Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 May 1968, p. 1

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Renewal SEE PAGE THREE Earrip gamma cr EXAMINER TELEPHONES manor 7565 Glorified cumin med All Other Departments lMth Year No1 and tomorrow Low tonight to High tomorrow 60 Details Pg 11 Barrio onlario Canndl Tuesday May 21 196 Not More Than We PerCopy l6 Page SCAVENGEIIS OF the Paris municipality are also on strike since two days and grnbage lN INDONESIA JAKARTA AP The in neslan government foiled two months ago to kill Prcsldcnt Suharto and 10 of his generals and cabinet ministers as they prayed at mosque of ficials at the prcsidcntipl palace said Monday lt was reported seven men NationWide Traiiic Iams is piling up daily in tho most spectacular sites of Paris most spectacular site of Paris today is Les Halles district bod key roles in the abortive as sassination attempt All have been arrested and will be tried by military court military sources said Officials said the plot was in spired by the Communists and that some of those involved are Mark Victoria Day Weekend By THE CANADIAN PRESS Stopaodgo truffle was report ed from British Columbia to Newfoundland during the three day Victoria Day weekend Despite cool rainy weather in most areas of Canada car ciogged gtrpatls greeted those adlng out to open the summer rage go to the beach or mountains or visit Man and His World The roads also took their usual heavy toll72 dead near ing the Canadian Highway Safety Council prediction that begvcen 75 and 05 would die on tb highways during the holiday ending midnight Monday in Montreal cbill weather and rain caused disappointing first weekend for Man and His World The permanent exhibir tion that opened Friday on the site of Expo 67 by 10 pm Mon day had total attendance for the four days of only 425421 This compared with the 569 US 500 figure for the first weekend of Expo record that stood through the fair On Victoria Day attendance this year was only 59411 by 10 pm Jo Toronto one form of cele bratlon also took its tell when police estimated that at least 40 children and about 10 adults were injured by tossed fire CAPSUL crackers and that the number of complaints related to fireworks exceeded 200 Children playing with fire crackers were blamed for Ni agara Falls Ont fire which de stroyed the warehouse and of fices of the Niagara Rug Co Ltd Monday night causing $100000 damage Another fire which may have crackers was the Victoria Day blaze which destroyed the $250000 Aoeiian Hall oldest saucer auditoriunm in London nL Gold Prices Hit New Peak LONDON AP The price of gold rose today on the London market to new peak at $4260 an ounce and dealers re ported the busiest day since the March gold rush The British pound sank to new low in an unsettled foreign exchange market The pound which closed at 5238635 US Monday night Went down to $238525 this morning but crept back to near its pre Vidus low at $1303 new are as emu NW Report 15 OntarioForest Pires TORONTO CF The lands and forest Ontario today forest fires burning in Haiti Services Po TORONTO GP Funeral exander Porky Romerti 75 during the 19205 and refereed in 1814 lie died Friday 19205 Star services were held today for Al ho starredin hockey and football the National Hockey League until Mackenzie Wins$50iltlfl kward OTTAWA CP search Council during its 13 yea expansion today was namedw Award for 1960 MANIWAKI Que or Mackenzie rs at great wartime arid postwar inner of theSSMQO Royal Bank No defeated candidatesln Sundays Pontiac riding Liberal nomination convention here have charged Quebec Liberal Federation oiiic cgatic convention iais with conducting an undemo bcen causedby childrens fire dc artlnent re rteds pg ing speculation that other pow head of the National lieJ known as the belly oi Paris which may soon disappear under huge mountains at crat es AP Virephoio Assassination Oiled Seven Are Arrested Communists se rving in the army were arrested in Jakarta ast week but it was not known how many in all would be impll caled inthe plat The mass assassination was to have been sprung while Suharto still at large Several alleged knclt at grounds of the presidents Mcrdeka Palace during Mos Aod hls Iopofiiclala the mosqueon the em festival March the palace officials said Officer said the plotters planned to hurl hand grenades into the small mosque while Su horto and his group were on their knees Security agents unearthed the plot several days beforc offi cials said and arrested an army captain and several other soldiers Several reporters were also reported to have been picked up News of the plot was withheldto aid the investiga tion érdts seen white house 0h first its full of children Believe De royvremamrglks PARIS AP USAmbas sador Averell liarriman con ierred