Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1968, p. 24

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To martini Laxatives Could Cause Bowel Spasm By 10ml INNER MD Dear Dr Melam Call oliaaalivaa cause spastic co Drls apersonborn nervous and that causes it One doctor said it can be out crown at any ale la he refer ring to the bolt with it WP orrtbe kind you ret born laxa tlvesl Mrs 5611 Yes continued use of certain airmg laxatives can produce in ritatlonand then spasmoi the bowel And that is essential ty what spach colitis in bouei that goes into contrac Lions masmodically and not only atthe time it normally needs to gt The purpose ol caihartlcs in to force the bowel to contract or move by irritating it Under continued irritation of this sort the bowel presently loses the ability to react to normal stlmu lus instead it becomes nerv ous colon This of course is the reason why in my writings have cautioned against harsh laxa tives and preached the virtues of patience Dont try to force the bowel to act Give it time and it will not because of nor mal physiological need But some people wont wait they want prompt action they think day without bowel move ment is disastrouswhich it not Give bowel abuscd by con stant laxatives enough rellei tirnm steady irritation and it will gradually return to normal action that doctor in the let ter whoever he is said this type of difficulty canbe out grown at any age But you have to give the bowel chance to return to normal rhythm in nerves Person is not born nervous The nervous ness is acquired And to he sure nervous tension can be ex pected to have physical conse nuances Just how the nerves manifest themselves will vary Some people will get their sin TELEVISION BUFFALO assume TORONTO ii walONIIsoav Iia use km 00 IMrmc Home Pmdoen sent Storm iiPEao mo aNen Griffin no Thu or Consequence TFllntstonea ll 100 LEAH anrtnri zViflinlatl hurt in Spun azorro lalln From Uncia 71 Love but1 OMoala than IlGlllny 53 Bkts GD 1oumm grimN ll mm warns spam EVE or in 11437 auto TAvoll en Linvaoern nu solo llhcmaaa aao narovle moo Question debNewt Walther Mia iIiloneynsoonon llMOthenlnrhaw lSltssion impossible crnusttueo 7Dream noun 3er st azo amigo mu mlcba lid in hot Other have tendon headaches Serna beeevne ao tense physically that backaches result Sonia folks itch and break out with hltu And some tollsa lot at thetarennin Io nervous ten aioo with nervous wintry hotel trouble Tampellnl with the how chlldhooduse of physics and enemas and making big thins out of telling child that he la constipated if he doesnt have bowel movement every day can result in honclllaatlcn This often leads to lifetime trou ble as bowel cripple This tpe Oi spastic colon also can be outgrown at any age but the longer the habit has per siIted the harder it is to change The first necessary rule of getting such spastic colon hack to normal istoundcrstand that whatltneeds lsreliet from the constant goadlogaod irrita tion whether the good in repeat ed use of laxatives or the pres sures of chronic nervousness about how the bowel wlllacl and when The aim lies in relaxing in letting thetbowel alone and let ting it eat until it can resume normal rhythm But too many people by mental fixation and misunderstanding have dosed their unhappy colons withelrri anteandfiicn expect to cor rect them with somthew types of drug dosages An it wont work that way ltcant Dear Dr Molnar Could here be any connection between diagnosis of diabetes and can cert ry see no connectionMany pa tienu have one disease but not the other it is possiblefor person to have hoth diseases but there is on casual relation sh TRY excitonairman zoos PHONE 7mm raccoons Is EVENING lGlern crel kits incident out Hen Il 430 no she ardenlnléineclli iljlumwghttlln 10 aeum Short stt not sut man ll Neu Weather SW 11 Pierre Berton Limo um Hon SNyfl H0 Filo lScarletAuell 7iiavll dirtB iIunt Inn at nvm THURSDAY MAY is MORNING AND Minnow 30 IWIIdO on The World Osunflse lllaial Nun 10 hm th Mm ea er 740 min Int