gtLEiiDERSHlP RECOGNITION swaths Presentation or awards hith lighted the leadership Recog nition Night at the Barrie YM YWCA on Thursdsy evening Following the banquet Presi dent Gordon leighton is shown above presenting an ewsrd to ï¬ftieth Involaeeinthiswwidiore dnnbnurseilamelonhomore Csuemswh school Humble twin lstte tut ninlolin use algebra eonsetryandchernlslrytiiso Illyl hate wanted tube nurse since was live years old break my heart it dont it Please tell me what in the end oi my days it you come up with solution Thank you Dedicated Girl Who Wants To Serve dumb you are in in Deer Glr You dont say how hope you are not dunking You itira Wedge in recognition at her assistance in dithering Yprorams Examiner PM to Hespital Volunteers Must Meet Challenge Of Future Sponsored by the Hospital Auxiliary Association the ilrst institute on in Hospital Voi untcer Services tor District three area was held May 13 and it at the Contencntal inn Barrie Representatives at sun iliaries in Huntsville Brace brldge Orillla Midland Coll hswood Southampton and Harris were welcomed by Mrs McLean president at the EM Miss Winiircd Shooter ctr erdinator Auxiliary Volunteer Services spoke on the organiza tlon oi volunteer program stressing the necessity ol paid or unpaid captain at volunteers This worker iones strong liai son bemoan Auxiliary and Ad ministration Tree wheeling group dlel mission explored areas of auxil iary concern hole of adminis tration role oi hospital stall and the role at the auxiliary in the volunteer program The question and answer ses sion was conducted by Mrs Smith at Midland Disco tor oi District three Many pro ductive lines at communication were opened on auxiliary topics IRAIN lTORMmG Mrs Edmunds ol Pal merston vice president of Out ario HAA chaired the Tuesday meeting Mite Shooter began the session by conducting lively bail hour of Brain Storm ing method designed to set up new approaches to em listing recruits in volunteer ser vtees Mrs Edmunds introduced the iirst guest speaker of the day Mrs Bullet Nurse epidemol gist at the East York llcaltll Clinic Her topic in Service lraining Program tor Volun teers was presented in an am using way key points illustrat ed on blackboard She cnnr yinced the audience that whetb er the hospital is so or 1000 beds in this world at changing methods volunteer must be trained and re trained in or der that the patient the most important person in the hospi tal may have the beat of the in Services altered him hosesral on roruounow Mrs Anthony Adamson re presenting PeelMemotial Hos pital Brampton spoke on the hospital of tomorrow and the volunteer oi tomorrow Mrs Adamson quoted in part irons th FORTVVYORK VSPeVCiCllI Make note on your calendar that Victoria Day is festival Day Moudny May 20 is the date htstoriniost York Toron tois the place At townsm the days ao llvities will begin with briel Canadianllnited Sta tes cere mony commemorating the 150th rsary of the RushBagel ment This Agreement be tween Great Britain and the United States limited naval ar mament on the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain It has subsist ed ior hverlso years and has become ymhol oi internation jnlxundere ending and matter of mutual pride to Canada and the United States To mark the th anniversarybf this event ante tree will be planted in grounds of the Fort by guests irom the United Sta and Beat Retreat ceremony ill be periormod by the and land Guard of HMCS Yor At 11 am The Hon ghoul lor every On your an address presented at aimi iar institute by MeQucen oi Agnew Peckhem Associates Limited hospital consultants Whatever success our hospitals have had in meeting their diet lenge oi serving mankind must be credited to the devoted men and women who have mated that measure oi success One must always remember that no hospital has become famous by itseli This was well express ed by Meoliell Dixonwhen speaking at the University at Glasgow He said enobling deeds oi mankindare periorm ed by Man not institutions looking at the hospital oi the iutura the speaker said we are forced to keep our test iinniy planted on the ground today thehospitnl cannot act in isolation from its particular community lls development must be direct reflection at what the community requires and is willing to pay The patient oi the iuture will drive or fly up In the autom ated hospital in his automnbfle or his helicopter lie will dial his social security number and snswer missuons concerning his current health stable Wilh in matter at minutes irom national computer centre his entire health background wfll be flushed toibo hospital The Toastmistresses install Oiticers Mrs Orvai Hardy conducted the installation or officers tor the 196869 season at the last meet ing the First Toastmistrese Club at Barrie The new execu live includes Past President hire Ronald Stewart Fresh