Apprwedln Pï¬ï¬ciple PREMONITlON saves mos Morris Kay his wife and daughters Linda and Debbie are seen in mm of their Can morc Alta home Friday destroyed by gas explosion Thursday Mrs Kay said her life and Debbies were saved by neighbors pmnonition Mrs Sherwood urged both of them to leave the house and five minutes later it blew up IInec days ear lies gas explosion tkxnolish ed house only block away Caamore is 50 miles west at Calgary tCP Wirephofo its Quiet Weekend For Son Of Expo By THE CANADIAN enass quiet Victoria Day weekend faces Canadian except In Montreal where the son at Expo 67 is attracting huge growds Mayor Jean Drnpcau expects even larger turnouts during the mrecday holiday weekend to ace the Man and His World ex hibition Across Canada most business es banks liquor and beer stores will be closed For British Columbia and the Prairies the outlook is for warm weekend with tempera tures in the 705 But cool cloudy weather with some rain Is in store for Eastern Canada The Canadian Highway Safety Council predicts that between 75 mndas persons wfll die accidenA tally on the nations highways during the holiday which ends midnight Monday In Ontario the wcekcnds big gest scheduled event is the tulip festival in Ottawa Also in the capital 6000 youngsters were to march today in the eighth an4 nual school safety patrol tambo rec WILL DECORATE SHIPS In the hiaritimes ships of the maritime command will be dec orated In Halifax the army will fire ztgun royal salute at noon Monday More than 1000 were ex pected to take part in youth parade in Saint John NB today commemorating the ar rival ot the United Empire Loy alists III 1783 For Newfoundlandors thc hol iday Is the start otrtrout fishing At Grand Falls Ntld Viscount Montgomery reviews the marchpast of the 166th Regi ment which served with him In North Africa during the Second World War The Britishguidod missile da stroyers Fife and Glamorgan are holding open house in Van couver Harbor Main hollday events on the Prairies are sports car meet at Davidson Sask and sail ing regatta on Wascana Lka in Regina Queen Victoria was born May 24 HQ and died Jan 1901 Queen Elizabeth born April 21 1925 has her birthday cele brated in Canada on the same holiday which by statutepls ob served on the Monday preceding ltfay Survey Indicatesflarm IoiFishi By Pesticides Tomaso or survey by the lands and forests depart meot says high concentration of insecticides such as DDT is seriously hindering reproduction got some fish in Ontario waters department spokesman said the survey conducted in thy Bay of Quinte Lake Simcoe and Lake Erie will be extended this summer to other lattes in the province He said fisheating birds such as the bald eagle osprey per egrine falcon and loan are also dying out because their eggs are made sterile by chemicals they absorb into their systems from the fish jCIIargei Denial EducationvDeprives society TORONTO CPI The Fed to of Frenchlanguage AlimentTeacher Associations warned Friday thatrlimtnation of religious education in schools would mean denial of the im portance of moral valuesin so ciety The federation presented brief to the Ontario government ncommittea on religious educa tion in public schoolsurging that boards of education be ob to give religious education as at any school where to parentsof one faith ask for it The brief recommended that schools be allowed to give reli agious instruction up to hours week trom kindergarten to Grade 12 and one hour week at the Grade 13 level during regular school haurs During the 196667 school year the federation conducted fPoster Awards Given lvy Pupils lVii Staff on ivy noon supils Helen smith and Tom larkson have received framed certiï¬cates for honorable men tiou in the Ontario division for posters they made about fire pre vention in the home The presentation was made at the school by Barrie Fire Chiei Dan Keast with Essacchicf Earl Cunningham and teacher Miss Dunnill assisting tiss Smith Is the daughter oi tits and Mrs Kenncth Smith while Tom is the son of Mr and Mrs William Clarkson humans INCREASE Pakistan population In creased ttllottt to per cent