Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 May 1968, p. 4

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on Earrirfxominrr Publlahad by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 anflold Strut Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher McPherson William Teller Managing Editor IIIBDAY MAY 11 cElfllt Jan VIIIVictoria Day Has such ImpOrtance iTo Us Yesterday tbejirst long weekend hol iday of the years was officially observed as Victoria Day HoweVei the great Queen Victoria for whose birthday the holiday is named was born on May 24 1819 If we in Canada were following the custom of many years the holiday would be held on Friday of this week This was the custom followed in Can ada for years but in 1952 due to the influence of the motor age the trend to long weekends and other factors the ob servance was moved by government eta tute to the Monday before May 25 About every seven years it actually does fall on the Queens birthday But nowadays this particular holiday does not have the same outward inipact aséit did in earlier years Then almost every community had real often parade the Union Jack flying over stores and houses but usually in some form of sports Over the years in Barrie the sports often took the form of aqua tics the opening of the boatin season on the bay and nearly always all tour nament in which visiting teams participat These days the holiday is observed by getting away to the cottage motoring out in thecountry visiting somewhere The district golf courses are packed If the weather is warm enough the lawn bowl ers usually open their season The dis trict softballers planned their annual all star game for yesterday althoughtho celebration weather seemed more suitable for skiing But Victoria Day does assume consid erable importance even if the patriotic aspect has been largely lost The actual birthday became so traditional during the long reign of Victoria that it has con tinued with little loss of momentum since then Not only that but Edward Vll who followed Queen Victoria on the throne had birthday in November and our present Queens birthday is on April 21 Both of theseditea are unseasonable for outdoor celebrations for which May 24 was so admirably suited and with which it was associated right from the beginn lng of Victorias reign There is another reason why Victoria Day is fittineg perpetuated Through the Queens 84 years on the throne Bri tain and her empire was at the height of its power and because of this the world lived in an era of comparative peace There was trouble in many arts of the world fromtime to time but or the most part Britain kept her hand tightly on the reins and with few exceptions anyhos tilities were quickly put down This is part of the heritage which gave stimulus to Lester Pearson at the Unitlt ed Nations several years ago to suggest and get the first peace eepingfilforce under United Nations auspices is is part of the heritage which has given us so manyof our free institutions from universal manhood sufferage to selfgov ernment for most of Britains former colonial empire Theseare matters which we in Can ada should be thinking about more and more It is becoming increasingly clear that somewhere along the line We have forgotten many of the pertinentdevelop ments soclosely related to our past and to some measure have not placed the same em basis on them in our schools The res has been that muchof Can adas greatness which took shape during Victorias reign much of her potential has escaped our children We who have been born in this country owe it to ourselves but even more we owe it to the people who have come here from other lands and who have not had the same opportunity to know how Can ada has developed to her present stature in the society of nations OTHER EDITORSIVIEWS DIPLOMATIC PRESSURE Peterborough Examiner The federal Government must come up with formula that is at once dignified and firm ltvmust avoid show of temper or petulance It should exert all the diplomatic pressure it can muster to ensure that if any Canadian flag is to he shownat the conference in Paris it is the Maple Leaf andnot the fleurdelys ONTARIO snows souaLIrv Owen Sound SunTimes Recently six Toronto Negroes were awarded $28600 for being denied the right to work on US construction pro ject in Iowa Thefirm involved was from New York and the union from Toronto Bothparties agreed to the award and admitted the men had been denied an soagreed to send letter of apology to the men and to notify them of future job openings Ihocase had been rigted for hear at all costs any opportunity to work in lowathe parties ing before the Ontario Human Rights Commission ifi Atrthis time racial unrest and violence occupies the front pages of most North American newspapers it is good to know that Canadaand especially ntario is indeed tryingto ensure that men are not being denied the right to work because their color happens to be other than white or greatly conforming toou norms Ontar io hasproven once again that uality in mint makes the man not what looks quoted thlong ago press ato that discitiymination someone as saying in ontario is practiced in sneaky and underhanded way and that there are many bigots in our province and inour country There is no doubt that there are those who do feel superiority over their fellow men but these are persons who Will discriminate against anything not to their liking regardless what the person Is This case has proven that Ontario has efficient machinery to right the wrongs comnutteedron the basis of color it at re their religion is not miwsneroar New Jobless Ratés anon Effective June 30 ly PATRIC NICEQLWN lulu come Inlo effect an un to Ind UllAWA The new new ploymenl insurance measures will com into force on June It These