Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1968, p. 6

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CIIEQUE To provide it alahlngs lor two Hood wards in the new wing oi Royal Victoria llospltai was presented to wt liom Ball Chairman oi the hrrnislrlng Committee today Shown in the photo above irom RVH AUXILIARY Cheque kit to Right Hospital Ashnib lslrotor Camuoat Mrs bristle chairman ol the hospital Gilt Silo Ind Sunshine Cari Mr Bell and Mrs Parsons immediate past president of thellospital New Furnishings Fire years ago on May it lone the ribbon was cut and lips ltoyal Victoria llospital Grit lihnp was alliclully opened ThuI another lnScrvicc was provid cd lor alicrlt and visitors to tho hospitar The Sunshine Cart pro ject was well establlslmd by this time having its beginning in 1956 Undcr the leadership oi lion pitsl Auxiliary members these services are stalled and main tained With gratitude the Ex ccutlvs oi tho RVii Auxiliary ac knowledge the iaithlul volunlccr help givcn them in this work by members of womens service clubs tha junior Auxiliary and many interested and devoted wolt Men of the City at Barrie CLUBS ASSIST Service clubs who regularly providc assistance to the aural iaryincludfi The Venture Club Quota Soroptlrnist Kempeulelt thplcr oi imperial Order Daughters oi the Empire and in nor Wheel of Rotary ihn continuous hoip oi those groups combined with the Auxil torys volunteer workers ital moderossible tho iurnilhing and equine when the new Wing at tho or pltnl in complolcd Thoviollovlng is list of those responsible or the operation at thcse services tor 196a Chair man Mrs Christie Co Chairmanhirs Beaver Gill Shop stalling Mrs Godden THE STARS SAY By Esraaaum non roaronnow highly stimulating day All sound business and financial air toirs should run smoothly show gain In personal relationships be discreet howeverespecially in tho pm Some personsmay be ovhrly sensitive will need extremon tactiulhandling FOR THE BIRTHDAY tomorrow is your birthday your planetary chart lor the year ahead is marked with sev ng ot two bcdwldl Sewing and Knitting Mrs Elricir Buycrl Mrs Christin Mrs Undcrhili Mrs Epe leit Mrs Butler and Mrs Sarieant stalling ol the Sun shine Cort Mrs Hogan and Maintenance Mrs Cooper WILLIEXCHANGE vows Mr and Mrs DnnaldJamaI Yen of Mora Loophflasehon don have announced tho forthcoming marriage otthelr daughter Diana Joyce to Rob ert Percy Waldrlti The bride moln elect ls theson eral notably high spots Theres indication tor instanceol great improvement in your financial status also in Job and business interests during the next seven months All this of course pro vided that you cooperate with stellar help and do not hope to have benefits handed to you on the proverbial silver platter For specific advice Take advantage at all oppor lunities to advance monetary terests between now and late December Then consolidate gains over twomonth period and look ionvard to another splendid laurmonth cycle ct ext pansion along these lines begin ning with March Despite the rosy outlook however do avoid extravagance in early August and resist any temptation to speculate in November and De cember Assets will increase only through conservative man agement Best months iot ca reer advancement and recogni tion September December and next March thuugh the entire year should be generally good child born on this day will be endowed with charming personality great love at beau ty and unusual tenacity oi pun pnse Jusr ron GtAMOUR Marvel Touch Beauty Train ing means more than that professional career as urban stylist will oiier yolrhravel Security Glamour and Big PayOpportunities too For lrec hrochurcvrite or visit MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS 210 atoor st Toronto Dept BE Day or Evening Courses Branches in all principal titles Established over so years November Auxiliary lbe