dzhsltznnrm assaw nan RILEY r7 lies intur ed on an AllLston Street Sat urday otter his motorcycle Plan Church Outing was struck by car making left hand hire The youth was taken to Stevenson Me morial Hospital with lacera tions and sprained knee and was released Monday No char gas were laid Examiner Pbo to For Barrie ShutIns international Shut ins SandsK will be observed in Barrie wl special services at Colliersttect United Friendship Hail June beginning at it am The church will welcome as guests any or snn who through age or ys lcal handicap is unable to part tloipate actively in the wider life of the conunuoity Transporta tion to and from the church ls being arranged and lunch will be served following the service Attempts to reach many shut ins were made in Barrie and area through all service clubs in the city over 00 names were received and personal invitations here then sent out So far 99 names have been received Now the transportation commit tee which isworking with local moving iirm and bus line will arrange for pickup and special accommodation The service will be non dc nominationd and will be con ducted by nev David Proctor and Rev James Rnlay Mr Finlay started the project at Collier Street United after help lag organize similar services in Toronto churches where he was minister The plan is to bring all shut ins to the church in the morning using private cars buses and ambulances it necessary St John Ambulance volunteers will assist the handlcappcd on tho buses Once at the hall per sons in wheelchairs will cater by means of ramps The hall was chosen instead oi the church LAURIE BROIIMAN ex eutes piroueita on the bai once beam during the tine meet oitho Ba so Borden Barrie Student List lit Waterloo Lutheran Earrle man Donald Amos was one of 45 graduates of Waterloo Lutheran University listed on the Deans Honor Roll for achieving 754perceot av erage in their iiaal yearu total at 600 students in ro clal work arts science theol ogy and business received their degrees in caloriui ceremony yesterday at Kitchener Memor ial Auditorium Graduates from Simcoo Coun tyand surroundingarea includ ed Master of Arts Arthur Leblanc Bradford Honors BA Donald Amos Barrio Nancy Brown Drillia Robert Mc Lean Cookstown General BA Sally LfAherannrrle Joseph AudieI Oriliia James Brady Strouti Judith Cal bam Stayncrx George El proper because it is much easier to get into Easy chairs will be provide for guests and rollnwny cots for any bedridden who may be brought by ambulance Register ed nurses and qualiï¬ed first aid people will be on hand and doctor will also bein attendance Music or the service has been arranged by Lloyd iuiford privately owned organ is be ing loaned to the church and tall choir will add to the service Sinrelt will take the place at the regular morning service plans have been made to ac commodate overflow congrega tion in the sanctuary where the service will be piped in by means of public address syn em There will be luncheon for guests and drivers immediately following tho service Easily handled ioods will be ready for the handicapped and special ar rangcmcnts will be made for dietetics This information will be received an the forms which the prospective shutins will re turnto the church prior to the servrce Following the luncheon hali hour oi entertainment is being Gymnastics Club at Bitty Bish op Recreation Centre Sat day Cpl Rick Kinsman ring for Laurie later took par 0n Deans on lleeton Herbert Gallo Way Ortllla Frederick Greer0riliia Wayne Hazalwond Wasaga Beach Ar thur laslay Orilila John Knapp Anton Mills Veronica Lindale Midland David Lit tle Barrie William Lynch Loretta Paul Morton Cold water Douglas MacDonald Barrie Charla Molten zle Collingwood Joha ie Lachlan Barrie Doris Pol len Anderson Park Baso Bob den Gary Posoerplaarrle Dor cen Roberts Barrie Robert Simpson Stayner Lorna RSpark topla James varr Barrie Joseph Wilson BarrieAlexnnder Wright All iiston Nikolai iii Yankott Al listona Margaret Young Driliia General BSe Lynne Thompson Orilila planned Alter the planned pro sram is over drivers will take scenic route back Organizations cooperating in the planning for the event in clude beside the st John Am buianca the Victorian Order oi Nurses the Canadian Institute or the Blind all service clubs the Arthritis and Rheumatism Society the Cancer Society the Mental Health Asroeintion the Red Cross the Sheltered Work shop and the YMYWCA MARINE FORECAST Marine forecastshr the Great Lakes issued at 830 am EDT today and valid until 11 am EDT Wednesday Like Ontario Lake Erie Winds westerly 15 to to knots becoming northwest to over night Pa rtiy cloudy with chance of few showers Lake Superior Lake tlnron Georgian Bay Winds nertho westerly 15 to 20 knots diminish ing to lo nvernight Partly cloudy CITY NEWS THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY 196 agrarian ggiiirsi wearing it Saturday for the first time Danigo to the mu vehicle was estimated at $90 The cyclist was treated in Stevenson morial Hospital at Allistoa Ind relaued Monday incarceration