fingernail National Ski Shifts Amateur Code ihe mum tCP Spurred by achievements oi honey Greene the Canadian Amateur Ski Association has undertaken louryear programtu put Con ada into contention ior world honors at the 1m Olympic Games The CASAS annual meeting here during the weckrnd also adopted controversial measures to reduce the rigid code oi ama teurisht now governing skiing operation Sappor named alter the site the i972 Olym pics in Japan is designed to produce positive results in warld competition John Piatt head coach of Canadas national ski team and an originator oi the schemo sold Sunday it could enable Canada to challenge countries such as France say within three years it will involve the appoint ment at head coach to coordi nato and integrate the entire structure racing in Canada the payment or living allow ances In turn numbers lull um extensive training in Eu rope ml North and South America looill also include the promotion ol Nancy Greene lit tie league skiing auosr Canada The longstanding issue at ell gihliily which became even more controversial alter the Olympics in Grenoble France with charges at prolessionaliam brought against some skierl was raised in series at resolu tion passed by the CASA WANTS PRO INCLUDED The orgonitation governing body of skiing in Canada will ask the World Ski Federation to allow prolmionais to compete or Canadian championship The CASA would also indudo in its national ski icam pro grams any declared prolession al competitor whom the amour tlnn lecls lit to represent it in international competition lt promised to withdraw the section dealing with profession als on national team it the led GrOup antic worsted Wedrnal competinn in world ski chant plonsblxn as separate prola Iional team of nonnatlmai nature The CASA would also In its Weill mm all res one on psrttdpstion In the organiza tion only it quested ol prolamlopal ski racer ll ap proved by the lederalion these proposals wmild go idia Ellen July 1366 Also adopted was resolution calling lor the national ski team to be placed under contract to the CASA and any lunda re ceived through business ver turea would go to the team The association also reserved the right to protest vigorously ony suspected violations at in ternational Ski on ti it rules Some oltioials said the Cana dian ski team almost withdrew train the lost Olympics because ot the heavy government assist ance allorded some teams Image Is Pendlized For Race Interference WHORE UP Peter Fuller at Boston it going to try again Juno in the Belmont Stakes with Dnnccrs image and he hopes suspended trainer Lou Cnvoioris ol Tomato wont have to watch the race on television Fullers hordlucl horse Can ada twoyearold champion last year was disqualiï¬ed Sat urday in the makness and placed last it was tho lirst disqualiï¬ca tion in the 93yearold history oi the Prcoknessvand it loliowcd on the heels of the horses di quaiiï¬cation in the Kcntucky Derby The Derby and the Preakness make up the first two legs at the Triple Crown of horse racing leaving only the Belmont Stakes lor Dancera house to redeem himself dclinltely plan to take this horse to the Belmont assuming he come out oi the Preakness sound Fuller said Apparent 1y hes not irdured in my opinion the Beimtmt Ibouid ha good race no it ahould he mat racer WEEKS TWO HORSES Forward Pass scored con vincing sixlength victory in the Praakness Saturday and Danc era Image was third wnli hack the winner hot the son oi Native Dancer was disqualiï¬ed lor bothering Martins Jig and Nodouble in the stretch in the Derby Danccrs lmoge linished iirsi but was disqualis ï¬nd when urinalysis revealed an illegal modication in his syl tem That leaves only the helmont and lulicr wants Cnvniorla who was suspended lor to days alter hearing in human on the Derby on hand Weve appealed that Louis ville decision as you know Ruler said and hope to have Lou back with us for the Hai mont were going to Louisville Thursday to start the appeal The interference in tho stretch Saturday took place alter For Iwarg Pass had the raco well in non SIZZLES runovnu ck lsmacl Valenzuela kept the sonï¬ 0n and On in good position lrom the start and Forward Pass staiod through the stretch to boat Robert chbewgs Out oi the Way Another head back was Danc ers image whose iockoy hobby Ussery was held blameless by vmconvnmnsi WORKING COLEY HALL management adviser to tha VancouverCan units at tho Western Hockey league stands to answer noes lions lrom newsman ata press cooleronce Canuckndiréctor Peter Benfloy is sealed The two club oliicials were ding cussing riiorts to get Vancou ver National Hockey League