Breast Feeding May Illleci Period By JOSEPH aromas MD Dear Dr Mallet laid my ï¬rst child three mtha ago and an hreastieeding him lot by nuns that whl you breast iced your periods do not resume until you slow up or stop breast ceding Asolnowlhavanolseeaa period Would you tell me II this reasooiagistrueaodiiitls possible ior me to become preg nant without perindiain What you were told is ordinarb iy truemenstrual periods do not Is rule return until the baby is weaned Howeverimpound commonly appear Wt sis moat hs They canbut usually do not occur when even while nursing So you see there is no posi tive answer to your question because at individual variations All that or anyone can give you is the general pattern is it possible to become preg nant without having had pa riodl Yes You may ovulata he iore the ï¬rst menstrual period appears and ovulation would make pregnancy possible hav known instances of womans not having had pe riod or tivo yearn because oi iroqueat pregnancy Dear Dr Molnar lam 42 and have had regular periods all my iiie until about three months ago Then started to have them at twoweek intervals and now have gone six weeks with out one Could this he the change oi NielWE It could well he the beghlning oi menopause or change oi lite To be on the sale side have your doctor check you over Menopause otten starts with such irregularities oi pe riods Dear Dr Mouser am 34 have had no children am in ex4 eellent health was told recent Iy that have smail iihrold in the atoms which should not cause me any concern TELEVISION Mid fluid bring cam in regularity oi the mud ado For our ten years was as regular as clock work on near cycle No it unhaflorxsdayshutis usually It to 25 connection Hrs Nv There could he connection it depends on the location at the rlhroid li it encroachea on the lunar lining oi the uterus men strual lrreguiarib is more com mon but it It Is in the outer seg ment irregularity is less Ikeiy These iihroid tumors are not at all uncommon and alien never cause any trouble How ever presume you are taking the wise course and having it checked periodically along with having regular Pap tests Note To Itiauv lieden In recent months have pointed out that BMW disease malignancy oi the lymph nodes in one of the diseases once in4 curable that is now responding to treatment recent article by Drs Henry Kapian and Saul Rosenberg oi Staniord in the journal Hospital Practice gives some ï¬gures even more encour aging than in the recent past Ilodglrins is being treated with great success ll detected when only one lymph node chain is involved but Kaplan and Rosenberg assert that 75 tom percent almosa is possible even when more than one chain and the spleen are involvod and that even In more advanced cases cure rates oi onethird to onehall seem practicable The ï¬rst essential is diagnosis asearly as possible the second is much improved xray treat ment STAND IN THE CORNER Noisy lateeomers to Tel Avlvs Cameri Hebrew Theatre hava to stand behind sound prooi glass partition In the gallery iman as the punish ment comer PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARBIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO 11 HAMILTON WEDNESDAY MAY as Evalvnvo 100 out znlvom Court INewl suoanla Pruddela osoem storm DDarlnv Thom SPhotn Finish aalen umnn suosloa Town eTmtn or consequences 1Fiintflonu 91 an Lucy llF Trooo mo alluel nmrtart 9311 amen llDaistu mo km 41425 ln 4Mln Prom Uncle 7l Lovn Lucy iWin trayaii 11ilm Emm Uncle sna annden llhiothorl mo SLeta Go