silica Inn and now is about 120000000 survey of its PTAs from Wind Songbirds are affected when they eat earthworms in an area US which has been sprayed with in secticide the survey says Most songbird deaths take placcin areas where heavy spraying to combat Dutch elm disease has been carried out The public should cease using these chlorinated hydro carbons said Blair Dawson supervisor of the departments Upland game and waterfowl management section DDT tdlchlorodi phenyltriChioroelhaneI contains chlorinated hydrocarbons EAGLES MEATENED Mr Dawson eagleaoow ot lieligious sor Out to Hawkeshury Ont and from Toronto to Kapuska sing 0nt to ï¬nd out what Frencbspeaking parents and teachers wanted in the way of public French high schools The brief said the survey showed that more than 94 per cent of Frenchspeaking parents and teachers wanted French language secondary schools to provide li gi education taught by specialists paid the same as regularxteachers The federation represents 20 local PTA groups at both pri mary and secondary schools in the sen ate school system are disappearing rapidly in the because of insecticides The birds once were plentiful in the Sioux lookout and Lake of the Woods area in northwestern Ontario They nested in many parts of northeastern Ontario and as far south as Tweed in southeastern Ontario The cycle of contamination begins when commercial sprayer or tourist who wants to keep blackflics and may quitoes from his tent sprays an area near lake DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbons in high runoff areas are carried into the lake The hydrocarbons impregnate liva organisms which are con sumed by fish They are ab sorbed also into the bodies of ï¬sh from water passing through OFFSPRING AFFECTED If tha concentration is strong enough mature fish are killed When it weakens it settles in fatty areas of the fishs body Induding eggs The young tisb draw on the fatty yolk until they arcboro then quickly din of poisoning Thorforcshy depar tmcnt stopped spraying provincial parks wiuihydrocarboos some time ago and now uses rnaia thion and baytexdrugs which are quikly dissipated and do not harm fish and birds Douglas Rosehorough super visotot fish management for the province said studies of the situation are also being made by the Ontario Water Resources Commissi LAST WEE ND rosEs THIS raouwus MOVIE IMPERIAL ACADEMYiAWAItD BEST DETECTOR now snowmc Shows at it pan Phone mam WINNER MIKE diesels LAWEENCELLTURMANProdIIctlon IIIIAIIIIIITE Anon Bancroft Dostln not an Katherine Rois Came to the early show and av Id th linoUPI ISiecurities Act flteOplar cited for £52th of ï¬lm for not appearing or we deuce at hearing if the tnwa Securities Commission The billapproved In princi was attacked bybhEtmcr 1s at ry gested it badbecn proposed be cause of an 060 hearing Into activities of stock promoter David Rush of Toronto Mrr Sopha also said the word lag otths bill was as broad to constitute denial of rights INVITES comets in other legislath business Friday bill amending the Loan and hosts Corporations Act was criticlzcd by Morton Shul man tNDPTorvnto High Park as Inviting recurrence of financial collapses of tho kind suffered by Atlantic Acceptance Corp He objected to section which allowed loan and trust companies to use lines of credit from banks as part of the re Eggs 33 go games Trotter tLToronto said nurses for lmmlnants celvcd mpth from George PGElliot West and Roid tbScsrboroufli lind LSkeletons Tied NEON CPI Two skth tons found in rural areas almost 70 mills sport are believed to be tceaaged boys victims of sex crime Ontario Provincial Police said Friday One skeleton waafound near Cohoconck 30 miles east of Or Illla last Dec At The other was found last weekend near Schum bcrg miles north at here Both had bindings on their Father Asks Government Aid Tnliglit For Child Custody OAKVTLLE CPI The fa ther of two children matched from their grandmother on an Oakvilic street Thursday has appealed to provincial and fedora ul poli tans for help to recov ering them One of the children Is dying from leukemia Ron Martin 57 an American teaching