onenham Started Reassessing tonal We have the work well stub ed saki thmpbell Rather sup ervisor of the regioul office which located or Buter Nda Malcolm has been in charge of the assessing and helua been assisted in taking measures and other work by Neil Webb of Tecttxnseth and Bill Badour of Barrie also of the Alliston regional office mlALlZAIION AIM 111 100 per cent valuation standards has been adopted for reassessment for all 31 county municipalities and when work is completed all assess ments are supposed to be equal ized The county goal is to have reassesstng completed by use for the l9 county tax rates in the meantime assess ments arerqualixed are per centage basis according to vai uailnn yardsticks used In the dinereat municipalities Iotlenham was selected as the first for reassesstag in the Afitslon regional Other munici palities in the region include Tecumseih Tossorontio Ad ala Beeton Essa and Aillslon formcr Vespra Om and Odllia township assessor lilr Retires has been assessing for 20 years Mr Malcolm was foï¬nerly town of Alliston asses sor and one lime Alilston councillor He also hu had con riderohla business experience Others on the regional office staff include Bob mucuslcr of lottenham Gary Klosstermon Thornton and Sherry Lynn liker oi Tecumseth score lary Asircd about the next munici pality within the region due for reassessment Mr Rallies an swered briefly This has yet to be decided We are concern cd with iottcohom right now ï¬r Malcolm said the new ding boom in Tottenham mada reassesslng easier in so far as new homes weralcoocem Simcoe 11 Pick Ora Officers EUGBY Staff Two Dro township communities Rugby and Argyle were among Wom ens Institutes represented at the Simcoo East Womens institute spring meeting at which Mrs Ed Envennti of Victoria Crescent was elected district president There were 111 delegates at the Ardtrea United Church sasions Mrs Lloyd Bartholomew of Mg till Hawkestooe was elected public relations officer and Mrs Gill Lloyd of the Rugby was chosen conveoerJor citizenship and education Mrs iiiurray Bo wen of RR Howlrestone was elected first vice president Home economist of the de partment of agriculture and food in Barrie Mrs Coral Henderson was man the speakers Her lc was We are homomalr e1 not just housewiva The county president Mrs Donald this sUPElesiNG Lhereosses sing which has started at lot tenham are Camphcililtaikes loll supervisor of tho atea ofï¬ce at Baxter and Nels ed because the sales valuee tabllsbed the new cssmcnt value Property osse older homes on theirvalue was more of problem be suggested Malcolm former Alliston as sessor Toitenhum is the first municipality in the region choscn for assessment accord ing to provincial manual Ex aminer Photo Properly sales figures have been checked at the county re glsiry office to assist in cabal Iishlng the right normal sales value warmer NEWS THE stoma nxnndncn vanriasnnv MAY 15 last County Piaque Dalston Honors Pioneer 0i Vespra DAWN Staff Resi dents here report increased in terest being shown by Dalston visitors in the Simcoe County plaque and memorial do Peter while pioneer settler who was lay preacher and justice of the peace and clerk Erected in front of Dalston United Church comettry off hway 93 the county memor ial inscription reads Peter White pioneer farmer and religious leader ta native of Comwail England who settl ed on lot to Concession Ves pra in 1819 which location bo eame known as Whites Corners and later Dalston As Methodist lay preach or he conducted the first Pro testant service norLilof Lake SimcoeTha first logI meeting house was erected onthis lot in lost He was appointed mun nary m7 lie died January 29 1376 in his 90th year and rests in this cemetery which was part of the original White homestead The memorial was erected by the Slmcoe County tourist and industrial committee when it was headed by the present war den Alex fileAulcy of Elm vale We were glad of the opportunity to do something to call attention to Mr White and the part he played in early his tory of the county said the warden Located on highway 93 about five miles west of Barrie Dal ston is partly in Vespra town ship and partly in Oro Plaits General store is on the Vespra side at the intersection of county road