Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1968, p. 4

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all name bychnldlph Newspapers Limited Walls Publisher to anyone sum MoPhonoh Earthbound William Taller Managing Editor ramav our 11 taurarest KEEPING iT QUIETUNTIL stratus EiEcrioos General Manager ratml miraclsz tormwl woodmanu been cailedflhaMIhtent Society Canada has been ex Mommawuss it yet opined to dewibe the Inn this We uttering group who typify the average Canadian family la The Wilma Poor in Canadian one of Public Einpioyeea comprising 2000 workers 10 Provincial and mu These Canadians live in lo days moat popular family dwelling the mum may quot onid to can any money they cannot attord to get off the treadmill They have to keep toiling to earn money to pay the tarcollector the snortl gagecollector the tlmeapay rnent collector and the highs prlca vendor who beat con stant ntatat on their door What has gaze wrong to make the population of this country so blessed by natural riches into the Ranchvliouse Poor like that phrase for which am indebted to reader in Sor nla COST OF LIVING The fact that the RanchHouse Poor have to run fast to keep up with the Joness shadow that the Jones have to run as fast as Dancers Imagoodd with out to benefit oi any Ktntucky painkilling dnrgx Wosea this by looking at the cast at living index The final figure for the Pearson era has lost been re leased This shows that index figure tahnve soared to an all ttmahigh of 1541 board on lots as lilo During the five years of Bail Procedures Call For Immediate Reform Sentimdnt is owing in Ontarios leg assum lion that they a1 judicial and egislative circlesfor re orming the bail system The McRuer civil right commission urgentiyrecom mended that peo le should not be held in jail to await tr a1 unless imprisonment is absolutely necessary This concept would not eliminate en tirely the injustices sometimes produced by federalsnd provincial bail regulations but it would bring the poor and the well ttHio closer to equality in the function ing of pretrial justice Ontario and Canadian law do not re cognize thefact that there are rich and cor notes the Port Arthur News hronicle The law is strong because it reserves the same penalties for the guilty rich as it does for the guilty poor It is weak because it doesnot see that the majority can usually put up bail while minority canno urged that the courts should give Av shameiul caseeame tolight in Hamilton last month illustratingthat one low can have twostandards man un able to raise $100 bail spent five months in jail and then the Crown with drew the charges His guilt was not even put to trial If the man had been ableato raise $1000 he would have been free to work sup ort his family and live normal exis once during those five months Frequently people with faroilies thomes jobs or businesses are forced to fist bail on relatively minor offences lawvseems to harbor the ridiculous Down MEMORY LilliE 75 YEARSAGO lN SIMCOE COUNTY Barrie Northern Advance May 17 189 Sons of England parade to Bap tist Church had 180 in rocession Barrie club included wit Toronto 0c illia and Collingwood in senior lacrosse district Citizens complain offast lifetime of investment gt dodge fine of $50M $100 The Mcliuer report propose these new rulesfor viola onsof ntario law Police should be authorized to re lease suspects after servingjthem with noticesnot summonsesto pear for trial failure to respond woui be pun ishable People should be eligible for bail unlessit cart be clear demonstrated that injury to the accuse person or oth er ersons will likely tollow vr Money or propert bail shou be re ulred only in excep onal Cases I4 Legal obstructibns should notham per the 1sfeedy processing of bail fThe cllner commissionraiso advised the Ontario government to seekAfederal approval for milar reformsplie ale Eh er consideration to thergranting bail on arraignmentand that the amount should be kept at minimum whenvit ap pearsillkely the accused will appear to facetrial Even under the Mcltuer proposals for reform in bail procedures courts and in the justice of the peace system the dangers of errorvand inequity would remain ecause human judgment is the llijnal determining tactorand it is fall lie But the scope for injustice would be narrowed if McRuers nojailtrnlessfnec essary philosophy governed Ontarios protrial processes Grand Trunk xvpliiess betterknown resume summer trips fro Toronto beginning June is Busi ss rep tedbrlskin Cooks town this pring Town Council sent minder ofviold tho Railways Muskoka as the Shoo Flyi messagefof cond use on death of running by horses in town streetsChief Kingmust stop this practicp seasoanfuli swing on Kempenfelt Bay and many pretty saris are seen The town has been well cleaned up of winter refuse looks real tid Name of Beau tiful Barrie fully merited Tollendal creek known as Lovers for sucker fishing these days erous cowsrunning at large dale village Grain has come up Num qulckly in Simona Countydue to rain and warm weather Rev Wasli lngton recei ll una mou call to turn to Angus Methodist circuit for other ear Ten freight