Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1968, p. 6

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MILE JOSEPH Lennox 01 Thornton was elected District President and will direct actv lvities of Show Kcrnpcnleit Womens institutes lor the coming year The election was held at the Orange Hall in Thornton yesterday in the photo above Mrs Lcnpok is shown right with Mrs itoy President For DistriCt memos sum Mus Jolepbkonoxoiiborntonwu tchotnabSt elected prutdent oi strum Xerppeniek Wmns resume at Ethelslit greeting ard uary register members at the orange llall Timothy Mrslenuox amends Mrs Gordon R1 of Stroud on dis trict president airs MaxCraig knighth and him lioy Gray oi tiawkcstone were clock vice presidmis and Mrs Duncan Cameron oi Guthrie was returned as secretarytrea rurcr Protiocial board director tor subdivision Mrs John hell or Colilngwood conducted the election olotticers and cabaret ulated the members on the bum erous activities oi the past year as reflected by the annual moor Home economist irom Barrie Mrs Coral Henderson reviewed an extensive tll Homemaking club program carried out through the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food with assistance in sponsorship by tho Womens institute Miss Joan Gray oi Hawkestone the new second vice president Ap proximately too delcgalcs from it branches attend ed the sessions Examiner Photol STilTUS or WOMEN Eliminate Unemployment By Keeping WivesHome SASKATOON iCPl lvo cmsoding farm wit es Thursday presented the womens commis sion with plan to solve many oi Canadas problems Travelling 100 miles hero tram Prince Albert Thorn Wig gens and belly Tait pcrsuadcd commission oiiicinls to let them oultinc their plain common sense planior paying house wives $100 month This governmentpaid salary was the key to sevenpoint program to eliminate uncmploy mcnt crime delinquency and broken homes while boosth the economy and preserving the iamily larm Neither ltlrs liggons nor Mrs Tnit has any special train ing in mathematics or econom ics but their eightvpagc tast miuutc briot was loaded with facts and iigurcs taken irom government statistical tables They spent three years working it out We are simply advocating pay for service given Mrs Tait told the royal commission on the status or women Alter all who gives more servico than mother or iam fly Returned Missionary Addresses Barrie PreSbyterial Rally Knoit Presbyterian Church Al liston was host to 150 members at Vomcns Missionary societies from many points oi Barrie Presbyteriai May Mrs liugh Wilson who was introduced by Mrs Cochrane oi ivy chose as her topic the theme at the day Faith atWorir using in stances irom the Bible or iaith andpreserved through our iorc fathers She stressed the need today or unrescinded Evangcl ism Holy Communion service was conducted by Rev Charles Town sley of Alliston assisted by the otiicers oi the subcommittee oi Presbyterial executive who were invited to be servers PANEL DISCUSSION panel discussion moderated by Mrs Post related hapi penings at Synndieal held at Midland in early April Other members of the panel were Pres bylerial delegates Mrs Ham mond Mrs Barker and Mrs Forrest McKee Many pro vocative questions in WMS pro cedure wmediscussed also comprehensive outline of spcalr tr United hhicbes in Barrie were muted to perform tea honors at the Japanese Tea held Wednesdayatterooon in thephoto above Mrs Donald ers addresSEs and worship med itations were given Miss Agnes Gollan had addressed Synodical and was heard and seen later on TV describing conditions in Bla ira Two duets rendeted by Mrs Beggs and Mrs itiullin and accompanied by Mrs Cald well all at Orillia were very much enjoyed Mrs Robertson Brace bridge thanked each and every one who had part in the days programand especially the ses sion and ladies at the church for their generous hospitality The rally for 1969 ytfll be held in Orillia An honorary membership cer titicatc was presented or Mrsl McNabh by Mrs Murray and accepted by Mrs Mul lin on behalf or the afternoon group of Drillta Presbyterian Church Devotions were taken by itlrs Harel McNabb Mrs Stonc Mrs Calvin and Mrs Butt Mrs Post who chaired the rally pronounced the Handle on Honors so JArnNrsr Wivea administers ol oy wile oi the ministerof hurch pours ten tor Mrs John Watkins one oi the kimono clad tea slants The event sponsored by Collier St United Church She was assured by Chairman Anne