omsrsar ï¬uRCllphCOWCm Burr LieutenantGovernor Under Liberal Sq Popularioiulï¬ce ly rim monorail norms by minn Nowpupa Unuud 1o BIyliold Strut lush om no Winmoon Kw Marinmmnmuiug Editor mYIlAYLr1rPlul Control Mumf DON onion THE mariner on TV mamamncmmmmmmma mmmanrummmmumrmm Barrie Is Well Served Existing Park Ldn No community is worth living in un less it has enough and adequate parks The City of Barrie fits well into that cat egory How many of the delegates to the Mayors Conference on recreation and leisure time last month could locate all of them let alone name them VA resolution was submitted and pa ed unanimously Be it resolved that we recommend to City Council that the city investigate the possible acquisition of the Barrie Golf and Country Club pro perty as multipurpose park and pos sible recreation centre Most commendable but most impure lical Mayor Bentley and every city coun clllor present know perfectly well that the ob oration of Barrie is in no way financia ly able to carry out such deal at thefpresent time The city is already committed to educational costs road works park development etc The tax ayers would not approve another $300000 expenditure to buy the golf course nor would the Ontario Municipal Board Butalet us get back to parks First of all there is Queens This beautiful land across from the hospital was deeded to Barrie about 90 years ago by the la Archiewlhomson lumber magnate who at one time owned most of the property west of Toronto St well up Sunnidale Road its as proudly named at the ma by Town Council in honor of Queen Vic toria Not long after the communitywao WAR DAYS 25 YEARS AGO Bars Examiner May 15 1943Camp Borden West Simcoeunit in Fourth Vic toryihoani with 2774 objective of $215000 With week to go in campaign Barrie had reached 89 objective of $27 Stawse Bakegeorge ar erseas with RCAF contingent Flyin Officer Ross Cowan now stag ned wit eralions unit of air force at east coast ase Pilot 70f tor eGear posted to RCAFstation on ific coast Del Cole phoned home tofBarrie from Vancouver to report he being ransferred from Portllardy Judge Harvle presided at Rental cono mitteeaheaiing of Wartime Prices Board and heard 76 appeals from An us resi dents out of 15 property decis ons Victory Loan Certificates ofhonorrpr sented to employees of First Coopera tive Packers Barrie Tannin and Clarke and ClarkeCo Lt Ear rie Collegiatevglri students will ta on Saturday for Relief Fund has sted by dozen Chinese girls from Cereal company Some Barrie pr re winners included Billy anis Rayner Jobson oiliy Lelshman Barbara Chegesuik Bev erley RoweLaurs Lennox arryIion Beryl Packard Meat rationing goes into effect next month Auxiliary held afternoon bridge and tea at home ofMrs Ernest iurnbull Mrs Ross Underhillwas in charge assiste byliirseifotghion Clarke Mr MTAWA Ralph Conn up has beddch by tho neumedhunhullolhashan roaring with sound and fury Ilgnlï¬u nothing To the UhcrIlpIrix Cowno us the ooIdiscnrdInt bots in slums of emotion but unreasoncd Il lction Mind thI ho Child our Nimbledei Pearson there is another side to flIlph Iowan Observers herc see him Is In industrious and vigorous MP who puts others to Ihnms by the Imouni of regar niory work he cbvlousiy oer heforo speakkrg in debate or participating in any committee Ilwuyl knows his sublcct and be equally always has some novel pro osnl or criticlsrn to offer An tolbc underdogs ln the House of Commons of what ever pariy tho brusoua Ralph Como ls Ilways the one Iympo thellc MP ready to comfort thorn cilo an 31 who Icqull ted of charge olhomoscxu silty wIs virtually ostraciscd even by ltha of his own party so Cowlncrosscd the floorot tbs House to sit briefly beside the lonely fellow and whisper words of friendship cite an MP of ethnic originwhosa com mand ol lhegEnglish language was ridiculed by Liberal MP Io Cownn inmpediup to inter veno on his behnll TEE LIEEML OFFENCE Cownn however committed the crime of voting against his party of rcfusingio playpen lormlng seal to his masters voice 0o lust one occasion llc stated in the House on hlorchn this ycar that he couldnot sup port the bill to levy sprcharge on income lot because in his opinion it was out of order being reintroduction in effect of measure previouslydcleat ed in the some session So on lhismattcr of principle be declared For the first time sidce was elecicd lo Farhamcnt six years ago the ublnet when it ï¬rst introduced this In immune and ho was notu ï¬lled could this discrimination attributed in the Id that Como does not bar wool father and wealthy latherlo law who contribute to the cnl fern the LibcrIl parlyi in I966 the Liberal hierarchy moved in insist that his constit ucn should nominate him In the beral candidate because the Libcral party necdcd er scat it could possibly get in that election and Cowsn wIs oemln to win but in this election he has