works dug 3257111 evlnlnn xlnzer Iron 15 loot coder strip Also hp Johnson motor Both re bu like new $197 seen at Go Home Loire Marina Limited Tele phone 13759913 or alarm am 111 righteous antholultmiomsr emarv ou ar union Alro Water Slrts lnd wiscott boat trailer Excellent eonnltlen Best orier Phone Tiame an moms Fiyirlli Bridle Cmilrr liuhournv plank 115 no strumeltt rnd cotnpleta tarps new svlIllz 1W ltilv be seen by appointment only $3750 Phone mum raou Suflnxbnkvlioelrlt in top Johnson nioctrarnnile Muierereii Tilt miter mm to no with con tmls battery box license em or 31100 Also to loot Aluminum none gmzclmuo nasm shinton flï¬hh cousin MACHINERY ancx lloz mounted on wheel drive truer good common Tale phone 7734050 ONLY $1179 rialnlesr steel fleeing new Damn DAYS WEEK 25 FT cacw EXECUTIVE board outboard drive TN miller Lt in absolute show room condition hiay be inspected at DELANEY BOATS LTD Foot oi Hayfield st Barrio 1mm ludtneommotor mintsodrdiaum stew ll plyodd in to ho rt moulded I1 Johnson time it It number with all no suit is it Grew with eo avenruoe and trailer rues De nney Beau Nit Mu to exeeueni eondIIIun LL Pï¬mmuh oedr rtrip bbollll neon outboard mint Oopstown wow it mean Sail Bolt 61 mod eL mull that nrï¬ Drum re water line 4th place chu m1 Certdim Albacore crimplan xhlpa Anion sllw surierni shanty luv Our new ARTICLES FOR RENT LAWN ROLLING EQUIPMENT Manual Power impelled Various size GARDEN TlLLEhs 7280580 MARTI RENTAL CENTRE 431 Duulop St Tm Arm cAlxm tulle tents Ind umle euulpmeoe limi Tent and Awning do fllyilaifl mm Ind Cunning Equipment Special ntu Tor or more ween to Sports Ltd Collier street nilem DOGS PETS Pumnlu hlinilllln Ooilil week old ALro mail Silmuo sell point weeks old Telephone no laol lor mrther pertieularl mh saline admorlrihsdalldd balm ro en iron ren live iron to roori homo Telephone 72mm ARTICLES WANTED memo nounre llanees Dhilu Anti oer ROI Errand moo shop as om clues solder cnrnderlen PALnIin Chlnl Rook etc Anti que Ca 159 puniop iv mum Transmission Wanted For 19 llorrle low Telephone Ltdan or iurther particulars TREES 8r SHRUBS nuns cmnlts or rile assorted rlreu remnehle Telephone tor urtner intonation CAMPERS ha CAMPING TRAILERS Soil and Hard top as low as $299 IIISON TRAILERS Highway 27 South Midland Open Wed Thurs and Friday evenings until 5267502 GARDEN SUPPLIES GARDEN TRACTOR 12 hp electric start complcle with 45 rotary mower HANDY PRO HARDWARE Alcona Beach Rd 4361770 limo TILLED Top sou delivered by dump truck lord only mom we unlaw to 7138822 LARGE IiIIliura pile for phone Commonn snot humour Ton soil or sale Tree rum weeds Telmhonn norm an urchin Drive 6AUTOMOTIVE Ea cnev nliyiilolz Ind transmbsiort or sale 2st or tomatie VR But cash oiier Telephone 7254552 327350 HORSE power Chev motor Completely repullt in model Also deuce with manifold Telephone Terry mm between cm rho man p111 moroncchss YAliI ior rule 305 an arsenal cthdltlon Telephone 72th Tele szKLion uleninoellustler 10th old excellent condition mum in so lor rule litre lei JAE no miles 17 least or best afternoolour red Telephone 7133861 CARACCESSORIES JCOQK5TOWN CHEV vs motors 283 CHEV motorspldl 135 240 FORD V8 motors 332 352 FORD motors All types illtransmissionsanti diiierentialr Standard or Automatic VA gooLIselecilou of body parts Open am to pm DELIVERY snhvrca more answered until in one COOKSTOWN tor9024 AUTO REPAIRS mm Transmission Ltd Aufomaiic Specialists t1 Dunlop St leami acnnwi lander 53 Anti uni imm Illfloat DALTONCOUGHLIN MOTORS lfi BRANDED ST Wuourmdirmnlnn Ieeaodnnuldlooacdeni ihandichr soon in ego smtewlila radio dot in Am hone Ns015 glue nu liking intonel incmi ConsirUclion Sale Week duties etc may be obinlnod from the In derrimed at the Nunidpal 0H ice strood no in 11 noon Monday to Saturdnyl he Applicants to apply In own uoomrter new handwriliuntniiru amine um Poona 66 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan As The Paving Goes Down So GO OUT Prices 66 Dodge Polara Convertible Bucket seaia aia V5 power steering NOW $2395 power hrakes power windows automatic medium blue with white top luxury car at pork and bean prices Lie stress Only $200 Down and 36 Months to pay NOW $1595 Pnsltraciion cylinder in turquoise with matching interior door family car Lie 25m rm mvxnur la ll VI hummus winesnondilz rw gens mow um perreei wait stead overw Telplum memo otter sun on TRUCKS FOR SALE ms rm pickup truck with Ill Amertern motor Ind emeed Auloe penile Mimiion none mm utter on 1501 Im roll Dunn Ind no