Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 May 1968, p. 10

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ANNOU Marriage and additional words 8e per Events The Malcolm pleasant association with tiia BIRTHS or thorn Ann in ion lots 01 It Soldl MemosIN Hospital with Ian was MANN Mr and an nanny to th Vlrloril Hospital Barr1 DEATHS DCKWILL an moi su any It NewSurat on Moon 20 mo iro nmlrwrii Nmarurt neiovro nmomd mo Rosem deceased lo nmraer or fill 53 dim Harvey or Friend nuv mm on Interment II7TH amid PicaDmt Cemetery and SCHOMBERG FAIR COMING EVENTS LADIES islynur man bathroom bartv tone tenor bass orlead BARBERSHOP CHORUS NIGHT WEDNESDAY EVENING 830 pm sharp Guest quartets ST GEORGES ANGLICAN BALL Burton and Granville 5031 evenings BLIGHTY BINGO Every Wednesday at pan NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St Bond OltlLLlA PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOC AFTERNOON TEA TRINITY PARISH HALL WED JUNE 12 25 PM Home Baking Everyone Welcome NGO Every Tuesday pm mono COMMUNITY HALL Jackpot Share the Wealth Prnceeds inrlnnisiii Minor idntitv of Bax Number our to glam cnltIlrIentJlI xRenlior tfl SPECIAL NOTICE CASH RATE Etrth Announcemeots maxiDian to Card oi Thanh words ID Hermrtana no verse Alvetae per Count lino extra MALCOLM CONDENSIN nuler Ilob and Donna or bani an arm In announce to uxumn on we Burt VIInu on venuc In announce the fill or mil PhtIle Dmuiu Wed itlav 15m 1926 It FallI Clan Loin ona dear lather oi err Alimomniiolen li ll 11 Tm runw Itllng Ixrr arrn or rill Lain no Ind owne cIII ll ihl TAM mineral Home 30 51mm SIR ammo Service In nu cnpri ENCOURAGE IIIS ATIEND ANCE AT THE NEXT HARRIE Refreshments lnlormannn call 7736132 72o BARRIE WOMENS Come we were 111 um unanimousoar Ilflfl ma ANNOUNCEMENTS NCEMENTS Dealb 1m 11mm mmsoam LS Ilnitlob use THE EDUCATED COUNSELLING mu Witnmfnimwmr Mm mom SHELSWELL and WiLLSONr Ondénsing Co Ltd St George Ontario IJpleased to announce the produce oi the Industrial liillr Divtrlan oi BESSES DAIRY PRODUCTS Siayner Ontario on linlcobn Condensing Company have been processor oi milk producu for over so years and lira looking iorward to long and milk producers in the area The companys representatives will be pleased to discuss the shipping oi milk with any dairymcn wllo contact us at 4283215 Stayner rattan Malcolm VicePruIdenI CO LTD COMING EVENTS Bln go Wednesday pm ARMY NAVY er CLUB 79 Dunlop St West $300 JACKPOT Now 56 Numbers ADMISSION one In support at the Barrla Branch Navy leagua 11 Canada ii oi Friday May 24 and Saturday May 23 REAL ESTATE REALion HIGHWAY NO 2627 Excellent investment large com merclai irontage adjacent to new plaza Contact Earl Babcocli Barrie 7285095 WOODLAKE MUSKOKA 200 sand frontage bedroom panelled cottage living room modern kitchen sunrooin piece batb boat and motor aair tng $11000 Contact Earl Bab cock Barrie 7235095 45 ACRE HTDEAWAY Adjacent to Highway No ll south Barrie rolling ground cleared with bush along good spring creek suitable for pond asking $3200 Contact Earl Babcoclr Barrie 7285995 LOOK AROUND and COMPARE Then come see tilts lovely cote tree or home on lake in exclus ive area only $18900 Contact ELI Wood Oro Station 4812423 LOVELY PRIVATE PARK Building lots with access to priv ate park sand beach year round roads Priced iro In $1550 to $500 Contact Ed Wood Orn Station 4672428 AND AIR FORCE PROPERTY FOR SALE Featuring low taxes ms near 25mm MORTGAGE mom BARRiEVIEWGood Interest rate III at on this lovely wllt level home Largo modern kitdno bdtapedllvingdinlng room One ot 10th la the large master bedroom with IL on room Must be seen to appreciated Plymta only 315 principal