Io coon imam Shipped Heart Beat May Not Be SeriOus By roam MOW ran Dear Dr Moter The other nnhlm leart won or Ibout minute then use lard beat and then skip heat This continued for about minulesl had experieneui skipped bests before but never that long Thereaooa curious tact often shows up thetaattach are more likely to occur when you are at rut andldtnwear when you are active Dear Dr Molnar In 56 cor tisone derivative were pm uibeil for skinaiiergy after all external remedieaifaiied 43 Egg teiysottth new The exact cause of the allergy cannot be determined Apparcnlly must continue use ot this drug indefinitely and have ï¬tter wondered whether any other antiallergy drug are on me market Mi Have the antihistamines been tried 51 Can this occur when one is ex tremer tired or is it caused by gas or by high blood pressure LC These skipped beats which actually are extra beau or rxtra systoles may or may not be serious ordinarily they are not hilt if they continue and Ibelield again Indthis gs lngpfheartsmswellu the Icnotspades nli languish Ope in fdt it$filftid nmx ea line ve an moods king of hearts to make thedoie it Is difï¬cult to explain some bled contract with two over of the oddities that occur at tricks for resounding score of the bridge table For example 1350 points especially it they increase in frequency an examination and ECG electrocardiogram are to Other than that can otter no suggestion Using the arnaltest dose of cortisone that will keep take this band played in team of four matciLv Nothing muéh happened at itls hard to believe that one defensive error could cost as much as 550 points but that is exactly what Southa failure tolead anode at trick two cost hint With low spadax return Nortb South could have cash ed six heartthcka and tlve spades io defeat thetcontractv neveo licks 4000 points in stead of which deeiarer was the one who scored eleyen tricks it would seem thatthe punishment more than fitted the crime Revive can Tunnel To Pioneer DNDON ADThe proioct and Co and league oiin mer to hutidcn Channel tunnel be chant banks from Britalnyiia twcan Britain and France UnitcdStatu France and Italy nunstarter for 166yearais Up to 5700300900 may tiein being revived despitethe coun votved tries political differences The firstofficial suggestion Britains transport mintstry 91 0556mm MI reports that ofï¬cials on both Mali henchoeiumw sides of the Channel are making woken Bonaparte iii 13 final studies on how to finance 1539 British military In the Kindle chunnelf Fioana Khmer named 001 Nimit ing plans have been submitted backed by the French and Ent by three internaucnal consor lihémwei WINE invented gums giant that bored 50 feet Once the consortium is dag tltliiliieiB hall named it will probably take 12 Ww to in months more study before mm mk Shakespeare Cliff iiiBritain and gawcummmi 53$ iSmlla Irorii France When the Britishrwar ntï¬ce panickedat It all goes smoothly cars and the idea of aholc in the Channel trains could be rolling beneath and Mend um 0331 the Channel by 1915 Victorian generals considered 310 The three financial giantsthid théChahnei moat that protect origiagiet glam for he clontracdt are the 53mle trom assign Hétigs as anne unne sin group rockets ange at mm formed it years ago hyftha andiinailist ilnrotd Macmillan British and French tunnel com as defence minister coilceded panics which bored trialzlioles that tunnel would affect in 1080 an international hank military security hardly at ipg group led by 50 Warhurg ail you comfortable can be contim tied for long periods Obviousii you should be checked from time in by your doctor Dear Dr airliner It few months agoi had face lift by plastic surgeon looked won derful for two monthsphut after the third month everything went back the way it was bctnrc and all bhayeto show for it are the incision behind my Earn am upset about it What do you his wentwrongt lam5d Mn P3 Only your plastic surgeon can answcr that question itave you talked to him This is one of the risks of such plastic surgery the first table where South be came dectater at four spades on the bidding shown Assisted by theblddlng he proceeded to make tivc lie nailed the second diamond load played spade to the lack ttn cascdthe queen of hearts pill cd aspade to the king tinesscd the tack ot hearts drew crdmps cashed his hearts and conceded the last tricktn bring order What happens Is that the heart gives an extra heat which is followed by brief hutnotice able pause instendot regular thump thump thump the heart goes thump thump thump and short pause Being tired can cause it So certainly can ncncs Excessive coffee tea or tobacco can do it So can overactive thyroid change in position some timcs causes it Certain stimu lating dnlgs and high blood pressure also can be involved All SflfllO patients need is rcussurancebut the cannot in honesty reassure patient until he has examined Reshaping of nose changing him and can any that in that the angle of the enrsJeshtiplng particular case the irregularity the bone structure of thctace is not the result of some faulty or other areas can he done with hoart condition For occasional predictable results and so can iyrint often but occasionally some other plastic procedures is sign that the heart But where the skin alone Is his needs attention volved some degree of gamble if the periods of extra heats is hard to escape Tissues which increase in frequency or dura have saggcd and stretched once lion sac your physician may do so again TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARBIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON DONALD Duck ll 506W VISITt DIN WIRED ME THAT ll MM MAYBE Hi5 NEWSPAPER itiiaiiros WELLPUIEET THURSDAY MAY 10 EVENING bNscvu Weatherv 6an iwall oi 11 em Berton 7nst Gtril onun martin mo zIiml on iimi ova cUnhhn Tow immune mlh FFan Nun tiMonkeca 730 iNac News sneeiel LNYPn 74mm Hundred Years 95m irc Trimit to ilinnnooi in in nne ram ionrin llltiln from Uncle 000 510 oNiu no Son no zngtimtnll Dillon EreDriplirine an Ham win sou °i2Nnn 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