franchise GP lViraphoto the stewards who ruled the terlorence was beyond the vet eran riders control Forward Pass covered the 318 milesln 156 to running the linal threesixteenth in 19 Ho eamodSllzfloo lrom the gross purse ol $195100 richest aver for Triple Crown race Gena Golfs Nodoubla was moved to third altcr Danoerr image was set down and Jamel Skinners Yankee Lad was given lourih money Forward Pass paid his back ers $410 $50 $250 Out of The way returned $640 and $380 and Nodoublo $420 Following Yankee Lad home were Charles Engelharda Jig Time Ray Dulours and Joseph Richards Sir Esau Mildred Bealis Martins Jig Hubert Phlpps Ringmasler and John Neros WoodPro MT FmSTTHREE urinalysis was given each or the first three ï¬nishers and Pimlioo officials announced they were nogativo Aithough Nodouble was moved to third he did notihava to tinlargo postrace test Fuller said alter the raca that the disqualification of his colt was lair and honest dcoi sinn Alter viewing the ï¬lms and talking to the stewards Loan fully understand and agree with their doci OMalley To Make NHL Try MINNEAPOLIS APi Minnesota North Stars an nounced today that dolenceman Terry OMalley of the Canadian national hockey team has agreed to report to the Stars National Hockey Magus train ing camp next lall OMalley and Garthegg an other Nstionals delenceman met here managercoach Wren Blair ol Minnesota Blair said he plannodto meet againwith Begg next month Proicsslonal rights to both players were biainod by Minnesota lrorn Toronto Maple Leals allowing the 1967 NHL expansion drali Eoth OMalley and Brgg make their homes in UPS Winnipeg From $37900 Madigan Mower Service 111 button Avenue with genorai an WAR Nancy Greens was in HIlllax during the weekend lor meeting at the Canadian Amateur Skiing Association Bissau LEADERS hssomrno rnnss American League AB 11 Pet 134 22 45 338 124 21 39 300 100 17 33 306 95 12 29 305 Howard Wax While NY Horton Dat Monday Oak Alvis Cie 117 13 38 293 Ylltaltl Bsn 111 10 56 2911 Hum Runs Howard Washington 17 Horton Do troll 10 ltchlng John Chicago 40 1000 Warden Detroit 3D 1300 Parranoski Minnesota on 1000 in more ways than one Dont let your money mt aft there Canada Tmst can get it working diet you while youre enjoying some othgie trig Ithringe beneï¬ts in town ey minute you become Canada Tnnccustomer Our better otter beng with $2100 the same amount brought to us bya new customer recently We helped him choose the various ways he could put it to work most eï¬octivoi harder for She is shown with Hugh Noble vlceprasldcnt ol the Canada Games Society which will stage simmer games in Halilax next year CP Wirophntn National Inglis AB Pct 140 10 53 356 141 21 45 348 81 ii 27 333 23 48 333 Rose Cin Flood 511 ill Alnu Pitt Johnson Cln Alon All 15616 5137 Grote NY 113 36 319 Home Runs Aaron Atlan ta McCovey San Francisco Swohodn Nconrk Hart San Francisco Fliching Reed Atlanta 50 1000 Kelso Cincinnati 2D 1000 Selma New York so 1000 Ee acwul starts at pm Opening ceremonies outtalog the Barrie CW Ween Band ltlrt at 730 pm The intermediate mens league has booked live morn games lot this Week Unlvenal Cooler in vein to Borden tanorrow at 900 pm tor game with the defending regular season king liyers and Thursday is the lint Thursday niflot double header oi the season at Queens tangles with Ciarkson Hotel at 700 lollowed by United Electric at Baylleld Motorl the old West Bend at 30 Beavers Bag Exhibition Win AGlNOoUilT Barrie Beav are opened their loss compeib live ladies sottbsll season on winning note last night but the success uniortunateiy did not count The local entry in the On tario Ladies Senior League out scored and nutslugged Agtncotnt SoniaWax isiz in road ex hibition outing The game served as awnrmup or this Friday nights league opener lor the Barrie club right back in Agincourt The Barrie homo opener is not until Sun day June 2nd when Simone Stars are here ion double header Local am will have chance to look over the girls talents to night at Queens Park They play host to Agincoun in another ex hibition at 330 pm allowing the mens intermediate TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7201414 flit MRI EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY 11 In Gaels Jones Fires By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ron Jon aso seven goals sparked Oshawa Green Gaels to 118 victory over Mlmico Mounties Monday night in not oi tour Ontario lacrosse Asso ciation gamer scheduled lor the holiday weekend The victory by the delending Canadian iunlor champions was their lourtb oi the season with out loss and brought their goal production to as for