lntercst and taxes Rater your calls to Mrs kinson 7259196 No WA ACRE WITH FOUR BEDROOM ROME inhabit $7000 Call eitiI Mcitiuicr am No 235 FUILPRICE $15900 storey xtumn In nice location Ilnee bedrooms recreation room lull basementoii heat Nicely land sclped lor mm details call Mrs Atkinson mom No 395 119Dunlop St East 12mm or 72451423 CARSON PHUIOHIS REALTOR 58 WOW mar7r TELEPHONE ALLANDALE Dubai completely modemlnd duplex now renting at Moderate down payment Cati Rusteli Carton window olllus Hmandbsrnneedmoderniziog Asking win $16900 boy tlle $190 month mom novm NEW slucx BUNGAUDW Three bedroom plus living room dining room and kitchen blocks irorn public and high xchonli ibls llama is priced to sell at only 9800 Excellent terms arranged Cali Russell Carson meter Norm mm miss Bill Elmilton Wis Ed Genga ID CAMPBELLV PROM ILLS REALTOR man sr mmim Tiemi DUPLEX morn apartments large garage recreation rooms located near Medical Arts Excellent prospects ior rapitaigaln Could also be used as single family dwelling For lurtllcr in tarrnatlon call Charlie Read to rimMl Itupcrt 739 mom ROGERS CONNELL Photo Realtor fipumioe 5mm EASI 90 BURTON AVENUE FINE QUALITY DUPLEX MAR GARAGE $5590 Down wlilislngia open nwrtgage wm purchase tlILs excel lent tncomaproper1y Na spacious Dompiately aclikontalnjed apartments wouldprnvide lovely main floor hornoior new owner plus sleuth revenue from the upstairs flar House and garage are newly painted and in excellent condition Pbonnus NOW to arrangolnspectlonl EVENINGS Cara in amino street PHOiQMJnS columns Mortgagrnnds Available FredOtttomgrfarldn and iuDansILBunIIAIow loin $25900 237 WARNch no4 storey rooms roam tNORIii PARKSide split snow STRABANFrBungalnw balan moon nowrrsvrnwaunxuw bedroornli moon GLENWODDside out bedmo $21906 on STEELESide soul bedroom At the Plva Polo Phone FRED Brim ttor Donwiuh held on In do alter Im am In nubilnTton CANCELLATION amtnn can rar ninth Well Help you Write Ads to NBA specifications Gordon Coutta 7287215 iflnumalorma and screens and finished nvnmnas At Mi ya aiariis Read 7mm Hugh Plowman mom Don Campbell 7250248 Doug Campbell mo Taylor mrlzos Run Fan PaulPenman marl Smith Campbell Art Fry 968M DonMarshall Dratad Avniilb mtmuuuu 21 PRINTING PROBLEMS nmcsrm mum For an ml mm lREAL rsrm 1m MWWNITIEQ BUS OPPORTUNITIES Irowzu sr will The Worlds Steadiesi SPARE Seller WW mu COFFEE TIME INCOME 1mm Rou 1m mum gt um um Ins Wit Didi Earthy mm mwzvmncgfl ttuueli South HgmwMulfl must pmmm Vacancy W11 in this FRANK NELLES WW Ruin 00H Break U1 ItIII lure VGA to twelve mm ram if mourns mmmlgow For personI Interview wrin aim 51 CANAPENN Disrmaurmc WSCAW mum an Duelltt stanliammoovl mom Punk Walnmlm mm Brew Cotter Units on mm Sun Whig one Print Nellcl mm Dec Mills III6116 Ible established locations theme Pam ms unionnu manner Exmmm cm Chase Sanborncotiee ggfiufifififfifigfiz III AN acumen as rm l11qu netn no in to ouired commence In unsiliullo mum nun simian anclng gullible wltir reason Nw as COLLIER sr TELEPHONE 7234430 in limo minnow Ian mg am sum slmi wnanl Blowout mm mm IronmsoN mm mm ELAINEINESONW CATHERINE MILNEJIHOQ PETERS LT Realtor wlLE OLDER TYPE duplex Iiome contain live room apart rncnts income 3195 per Inon zoned special commercial Prlc ad to sell Downtown nreaBay llold Stud 7731410 RealEstate Broker and Appraisers no Dunlap St Poem 7mm lat and and mortgage arranged anvIow monthly payrnanlaa We buy your new int and and Imv bl nunhhed as emum annotation5min 100 ACRE mun1a miles south or Barrie 92 acres worklnz VIHEBHTWVW 11mm Can be bought with low down payment Call Fred Taylor Asnfig Wnnsfiu APROPERTYI WANTED SMREY lower priced older hone close to Camp