Francis that the plan would he studied by the com missions research stnii Mrs viggcns said the mother who goes out to work really holds down two jobs while about 500000 people go unemployed They tell that many poor women who work because they need the money would stay home if they were paid $100 month it hall the women now work ing stayed home then present unemployment would be wiped out said Mrs Tait More money would be put into circulation stimulating the economy while mothers could prevent delinquency and other crimes by staying home to give children better care EXTEND BENEFITS The two women also planned to extend the salary wstom to other recipients notably older workers displayed by technolog ical change Money to get the plan started tbey didnt say how much would come irom corporation taxes Judge Tilley Taylor of Saska toon told the commission lemale oiienders oitcn need rehabilita tion not jaitsentenccs Judge Taylor said about no per cent of women sent to jail in Saskatchewan are of Indian or Mutts origin and most are there because they could not pay lines ior alcohol misdemeanors If the problem is alcohol lets do something about that she said in brief on behalt oi the John Howard Society vol untary agency which assists in mates and taxinmates Why dont we latte these women to hospital overnight or get treatment tor them What good doesjt do to send them to jail or two weeks The engagement iii Linda Darlene daughter oi Mr and Barrie to Harold Royce Rich ardson has been announced Mr Richardson is the son at The May meeting of Trinity Anglican Church Women was held May 13 at Trinity Parish Hall with Mrs John Mitchin son in the chair In the absence of Mr Wilson Jobh irs Reid acted as Secretary Mrs Jack Duval gave theDe optional and read the poem When God is our Companion by John Gilbert Mrs iteid read the minutes of th executive meeting held May with 15 members in at tendance Many items or business were discussed including the Marri age Counsel Luncheons served TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHQNE 7mm May and the Young Peoples Luncheon for Arnold Edinbur ough iotlmvingthe it olelock service May tZMrs Lloydtwas given vote of thanks her assistance with this Letters of thanks for clothing and assistance were readand Mrs John Seal presented the Donaldson reported that plans for the purchasing of kneelers for the churchwete close to completion In the absence of convener Wolienden reported that the Spring Nearly New Sale had been tremendoussuceess and hoped that atter future sales unsold items would be picked up promptly Helpers were asked to submit their names assist with the ot Barrie TheC stmas Bazaar plann ed ior Nov so was discussed and Mrs Fisher volun teered tonal as convener cwsnyo PARTY Junetois th date of the Closing Party Willlv Edwin Women prowded aghmpseof Japao againsta background of native music decorative set me business mm ti and costtnnes tExorru tion of the meeting closed with Gud Prayer as convoners mtrodueced iol JUNE WEDDING Mrs Raymondw Taylor of the visiting clergy April 29 and tressurcrs report Mrs Peter Mrs Ernest Volfdenden Mrs inesonand St Curr Group Watnu economist from me emu at Mile ton also attended Grade pwilr irons Thornton and grade from ivy presented stage perioruinncu which were well received Mrs Keith Beetly 1hnrn Inn was named public relation oiiicor succeeding Mrs Gray who was moved up to second vice president Mrs Davis oi Utopia was named district delegate with Mrs ill an air ternallve The county meeting will be held at Coldwater out October Mrs Stanley Watson ot Barr rte till was returned as citi zenship and education consen tr Mrs Mel Jandcson oi Oro Station agriculture and Cnuadi an industries contract Mrs Vic tor liart and Mrs Bcruall No Hay oiliawhestono were made auditors Branches represented at the meeting included Thornton Shantyhay Painswlch Stroud Littles Hill Dalston liauke stonc mun Hill Craighurst Guthrie Edgar Clownsth and Mitchell Square THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY 17 1968 Capt and Mrs Royce Rich ardson oi Barrie Central United Church will be the setting for the wedding cere mony on June 22 at 12 noon Photography by Faverol Evening In EnglandEnjoyed By Members Of Trinity Mrs Wheeler conduct ed the remainder oi the mectv ing andintroduced Barrie lawy er Rowe who kindly coo sented to tilt in for Judge Ham ilton who had been scheduled to speak to the