Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 May 1968, p. 5

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Simcoe Centre WI To Meet At lllNlSlll COUNCILLORS DISCUSS ROADS Road work in Innisiil town lzip was discussed by Court cillora iturscll Stewart and EI mer Grose when they met at the municipal garage on At coaa Beach road recently The overall lnnlshl township road budget tor lost was approved at msmo with 50 per cent subsidy irom the Ontario delt partmcnt oi highways plus ex tras tor bridges and culverts tExatniner Photdi tStalil One at In Simcoe County Slmooe Cen tre Wt is main preparations for its annual meeting to be held on Thursday May to blotting and afternoon sessions will be held and the agenda will include presentation at linan eial statement and other reports election at olficers review at branch highlights oi the past term and entertainment The president htrs William Slbthorpe at Wyebrldgcmll be among the speakers Immediate past president was lllrs Don Jacobs oi Elmvate who was led craicd representative during the past year Mrs lit French at Elmvaie and Mrs ll Pays ion at tiinenng were viceprose dents and hire Iinwnrd Grier oi Wyevate secretary treasurer ll BRANCHES Besidcs Elmvate branches in the area Include Allenwood Ed envale Wycbrldge Van Vtaetr Sunnidale Cor rs Waverley htincsing New Pics Pine itidge Saurin Silver Maple Grassland Centre Vespra and Centre Flos Mrs ll Ottaway of Rose Avo nue Barrie was district dole gate with Mrs it liatv oi Minc sing alternate They will report on area convention at Stayncr last November Milena institute distrirts Ind RR Elmvaie Ind dlfleuahl educatro lira William Trace at hit Elmvale alrza cowztmow Plan will be ducas scd tor representation at the annual two id at Coldwater in late 0c tober Mrs John Loung oi Elm ay area convenuon which is to Vile lmvale lions while lira Joseph Dru at hit Elmyaie was curator Auditors were Mrs Hugh ltliebla Ind Mn Edison Dean both at Elmvaie bin Gordon Ingletoo at Elm yu representative to the Federation oi Agriculture with him Grier oi Wyevale alt nate South Simcoe Meeting NEWTON ROBINSON Stall Annual election or otficcrs and presentation of reporLr will be made at the 66th annual meeting at South Simcoe mens Institutes which will be held at Newton Robinson ball on Wednesday Besides Newton Robinson branches in the district include Bccton Cooks Corners Everett Coulsons Hill chltWcGwill Totteoham Le troy Hand Head Bradlord Gil org Ridge Alliston and Guar town Fishers Davis assistant and Mrs ilurlburt oi Tottenharn as Fed erated represcntativc Mrs Hodgson was public relations al iicer The district meeting here lol ous similar meotingstor Sim coe Kempeaielt district at Thornt ton Simcoe West at Dunedin and Simcoe East at Itrdtrea entre Simcoe meeting is to be held at Elmvale on Thursday May 10 and Simcoe Northat Eady on Tuesday itiny 20 Arrangements also will be dis cussed tor representation at the DISTRICT JVLWS TIE BMRIE ammo TUESDAY MAY It Vote Campaign In Full Swing In Peel Dullerin Simcoe ALLISmN tSIallt The itd eral election campaign in Peel Dullerin Simcoe riding which includes Alluton area is cur rently tn lull swing with all threetandidatcs active Ellwood Madill member tor the old Duitcrin Simcoe riding which was enlarged by redistribution has been llppoal in tor areturn of the Conser vatives to power under itobcrt Stanfield lttr ltladtll won his riding in its and toss elections but has sat on the Opposition side til the llausc Liberal candidate Bruce Beer at Brampton who represented Peel in the lost Parliament Highway 11 Lines Painted In Oro 0R0 STATION istnllilligh way It through am has been having its trattic tines repaint new prtrr am tor Canadian development National Democratic Party members are urging support tor Pr George Hill who is stand tag as the Douglas party standard bearer tor second time lie pollcd some 3500 votes in the last tcdcral election in the old riding representing substantial increase