dent Mrs Ron Moiiatt First Vice President Mrs Ernest Irvine Second Vice President Mrs Leon Garrick Treasurer Mrs John Stevenson Secretary Mrs Gordon Murdock Cluls Rep resentative Mra Edwin Ineson Another highlight of the meet ing was the induction oi new member Baugbtqn Chis activities will resume early in September Ereekiast meetings are heldovery second Wednesday at 915 am in the Sky Room Lakevlaw Dn In terested persons are urg to contact anymamber oi the exeo utiva tor additional ini ation Events tour around the grounds be sure to see the loading and tiring oi antique weapons by thebuck skin clad members oi the Can ndian Guild at antique Arms early drill demonstrations and cannon iirings by our own Fort York Guard Pipe Band og hewrng shingle makinga display at antique and modern military weapons by the Ontario Arms Colieotors trad tinnal lnslr dancing the Niagara imcoa Dancers pertorming the rmtnuet and monoymuek sear making over an open ltrotand theCStone Fort Singers Toup ot Canadian loilr singers As you wcnd your way throu displays within the buudlogs be sure to sue th demonstra tions oi candle dippin spinningweavtng butter churn ing and brickoven baking And ior reirashment 17 what more appropriate succu lent barbecued beckon bun johnny cake with maple syrup and ice cold apple cider Come early and bring the lam by to tillagels dayst historic Fort York straehan avenue and Ni Fleet Street Admission is so tor adults accompanied children ee mate or price hospital care it stiiiremaine personal service Ort fFestithl Day tuture are dedicated and we ither Scarborougtt or Schools lilillllily in patient will be hypnotized and or anesthetized placed in hermetically sealed capsule and late his place ona mov ing conveyor He will have ar terial and vein connections tubes or kidney and bowel elimination and tubes or rup piles of air oxygen nitrogen carbon dioxide and perhaps other combinations of gases computer will immediately evnl unto his history and electronic instruments will do complete physical examination during his lirst icw minutes on the con veyor At this time his entire blood supply will be drainEd and blond substitute will be installed to remain for the dur ation ol his Irip through the hon pilotThe blood will be placed in puriiying machine gleane ed and balanced by electrolysis and chemical means and stored or reinsertion prior to his dis charge The patients subculh lcirrns will be explored and any emotional problems erased his entire mental health picture will be reviewed and any diseased brain or nerve areas excised and replacedHe will move into the iield of theiapeutics on his next lab at this stale muscle stimulation Will be done by oi trasonics laser beam or chem ical injections bone replace ment using chemicaimochanir cal and electronic techniques and diseased tissue will be shot with xray or laser ray or chemically treated in the event that certain organs are dam aged beyond repair or seem in danger of breakhlg down they Will be removed and new ones implanted using laser beam atomic tongs or ultrason ics This is known as preven tative maintenance The phy sician ofrteday will then be come biomedical chemical engineer and will pertorm his speciiic iunetion to bring this individual into perfect physiolo gical and psychological balance by pressing buttons and pulling levers in accordance with in structions irom tha medically programmed computer At tba end oi the conveyor the patient will have his blood reinserted and he awakened from his hyp nosis or anaesthesia He will dress get back into his autom obile or helicopter and rletllm to society alter only at hours in hospital Mrs Adamson suggested that while computer analysts and nuclear physicists are disturbed nro crawling when we should be running to these new techniques and tools thevital concern in the ho tal field is for the patient No matter how we mechanize auto to sick people quality at TLC tender loving care hard to but high school divine it you pills to he an RN Every nurse must have some knowledge oi math because nulhistnabaslstorallchemls try Ntnses must administer mullsu and it is villi that they be able to insists doses accurately it you have mental block on math you cannot be an itN but you can be licensed prac tical muse This is extremely rewarding work and highly mmmend it Dear Ana Leaderex is there rule that says single daughter mes her mother more than married daughter have been star with my mother and us the word stuck because cant think oi word that lite the situation better lily moher is so years older rite BARRIE EXAMINER saruanav MAY use solturn WEDDING vows bliss Sandra Barbara Gracey and Ronald Cllllord Harris will exchange wedding vows at ceremony in St Church Barrie on June 13 etmo pm The bride elect Presbyterian The engagement at Dianiia Elisabeth Kirkland to Freder ick Richardson