goupMr Rowe showed tilms of his reeent tour of England with Mrs Rowe and these were throoughiy en joyed by all present Mrs Asquith presented the speaker with plant as small when oi appreciation The meeting concluded with refreshments served by St Joans Group Mambars Convene May Flower Tea Theltiay Flower Tea spon sored by the ladies ofWestmin star Presbyterian Church was opened on the altarnoon of May it by Rev Ralph Mackenzie while Mrs lliacKenzie and pre sident Miss Catherine Moe Kay greeted Ltheladies at the door Head Cpnvener was Mrs verne Logan BakerTable Convener Mrs Jim Dauphinee was assisted by Mrs Emerson MaeLcod Mrs Bill Wilson Mrs Fred lson and Mrs Murdock Murchiso Assisting Kitche nConvcner Mrs Fern Colvln the Mrs Bert Putt Mrs Robert Bull MrsTom Bell Mrs Welter as loud Mrs Tom Reidman and Mrs Donald DISCLEIEIL Mrs John Burbidge was Table Convener and her com mittee included Mrs Dennis Palmer Mrs Ken Windrem itken Mrs Joe Mrs George Drownond Mrs Cyril Mo Other conveners were alions Mraanhn Mrs Oscar MacPherso ost ers Mrs loe Jewell advertisL ing Mrs Ray Green Floiver TahlcMrs hnGiliesple Cheesc Table Mrs Joe Jewell bnd Mrs Oscnr MaePherson and Parental Root Table Mrs Charles Jacobs on Wed Mrs hutierhaa served ialthiully as treasurer of lha moshine Cart and on Gift Shop since it was opened in ion BRIDAL ENTERTAINMLTIS Miss Joan Thacher May bride elect and daughter Mr and Mrs Bert Thacher Clapperton so has been guest oi honor at several entertainment prior to her marriage to Gary Quail which will take place May It in Collier Stlinited Church miscellaneous shower party was held attba bomcoi Mrs ii Laioson Lount St Coho tesses ol the shower were Mrs Ralph Gavin and her daughter Miss Marla Gavin bridesmaid and Mrs Prank Humphrey Mrs Jim Quail at Whitby en tcrtotncd for the bridevtovba at linen shower Aasoeioteteaoh ers of the brideelect at King City Scroodaryxscbool held presentation party at which Miss Thacher received silver rose bowl and matching entree dish Another presentation party was held at the Tomato residence oi Miss Phyllis Hart lild crystal coke comport was presented to the bride elect ATTEND GRADUATION Mr and Mrs Leo Londmville at Centre St Barrie were among the guests attending the graduation ceremonies oi the School at Nursing St Josephs Hospital Toronto held in Con vocation liall University oi Tor onto Wednesday evening lbcir daughter Miss Cheryl Dandrolt villa was among the graduate nurses and was awarded the prize or Medical Surgical Nor sing other Barrio guartsat tending included Mrs Chades Brooks Mrs William irichette ltir and Mrs Robert Sheppard Miss Mary Armstrong Mr and Mrs Al Eyers Clare Sheppard and George Ramshaw Attend ing from nellcville were the yoduatns brotherinlaw and sis ter LL and Mrs William Ken nfldy This oveningltiiss Landravilla and her iiance Clare Sheppard RoyalComniisSion Creating Interest UtTAWA UP The royal commission on the status at women said Thursday that its recent hearings in Western Can ado attracted more people than any otherroyal commission in Canadas history it said in statement that night sessions were particularly popular and will continue The sewnmember coinmis slon headed by Mrs JohnBird oi Ottawa wellknown as broad caster Annelirancis announced new schedules for hearings later this month and in June The commission will be in Winnipeg irom May 29 to May at in Toronto June to June Quebec City June 10 and in Montreal June it to June 14 Central themes during the commissions 19 days in West ern Canada ineludedthe need forrevision in estate and come tax legislation ultedu cation andre in ng pro grams subsid day care centres employment and better eniorcement at alipoyJegisA lotion Heard It Sand 0n Vietnam TORONTO CF The naho al president oi tbeCalholic Womens League Thursday eused Canada at hypocrisyvon Vietnamro lack of concern tor the have nations oi the world Dorothy Donihee of Cornwall Duh told the CWLs Toronto Archdioceson Council convene tion that Canadians are in feet living withtbeir heads the sand on questions of human righlsand dignity tWe are living in world that is teeming with social injus racial discrimination volutions and an Asian war th becomes more diiiicult to jus lily every daytsbe said We criticizethe war in Vietnam but we go right on selling mate rial that is made ment We talk about the great needs oi the flunderdeveloped countries but we giveonly one half oi one perth