cars pota station this spring Bond Head brass band in fine om Good Templars of Gllford adding to their numbers Ao Orillia man shipped to England 1297 Blastor of Congregational Church muskrat skins Sound of sheep and bull frog being heard in country now Plum treessuftered from heavy frosts of last winter Staynercheeae factory again receiv milk Beeton brass band plans excursion to Orillra by lake steamer from BEIIEWIITI Sev erai yokes of oxen may still be soon working imports of Township re Yacht favorite spot Allani Judge Ardagb of Winnipegform er Mayor of Barrie and Wardenvof Sim Boys chosen cap coe County lain Barrie Ten Club Andrew Hay mathematics master appointed factlng principal Barrie Collegiate Institute succeeding the late Hunter MA Sidewalk will be aid on west side St now Parkslde Drive Pro tiss deposited 250000 in Kempenfeltr Bays that flower steal pant in town Night burglaries reported by wells grocery store in Allandale and Ste hens mens wear in Barrie toes ady shipped from Utopia GlR John arley builtrlio boats last wint It is wondered why some enterpn open fenyOb tdhurst Anghcan Church newly pa ed andca eted with Rev Godden of Alianda taking services Eden vaie cheese falctorysflrst year rov Cookstown awarded success ycle crazelhas struc Ne ton Bo nson rAdam Férrier of contract to build ange Hall at Baxter Press and Audit Bureau Pearson government tho Index rose from 132 01541 or its points in to months In contrast it rose 85 points In the 72 months oithe Dieienbalter gov The RonahIlouso Pour have to pay it today for what 85 cents would have bought at the beginning oi the PearsonYesrs son ooeauas nouaruooN Makinghis first public speech of this election on avplatform in Ottawa Agriculturo Iliinlsier cartoons STth hope to belated honeymoon at that traditional honeymoon cen tre Niagara Falls N0 CIVIL SERVANTS Canado no longer has civil servants This term describing federal governm ant officialsuwoa dropped last year when Parlin meat passed legislation permit ling them to bargain collee nchnal governments and some other organisations such as her pltals objects to this npme An oiiloeroi LUIE said that im plies asulhsenllence which is carryover from another age govornm nt oloyeo no servnn botanists he society So will the ooellma civil servant come to be called public productivemrkcri Gone long goneare the days when the taxpayer and the total was master and when even wool clvll servant ended his letter to you his man ler am air your humble and obedient Scrllani AROUND THE WORLD Believe Privacy Sdcriiiced For MoneYIenders Benefit rumor undue Foreign Altair Analyst Tho young have taken us adults at our word about how Important they are and how necessary it Is that they should take part in public uiioirs as good citizens Being young they believe the ideals we touch them in school all the ringing words of our constitutionsllo have taughtwe teach them daily In school and university that Urn intelligent man lhlnlta for himseli examines the facts and reaches his own con ciuslon and does not simply fol low tradition We fill our papers with contemptuous references to backward societius in flexible trndltlon Is eurb to progress as in indla So the young have looked Tells Oi Defence Against India com unity ayaoaaomrm One oi the best kilown stories In Canadian hisln is howDoh Iord Desormeoux hiscom panlons died lniseo while ric tending Montreal from the fierce Iroquois One of the least Imuwustorles is about another successlui defence of Montreal ilx years previouslyhy Lam bert Cloise aod sixteen soldiers Montreal was founded on Ms 1842 lemonWis the aunt varsary by Maisonnauve and among his followerswas Jeanne Mance one of the greatest women pioneers la Canadian history Her ioblwa to establish hospital and itvw built on high ground across the St Pierre River because there wasnt enough room in tho ibrt It took great deal of courage to live there Jeanne Mancerand her companions knew that they might be attnckedh the no ouoisatany tints Early in 1553 band otzoo Ir oqilols warriors made stealthy approach and wbuld have mas sacred everyone In the hospital If it had not been forLarnbert Closed who was Maisonneuvos secondincommand Although he only had 15 soldiers he Went to theyrescuo and thebatfle last ed tromsix in the mondnguntd six night ywheu fliwlly Used Then the wrly Iroquois new tack mun Post Office Depart men Ottawa and for pay me ofposlagein cash Subscription ratesdsily by carrier 50c weekly 532500 yearly Single copes 10c By mall Barrie $2600 yearly Ontario $1200 year motor tiirowoti 15 year Mail out sido Ontario $14 year Out side Canada British posses alonsmyear USA can foreign $32 ye NationaIAdv slog Oliloe 415Universily Avenue Toron to M0 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers ssoclntion the Canadian for republication lot dispatched to this paperLcred lied to it or IIleVASSDEIBtld xlrcssor Reuters and also the iooai news published therein ns French They sent delegation at is chiefs to Quebec to try to arrange peace treaty One of the proposals was that the French would establish mis sion iii the Onondaga area south ofLake Ontario This was