will cover many workers not nmc protected by unemploy ment benefits they will raise the weekly contribution pay able by the average worker and they will increase the bene fits payable lncase of name ploymentr At present the unemploymcnl insurancaplan includes all workers paid by regular salary up In ceiling of $5460 year in that lop bracket the worker now contributes 94 cents week whlch ls matched by similar payment by his employ er lfunemplaycd and available for work and qualified for no employment benollls person with dependents may draw soc per ueek in bencliil or single person may draw $21 The new provisions will in cluda salaried workers earning up to $7800 year $150 week In the top hrackcl from two in use week the weekly contribution will be 40 matched by the employer and the weekly benefits during Qual lfied periods of unemployment will be $53 week with depend ents or 12 without dependents Less well paid workers howl aver will contribute less yet draw more under the new provi aions person earning $65 week as an example now cnn tributcs as cents week and with dependents can draw 26 week as unemploycd After June 30 his weekly contribution will be lowered folio cents and his possible benefits raised to EXPLAINED CHANG when the MI incur rating these changes was intro need In the House of Common in Feb ruary Health lllinlsicr Allan hfacEachen speaking for Labor hlinlsler Jack Nlcholson ax ploined changes The marked rlss in the lovcl of salaries In recent years no laid had resulted in many workers who were formerly in surcd not having any unenu ployment Insurance In recent years The act was last revised the reasondor the in 1959 since that time the nvv erage Industrial weekly waga has risen from $73 to 31m The result has been that annual on workers bave risen inln wage brackets above the exist lng maximum covered At the aame time there harbcen ruplure of the declared intention that the benefits should be ap proximately one hall of cloi ants average weekly wage The limit of who year which Vise the new ceiling on in aurubility does not apply to workers Iwho are paid on an hourly daily pIece mileage or othsr rate per unit of workg These persons will in future be as they now aria insurable even though their earnings cxcecd the ceilin As matter of policy played workersdrawing benefits are encouraged to casual work when these cautious STORY Overlanders unem these take TIEW eumloyed worker drawing be fit willbe permitled to earn through such casual work up In so per cent of the amount of bin bandits wlthout suffering any reduction in his bandit rate While these changu will brim lbs whole scheme of unemploy ment Insurance realistlcally loin no with present wages other plunges are being Implemented If 53 AROUND THE WORLD Young Try To Hurry Change Often By Antisocial Means ay rump new Farelgn Affairs mun As la the run for adulla there are all kinds of young peo ple The good young people are sweeter lhan goodadulls ollcn lhera Is an appealing poignan ty about the innocence and id alism of youth The young punks are often worse punks than older punks they are more aggresslvo more afraid of not being thought manly more intrigued with themselves and more anxious to show all There are good young people who are not punks but who be have In ways that make adulls impotent with wrath The line between lbs punk and the other wisr good youngster who cannot control hlmsclf who Ia too loud loo extrcme too explosive is difficult to see clearly Snclcly must have rules and cannot pay much attenllon to that very thin fin which may be pity Socl ely cannot survive in the face of anarchy and must protect llaelf against anarchy in nondemocraLlc aoclclles ravalullonlmay be necessary there lanov olhar way for the young to change the system they dlslike and thoyoung are at the vanguard of most revolu tionsconsult an encyclopnedla on how old Jefferson was at the limo of the American revolw tlon Some young people have no momentous THlINEWS DeGauIIe May nycv Fox anadlanireu Staff Writer Charles do Gaulle whom the Canadian government found an Intolerath outspoken visilor nmv may bo proving awkward tor country recently lavored with expressions bl his friend shiplhe Soviet Union De Gaulle has chosen an astern European Communist country as the scene for slate menls urging the nations of En ropeto assert themselves in the factpf old ideologies and power Story Ekciting Reading nonnownmu In all the annals of Canadian history there is no more stirring story Ihan that of the overlan ders They were people who sailed from Britain May 21 1362 to take part in the gold rush in British Columbia It Would be impossible to do lus ticeto the story in this space or flaxtic Examiner 15 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorizni as second class matter Post OfficeDepartr ment Ottawa and for pay ment of postage in cash Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 50c weekly $7500 yearly Single oopieavloc By mail Barrie $500 yearly Ontario $1200 year motor throwolf 516 year Mall out sideOnlario $14 year Out side Canada Britlsh posses siah5 315 year If foreign $32 year Natlonsllidvcrtisingoflioes ttsgllnlverslty Avenue Toron lom Calhcart so Monn treal Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau ofi circulations The Canadian Prossls any clusively entitledgto the use for republication of all news dispatches In this paper crad ited to ltor lbeidamcialed Press or Routers and also the local news jpubllshed therein but there area numberof good accounls In the libraries One of the best is inThe Fraser by Bruce llulchlsnn The Overlanders were atlraet ed by an advertisement that ap peared in British newspapers The British Columbia Transit Company will punctually dia patch onMay 21 at lznonn from Glasgow is party