chetu tor was made possible through the volunteer services oi the whim with the It Iistanoo ol womens service clubs in listrte Examiner Photo nautical Give Clyda the sirunless oi course you alloy IhinersJloosa teeth and my lroctured jaw one ol than days boy is who would treat girl so shabbliy is bad coon gt gt in Throw him lathe Itll Gain In Interest Membership Provides For The WI 0f WestSirncoe DUNEDIN Stall won 29 now members tniorcstin Wo mens institute activities showed gain during the past year the retiring presldant Mrs George Bell oi Duotroan reported to the West Simcoe sprln Dunedin Preabytsr yesterday We had particularly busy term with numerous centennial projects the said commending meeting at In church Mr and Mrs Oliver Percy Waldriiiot Allona Rd Pick orlug Ont Trinity Chapel Canadian Forces Base Bor den will be the afternoon wedding ceremony June 15 stone oclock lho tosrophy by Faveroi an president olAKempenlelt district Cecitjttrc vice qpresldent coo inlaxtendlngbeat wlabu setting oi tho the members oi tbl various branches for their assistance ow Womens institute centen fillaul signs were placpd It tho MAIN OFFICERS Mrs Joseph Demand oi Sun nlwood was elected pruidtat or the ensuing term succeeding Mrs Rail in her acceptance ad dress she asked tor the contin ued cooperation oi the rum hers wood Ind Mrs Don Honorary oi Dunnnon MnErio Norman oi Zion Jubilee branch in Nottawa raga wu ireelected secretary treaturar with Mrs John Bell cl Collingwood iederatlon represen tatlve and hits Frank Brillia gsr ol Zion Jtrollce pubtla rots urns oilicer Convenerr appointed included Mn Victor Sllpbonson oi Crea moreiar agriculture and Canad lsn iriduslrlurhlrl Roy Lake ior daducIuon Mrs 8i Ese oh and current Mrs Frank Gliien oi Ch tar home economics and dMll Gordon res olptlans COURIY PRESIDENT Gratings werurlonded tram theCountyWomens Institute by ld iiarvio ot Harvle ant president and Mrs lbthorpo Irea score MrsGordonillx oi strand and Mrs Gordon Mslilon oi Totv tenhanuJ president at south Sim coeware Joined by Mrs Rushbrook ot Grenard pnsl dent olNorlh Simone and Mrs nch oi Elmvale llrsi ol Centre 5im lromttbelr districts hd sossloasattended by 109 registered delegates and visitors endorsed resolutions string for more short courses irvm the Our tarlodepnfumnt oi agriculture and Jood home economics ranchMlss JoanWIrnIr horns economist room Allister proverb ed report along with Coral Henderlbn oi Barrie ionanntssssrgmue Routlg Stenksor SirioirrandrTbone Stea OmersMcai Pies Prime Rib Roasts Bulk Wieners casts and Rumeroasls 394 lb lbs $i00rk 9e Swifts Elnpire Bacon Short ShankSkinless Ready to Eat Hams Pea McoCottage Roll Side Spore Ribs Short Rib of Blade Roasts Loin Pork Chops centre cut Rib End Chops Fresh Shoulder0 or 79c 49 lb 83 lb risen sliced 39clb Viccdpresldcotsv elected werl Mrs Kenneth Shelton oi Coiling Clearview tar histor as 532 ii 01 Him ANN going to but enough heartache without being shunned by their iriondr little companion can go long way larch II this thy UNUSUAL PUNIIHMENT Dear Au under My bu and childless but we ad of our nieces and are flaws Ono ilttlallri in pIrtlcu cm BARN EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY IPEOPLE AND PLACES Call AudmyCouleoa or Die Whatth most atomaer ounsrs Mrs Slur daughter Font and Arron Hail taony oi Montreal Quebec have nursed to their boron in Emha allowing holiday It the home oi tblir brother in tow and be Ilallr Mr and Mrs Donald Souter or John St BMW Kenneth Purdon con ducted the service bi bi tisrn in Burton Avenue United urch on Mothers Day Among the children presented wnlaige Chantal iniant daughter ol Mr and Mrs Donald Soutcr of John St Following the service and Mrs Soutcr entertainedt chrhtenlng dinner party Guests Included the babys gods gluon Mira Patricia Iy and ad Hewlett oi Barrie The intent born March is the lirst grandchild at Mr