the heart of Iroquois country and the French leaders at Quebec could hardly believe that the alter was genuine Yet Jesuit missionaries agreed to go They knew they might be tortured and lrtllcd but their mom was The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church The party set out in two large boots and 12 canoes on May 17 1657 and their story will he told at later date leagues they around to see for themselves nnd reach their own Judgments They do not like what they see they believeso they tell me that what we adults practise does not accord with what we preach certainly not with what we preach in church have been talking with young univer sty sludcnlswho are not activ Isis who disapprove of any kind of demonstration do not like the spectacle of their colleagues lying down on the ground to keep the representative of Dow Chemicals from entering or leav ing building These youngsters have been talking with voted against the activists in this years election at the Unlver ally of Toronto But while the people talked to disapproved he meLrods used by thelrmore raucouscol agrecd with much that the raucous think They hate the aystem of pri vote op that crisis no in credit bureaus 130000000 in Canada and the Us are an Iiles which are sup posudly private but open to the police te FBInnd the CIA And there are enough Instances of malicious gossip getting into such files to maketheynung sters feel we are approaching the Orwellian nightmare ol 19M theyoungstersieel this Is an Instance in whlcirpriVacy is Doritos PARK Plan Major In The Trenton hypoqu sonomMm maan Amendment posed in this yearrvanmralup otua Hilbwa iraille An Important requlnm that in iutureail that motor Va hick IIoid in the wovlnce woo ve to carry certificates of mechanical fitness There has been limited re quirement in this area tor the past year Ode um has applied only to used cars sold by dealers and has not covered private sales These number onathird of the 600000 used vehicles which change hands in the prov ince nvcr the year The second is that the ccrliii cate has not been of much consequence It has covered only low point of mechmtlcai fitness These weaknesses we are told are now to beVeonccled Firstly private sales in future would be covered And we have the assurance from Transport hiinls ter Hoskctt that the corn lcalc requirements are to be cumiderabiy lightened requircmeut that everyone on motorcycle must wear helmet is long overduewith thodclay as explained by Air llordrolt having becnthat there were no established standards for helmets DOCTORS PROTECTED change that wouidprolcct doctors from civil suits for any Information they convey to the authorities on the condition of their palienls and their eligibil ity to drivcolso ls welcome It HlWoy hurt Innnuuunorm lttlllllll sacrificed for the convenience of moneylenders The youngsleis are deeply shocked to hear Arthur Schle singer admll coolly thot he lied about the Bay of Pigs publicly while working in the White House Schlesinger is proies sor it is more disillusioning to know he lies than to suspect the credi of LBJ say the your They arershocked by Senator Dodd by the loose morals oi the us Senate and Congress by Canadian foreign policy which seems to disapprove oi the Vlet nam was yet wants war profits at 2am cantorFox PRESENTS airliners alliteration Hormonal solo Cosmopolitan CHIthitEN contrer rnooocio sv some APIRC PRODUCTIONS M0 Anovtt ar PitilllllolltLl Venom psal unoav countiuous Manlll LA anon Entertainment IACQBSorodoo But it has had two ahortcom Ir productive worker in our lugs or our lnlqultlel the chutlse blow on with his stripes wa ye GREAT MAY 15 TO 19 800 PM WED THURS FRI SAT SUNDAY 700 PM WITH THE ROYAL HEIRS BILL BONNIE BUD DYNAMIC YOUTH TEAM TORONTO £3990 loosed tomato Ill gt nwizeo ChlfiggNllEStON Wilhelm anthem oithemmmadlcai professiootoeemplyrrtlhthb nouhcment But one ohanno pmpoaedfir the Act in WWII nu woohienahle local or thoritles to umpt thall roads im the requirement that all motorists mun stop for school buses discbarrio Passenger number of local councils parently have ated lot this the government baamed But you do have lo cation tbs wkdnm oiylts decisiohl There have been many objec tioos to the schooibus stopping lawh outI pfoplie Including ex Dcr ee actu tributed to accidents But to the driver who is more or less on the sidelines of the quution it has seemed that lack of general application and lack oi education have been the big weakness The law hos applied only to roads with speed limit nits miles on hour or more And now it there are to be ex cepllons to this it will only add contusion and add to whatever oceldent hazard there may be in the control BIBLE THOUGHT ftluhhe was wounded for our iraugrefiiona he was bullied meat of our peace was upon he Isaiah 585 Notice the word our Every thing that happened to mus on the cross was for us To lendcf it is to live beneath our prl leegcsand beyond hope NIGHTS Anne St 400 Hwy Admission Free no Ilanie Showingsi rouounow comm aarunnav Didiyou hear he one about The Traveling salesiadyd Mucus PLAYERS THEATRE

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