English at Sheridan College Brampton Ont said he is sure the children wcre seized by private detectives hired by their mother and have been taken back to the United States Martin said be appealed Pri day to James Snow member of tha Ontario legislature for Hal ton East to take the case to the legislature and to get public ruling om AttorneyGeneral Arthur Ishan on the legality of the seizure CABINET APPEAL He also asked Dr Barry Ear ley Liberal member for Dalton in the last Parliament to put the matter beiorcExternal Af fairs Minister Sharp for ruling on whether the children could lagolly be taken to the United States without going through immigration depaitmeot eh nelsn nin ares Valerie John were thrown screaming into sycar bearing US licence plates by three men who knocked their myearoldgrand mother Mrs Felicia Martin to the ground lttartiotsald he discovered in March that Valerie suffers from leukemia and has only six months or year to live Sha Iltttlxlulu mmiitttvms coat THEATRE was aim Isitivr tilt on till AND CONTINUES All THROUGH THE NIGHT oasis or EVIL ON ONE BIG SHOW wuksIigo Her mother Mrs Vivian Hor slay at of San Francisco Is aware of her daughters illness nnd has been sent thcmedlcinc Valerie must take every four hourl he said was releasedme hospital two and were without clothes Police belich they may have been victims of the lam killer Duntroon School To Get Addition DWTIROON Staff Tenta tive approval has been receiv ed from the Ontario Municipal Board for the construction of new addition to Ocntraisdiool at Duntroon Two new classroom are plan ned at an estimated cost of $0 000 Nottawasaga cotmdl has approved its share the fin ancing which Is to be done through debentures issued by the village of Creemore ray EXAMINER WANT Abs rooms insmi Wont Advooate Sepdratist Means Earlier this month the SHERBROOKE Que CPI The national council of the Fed eratlon of St Jean EaptIstc So cieties does not plan to advocata separatist approach to thc Car nadian constitutional question at Its annual meeting here June it was announced Friday President GeorgesEtienne Maleoiant told press confer ence that draft manifesto to be presented to the Frenchm nadian nationalist organization will advocate strong Que within asupplc Confedera tion The prlnclplcs outlined in the rcsolntionarl applicable in profoundly modified canton tiou which will accommo date regional dlfierences insofar as theflrenchCaoadian ques tion is concerned Mr Malen isnt said The manifesto could also be used asa working formula for the society if Quebec became an associate state or sovereign state First Burris Showings rowonnow through saronosv Did you hear the one about The Traveling Saleslady mansions ohm Isaac MUBDUM suntn menus anon Starring Bori snian youll Bobsor mm DEEPM VincrnIFPHcOTnb Banter No MAN wmrm may nm ltalrlng any Milllnd tiff on Arm siio wttaanan am cnti ADULT Hillltllllttl Shcrbrooke society voted to withdraw from the provincial organization it scparatlsttho sts adopted by the federation lastOctober was upheld at the annual meeting Mr Malanfaot said the moat festo supports the building of strong Quebec in which the FrenchCanadian tin would have enough power to as sure its economic development and cultural growth it wasalso important for Que bec to have sufficient liberty to decida its political orientation About 600 dclégatea are ex pected to attend tho annual meeting Mow NMHINIERJAMESWHIINDRE WW PLAYNG Marmotan WW3 MONDAY CONTINUOUS FROMVMG PM PM CHILDREN 75c any TIME SUNDAY DOORS OPEN AT ALL NEW SHOW IDEA LAFFORAMA LAFFS BEGIN SUNDAYM ousu AND CONTINUE All THROUGH THE NIGHT ALL COLOR DRIVEIN THEATRE ittuttl mm on on mil SEIT JUST FOR rs saIIIvI ctuulauui nau ARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE THANK YOU PHILLIPSCORPORATIONII PLAYGROUND son on KtDDlESl for installing your fantastic projection and light sound at our DrivcIm Its giving on tho sharpest and brightest picture humanly possible fvust To Entertainment ï¬wttsotsJontmutIittwmamtrh PAWNSHQW ALSO wrNGINo SUMMER Wm oatan watcu SUNDAY NIGHT IIEIicuIIs JAN ll HAuNio III III IILIEIILIII Inca lllll uqu