it and highway 93 An off highway parking ea has been made near the tvie also spoke Icipal clerk for the In on White plaque iour Bridge Cement For Utopia Project Pouring cement for the con crete dam and bridge has been receiving main attention of late as construction work proceeds at the new Utopia conserva tion area Residants of Utopia have been joined by numerous visitors from nearby Angus Ivy and as communities as well as th city of Barrie in following the progress of the construction When completed the Old Mill road on both heights of the Bear Creek valley wdl be ioin edpnce again pondwill he established in the valley and there again will be mill race the old time Utopia mill rouow anocnaas Essa Deputy Reeve Eugene Smith who lives on century farm nearby is among those following the progress of the work with particular interest Afhvlce chairman of the Not ta asaga Conservation Author ity Mr Smith was strong ad vocate of the project which he has contatded will be of consid erable value to the entire area There was dam at the site at one time but it had long since disappeared Bear Creek strong current in the spring To make way for pre sent construction the flow of the stream was diverted some what pioneer community named by= Mr Smiths grandfather vghith the same name Utopia sreailed the ideal place from Sir Thomas Mores book and Mr Smith is among residents who contends it was well nam edï¬lhe location in good farm ing area has frequently been the topic of comment PIONEER ERA The construction wo rlr at the conservation site is being car ried out by Grassland Conslnrc tion of Toronto Ainloy and As sociates are the engineers and by the Nottawasago Valiey Conservation area with provin cial support Mr Smith pointed out the government is paying 75 per cent of the cost since it com plies as water control pro iect Utopias pioneer era was re viewed at centennial project vlast ye An old school bell at the Utopia Community hall was erected as tribute to pion eers The hall was located next to st Georges Anglican church the building of which was built in 1373 No Essa brick school in front of the community park also has been the centre oi in terest Serv as continue to be held at Utopia United Church built 1a7z located on the north the Old Ivy Mail Changed To Outside Boxes lVXtSLaffl lilafl to this ï¬ne towon cormrunlty is now delivered to Thornton post olf fee and then deposited in out side boxes here ihe new change was made following the closing of the post office at Earl Reids borne The first ivy post office As established at Edward Fields house in the west end of the community Later it was located for years at the corner general store Grenard WI ilids Convention Plans GRENARD Staff Grenard Womens Institute has been ask ed to take charge of registration for the North Shncoe district spring meeting at Eady United Church on lucsday May as Mrs Waller Moon and Mrs Harold Watson have accepted the appointment Registration will start at oclock Grenard matters were ad vised the cancer canvass io this area rolscd $4450 for the pur pose The county meeting for all six Womens institutes distrlrt will be hold at Goldwater in October Last year it was held at Slayncr Presentation of reports and cl retina of officers are included on the agenda Color Ceremony is Postponed llIIDHURST Staff After having been tentatively arrang cd for Sunday May 19 plans for color ceremony at Simcoe County museum have been con celled it was announced by Norbert Moran archivist and member of the executive of the Barrie Legion We had to cancel it indefin iicly because one of the prin cipals couldnt be present on that date said Mr Moran We will announce new date as soon as it is arranged The ceremony will mark the transfer of the regimental col ors of the 157lh Battalion of the Simon Foresters Until recent ly the colors rested at St And rews Presbyterian church in Barrie DISTRICT BRIEFS CEMETERY Bolton CREEMORE Staff An nuai meetingof the Creemore union cemeteryhoard will be held at the municipal building on the main street here on Mon day May at pan YEARS OLD BRADFORD Staff The town of Bradford has been an incorporated municipality separ ate lrom West Gwlilimbury for incorporated as illage in 1857 with Thomas Driiflll pioneer