has been announced by the bride oiects parents Mn and Mrs Fred Kirkland oi Barrie Th WHAT THE STARS SAY aynsrnanma on rouonnow Excellent planetary influences is the only daughtcr at Mr and Mrs lvan Gracey ol Sophin St The mom groom elect is the only son ot Mr and Mrs Ciiilord ilasris RR Barrie Photo Lgraphy by Favero bridegroom to be is the son at Mr and Mrs Chester Richardson oi Midhurst The wedding will take place June is at Central United Church Barrie Photography by Fav ero FOR MCNDAT Â¥ou may incline toward scat describe impossible to buy that wm mkEsWday ï¬ne day an telingryour energies on Monday grows as we give it awayTo this the ivolunteers or the intend to stand up and be counti 31 ed as part at the hospitairtéam or the moire Attending the institute were ally the personal score Stars contus ua to favor romance also trav land Mme seem to show much promise Oppose Extension tem lic separator Ontario toinciudeh was opposed Thursday by delay to gratiiying gainis hoblsyetem pnd ghachoos providedthat hon ran pmrssoav it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscopaindicates that it Would be advisable to take no antage oiellopportunitles to dvance nowespéiually on the hotel score Stars promise hettveén now eeember youoperale con nd eschewzail ass the an rvetlve gates at the iiemlilon aonler travngauea and speculation Cannda Delegates attending the clos the viourdey session sup sh ence oi the United Church at especially during the ilrstrtwa weekg otAugilatand throughout November and December Dur Januarytand Februarycon parted statement irom the ex solidata the assets youve accu ecuttve oi the general conciloi the United Church agslnatsep arete saeondary education as preludicial to the ecumenical li andpanatllsn unit as The conference clth go it child but be artistically inclinsdtr home ulated and beprepascd to alt pand fiscal interests at the be ou will enter another splendid tour nnlng at March anth cycle ior increasing as sets Best periods tor ioblnter November March this day will ring and highly intutti trying to carry on dozen or lties at one time but you will accomplish nothing by so doing Base your program on car lists only and complete one one dertabing belnre you start arm FOR BIRTHDAY it Monday is your birthday your horoscope indicates that as Taurean your ability to plan ambitious moves and your shrewdness in grasping oppo tunities which others would pass up could help to lurther your goals consider bl filming the comingyeer wilirbalmpo tanthowever that you stick to the ventures you undertake and carry them through to success iul condualom child armor this day or be endowed with lovable dis position extraordinary lotelll great love or to vigirlfliZnspis llm to ohbl Fli lit ll idolitlfll Mr Ali shlmhtlrt tan ANN flairytttim ii say an irritates her and tha tooling is mutual We itvein tiny apert meat and tail all over each other hate to come home irom work have two sisters who are married and live In another IOIITIMNYIENDI Deer An usual the ins fused the years ago ills over will remarried line mes several Moths ago we ellillhlnhoiherasourdsugb lertnlaw although she is no loam rallied to on How do we Dear Net think it is shame iul Your sisters shottld contrlb ute every month toward your mothers lit expenses Mo over they hoodlum or year your mother visit themor they should ate with your mother tor weel or two willie you take vacation Someone perhaps clergy msn should help you get some histloe Get out Introduce her to our blonds howlNeel as Master in Deer Need Although the women is no longer your daughc terdnlaw she Is related to you the has children libs la the mother ot younnaadchlldren introduce her as lliary who Marrieng blur eon whg away pow nur ried to Jack Jones it voila be lns less to introduce her as she were lust iriend and Im sure sha would he hurt as you would reel hurt it she intro duced you with no mention if the llmtiy ties Make Your College Plans Before Leaving High School TORONN GP liyou want to go to college the ideal time to start doing something about it is when you have at least two ycera oi high school iclL Then even it you dont know which school you will go to or precisely what course you will take you still have time to choose high school courses that will assure your mecling the entrance require ments oi most colleges ii Davidson director oi admissions atthc University of Toronto says good repro sentetive choice at basic sublt iect areas should open the ï¬eld for good student Eng lish the social sciences maths science andlanguages are the basic areas when you begin to consider actual oice of college Mr Devidson says the school guidance olilce should be your iirst point at reierenoe NEED GUIDANCE great deal is said about school guidance services by people who ligure the kids arent so what they want They proth dont approach