been denied the offlciIi rup portrof his constituency organi lIuon However Ralph Conan will run for rceleciion He is the Liberal candidate most likely to be reelecch in the whole of To ronlo nair il lor no other reo citizen can have his hit thy taken may from hiynoh the mod that ho Ihuntr himself iemporIrlly from Canada is twofold The liberal party is poor pattern of dcmocrncy ll lthunoroomfornlhh Como nlileiime supporter nevertheless bu the courage to express his principles when they conflict with the party line lm posed by the clblnetwiihool prior consultation with the party concur Funher this situation suggests fall the liberals Irs not true politicIl DIHYJUP rulng declsrcd philosophy but are rnlhcr oonsplrocy in pur suit of power which can brook no individualism LETTERS TO EDITOR CURTAIL VANDALBM Dear Sir Through your papéc may citizen of city that csllr liscl beaulilul Barrie Ont arlos most progressive city beg for the co operation and involvement of the clilrcns of this city in curtailing lndnl an Iitteri Thispast Monday again our Parks Board supervisor found the second lennls not this year on Shear Pork cut to pieces Dihpr damage done will uh nrloést tva days and two menvto repair this at time of year when these men rcspondble for parks are up to their cars in work Surely this did not happen without someone seeing it or hear it For l5 ycars listen ed lo the woes of the Parks Board who at times inclined to close all wash roonu even lch how discouraging this can be to those charged with the maintlnnnce ol our parks and to those who have onl llmlb ed budget and than have to spend good deal of it on vandalism repair The other mailer regards litter and in particular slur There are still llnesfor people uughclhrowlng litter on the streets and highways yet wonder how many complain Iver arciglvsn our police few good fines and we world be spared that horrible hazard of broken glass but someone must first become involved in assisting our law officers by taking down the licence num ber of the car from which they saw the litter thrown Ind ro port if not possible forlhecih uruIl number 1110 morn ol the Cow an nonhuman on of security rence of bomber pilot Elmer Batty lloolrgDor Red Crossf 3quired property in the easflend and mm ed it St Vincent Park But other thanT located on Elizabethvs the fair grounds now site of Barrie Arena Central Collelt giate and General Electric that was the total parkland in this community But the 1population at has changed Succeedingcoun cils have always been parkminded Fro perty on Ho 45yeais ago and developed into Shear Park named after the revered late prinu cipal of Aliandalo public school in re cent years followlng parks have developed King all Kempenfelt Strabane Kearsey Yes Kearsey Park is rightjacross Sun nldale Road fromthe golf courselt was named for many yearsthe golf clubs glets notforg velopment of all Centennial Park onthe bayfront which requires considerable more money to complete with bandshell1 As one alderman points out the city ha57abylaw which requiresthat for every 100 acres developed for housing fivepor cent of the land must go to the municipality as park area If thegolf Vpropert is sold for residential Barrie going to get four or more res anyway for park and recreation area right there mer MrsC Chittick McPhee reelected presides Canadian Club Police ChiefiAl xander Stewart reported all 27 slot machine cleared out of weeks enlistme cluded DArcy Colpitts Douglas Gal braith Ray Keetch Leigh Keetch Hug McMaster Kennethiledger and Robert Bruce Peacock of Midhurst Seaman Victor Lewis RCNVR cook onICanad ian corvette had few days home on leave Lt MacLaren ofRoyal Canadian Ordnance Corps Longue Pointe Quebec sp Garry Lee returned from over seas totake charge of Canadia ed Corps at Camp Borden or officers andvmenneed as observed in Engi Ralph Allen war correspondent or Clo eand Mail wrote of thrillin exper on German factory raid Dun akery at Thornton to join June 1941 Pertinent Paragraphs ator may live to be 900 years has no soul and death ends eys minister Its along timew draft for strip to nowhere The yourself ever he popular as the older custom of letting George do LIGHT TOUCH was only around 7000 lgate St was acquired about after World War Two the after the late Charlie Kearsey vi Womens ent several rdaysl eave wrth parents in town Colonel ungey sold in BL movement wont Columnists Mailbag By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK APtnrlngs oluiï¬nlstmhzhltlLs never kn on Frlll arhad idea to ï¬t pooch stray cï¬ rhood kidsuwhb hvdvthe mumps Dogs can catchthis disease from chidlren Footballs are called plg skins but actually the are inade of cowhide Orig nailij in the were ma of rubberized can yrs in Shakespeares limo games were played with inflat ed pig bladders and before that English alhietcs enioycd sport in whichrihey