and Mrs George Souier oi Moosomlm Saskatchewan and lslhs rec ond grandcth at Mr end Mn Clinton liallltenny ol Truro Nova Seotis 0011 BANQUET Mrs Keith Brown oi Cold water was est apostles It the snIdlIn iris Training other and Daughter Hlntltl May In Coolssiowlt Unted urch Forty tour 6611 members Ind their mothers en joyed Mrs Browns talk and slide presentation on An air Mrlcn where the and her or band Rev it own urvad as missionaries Mrs brownl daughter both we smangtha guests Durln the dinner which was served tho Bethesda Unit Mrs ght and Rev Milroy responded to the touts brlcl worship period Wu con ducted by Louise Wright and Judy McFarland Miss Jo Anne McFarland Mistress ol Ceremonies tor the evsnlng expresch thanks to past leader Mrs George FIrlI who was presented with out along with Mrs Milroy and Mrs Brown Miss Heather McDowell led sing song and the Centennial Girls irlo ontartIlnsd the guests bringing the evening to aciose BOWLING BANQUET TheGood Friends League Sitmmer is season of colors bright Downing Ind Wedn group oi women who bowl each view Bowl pillmark the wind up otrtbe season It banquet sly Hall Blake St dIy evening ApproIlmItsl wlers will attend the If and presentation oi trophies LIler their husbands will Join them for an evening of danc ing Banquet converters include Mu Tom Iowan Mn Pink ney Mrs Tom Yates and Mrs eIdIy afternoon It Kemp It is In adorable child as mother however is wee bit nutty Something hop aed yes terday which in us goply con cerned Your advice wanted JuanttIr birthday Ir coating on in two weeks This morning we received letter tram Joani iIl mother it read Dear Fred and Mar Plem do not send Juanita birthday gilt this year She bu been nsughty child and doesnt deserve gilt She has ceu may to me all waclr Indi loci she should be punishod ghanir you very muchDoro What should Ind Marie DenaF and Write Dear Dorothy iuanltaa birthday gilt will be on its way in lew dIyl What happens bctwccn you and her is not our business Find we dotProd in situation ll bar Slauuly me no Auction China TORONTO crow country auction oi chlnI used tn the hrltlsb vaill ona VIP It Expo la being held Jualeeg bldabymilwili bcao uni one iii during the inqu suction sponsored by the Toronto Womens Association at the Ca nIdiaa Arthritis and Rheuma Lun Society Proceeds may be used for search or to establish tellnwsblp Up tor auction will be tor toopiece services of 12 him settings and two it im coliu tots that include liveinch plates The estimated retail value at the services is 31114 oi the miles lets $100 each They are in the Queens Plat pattern gold on white blrcd on nurarotil lrom pittern book ol ihe chlnI was donated Spade Mall bids should be sent to planing PO Box Toronto Domlnlon Oentrs Toronto it out WIN smounsatrs aunuasv ac or Meatyeight students It Simon Fhser Unlvcralty have been named winners at National liq search Council scholarships to talling more than $100000 The biggest war $5000 NRC Ici encs scholarship to Shannon glitches 27 prychology rtu ea Srnurthwalte some other means oi punishing LADIES sscnohj OPEN coir SEASON The ladies golfing reason was olilclaiiy moaned yesterday alternoon by members olthe Lsdics Section of the Barrie Golf and Country Club diu ner followed the altrrnoon play Best scores were attains ed by Mrs Grace ough low gross and Mrs Mel Bras low net in the photo above and beautiiut colors pliant can be bright and beautiful tool in creatlons or your wt from bright and bsahtliulvl carefree and colortui abrics non arr deie IAths too v45 Dunlap St llmrn left to right are Mrs Ough Captdune Hardy and lt cradles Barbara 902 variety of colors Handbvagrtomatch president Barhitodgara be to by llsslrim THE SHOE WITH THE HANDMOULDED SOLE your loot gently but firme inluxurlous curb roncd comiort with he teams or stitches toplnch orbind

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