Borden im mm rm mediate poasassion For iurtiierlnlorrnatlon call Art Fry rarrjt auaaras gum fintlmwghznutnw mu HI Ion will so Izolort ionimiu mung Invited more FISHER anion sanvrca my 7268366 Brnkcr pGRIESBACH 7228 SBEII Cattle InaHarris Ill mr mun aiietnneu commrun MIS Realtor one mam can IVAN BIDWELL m1 MARY VAIR 7281060 FEW am to loo mu am our our AII billIdiot connnlcllg Within In Bun II block sound on 1I ME RI All madam water booth and mi thumIIk cooler In born or no mm In martian or so so Insulated Ind continua oi huml any nun metric no on allme control Bunnlow wllh milkgnvenlemes stack and menu lot °llm°lii°°ifii liiwfihfltl In no mason INNnm NWNImrWc mult Iy Rouire bede home in uted In tho Town 04 Innis ror buyer with all am It ruli rbla it you am bedroom norm or ilm bedroom norm or cu tan Dulce now and all or MB Mm Roar Rhltor via270 street norm mommies IroMEoWNEIIs $l0OO000ff jfrom Avco Deltas NEW Danced at tire 10mm loln you be repaid at any time without or bonus same PAYHmT mm run Monthlv Annual Armcr nmem Int nm did In wanna um Win 34 46161 It noon Dlvlnrmgaro min on and that gun he lfidéna breDa1d ddltlonJo malt ur lnruranc an also wode unique nu ma Accident pro mum that will guarantee the DIV psaoo JInar mortar1 hunt nt ured nbrlck Harlin JIfllfii all mm mm clrnllonqm4M1 Borrow UPI Hoayduty plastic slrld er min run arrred nun with 25 miles or Banta KEN wnmnt co Barns Iciepbnna mm LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPE SERVICE Sodding bushes and trees xidewalks andiencing Telephone collect mm JANITORS DELUXE JANITORIAL SERVICE Insured tor liability hen estimate INDUSIRIAI COMMEIWlA proof never needs wax colors oi plastic or metals COTTAGE REPAIR JACIdNCCoirAGns Insulating and thterixing Septic Tanks and Tile Beds BURST Hawkestone CIIASSYvFIRED ADS dIVIlimliTh Elm II uufu Imam 5L new Wing 17 1w vwni BRING nnsuLrsi GE ROAD MARINE Ridge RoadCon On 4074102 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED 525 any rim house tank within DECORATIVE TREE salmon only type of floor unaliectcd by JMUSC1ITA7AShannon St Phone 7250651 day or evening Docla Plumbing and Electric Heat Dim EN NMIWIMC ration runny to mom Ml llctod lunath In MOBILE HOMES $fl3ifi°fi£fi my mnlifinfhileli orlfl i1v TRAILERS nussm CHURCH MobileIlomes Genera Glendak rave ux ihcsa SkiHedIhdesmenara Ready to Work fiufidfiegvfim on Your Job immediately BURTON We SEPTIC TANKS mums FARMS FOR SALE IRONINOI butk HuhIll hardnmldmfihlll shirt SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE Autiiorlzcd dealer or Yardrnul Dam ioro Gravely lawn and warden equipment Aronomo sr IlEFRIc mono EKATIDN STAN BRYSON unmcmriori SERVICE Suappartonsvtreecv PHONE 7134561 BUILDING CONSTR 1i II MAEan as FLOORING IANITOR sanvrce LOOKING ma cinn aiming or omaa ninm rimr arou Ciun n3 Botvino ultra DRIVING scHooI was alum manna Driving School um mage Sml ALnoams mu Salim dammit Now you up to mono It Inogrcfigfiflmm 35 smnavmo INSULATION arrow In mu you mwmo moo Intolafion ply oi lctIImIIIIIed bill and re cementNV mgr byu and ENGRAVINGI in 53 liliefiiilxl ma vol QM Nameplatesf signs ecuis irr°asr mm mm delils M°RY Juli IDDrIlsal miJnsoeciion engraved in Plexiglas various rm will be deducted Dom tn EssafSandjrsupply MASON PLASTERING SAND gt Telephone 0ro Ann57m sin oi 5m $11200 332 St Vincent StBaclr spam bedroom WkPMHEW firea if EAVERLUMBER AUTO REPAIR Pitiocated at Essa station mm saloonrisBAmELD sr storey bedrooms Wm BINGO ioorideally situatednicelytreed 29 Bram ml Ngmmpmfldid on HighWay 90 H11 asking $1000 Contact Ed 519910 SIROUDBungalow Hedicomm EXECUTIVE How thincoupon zooy ALEXANDERS GARAGE 93 Wood Ora Station 4877423 