of first and secondclass passengers for Quebec Canadnand over fie Grand Trunk Railway tn Chica go and St Paul and via the Red River settlemen in covered wagonsto Erlt Columbia This is the safest speediest and most economical roots to the gold diggings The land transit is through lovely country un equalled for in beauty and solo brity of climate Safest speedint and salu hriozs had takenon new man ings by the time the remnants ol the Overlanders arrived in British Columbia in October or later new open Many of them haddled or turned back Those who got through had eaten their oxen packhorses and learned to sur vive on skunksand porcupine One of we few parties which arrived at Kamloops included Mrs Schubert who was preg neat and had three children when the journey began It was amazing how she and her fluidly managed to get through when so many others turned back or lost their lives Mrs Schuberts baby was born the day niter she arrived at Kandoops and was the first white child born in the inlcrior of British Columbia erw of tho overlanders found gold but remained in British Columbia to enjoy many other compensations for the dangers and hardships they hadover 00bit Side0i Soviet Union decrease John 330 Mr patience wlth tba alawneas al the democrch process Per haps they are afrald that If they wail they will grow up and be mpted Into Ilia walem lad dlcd wIth family bills marl gagns careers and rabandon their youthful ardnur for change TRY TO HURRY And so they lry to hurry cba go often by anlisocial means Involving vandalism an archy chaos And organized or clely has to step Inch must to end the chaos But the lock ow of the ndulia would forget at Its port that in lackling and subdulng the dlsruplive young ll may be dealing only with the violent splinter group of lar ger movement There may well be majority of the young who do not want lo defend the world of lhe adults of the Thomas Dodds Bobby Bakers and Alabamas sheriff Bull Con nor It would be mistake in make martyrs of lhe disruptive young The other youngsters would only be confirmed In their dislike of the syslam and their determination to changalt by democratic means The sum cess so far of the McCarthy campolgn Ind Ill chlldrens cru sado Ia enormously significant So Is support by the young for Bobby Kennedy These are the first experiments of the young in legitimate political acdvlw 25 Prove Thom But bla praise of national in dependence though cautiously phrased comes at time of In creasing Ienslons between lhe Soviets and the sellasserlive ra formists now running Commu nist Czechoslovakia Nervousncss is apparent too in Savlet denunciation of what are called new American It tempts at huihratlng Eastern Europe The Czecbrleaders are anxious for increased trade contact with nonCommunist countriea as well as greater political inde pandence fromMoscom Meanwhile the SovistpreuIa attacking some Czech reformer for what it terms antiMarxism And radio commentators in Communist East Germany de nounce Fasclst laments seeking to take over the forces of change in Prague the Czech capital The Soviet Union released no lm in ed tie comment on de Gaulles stalemcnts whleh the French president made to en tbusiastic audiences early in his official vlslt to Communist Ro mania which began Tuesday Yet his declarations might be expected to ruffle the friendly relations devaloped be we Gaulllst Francerand the Soviet llnlon since 1965 BIBLE THOUGHT He must increase but must Spiritual growth is realized only when the self life is on the de crease and Christ is elevated It is when the church has put the human element in the place of prominence that she has lost her power and forgotten her purpose BVLIGHTY Bruno runner HAll mummy tau Sponsored by At Barrie Minor Hockey Assad camera ruce its May It letter to editor God Save The Qucen it seems nnclalr to me whelhcr thlr wo didnt the give her name Go with us gt The Canadian Armed BEST DIRECTOR MIKE NICHOLS LAWRENCE TUBMAN Production lvonlngs Sr uuuuuu uuuwuruou JAMESDALY dont know ubatndldlnlhefimWorb Wu Indeed all big seer an cult that they did Another point engineers our men and warned did not fight Ilian to $12 will for the Union Jack my night arrtutor nu defenceeftbe Dominion eolleglale of Canada This person also says seems to we dont warn lo have our fam aakinl for flies pushing wheelbarrow on loaderf pick Ind shovels would like an explanation how country lanowonderlballbeywng could be started and progress question left the team without manual labor She won prolcuion den why the hean huull lba Queen and In the same breath aha denounces the French lan tbe guagehlay remind bar or one ol Canadas populfi tion lren speakbig Your Editor Psi the lady in question is so proud to be Brlllah why YOur sons educolio Important Canadianilitary Colleges offer the finest Your son will soon belcomplatlng hls Junior or Senior Matricu loilon So take tlma now and Investigate the excallant oppcmrnltiu for him In the Canadian Armed Forces Regular Officer Training Plan Hell have chance Io complete his educdtlon and whan he graduates haII have degree In Arts Science or Englnaavlng and an officers committiqu Sn your local Recruiting officer and in how you can help mien Inks that Imponont atop In his education and future CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE St Clair Ava Telephone 96 Toronto Ontario Forces MING WE CANT BELIEVE lTl II STARTING ITS 4TH WEEK now snownuo Show at pm lfbona mam ACADEMY no WINNER KITuu liIiAIIIIAlE Anne Bancroft Duatlnyflolfma Katherine Roll Come totho early show and voldthyllnrupl NOW chalrouhsrou mmuuctuooespnan and PAMVISIOII coon DELUXE Roooluoowu MAURICEEVANS 700 FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Joan rum Aged 13

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