DEMANDED MONEY An elderly Essa Road woman said man came to her house and dananded all her many early this morning The woman said the unidentiï¬ed man was about 50 years old and wore dark clothing He complained at car trouble Police say the wo man claimed she gave him $100 CHILDRENS PARTY The annual party forchildren oi Barrie Lions Club membm 615 in the Baystairs Mine Point has KIWANIS WEAKER Robert Crawford principal of Georgian College will speak to Barrio Kiwaolans tunlmrt at 615 in the Mkamar Gardens dining room Regional Library Names Committees Thelmlllldnflthhmk tndJiounuM rain winds and finloot waver placing second to only competitor While the new rhv aided the speed it did little or the driv Irl contort Mr Rico described the race the wettest he had gar run and one of the tough Hodiilcntions bad no ndversc dioct ontba reliability attire as it ran without fault conditions that rank boats and caused several other to drop out viltrRleoIndbismochnnicare optimistic that this will be Yel lowbirds year to clean up in her clan tart year the captured three top Canadian awards Through attention to detail they hope to make herboth ulcker JERRY RICE ileit driver and Joe Fancy nbiel mechan to display their trophy for plot log second in the Walls Belle Isle Marathon during the Tim speed of the trait her two 106 hp Chrysler on In Warm Weather Vimamnion itwtlnflalhellthhlnrdend Windhammecca Health Unit made 1165 ca during Attribmofwbich Ier IM inspection Inde which were complaint lanolin lions weekend on the Detroit River Their boat Yellowblrd ll placed iourth overall against 40 top drivers irom Canada and tho US with per hour In rough water With minor changes men he to The unit has been deluged with complaints The warmer out or has uncovered many urn rightly niluatla dinctor Scott raid in his nluiar report Most at these are not leases of public betlib but more PM W915i When irwertlgsting mom can plaints we find that the totem lions of the public are unrul iy good raid Dr Scott But they have lust not got around alumna up yet Complaint regarding sewage nuisances are also ireouant at time at year and this Year iii particular as the subsoil is wetter than usual Pending or overflow In the general area at sewage system is also prev alent and or this reason tip Public Iiebaellh1 Act gut that Iystems aspects an ap tirmgeutli by the Medical Officer of wave conditions they might ed coTufltcrw dm poll ng an for many of Yellowblrd Ennis rupporterr is the fact that lie may no longer race out of this ciiyullir Rico has been made export manager for Chrysler and expects to be moving to Windsor this manner Winner oi the race nadYli lowbirds class was John Cul ver oi Ohio lie was driving boa pone by two its and better tiling than ion ards now stands at 65 miles veragelnagainst any win and motor will be held nresdw evening at meeting oi the Georgian Bay Regional Library System Board in Orangeville rtceotly saw com mlttees formed to oversea rsv era of the Iystems functions MacDon aid Barrio school inspector was named chairman of the education com mittee madeup of members irom Lions Head and Owen Sound Major Urquhart of Klrnber loyls committee chairman and LMooro or Oriiila is heading the budget and finances Named as ex officin member of all committees was Smitlt chairman at the regional 31 Bursaries totaling mlda avail able to enablothree residlots of the region to take clallx ed library training pa Borden Gym crab Holds Final Meet Three Base Borden girls emerged as all round Winners Saturday at the final meet of the season for the base gymnas tie club Vickie Romain Barby Grobman and Paulin Batten scored highest point totals in ergo tyre and novice categories gt respectively Argo girls are under age it tym girls under it and novice girls under in as oi September 11967 Each age group competed in our diilareat events uneven parallel bars vaulting balance beam and free exercise During the competitlnneontestanta are in trampoliosdemonstrationfl ANS NIEWEW marked tor style technique and coordioation Judges were all recreation instructors from Billy Bishop Recreation Centre where the meet was held Runnersup in the three cute gories were Kim Gammon Elaine Beaunhamps and Janet Grant respectively Prizes and certificates of partinipatien were llllllll nil handed out aftereaoh contest was coropiate Following the competition there was gymnastic display by members or the club and trampoline demonstration by re ereational instructors in PF Citfltti Low Low assume any CLEANING raters Dresses Skms Plain Pants Led js snout Mens Suits Fast Service Free Piclrnp Delivery HunomA CLEANERS MARYM gt nnrvnon LOCATION 77 with $300 gasoline purchase hi Those wlidrnew iiiorhral tumblers areasA specie Bold colours gay swirling dealgns Theyre different and exciting asmodernas them yourBA service station The cost 25¢ eaohwltha $300 purchase chlldrenguests friends this minute And theoniy place yousanJge us Delight your Serve hot or cold drinks in hese new and lively Go Go Tumblers spec set todayt BrAv offer Startcoltoctlng your