over 1963 results NDP supporters am hoping this trend will continua uhich they loci would give Dr Hill chance Returnng olticer tor the ridA lug which has population at about 65000 is ired ltchaugal or Alton The riding includes Tossoron tin tdlala and Essa townships which border Alliston as well as this town Orangcvitie Bramp ton and Eramalcav hlalo oiiicers who will be giv tng reports on the past term in etude Mrs Gordon Mallion at Tottanham president ltirt Wil llam Sutherland oi Bradtord and Mrs Don Monkman oi Coolrs town vice presidents Mrs John liumhlc ol Gillord secre tary treasurer and Mrs l1 annunltwoday convention which ed by provincial workers and will be held at Coldwater Oct equipment during the past lew l5 and is The 1967 area can days ventlon was hold at Stayncr last Extended to tour lanes about tail to years ago the highway can nccts with 100 lust north at liar rie Wide cautre lines were re touchod to addto traific satcty conditions Converters of standing commit Ices were agriculture and Can adian industries hirs ll Dawson at Elmvale historical research and current events Mrs Donald MacDonald oi An ten Mills home economics and health Mrs Allan Drinklll oi CONSERVATION LEVY DUNTROON Stall Nottl vasaga township council has re cctvcd notice that its 1968 levy to the Nottawasaga Valley Con servation Authority amounts to 8515 Payment has been auth orized Five 1957 Members On County Council Only live munbtrs oi the cur rEnt Simcoe County council served on the same group our lug 1957 it was shown by review of county records The holdavnrs included Port ltlcNicoll Reeve Albert Cal vert now serving his 20th year as county councillor and Penctangulsbene Reeve Alirod Cage now serving his 16th year hlcdonia Reeve Dalton ler may who was county warden in 1969 is now serving his 17th year as county councillor The other 1951 holdovers are two members who made successful chicks Innisiil Deputy itcch Allan Todd tand Ora ltceva Kenneth Gillespie ltir Todd was reeve ol Innisiil in 1957 with Campbell his call auge while hlr Gillespie The coming mccting will mark the second year in row the South Simcoe spring session has been held at Newton Robinson had former warden George tiacltay as his deputy in 1957 County records show that lormcr Barrie mayor Lester Cooke was member at tour hewas elevated to the warden ship in 1958 Essas two 1957 representa tives were William Peacock and hlcrvyn Denney while ltoy Hick caunty committees in 1050 the ting and Carman Dowuey repre last year in which Barrie was seated Vespra George Ltsk was represented before becoming Tecumsoth rccve with Ernest city He scrvcd an the equaliza while Sunni Eilison his deputy tion committee county pro dale representatives were Ab periy county agriculture and her Rawn and Wesley health and wellnrc Bales in t957 the county council James Patton and Norman was made up or 32 mmflclpgfl Habgood represented Nottawa ties the same as now but they 5333 which now has Arnold had 5i members in place of 55 Vanch and this Oure Mm game pp 9d out while Walter Middleton and Cookstown moved in as are Earl Trace represented Flos placement when it became an Fred Kinnear and Mrs Min incorporated village This meant nie Math represented Toy am or one Member since townshlp ltirs Farence Eelcher pan1e had two and cwkslown was Victoria Harbour represen ane tatlve and Anthony Deck was SOME MORE UP IVasaga Beach rceve Burns Wales rcprcsenlcd Tossorontio Sunnidaic township then had two members instead of one Joseph Bollard iTottcnham Frank Gray Crcunnre Law itowcver Bradford then vili son Robinson Elmvala Russcll age has moved up from one to Somerville Siayner lohn Small two members as have Adialap Adjala and Thane mug Bee Tossnrantio Victoria Harbour tan and Wasaga Beach Collingwoods 195 members cm calmm uinl were Charles Kcnnc and Gar ed laslc year reminnlfndnd iield Case Earrios Murray changcswmch wnumhnve d9 lilills and Lester Coolie Orilltas creased lhe membershtp by Ken Curtis and McDan