kicked umans round lleld The skull ally hclcand to extinct Danes Napoleon Bonaparte en toyed the sweet smell of sun ccss He liked cologne so much he sometimes us 50 or more bottles monthlncl dentallylf you have subvert ago nose you should be able to smell 2000 different scents trained dose can distinguish between the odors angles belgveenélll and ye ara an uneq is bl differean between boys andgirls in the classroom Educational tbsts show nofIm daméntal difference in thclr intelligence ountiean in early childhood but girls talk bet ter spe easily and memorize details more readily Boys are less docile and armith lhey ask more probing oII lionsT nd excllilo mathematl lithe aortic hummer 51s hayfield Street Barrio tario second class Ofï¬ceDenarb town and for pay tags undays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscriptionirstes daily by carrier 50 weekly $2500 yearly Sioglo copies luc Bymail Barde200yearly army year out 514 year Out side Cnosd British puscs door 15 yea VUSA and foreign 532 year Natlooniddvsrtisiog Offices in University Avenue Toron to Membe of maging oer er SyvlhsrCana Audit Bureau of Press and Circulation the Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled licstioo of this paper cred The Associated Press or Reuters and lllo tho local news published therein ar llhis because of the vandalism ntllcart St Mon remove all equipment from been vandaqu real iutorut in their city Bloodshed of maybe less than one per cent lcad Gable ol the population but he apathy Wellington St of 99 per cent Have you any Earns STARTING THE 3RD RECORD BREAKING WEEK wow snowrrio snows AT pm runny rhikoyhiinhif MIKE NICHOLS LAWRENCE TUBMAN Production nicer States jihey EflflllllAIE Hoffman Katharine Ron show and avoid the llnoupl better write moro 1964 VOLKS Deluxe Reg $91 1955 VOLst Deluxe Rel not 1962 voLKs Deluifl 116$th l962 RAMBLER Automtic Lfc shun lteg mil MOTORSLtMITED nonfat lzens of Farris to show some kn EANY Front pm not arctr moonmm en réw our minim to how be Inlg WFH l° if was WS He hId been known as very7 an Rone to be succeeded downIdeath man whose great In lieutenantgovernor by utlnme probably had come floss llfcdonoid oi Bragtlord breeder and drive ol troltlnr orses on Jul ihero are regrets Mnjilowoc lmnkiu when years as has held many people have genuine fondnesslor rum our Wm flow mldho make out in office where dignity ratherv extreme dignity ls the prime consideration ii He mlde out very well ol course ills dignlly was perhaps not or tile extremely siully or al fccled character lhat some of our lieutenantgamma hsci Idoptcd it was gregarious and friend ly dignity Hui ltlll dl nlly that was very much an Il woyr present Just why anyone should be agreeable to taking on ibisol lice is always question it is now slrictly positionot lormahty There is no scope to decision or even die cxertlng of influence The main function is to be the top host for the province The office is thus costly and also very limcconsuming The 520000 year allowance doesnt cvcn begin to pay for the mug loining But still it Is post of great honor and there are always number ol men eager to accept it lo the live ollloc great Icouired him This is not Ilwsys the case with LieutenantiGoVornorL They normally enter office with relatively lktlc contact in the provincial lield Although through their term they are to be thcrlnkiog digni Iary of the province Ihcy nrn appointed by the federal author llics and usually have been ac tive in the federal Ircnn rather than the provincial FflMIER LEADER Mr Rowe was different when he cams here in 1963 Although he had becn fedor al member with on extensive record in Parliament in Ottawa he also had strong provincial background lle starlcd his co rccr as member ol the legisla lure and had had form as 0n Sign Conservative leader lnthe lie was thus more one of us than most hcutcnanlgovcrnors in fact for this and other roar BIBLE THOUGHT Forumnon BINGE LONDON Reuters The populationolEhglandand Vlho righteous perishth Ind Wales is expcclcd to leap no nun Luella it to hem 500000 persons to 53000000 by iul moo Ire taken away 1951 The ninepcrccnt increase nonsconsldcring lhsliho rlgh was predict ad in figures icons is taken away from tho published hers chnesday to evil to come lsslnh 511 tho registrargenerals quarterly who knows wuss mmlm return lhegroalest rclhllvo iii Codie sparing people from crease was predicled in the when its takes them child population with expecta Jesds said What Ido lh tions of 11 per cent iumpol noucst not now but thou shalt l000000 torech 13000000 by hereof ran 75= TIME World unnemail 2ovH CENTURYFox reassure chrhwhsrou minnmrrmmm planer hsAPE 19w PMiAVlSlOltDDLORBlDEiUXEn ididwpowiu MAURICE EVANS iiMHUNlER lAMESWHiiMORE JAMES DAus Saturday Continuous nroirrownnanraornoriox murnsr PICTURE in run panning AREA RiVElll rumor Ml till tlllE