blacirsmlth the first rcove TO GET WASHER LIGHT LORETTO Staff This Ad aia township community is waiting iustallaflon oi aflash er light atsthe intersection of county road it and county road 12 Adjala council headed by Reeve Fred Baxter made bte necessary application to the county Essa Will Extend Park Road Widei1ing IVY Staff Work will be resumed on extension at thesix teams of mile entralce road into Essa centennial pak when other more pres sing work is done it was stated by Louis fruax road superinten dent The newly constructed sec tion of the roaddone last year is now well settled and not be ready for hardiapping soon Therehave been quite few visitors already said Mar lnllo tobacco tanner who lives near the park hope seen quite bit of traffic An inspectionof the park showed the current of the Not tawasaga River wasI much stronger than last summer number of logs havebeen drawn down the river by the current and left deposited at turns and other poian along thehanks lhe sand hauled lnlast year has improved walkingt iccndi tions on the east baneremeut foundations of the one bridge remain but there is no public crossing to the west hank the project Itself is being done New buildings and eouipmént made last year came through the winter well and were in good condition Alarge sign at the entrance gate warned gainst hunting or carrying fire arms in the park Tho centennial cairn near the entrance gate called attention to the opening ceremony last September Dated 1867 1967 it said Centennial of Confederation was observed with the opening of this park by Essa township with the support of the provin cial and federal governments in addition to the entrance road workpimprovemonts also are planned on the river banks to prevent si Roads through thepark itselfwfodpic turesquelybetwoen tall cedars birches and other trees GREENHOUSE PLANTS Mr Marinkio who operates greenhouse on hill near the pork said he starts his tobacco plants inside and then transfers themto the fiélds jWe will he doing thatshortly now he said stating he hasbeengrow mg tobacco in the area forvthe pastieigiityears rue Essa Centennial Park In rludas 17 acres about four miles west of Ivy The turn aroundroad near the park ren trance is in excellent shape and there isa large parking area Motorists can drive arm the parlor if thayrwish an DownerLMP ofiDun lruon officially op and the park Members of Essa council then present were Réeve George Davis Deputy Reeve Eugene Smith and Councillors Fred Rossrlenneth Blanchard and Mprgan Murphy Councillor Ed MacDonald since replaced Mr Murphy linenmeow ALLISTON Staff Glen aftolt Forms of hillston area have purchased outright Duniea Centurion Girl alhmonthold sister of the reserve all Can managed eow North Leeds Citation Schlaissner ray EXAMINER wanr ans Poona 7mm HITE BIRTHDAYCak939 soc Refund Offer on Sunxpnn Ice Cream with DUNCAN HINES natuxr can nnxas arsr our SAVEll rt oz IiNS swiirs 49c STEWS assr auv sAvcaic VAN CAMP BEANS 85 PORK SAVE 6c PLAIN 9R POLSKI OGORKI 24 OZ JAR 83 ROSE DlllS 35 SAVE 40 PREMIUMMIDCET Jil2 LB TIN HEALTHG BEAUTY REG 49¢ PLASTIC STRIPS 23s JOHNSON 39c BANDAIDS REG 55c 12 T0 PKG iVIIlIlESS 45 one so Jounsou PKG JfilillIlS 55 save lOc 99 concur roornrasra runs on GLEEM 79 SAVE 5c CULVERIIOUSE SMALL 19 OZ TINS POTATOES 2539 WHOLE 100 arsr so say so LB magma Macaroni or Spaghetti GARBAGE chi Llano In with MEittlflcitiNi AW 15 31c fiiifiDiES PLAIN SAUCE munI assr our Mal Save St Shirrlff 13 In pkg iNSTANi 53c POTATOES MASHED tr FLAKED 19 oz rINs BEST BUY SAVE I5 TREESWEET ORANGE 0R GRAPEFRUIT Juices 43 oz rm or snozshrooo our or rue WEEK jPitEM lUNCHEON MEAT raerrcoouap Monroe Coo KRUNCHiESl it oz one PAN READY 55 HADDOCK FILLETS hear our ism 1n HITE KIA inous BATHROOM riasna savc 1o nousanoan ililYlIIE ROLL PACK La and fWiiXIilPIiil 33 EAlTwlVREESVAREETI5 BISCUITS save vanlnms wnsrcN mum ac orr PACK calsco suoarrnmo SAVE Gc 12WIIJE ALUMINUM ilLCilliIllil CELLO and iWiilliiiSh mm SAVESCf Carolina rum rmvonan in Bfifififiiis Z°33 crash nnroasnmd onraolo no iCIICIiMBEIlS 2539 rnnsn Minoan auncair oran GROUNDJEEF CHUCK scu mans luan saASONnn SIZZLER SAUSAGE swnwrs ionisationJ ruuv coonan aonaaass DINNER HAMSCRYOVAG HALVES RS LUNCH MEATS vs swam ranoanruawsnnmo No FfliflflTSf