the year to he lor the opposition in other weekend games St Cathartnea edged long Branch 1110 in overtime Monday alter clipping Mississauga uio Sat urdoy and lluntavliie took Toronto 1715 in another Satur day gamc The win by Hunts ville was their third of the sea son without loss Aiding Jones in tho Green Gael onslaught was John Clay ton with three goals two each by Fred Greenwood Charlie Marlowe Joo Karasnaj and Phil iayton Jim Higgs Larry Lloyd and Peter Vipond added the others Scoring or lilimieo were Paul Parnell Chris Henderson and Kevin Ellis Ken Holder scored our goals Ball Title To Toiienham Bears With two wins and draw Tottenham tears were award ed the Lisle tournament baseball championship during the week andA ii tie leSllllï¬ll in live mnlng linai with Orlllin when the game was called on account oldorltness Toiienham was givcn his do cislnn because the team had put more players on base The aarne teams meet in South Slrncoa League game at Toitenham Thursday evening May 23 The Majors earlier dumped livy Leals 15 to and Bccton Ive got$2100 sitting savings accountCanCanada llust make meabetteroffer $1000intheCanndalrnxtlnvestmenz Rind nowpd plan to make regular monthly invutmmta in the fund from now on And something for late on The next 3400 went into highmm Trust Certiï¬cates for the expense tilil customer going to face when his children are ready to aster college He decided bohuy another100 Certiï¬cate every six months and let the interflt accumuhste so he outlast interested Scores in SL Calliarlnea Victory Moll day including this overtime win ner John Hocuiak had three and Jake Thoman two with the other going to Neil Simon and Bill Hoculuk Scoring lor Long branch were Bill Shannan and Joe Smith with three each Stan Cox with two and Bruce Todman and A1 Valliiie Bill lirllllhoo collected gar goals in St Catharina win or Mississauga llen Holder added three with John anh Elli locu luk contributing two apiece The other went to Jim Mcllllhon issauga marksman were Dan Russell Pat Ditler Al Gor dancer and Daily lticCaï¬hy two each Frank Ends and ilra Marlin lunuvllia Gsela were in spired by Brian Thompsons rovcn goals and lour other by lvaniThompson Lavern Bullcn Harry Menard Grant Munroe Terry Watson Tom Buckley and baton West eompletedrtha scoring Bob Smiths loingoal ellort sparked Toronto hriln 11c Ottcheon Wayne Granger and Nelson McNeil added two each with Dave Roach Dave John son Bill Coghill Paul Suggalt and Jim hloora nompletingtha Marlboro in ring PAY tint on our convenient runner PLAN EXPERT Mechanical Body and PAM WORK Phone M1811 DANGERFIELDS hradlord st Barrio Wemlooknmymrestsbeh makemyonrfsmiiy reouvea possiblepmadiumwdeyooWIfll marina for gm onstage oiywr hmnes value Start youonnRenrement SamngsPlanthat iauxdeducï¬blemovandwfllmem higherinoomelater Even rent youa SaleDeptaitBoxioryotnvaluahln Doitnow The features of our belterrofler are almost mdlm Shouldnt you he talc the interest Smartmove Andforaspocithclidayheandbia famiiy havein mind $500 was who CanadairnstTargetSnvingldnootmt ram inrgetisHawaii High interest is uninitiated monthly on their money iogadvnn eoithemrighrnow Drop ï¬nd meetthe managa of yarn neamt CanadoTruat office or write to the addras below And you have children tell us how many Wed like to acacia iittiemcthingalong for eacholthsrn Mr Biggie 9Dunlop 51 7261848 19 Increase sound like lot Last yeareoc1 equity unit of or Canada Trust Investment Fund in ereared 19 lnvalue And discs just one year People who invested in the fund when it started 11 years ago and reinvested their dividends have more than doublul their money today The fund is designed to provide you witllndiveraiiied portfolio of Canadian and Amaican stocks and long term protection from the detcï¬omting pur chasing power of thedollnrr 19a like having your money proton aionallvmannged for you byyour own personal tlnvestanent counsellor You pay no salesmana commission Except for adult administration fee every dolinryon immt goes directly to work or you Soweauggcstod this customer place sham growing right awry And $200 for expenses Even on plain 0161th coconut Canadalrtnt made better offer An account that pay interest and lets you write msonable number at chequl without aervioecharge ï¬nancial service centre You might compare Canadnlmatbol supermarket Became just as food helps you grow physically Canada Trust helpsyou growï¬nuncinliy Which hringsuatothooe fringe hatditl the second part afour better ofler nanometer MumMtbnmmhmom Idmlnrnrlttnd Over 100 Wflflm with sanity 1mm and Manama nne of the finest Canadian whisities this country has ever tasted Gilbeys