or gross national product to iorei na We bragto thewort about our greatcou when we aro in lrutha it rich people who think provincially WILL HONOR TRIO lippo bonncau David brook and or will receive hono president search to firmer sunaunv or Louislhb PRIZEWINNER Miss Cheryl Landreville daughter oi Mr and Mrs Leo Landreville Centre St Barrie was among the prizewioners ot the graduation exercises or the School oi Nursing St io scphs iinopitai Toronto The graduation ceremony was held in Convocation Hall Univer sity oi Toronto May is MLu Lnndrevillo was awardedthe prize for Medical Surgical Nursing donated and present ed by Dr Guilt Kitchen Miss Landreviile graduate oi barrio Central Collegiate has accepted position on the stall at Royal Victoria Hospit al Barrie Pediatrics Depart ment ml tP WuhlmIo no and who to the grave or the late President Kennedy tional Citiunr memo June Includ ing dinner provided by itin ity Anglican Church Women The marked growth at the Get Together Club is shown with its merrbership or over too person and an average weekly allude In at mee on or 7o mem bers Anyone 60 years oi age and tmr will be welcomed by the club executive AND PW NNFERENCE The annual Conlerence oi Bur iness and Professional Womens Club or Ontlrio is taking place at Fort William commencing to day through to Sunday Members ottba Barrio ii and PW Club attending the center enoe will leave this evening from Toronto international Airport via chartered light ior ii and PW delegates Attending ttpm the city are Miss Muriel Perry Provincial Tressurerf Mrs Dor othy mm appointed dele lzateoi the Barrie club and Mrs Lilllan Jones Regional Adviser District nine GRADUATE NURSES Miss Carol Lynne Bell otatl listen and Mi Eileen Dunn oi Conan were among the prize winning graduates or the School of Nursing St Josephs Hospit al Toronto at graduation exer cises held in ConvocationHall Miss Bell received the prize ior Obstetrical Nursing donatedby members of the DeparLrncnt oi obstetrics and Gynaecology and presented by Dr 0Swalet Miss Dunn was presented with the prize ior Psychiatric Nurs ing donated by the Department ol Psychiatry and presented by Dr Kyne CIIRISTENING Among the children presented or Baptism on Mothera Day was Heather Lynn daughter oi Mr and Mrs Dryden oi Towi Cr Rev Kenneth Purdon conducted the service in Burton Ave United Church Alterwn Mr and Mrs Dryden entert ed at outlet dinner attended by guests trom st Cathorines Toronto Brampton and Barrie Centennial Events IiHighiightevgi Simcoe West Womens Institutes DUNEDIN Stall High lighted by numerous centennial avents the post term was the busiest in years for Simcoe West Womens institutes it was shown by reports made to the annual district meeting at Dunedin Presbylerian Church today Mrs George Bell of Dun truonprestdent tor the past term welcomed the delegates which represented 16 branches inthe area These included Singhampton Pine Tree Maple ValleyNew Lowell Jacks Lake Zion Jubilee Georgian Duntroon Creemore Cloverlea Stayner Sunniwood Clearvtew Alfred Watt Memorial oiColl ingwood Avening and Cains Corners Main officers slated to give reports besides Mrs Bell includ cd Mrs Joseph mood ot New iowell iirst vice tpresident Mr Kenneth Shelton of RR Co gwnoti second vice pre siden Mrs Eric Norma gt4 gwood secretary tre surer andMs Job rhell Fed oration repres nta Ive ltlrs Don Mason oi Coilingwood was the district delegate with Mrs Elmer McQuay oi New Lowell alternate Successful gatherings at New bwell Stayner and oth places were reportedand ions centennial events reviewed The Womens lnsitutehad pro tools in StoynerNew Lowell and various Sunnldaie commun ities BEzzAoosei Mrs Elwood Gordon was in charge oi resolutions Conven enr of committees for the past term were Mrs Walter Coulis oi Stayner Canadian industries and agriculture Mrs Wat son at Vnsoga Beach citizen ship and education Mrs Albert Rumble of Stayner historical research and current events and Mrs Cecil Woolner oi Dun troon borne economics rand health urator tor the Needsmuir committee was Mrs William Emmett of Eli Creemora while Mrs Frank Briliinger oi Zlnn Jubilee was public relations officer ORESTYLING REPAIRS STORAGE FURSi Before You Buy lnvita You To Compar wreaths FURS 7Dunlop St Barrio oretaco to flowers Ann mars prawns gyrosrnstrs Cosmo him CHEMICALS oourcussrs onutrtpitensl town GRASSES rear Moss

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