SKIES WERE forecast to be clear across most oi Can ada today with the exception of the extreme cast where rain was torecast in Newfoundland and part of Nova Scotia Temp across the province as anortb westerly flow of cooler air con eraiurcs were to range lrom the low 505 in the Atlantic Pros vinces to high oi 75 at Ed mentors CP Virephoto Movie Personalities SuppOrt March Of Poor By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD AP Jack Lemmon who earns as high as 81000000 picture donated hali his salary on his next lilm deal to the campaign to help poor people Three persons including Ros lind Russell gave total at $1100 to send bus loads oi Los Angelcs poor to Resurrection City USA in Washington DC These here some of the re sults ot meeting last week to enlist Hollywood support at the Poor Peoples Campaign Some of the highest paid personalities in the 115 came to BelAir mansion to hear oi starvation homelessness and neglect at their iellow Americans Harry Beiaionte was chain man or the meeting which over flowsd the living room at producer Edward Lewis licla lonte told of his involvement with Dr Martin Luther King Jrs movement since 956 Since his death my tire has been up or riginterpretation said the singer CALLS FOR SUPPORT He called tor support at the King tradition at nonvlnlence He said that in the wake of Kings assassination such Negro militants as Stoker Carmi cbael ll Rap Brotm and Leroi Jones have been persuaded to mute their campaigns to give the principles at King chance to prevail Balatonte introduced Mrs province well told the legislative assembly ship ith her late husband in to civil rights campaign My liie has been one oi real lultilment do not Icel dee prived oi anything she said Realizing that her husband was an extremist for good as he called himself she had been prepared or the possibility ol his violent death lm convinced more now than ever of the rightness at our course she said Im more determined now then ever that my husbands dream will be come reality NOT ALONE Kings succesmr as president at the Southern Christian Lead Pays Tribute To Gerald Martineau QUEBEC CF Premier Daniel Johnson paid tribute lilonday to Gerald Martineau treasurer ot the Union Nationan party tront rim to 1960 who died in hospital Saturday night Mr Mortiaenu 65 entered hospital last November with what were described as pulmonary and heart ailments and as patient served soday sentence under guard following his conviction on inllucnceped dling charges Jan 12 1966 He also paid line of 9000 Mr Martineau served his Mr Johnson lttartin Luther King After the had occasion to know ltlr hlar audience stood and applauded the widow spoke of her partner tincau in his pnliticalusucial and sports NOMINATIONS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Total to date585 Lib 195 PC 130 NDP 157 Cred 20 SC 19 other 14 NOVA SCDTIA Cape BretonThe Sydncys xRobert Muir PC South Western NovaxJohn Steward new anuuswrcn FundyRoyalA Calla ghan tLl Norihtlmberland hliramlehiG Percy Smith evaaac Abltlhl Marc Parent PC LBeaucexJean Paul Racine BcnuharnnIsArmand Miron PC DrummondAndre Biron PC mutenac anndre Paul EC GaspeAiexandre Cy GatlneanxGaston rCier morrtL Levis Larocque Pct Lacst JeanMareel Les sard LangelteraGuay Cred lfapolnteaGilien Marceau Jean Levismaynald Guay LliotbtniereFernand Baudet ManleougaHJerry Giles tIC aLouis Rioux NDP MontmorencyaGerard Gingras ind Cred Roland Izortie POL Montreal AhuntsioaLouis Phillipe Lecours NDP Pontiacrhomashenri Mtebvre Li Partnentailules Lapierre Riebelieuaxilnrian to likhmondaxPatriek Asses Iin tL alcohol Beaudoin Cred uitobervalLuclen Larouche Sit JeanaiValter Sm nacovanaomn KEJNOEAOntZ cext Searchers Ihave recovered the bodylomolln McDonald 01 Peru rault Fal Ont from the wreckage of his slngleengine airerait indense hush about so milednortbeastotberaf ShellnrdPaul Pct Comtois Lt IroIsRlvieresaxtiiA lilongrain ONTARIO LCoehrancGeorge Maybury MANITOBA LlsgaraRny Essler SC LtitarouctteRod Clement Trepanlcr SASKATCHEWAN Swltt CurrentMaple Creek Donald John Strath ALBERTA LAthabasElMile htaeeagno chrevtlleJule Van Bra bant IL BRITISH COLUMBIA KamioopsCaribooPeter Rt Gook SCX SheenaVernon PC Vancouver EaskC Ken nedy xlttember oi last house aNnmlnated previously HELP sraur our srnnnacns None are quite so alone the stranger In town or the newcomers to the nelghhor Remember your last move howyouteltasthemoving van pulled away howyou more than