flsmlzic Em WM mm In In Evenings 3mm Re dim on cars true my MAY 21 ACRE In thing main bathroom pow cr and P3 Jack or $340 Only left nice dry lotsclosc Mm 3mm VII3 WW Wm marmomaliofxii lfisvsufiolfi 5vwgrtft 15 mad Oman 7255739 In In Simone Ideal IInrne sltes DUMP Shawl 21mm Wt SMWr Mo REAIJNABLE RATES PAINTING or ior retreat $3500 Contact lUNNIDALl IDADwLIvIrIr mm plea nnamwwr nun no Concession 131w ottfiwy 9° CLASSIFIED Sm mm slim mall mMoremwmm filmed mommaW We rum moms gt KEITH noonran Call any of tbecnurlcoussalespersonnelIistedbelw mvmxéoinfmfdgwfiiirwl PAVING Rum 7M ramsEMA my EVENINGS can mmvhwmmm statesmannon tum mo on on no mm aamnwiwzwra Asphalt Mk mm xosu mm buttaxon mm DmvEWAYsPARKING WIS rumour no mm 7232 niciiiaEaELTe 7237 mm 3333 ramam mm mm maps momma mm mm 5mm sin 4mm Examztflno$ brlcié lag Get your estimate now in WT Classified advertisements and mu WM 05 4mm mm in spring Wink K03 gigging PageImuzrnmfi Sam Thoma 5m gt tum hind mgin mun 11ml Tsu BONE PAVING mmlamim Sim publiciron Dr ma on Saturday Fitzsimmina Chhiil 4562620 m3 53 cu niooixfenflniiyii mm chpm c0 giglltagdmexmgninfirmgm Ed Greeddimie 7234123 Human Dug MI mas ramma and memoirn uncommon 181 EGLINTON AVE LYLAILCLIIUKMdmom I2allltilninit roman on curmamnxs TORONTO l2 zuggtseflggflmmrw hm Manamama sapnu £423 mpwflfimflg PHONE 4873333 7261881 REALTOR 67 DUNLO E033 plunkggymggtgggé INCOME TAX vmfinfiwgmgz cam gt raving aim own writ 11 c4 rimi or swim nreulre advertisemw kindly mom KennathMlller icelair rack Maullcws or momma unmou Ll lgvefifiggimugmufin an Peter Manton mssoll Icrcy Ferd roman °l¢o°ol Prowlt Investmentgm Ed Fififlnffiflfifillifififllmfi any error or omissionmy be CO LTD MLS REALT John Cole 7258017 Sammy Benham olectrlcallyhelted mul Im on 62 Richmond St Ha uniting WM Mm mm mm mdvTelephouc roesacs 9535 Ego 2354913 IlmI may barretilled nfi COLLIER 31 7234401 Rm Warm Id Spam Bur CARPENTRV Irwin am Nation In Bar Harvey Insane lies Lovegrovo MEDIAN nannswmrrnn Emory am am in mm mm newml pan or anyavennaufenr um um vznlm gt mic aintnz and livinxjoorn In PROFES IONAL gag 7me mejlmed tradla only to exum of pnmop mom ii ughowe figuring Mortgage Loans Anyw era mirroring Am lirrvnlmnrrmmnn Tailauiaflviinm BLACKSMTH El 4515 tin noveluninan not llllhl 13 90 OF VALUATIONS on mug mounds Muir Realtors m££ on Need Money Jeannie noes mam mmmnsgmgne Hm cImgo oer menu Ihl vivaDolly Mom on as Int am eel one Hm or mic DaIiruyn Jennln mag Owen 31 also limel fleu arm or PENETANG 51 7231399 anyant no cm 51 Draw WNW7715131 WEED CONTROL 14 noon amm MRI 7282485 VIIunsior downtown Well MOWER REPAIRS m°mmnlfifififinilfi1ldi matron Aafirlfin°i MADIGANNIOWER SPECIWED monotone RAWN nghland Park Village llominnmnsn SERVICE am on gt Weedcon ol Aeration Fertil fieeiIWuJfinfil llitllfia 35 Fiji 5mm Go margin Highway no city linuts or CNRgtrncILtLtumlleit éiflsililzm For AllMakesO lzation liquid root icediflg nrr Inieriiun total sun 51 con IE 51 mm oiiord roadaiter railroad Little Avenuetand our model lbomcs mm wmr Al 1W119 Elwin Re liming insect control etc 1Itlillti WWW an onuenmmi tattle on mm1r¥irw main mm Monetth urfK II mungggogghmglglg nurw PROPERTIES hm mam mMcumzwlu mow hm Op condition mum mn in mm ECLIPSE LAWN AND to cancellation when Inflow inspectionhyawoinbnent only firdfihwmmflgfimlcgufilgdfigi IIOYDD oWN Mortua urm GARDEN EQUIPMENT Spray Service °b°3°ii TEWW gt mums moi marinaramom owlW on 432691 army 72H715 M1 mortnnlnnnum no Barrie and Oriili Braco vuumn gt chm claw EBWTIFA Raw EVE Inn route Manns mm mom us In Examiner uoxNnmber Dick Draper YME bridge am RR lWarif Dorlf CostThey Pay

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