witthresident de Gaulle of France today amid increas ersmay intervene with North Vietnam andtho United States to assist Vietnamese peace ne gotiations Emerging from Elysee Pal ace IIarriman treated his visit purely as courtesy call so ing he had thanked the French president for hishospitality to the American negotiating team But US officials believe that at some point do Gaullc may have an important role topiay in en cnuraging accords to lend the war North Vietnamese negotiator Nuan They was scheduled to Charge Convention Was lindernocratic rsee do Goulle later in thcday spokeam an forThuy slightiyexpanded Hanois public statements on how the next phase of the negotiations may developif the present first phase succeeds Nguyen Thanh Le told new conference that if the itary post in IN EDMONTON Apartment Building Is Wrecked BY Blast EDMONTONtCP An ex plosion wrecked an apartment block in Edmontons west end today and six persons were taken to hospital Neighbors said about 100 pct sons lived in the Dunston apart ment at 127 Street and 1115 Ave nue One or those taken to hospital was Fred Symenlw llrcman said when we took him out he was dressed in shorts think he had ashlrt on but all that was left were thecutis About dozen other persons were taken out Cause oitbe explosion was not immediately determined on automobile supply shop with repayment can raise NIAGARA fALIS NY AP When police located si Abies automobile Sunday few hours after it was reported stolen they asked the owner to check it over for damage Able said he discoiercd the thieves had filled the gas tankand left dollar bill on the front seat Guerrillas Try To Incite General Haiti iUprising SANTO DOMINGO Reuters Heavilyarmed guerrillas wbo invaded Haiti Sunday tried today tonhipup general up rising against Iiaiuan President Francois Papa Doc Duvalier Haitian exile sources in this Do minican capital said The guerrilleseaptured mile northern Haiti the sources said They linked the action with the bombing by an unmarked Bat plane Monday morning of the presidential palace in Port au Prince the Haitian capital Duvalier is reported to have escaped unburt but number of other persons were killed and severai including two presiden tlal aides were wounded in the air raid the bombing and other attacks on North Vietnam his govern ment would be prepared to dis cuss political settlement for Vietnam based on the 1954 Gene va ac Those accords ended the Frenchlridochlna war The Examiner TODAY Knn Loaders7 cu NewH Clalaified710 Condos18 mittsto nntrtets Editva Sparta8 ends Democrats and theCommunists improved their positions in both the Senate The chief loser was coalition increased its maiority gasoline pumps was on one side of the building Windows in hairmilearao wcre shuttered and windsbields of some passing cars were bro ken Three ladder trucks at the Ed monton fire department were pouring water into the building and about dozen other fire fighting vchlcles were on the scene The north end or the building twostorey stmcture of frame construction and brick facing wns destroych Otiicidlly Open une Campaigns By THE CANADIAN PRESS Five weeks before the general election Tucsday June 25 all party leaders now admit they are campaigning Conservative Stan field like his rivals has been making some electionoriented remartrsrcccntiyr but his cam paign becomes official today with kickoff rally in Winnipeg Prime Minister Trudeau is spending the day in south western Ontnrioland will top it off with speech to the Kitch ener Chamber of Commerce to night New Democratic Leader Douglas enters Northern On it tario by way of Toronto alter weekend at home in hisvvancou face he said ver riding at BurnabySeymour Credltistc Leader Real Caouctte campaigns today in his home riding of Tcmiscamiogue in northwestern Quebec Mr Douglas told news can formed after his arrival in To rcnta Monday that federal ministry of urban affairs is needed to face the problems of Canadas big cities The simple fact is that the financial resources of the cities are not up to the problems they Federal moncy mlrst and its way back into thevcitics to tack ie the problems of housing land evelopmeot slum clearance rban renewal transportation nd recreat ai development Italian communist Party Scores Major Ele LROlilE CF The Christian Democrat andCommunist par ties scored major gains in it aiys elections for new Parlia ment Final returns today gave the Communists their biggest vole since the second World War The Roman Catholic Christian vi the Chamber of Depiities and the Socialists which hed hoped to recover from thedefection ot its leftist elements instead came outapoor third in the multiparty race Despite the Socialist setback Premier Aldo Moros centreleft ctiOn Gain Christlon Demncrats Cummu nisis and Socialists The