hymnu ntuoo zL lltNgl Whig Lemma The Soil Go Cadillac liPlem Eertm Oltlovta Questtone eDNawa Weather Svoxhl lllronemoongn LVLIIIIILIII 74aeuee Cmuteul lnlaw aaltsnlon impossibl lluemno esteem Anmam mo 2lnn itule Elli Ho Million dGmn Acre 7Movie or Mice and hienl alio swnm 1v At oHe one son lento zuï¬un For Your IMI aGudenlna SpotIII apon DeLuise ltalexv Grunn iii mm mn Lsgru Hat Sui inlWL ll ew Weather snort linterm aerton 23s any anon acneclonm eMom tDaeldashi 1310le headset nnyn rn llllat un uuo llViaa Space THURSDAY MAY 23 MORNING AND AITERNOON mo dClndld Camera LMeet The lumen KQI AI liz Wm use Jl0317 All 42 0311 rant aaqos rules as scum enemas OAKQ 4x WW South West Kalli int Pin has Opening lend iaelr oi spades Most hands play themselves and there is little either side can do to aiiect the float out come But there are also hands where imagination skill and la genuity are prime lecture and on these occasions it is some times possible to aehieva re sult which ordinary play would not produce For example take this hand which occurred in team match At the ï¬rst table the play iollowed normal lines and declarer ouiekiy went down one West led the luck at spades and East took the queen with the ace and shifted to the jaelr at clubs Its result South lost the ï¬rst tour tricks to go minus It points At the second table the play was considerably more dramatic Here also West led the lack oi spades against our hearts But Lha declarer at this table keenly aware of the dung er of club shiit by East at trick two made the unusual play of the our oi spades tram dummy CLOWES By MRS mm LEES air and Mrs Jneir ltlorria Weston called on Mrs Mabel Everett recently ltlr and Mrsl Dymond and family ionalvanda NY were recent visitors with hire Dicker Clowea Womena institute held their meeting at hirs liarold Wrights Mrs lichen was Auctioneer for sale oi plants bulbs and baking which net ted $1350 The 4H homemak iug club demonstrated right and wrong ways tomvo meal with the commentator Heather Lauder Mrs Partridge hirs ll Wright Mrs Deli and ltlrs Lees attended Simone Kem peolelt district annual at Thorn ton May 16 one he would ahilt to suit where South wns vulnerable Accordingly East overlook the spade lack and returned the lack of clubs So the outcome oi the brilliant exchange at punts was that declares at the second table also went down on and the hand was stand LEFROY By MES MAURICE REID ltirs Reg iiobba has returned ome irom Mexico and will be staying ill the village tor short time at days at the home oi her daughter in Port Credit last week ltlr and lira iloward Noble Scarboro and Mr and Mrs lred Noble and Den of Don ltliilshlr and Mrs Chaut ler Neuron Robinson and ileu ben Alcoa and Wallace Churlt Ill were guesLa oi lurs hier vyn Noble during the weekend ltlny 12 zhig Shaw anfd Gordau oi op spent ow days with Mr and Mrs Pete Lelia Mr and Mrs Ted Corner have rented the betray Inn and in tended to open or business on May 11 ltlr and itlrs Earl Gilmore and iamin entertained their parents and other relatives on Mothers Day Those present were Mr and Mrs Norman Gil Beli Fennells Mr and Mrs Culbert and family Bradiord ltlr and Mr Gordon Young and son Toronto and Miss Wilda Culbert Barrie The United Church Women are holding rummage sale in the basement lilay 25 Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jack Willard nee Marl lynNolle on the birth at daughter Monday May 13 Stewart Donnelly attended Toronto Conterence oi the Unit Church In North Bay recent ltirs Matt Bell spent