whit inch mm INDY30 reer bio in MM if my muhï¬cutloue and sehry expected GROK rink Township oi InnLdii SIROUD Ontario on anon roots or year round amployrar Wooten Ruin ni inn taurte mull omit study an at year Ind over coun IQDIIL min gwlIpli viiElie MAN FOR CitHIM lad General Pguirlmmmnl bgmhtouliu In Mind ArcIn FEMALE HELP WANTED AUTO 65 Mustang door Hardtop vinyl interior Lic 145011 33289 00 to V5 upeed alitamatic Chevrdlei Impala Hardtop lFULLYEQUlPPED Withyailthe 68 lately features including speed wipers and washers padded dash backup lites double master cylinder brakes hideaway wiper arms six seat belts shoulder hnmesr saiety dash collapsible steering column padded sun visors 825 14 tires SBLicence and Tank oi Gas IDangerlield Motors Ltd zsa panorama sr 7261311 cuavriorm OLDShIOElLE cunvv rr elmva CORVAIR CORVETTE EPICS nervous NOW $l995 power steering radio Maroon with black with are yW Med The Meteor Price Dual hydraulic hraiie system with warning light steering wheel trout and rear seat belts with fro with lane change signal feature padded safety sunvisors positive dour lockebiittonshi way flasher hackup lights self locking holdingseats outside rearview mirror quadrant etc Plus white walls lull wheel covers emergency driver side uniform transrrlissionshiit licence and illlltanir of gas THE NEW 1968 RIDEAUI DOORSEDAN he Comfortable Long 123 inch Wheel DRIVE IIN LUXURY Designed Féalures Inciudingg Base gt anercury at SlandardCar Fully Equipped With all The better Ford energy ahsorhing steering coliunnaiid at outboard retraetors turn indicators PERSONAL 533 TEiiinim llmer Ru FEIIIMPMIMI on LL 100 problem end not arty noise my Unit 715467 Md Vgflmmlk Comnlaofble Tlady In my phone mad TRANSPORTATION reouired eonn mutn to weshore lid Goodyenr 11m elm Tomato ior or leave Tar umte 39 pm Tele phono mule WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School lhorough training in all DIM ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY 51 7286962 LOST FOUND poo LOST White with pronn year In child Cflcmnra uvl Ill Tniidieiit6itiliSir°som or hum were on Telephone collect aleloin omits In EDI EliIn XDGHUICB Ind were will be chosen for an Interlesting vasa FlELD REPRESENTATIVE Avon Calling WORLDS LARGEST COSMETIC COMPANY Has immediate openinits iar eucrgeLie woman to earn excellent weekly incolm For Informqu pleasa wrltc Ilrs Toni Smoluk Box 495 Barrie or phone 7266551 ran shaman houreleoper or hag women live to Telephon Mill antn clerlrro Romy rill Ind hardware lion braille emd SI to Box ciz iéhmniou RELIABLE limekerner WHILQ or IIIIIIILYl lam 0371am mi its eon nun or on mime IMUHQ mm til IMI lie10H CAPABLE WOMAN reouireei lun medlatelv loi hotnelruper one 9mm lull or pinHIM sALEs HELP AGENTS mm presently open in the One Man Only BARRIEAREA to HELP WANTED New to En CZV Bultl Ex LIFETIME CAREER of Large Canadian Financial lnsiilulloh which stands highamong WORLD LEADERS in its field Only AMBIiIOUS MEN with PERMANENT in mindwill be considered Ages 25 to 45 preferred The man selected will be offered Finest training Comp1ete welfare Excellent remunera benems Sim lt No longdis Ill Eggsnil no mammum travelling Achance ofhis life Opportunity for time With capital promotion investment All inguiries will be given very careful consideration Send resume of yourself which will he held in the strictest conï¬dencet Box C35BarrieExaminer DRAFTSMAN DESIGNER We are currently seeking the servicesoi an experienced draitanaa who has or lsprcsently working for an architectslirm and who has some knowledgeaf structural design This mdll will be required towork in close contact with industrial designers arcllitectss pliers and with the Manuiacturlog shop He will prepare detailed drawings and material ists either from architects and designers drawings or irorniob conditions This man should he technical institute graduate in architecture or engineering andfshouid preferably haven minimum of years experience in nanrchitects tinp Please said restriiéand salary expected to gt THE MANAGER SERVICES PORCIIAIN and METAL PRODUCTS Ltd Oriliia Ontano lrsALADALFQODSgï¬ ALLiSTON requlre av onvvwoax Madlll daytime ism evenings 4351691 Telephone Mr Bruce AIIIston iiTiraclor caller Drivel sliced tractoljtraiier driver required ior gasoline deliverygiromiudnes idea to sapwoodpi ieaa Age 25 toio years at least glide education 40 hoursweelrly 29l per hour Elie GODDIVILL ISTHE aha AND ONLY ASSET THAT COMPETITION ESTEOY CANNOT UNDERSELL OR lrxAcOCANADAiuMlTED HBITIFFINSTREET