limiting deputy reeves but the report Was rejected jn vote ald Montcalm Maurice and Eldcdge Qucsnelle represented at the body The committeeoi icred two ch ces onc propos Tiny Township with Percy Selby and Herb Hughes Vcst ing that qua tion tor do puty rceve be raised from Gwillimbuty aud Manford Horne and Tom Joslin orillEa 000 to 3000 eligible voters An other recommendation would township Lawrence Dcvine was Goldwater reeye havc made the number 2000 in stead oi 1000 Both moves were flatly raject ed The town of Orillia which DRIVEIll THEATRE since has had an application for city status approved stroneg objected on the grounds it was Paymg 35 Will levy 35 17 um sntsm tun tram want with ultwtt on or our TONIurnl amttannin Creemore Lions To Get Charter to September CREEMORE Stall Pre inary plans have been dis ssed here or charter night program for Ute nwly totmed Crcemorc Lions Club which has lnltn Ncy as its first president date in September has bccn suggested for th occasion which will be featured with the otiieial presentation at the char ter trom the Lions international Cecil Stamp is charter secrc tary and Grant McKnight ire surer of thencw service club which wrll met twice month alter the summer recess District governor of District A39 John Taylor of Alliston has been assisting the Creemore group in getting the club organ llnd Jerry Barrnwclough of Collingwood zone chairman and Frank Pleasancc Calling wood president also have help ed rget the new club started htr Taylor Visited 41 Lions club in his area during the past year in addition to Creemnre The district encompasses an area trom Bradiord to Wasago west to Penetang across to Wiarton snutheast tn Wingitani and southwest to Grand Bend then east to Strattord northeast tdtGuelph and north to Orange ville The largest service club in the world the Lions are active in over ttoycountries and have more than 8000000 members An international cbnvention will be held at Dallas Texas next month municipalities which had some 22 members while the town had only two representatives Orti tia representatives wanted at the time it this inequality was nt reduced the town would take actionto withdraw and this now becomes olficial on January 1959 last tenyears alter Bar Ill did 50 County councillors are now giving attention to the changes which may be expected in the linaneial standing Orillia paid slightly more than to per cent or the total county levy MORE CHANGES Ross Williams and William Alderson were Allistonr 1957 representatives instead of the present Ralph Hunter and Jack Taylor Arthur Evans now Sim coo Centre MPP was in only representative and to noextrocostj 68illmllaSSadotzg oiuthetcool andsart Wholl gel airconditioningatj Brad Monitor ltitniil v1 Atom mt the most comfortable fulivsize cai weve ever burn it starts at $3289fob the factory in Brampton Ontario Join the cool 10000 wholl buy Ambassadorthis year See your local AmericanMotors dealer But do it soon once it gets hot out therelibe Crowd We estimate that 10000 Canadians will buy ourAmbassador Liké We said this year The cool 10000 wholl be gettingthemselves into the most comfortable fullsize carweve every built The big reason is air conditioning Last year you had to pay almost $500 extra to get an con ditioning Youll have to payitagain this yearon Ford Chev or Plymouth But noton an Ambassador OnAmbassadorair1conditioningisincludedatnoextracastl This lsa fullyintegratedairconditioning system designed torus by Kelvinaior ltcan takea hot sticky dayand cool it as iowasyou like In winter the some big blowers and extra vents warm things upmuch fastéar Ambassadors concern for your comfort doesnt stopwith the temperature Rattlefree single unit construction coil spring seats double weather seals outdoors and windows and onepiece acoustical fibregiassceilingaréall standard features American Motors where the basic difference is better car SeeyourAnte QaliMoiarsDeaterlnr

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