couple 1000 awtndow On The World 4sunrtso Semester llLocal News iiliiovia Blondie in Ta outhl 1010 In Iconeeo 0n SFriandly slant ll Ellen aamnley Bilihiiiiel 7Dick Cavett Spender um zPersonnitty er Dresser aAndy Griliith DToronto Today uuo aHnllywood uaxu Ludunvliopsy i335 ardy ro 34Ngwa Newa Wuer 1Bemtebm llsflflm SCHWI flit euro 3H0 Ffl Tommw 70lillulflil opinion llBlfll Bunny 11ml 7Pnrrect Match Batovlo Bordel River llhllkl Douala mo dA Tho World viur 1Weddlna Party mo 1Day Our Liven tLova Manlr Splendor Talon 7Nowlywed Glam euo tgontorapw uusl 7th Glmo Lincoln in conniet lIDefrndefl MW IAlloiher World LTBka meow oaugtruates Collfl 310 ZYou Dont Say liEdg of Nllht 7co aderm Hnao Judgement anlnvte Hunt atolln Hanldilu School Tune Running Out llPhoto Finish THURSDAY MAY 23 EVENING up one lFiï¬Mill or oney 111 can aman Martin run 2Dragnnt lPevidn Pllee 11nan Grurln xomo nnnu ilnrtln SRun For Your Lila VNan in Suitcase 75 Wattles rho 4Caotnlu Kanorod llGehnltzeis House iUnlvmtty oi the 3min 334 nit antlfl 7Dtailug tor nonn axomner Room Allen Ell 0mm astrikes Shlï¬gwou MIME oon Playth no 7bivon aaonnigIPgltlï¬n etrat Sgtm lligflto human 13 Gritii an JUaslae rowa dTfulh or consequence lintstonu iIl Love Lucy ilPhyiiia Diller er 41 mole 7ltl Dove Luoy ilGlrl 1mm Unelo FNBWI WEIIIGI am il Ghanarrau 73W 1Huel lThll GllI dMovle this gflml NM liMouheer 710 2Darliei HOOD LILYPJL 142m Hundred Years man 911 lel Weather sport lllgtleln Eelton as lMen Grinds lantu lDGVIll Argent 17$an Tuiarat 9Per mbl DMovle lgne Kiwi the litchlcvle Roam aloa Lifelong Hero Loo 1lLyin Nlau 14N allï¬wlveabm soom 7lilovia Extent And The LlPiem Barton lflfl tamlnslda my lltl Haunwlnl 7Eewitahed WHEN THEY COME IN THEIR DRIVEWAY NEW ELECTRONIC THEIR GARAGE canner rHE NEIGHBORS Naxrooon HAVE DMan in suitcase iTHATWHEN mm BOY OUR REFRIGEPNDI Klarahm sunIn in ma vuu atrlu vrnl Ihenoa no each combination so which do you want morea beautiful OR workhorse onltv anosswoan ACROSS Israellai billty Forebodlllg t3 Armadillo 10 Masculine 11 Greedy 12 Overlooked 14 Blg casino 48 Speaks 144clrlnnnrne DOWN Cave Think Insane Halli measure Leave out mum Overhead trains Part or compass 11 Hindu meal 12 Dawn 13 Payment Velmay Anlwer 277Vrgelbn sawmill Part oi strokes window 39Mrichn an American worm Alrldinn 40Paat a0 Cad 421mm ZarProprietor otanale 16 Nobleman abbr l1 Quakl 19 Not working 31 Indefinite mlnle 22150556 23 CanterIla or Printers measures 15 Member or Con gresa nbhr no Begetter 28 Good mend momma tion ansulsnnnte aealypemn Itali 340verhead aszm 31Tlny assnntnn again unnnoe nung 059uree otindign entaillung ammureo wrtAT we NEED ls one FRIENDS rum mm DOOR FLIES OPEN OUR anveway gt JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT X9 arteriole memes emollient vou were no WEARth AN ACTUAL ourrn mom mszos as kuuN 522 BOTHIIEDl MY BUSINESS is All EALVMENOT SIGHTSEEIN snow DAGWODD our we HAD ouzz 5waarc Muses AND SKEEIER gT Bradford Sit Barrie save oN THE OPTIONS roumc BUICK LTD olnlmlass roomIs GOODWILL use can 19s Pontiac Parlalenne tooornro lindentam dud th142 time Uflt Blue wltn matching olua Al Clean auto 25 mm $1 GOODIVILL WARRANTY WELLPATRDLTIIE AREANOUR VEEP SEA SIISMERSIBLE WILLBE on THE BOTlDM tuML PollcE AND lsoveRNMENT AGENTS WILL cooPERATE our WILL monomers summits IM GIARGF mammalooesur looileAthtes W0 SEEMTOOGREAT unwxlewlorvak BLewarsraoosRs onwullscnzmmm MID SUBMERSIBLES BUT itlillE IRELAND NEVER YOURE OFFTDA ALLOW FLYING HART BE DNER DPERIles FROM PERSONNEL TRANSFEK CAPSULE ORA UHFSEA