the guidance counsellor soon enough or interostodiy enough it nothing else the guidance ottlce should be lurnlshed with supply at literature irom colleges and government that will describe lacililiee and courses outline caste and possibly tell what is available in the we of loans scholar ships and ursaries in addition to talking things over with guidance counsel ior and reading the literaulrc you can make chance to meet college admission people ï¬gs at home or to their own Most schools have nights ta talk about the colleges so it is quite possible or parents nowadays to meet university personnel Each university also re ceivss potential applicants who make appointments ltir Davidson suggests that it you do take the trouble to BEAUX Nf BELlESr cial Committee Annual Marked by mummy COULSOM Enthusiastic support oil mem bers contributes to the growth of any organization Judging by the attendance at the annual banquat anddance party held in Minesing Commun ity Hall Thursday evening the Barrie Beaux Bella Square Dance Club is here to stay Every member was on hand to participate in the unand lel lowship of the club and to as sure thenewly installed execu tive oi support CHARTER MEMBERS Since the clubs iormatlon in 1962 the iirst square dance club in Barrie the majority oi the charter members are still swinging their partners each week at the Hayiolt St Vincent st the home at square dancing built by square dancers Lorne and Betty liay have been the leaders at the club irom its inception and werehon ored guests at the dinner dance They were presented witha gilt in appreciation of their work with the club The club has sponsored begin ner classes and members have have attended the hand of friend shipto newer dancersxln the Fall members oitha disbandlng Guys and Doilswill he invited to dance WuhanBeau Belles INSTALLATION Following delicious hot roast beef dinner catered by Mine sin Womens institute with Mrs Norval Luck as convener transfer of club executive badg es irom outgoing otiicers to the incoming executive tpok place The slateof oiiicera is as toi lows President Mr and Mrs Ros McClymont Vice Presi dent Mr and Mrs George Brad toy Treasurer Mr and Mrs Al Walltn Secretary Mr and Mrs NeilKennedy Special Events Mr and Mrscliitiinnell So Mr and Mrs Ralph Gavin Featured callervior the evening was Nornl Wilcox of Toronto who provided tun whopping mus ic and directiontor the intricate dance routines spasms arrears Special guests at the party were the presidents at other area square dance groups including Mr and Mrs Bill McFadyen DYCllh F001 MARKET lrontsot baci Sides oi beet Hinds olbeei Grocery rders $1006 on over discount Banquet By Club Colltngwond Promenaderst Mr and Mrs Murray Blackburn ot Skliowo Squares Collingwood and Mr and Mrs tiny Downey oi Swing ing Eights Alliston Other guests were Mrs Norm and Bob Scott at Toledo Ohio Head table guests included his and Mrs McClymont Mr and Mrs Kennedy Mr and Mrs Wailtn Miss Mae Ferguson hill Wright and Mr and Mrs Charles Luoan high oi Hie party was the unveiling of the club banner which will ha installed in the iiayloit George Bradley was re in Mountain make an Ippointsrteat you should make best use at the time to Isis questions about the college end its tile Is it will attect you People too olten ask ques tions covered in the printed materials ROOM FOR MOST Mr Davidson says there is room in Canadian colleges to accommodate most at the good students who want to at tend aliho ugh some lab courses such as medlctn dentists and architecture are crowd Mr Davidson says most students choose college be cause at iamiiy connection or because iavorlta teacher Itiended it it you want to choose one because oi its strength ina particular course or because it would suit you best for some other reason ltlr Da vidson says you will get best advice talking to counsciiors at the unlversitle He says you old not be upset it you are advised byav counsellor at one school that another might be more suita ble it you are an exceptional iy good student you should4 also make allowance tor the incl that unlvcraity counsel ior may paint as rory pic tnre as possible to attract you to his school 20 Discount but all PERMS Mort run Wed The House of Bellini ti Collier bi ressen sponsihla for tha colorful ban nor arepllca oi the club badge The evening concluded with coliee and cookies Your Edeiner Corrielj ï¬ctionaler is inBttsittessl For Himself Every Examiiser carrier has an established routine for his weekly collections irom his customersmand in turn be is obliged to pay for his newspaper just as regularly it his customers fail to havathe paymentready or offeralarge bill which he cannot change it means return call and service of thecarliors route lleasaiplayball withlyour chrriér by promptly Youll be helping him to serve tomers better added time and workout ayins till