haltwished youd never come Spars your new neighbors tastings such as these Lat thaWelcomeWagonHostess bllng greetings and giits to make them leelat homo Hal ltamp out atran EairWolcomaWIgon tinny ership Conference ltev Ralph David Abernathy told the audi once Your presence here indi eatesthat are not alone in our stniggle goes to market pays bills expenses obligations You get tree personalized cheques and monthly account statements including cancelled cheques DlSlttICT warms Mainly Cloudy Cool Jew CnttCizes Today Wednesday Mainly slouch cool weather wil ruxuin in the Barrie region today and tomorrow with sauna possibility ol showers on both days Winds will be tam the northwest at 15 Weekend low in downtown Barrie was as degrees maoNm ice otaciat forecasts issued at 530 sun ll Variable sltles trim Some showers over southern Ontario and theex Ireme north portions oi the province the prospects or Wednesday are tor continuing partly cloudy skies with some showers likely spreading through the north country London Hamilton Windsor Toronto Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Do larlo italiburton So Georgian Bay Variable claudi ness and continuing cool today and Wednesday few showers today Winds northwestch 15 North Bay Sudhury Sault Ste Marie Northern Georgian Bay ï¬mogaml Algomo White River Variable cloudiness and not much change in tempera lure today and Wednesday low showers likely Wednesday Winds northwsterly is Coehrane Western James Bay Mostly cloudy with few showers today and Wednesday Not much change in tempera ture tVinds northerly 15 Ottawa and Montreal Cloudy True Savtn This is the money that stays home earns interest per annum on minimum monthly balance Free cash withdrawals and transfers to your True Chequing AccoLiniIAnd behold You receive complimentary Chequeretarywallei Bank the new True way at Bank of Montreal Canadas First Bank with tow sunny Make and chance at scattered showers today and Wedmday Contin uing cool winds northerly its Forecast Temperatures Low overnight high rdnudly Windsor 60 St Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest Wingham St Catharines Toronto Peterborough Kingston Trenton Killaloe hluslroka neaaaasssssamauuss 88388888832288888 sroonmo rnour Rainbow Speckled Kam loops Write tor tree bro chureon stocking We also have technical booklet on building and managing your own trout pond price 50 centst The Franklin Trout Farm Mount Albert RR Sharon Ont Phone 415 4735820 gs Knmnkanng White River Monsooee CONCERT HALL BURNS IDNDON Ont CPI Lon dont oldest concert auditorium the Aoeliau Hall was destroyed by ï¬re Monday Damage is expected to be over 3000 The three storey building farmer church was constructed about no years ago Aeolian Hall was opened in 1N7 by Its owner lawyer Gordon Jeffery IllI mu TUESDAY MAY 21 Hate Buttons WHOM CF Black lapel billions bearing the slogan Kill an Arab tor Zion Today which Ippured at meeting at the Canadian Arab Federation were denounced Monday by iauis iterrnan ot the Canadian Jewido Congress as devices in tended to stir up hatred The tcderatlou and congress met separately here The buttons bought at novel ty shop also bore the hump lions Visit lame and See the Pyramids and hbensraum tor Israel hlr Herman chairman ot the community relations committee of the Jewish Congress said the over150 Bigiouistunding Specials ii buttons were product ll antiracist organization kno as FAIRtor Federated cans Against Israeli Racism Iie said this is enemas op eratlon run by New Yorke John Lawrence in his Green with leage apartment The buttons which appearu during an address to the CAI by Dr Adnnn Pachachl lraou ambassador to the United Na tions were shown to reporten by member of the tedaratlor execalive TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7234 TAM BLYN DRUG STORES Mouthwash and semi lisrsrinr ORAI AIIIISEPIIC 14st Lil Lon Johnsons BANDAID isnrsn mm It to In 753 nuts SELIZER Eticmuenttcbleh 57 III of 15 leg Controls Dandruff ruin snouionts DIISIEIIS MSTEL rowosazo are smoow Shrinks Harnnrrhoids Retina in rnrrnnnnofn surrotrrouis In Isl eittmmr omnis Ion lIs 89¢ Ks Hit uolno DETERGENT Fordishenrline tobrin 24 oz cont SPECIAL Clprieldl Semen Dominion ELECTRIC PEHAIEII CREAM Amkfflaaélss Regular or New Spearmint Filrour MACtEAttS roomrnsrr Famii Sin no reg 109 91¢ Bil II TIE RUBBER GLOVES Reg 275 Immune eyes from hnquI glans SQIAREX SUNGLASSES ladiesRng ï¬rolfst Mans Reg so