first two gained more seats than the Socialists iosL Nearly 3200001 clad in the election for 315 sen ators and 630 deputies They will take their seats in new arliament June ASCISTS LOSE Tbe Fascists and the Monar cblsts also lost ground Final results gave the three coalition parties 365 seats in the Chamber and 103 in the Senate compared will 361 and 179 in the previous Parliament This gave the coalition meat majority in the Chamber and slseat malority in the Senate Government littempts To Quell Expanding Economic Paralysis PARIS AP The French cabinet faced by an cvercx panding economic paralysis and the threat of parliamentary ech sure decided today there should be no punishment for students charged with violence in the street lighting that led into the countrys strike crisis summoned by President Vde Gaulie the ministers approved an amnesty bill at 25minute meeting information Minister Georges torso said the bill for giving all charges against stu dcnla urcept theft in the period between Feb and May is will be submitted to the National is acmny Wednesday for ratiiicu Dil Premier Georges Pomplduu faced the assembly for debate Viet Cong Shell 305 Force Bases TSMGON Reuters Vict Cong and North Vietnamese forces poured more than 00 rounds of rocket lire into the headquarters of theUS1015t Airborne Division today and then tried to storm the camp an American military spokes man said Eight US soldiers were killed and 51 wounded duringthc at tack on Camp Eagle in Thua Thicn province six milessoutb oi tbcoid imperial capital of Huehe reported on censure motion expected to come to vote Wednesday night The governing Gaullist coalition expressed confidence it would survive the vote but gave no indication what it would do about the workers revolt for higher pay shorter boursand lob security The strike wave which has made idle more than 8000000 workers was still spreading Paris new be estimates about hair of Frances 16000000 workers will be away from their tubs by nightiall Though its stat showed up the Paris stock marketciosed it was announced the market could not function because at communications difficulties and lack of orders The strikes stopped trains subways buses taxis and garé bags collection in Paris and closed coal mines air ports and seaports Some tourists were stranded Lines formed at the food and to bacco shops banks and gasoline stations Amid inonstrous traffic jam in Paris madeworse by cars that were abandoned altersrunE niog out of gasoline low police Inen were in sight Although not on strike many apparently slayed home Facing the gravesttbreat yet posed to his 10yearold Fifth Republic de Gaulle has made no public statement since break ing off visit to Romania Satur day and returning to the Elysee Palace Poor People Pay Respects WASHINGTON AP The poor people of Rcsurrection City USA plan their first demonstration todaya march to the grave of President John Kennedy RevEaiph David Abernathy campaign leader called Kenne dy friend of the poor who helped poor people as he told rally Monday night he also wants volunteersto fill all va cant se ats in congressional hearings Dont worry about dressing no just go the way youarc the Southern Christian leader ship Conference president told cheering crowd of responsive residents Weve been here To JFK long timcits time we do busi ness He asked everyone to gather today outside the campsiles main gate where buses would take some to Capital Hill The rest were to wall two miles to Arlington National Cemetery where Kennedy is buried The campsfle now houses about 2000 of the 3000 persons SCLC planned to put in the ply wood shanties Abernathy told his followers there is enough money to finish the camp He later told report ers thermoney isnt all in but he is sure the American people would come through With sup port He gave no precise fig ures in both the Senate and the Chamber vious talk was Saturday The coalition comprises the FAST POSITION ln the past the North namese position has been ex pressed as readiness to talk on problems of concern the US and North Vietriav once the US attacks end Today he said they could discuss questions relativelo Victnomese news gt cont rcncewas called by Le to issue two booklets on Ameri can Aggression in Vietnam The documents continued Ha nor propagando campaign to put pressure on tha United Stateslto cease all bombing of the North without any respon sive deescaiation by North Vietnam lThe talks were in recess again today llarriman and Thuy meet Wednesday for their fourth session Theiriast pr on Dies to sine pita soon Boston police and the tight ers probe through huge sand rplle searching for Mary ordnance ho had the top of the to may Sillfoot igh mounditAP uto her bod at the bottom or if

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