ll Kangaroo uSchnituil Eoun at llulilovie lBlondlaa Day Iona iioo Ho fiToldgnlo llJD Ed Alle mar 11 In SRomper Room Ilene Alian XFNEVIIP Iilsunnnae use l0n in Wallgvusflhofl ncuIoon Piaylwull tom zsun internment Ham schools raunenar MAY to flame HIV WElhll on htPiperra Hutch IIDD 7Dlvo SBonnifichgmn that firm flPhnto Flnllalhu erv Grimn 3Unlido Tutsn Liaor 7Fflntslzllel Dtllr Lucy llanlile mile 5110 5hllstlrv ro 45m maim 11 have em Vhlnvle uranium In The Juaizlel an com am oiiv son Tlil 6M ushaflnlllon Wu Izoo ZHizel aInat Girl ciiovte iioionkees 12o LN hr tam aoo INHL Fla ll aso or er enigmatic or JTeieeeena iirtem sexton eon lNewn ewl ocindm Camlrra ZConcnntrallnn SFflendly Giant ea Helene oneveriev Hlllbililal 7chk Cath 9511 932MB 1Pclonlllli anzr Drugo Grillth aHoilvwood anuarea 4inch Van BUnele aohlgyh kNewa Lh BewitchedI LeFavettei amlnn Nsm ZNBCPAgm special 7Sn menu annexes LM iTiI Tunnel Imii llrfilElnnlflé Hanna ll 1111 Nina oitI Hanna TBewttched mumme mom budu um Pinch 30110 River IlMlkl Dim gal on Tums WW 1Weddina may mo LossTot Our Ll ciam Manyv NSnlendor mu Tm an all one zLiioctoIu iHouse Party tPenhlEGlmOo HLaneadeI fl all LTaka wand eTo Tell The Trum 7General no it lMaziatraleawflotlzrt School IConmanoar Toni 9195 Your Move FTP lliih fiwfinunom 1112 IIlr vbuo Mlxrlun mo LDrannet gt7Peyton Pines Lllilerv Griffin tom znean Martin lion For Your life 1aian in Sulhue in Suitcase Iii ll Ne Weather sport llFierra Barton vofts 223 anm cnitreii 7thth Co Tgowv dunk our air LFerrv Loom ilgdfine llMovlfmn sun of mine are IKN titsne 10tahhlt 1e Quaker comer airman lyJAY BECKEI South dealer Neither IB winnbk Hm Qlfl ixlll Ill axuu QI 50m Alol QAQJINII lhabiddlng Soul Wat NONI to Pua rue Tana IO Penn 30 Am glue on eqmt Opening leadqueen of clubs lt fundamental principle of play that you dont put all your eggs in one basket if you can help itAfter all can arrange to give yourse two chances to make contract in steadof one you are much more likely to succeed in the long run Thla principle of keeping second method of play in re serve if the first method is to danger of failing can be suc cessfully applied for more often than is generally realized For example consider this hand where declarer is in five diamonds and West leads the queen ot clubs Souths pros tents are certainly not bright it looks as though he must cash the AK at clubs and ruff club and then asnuning he finds the clubs divided lead the ace and another diamond in the hope of finding the Horiows By MRS taoiiDEN Those attending the Music ch tivai at Newmarket in which Michelle Smith was playing the accordion were lllr and Mrs James Smith and family Mr and htrs Roy Smith hire Ndlt lie Button hirsFomthy Mr and Mrs JamealililicrVcston lilrs hfclIarncy and Mr and Mrs Dyke Scarborough Mr and Mrs Harold doors were recent visitors with their daughter and lamlly Mr and Mrs Hyde Toronto Mr and Mn Hervey Redford Stroud werereceot visitors at Mr and Mrs Cu JBowdens Mr and Mrs Art ilorton lsling ion were at Mr and Mrs lacit Policys Sunday Mr and Mrs Keith Cook and family Weston zero with Fern Gray andrela ves flfiR FFICE HURS you koowat apology kept Doriath DAILY crossword Kind of apple Untldy person Conceal furniture sanctum agun 65ource 11Dlminlehed ollight fltoldcard 1Ephera game asoundeaf ltlnqulrea ona Ioawen radar scope atateahbr JILGilItdln ITIMIlnicnniA 138tnpl 1Htlalt Jinan le Shaded 20Playl hmyn 2thtle 19oundltloll children ELFHtelI 29Revolve saneamen 913mm 42 Greedy file nnging toMr ASKED METD STAFF DINNER our children received the aarra 44 GflufnMLZiyuefiunaim managements packing np lea wins in dunnny with the king rolls club leads the ace and another diamond and wind up with eleven titan by caching dummys remaining clubs The advantage of this method of playonce the necessary at Iumptlon ol favorable trump divldon la made is that do deter make the contract not only when the clubs divide bit also when they are divided The extra chance which de cineer gives himsell prom to be the decisive factor aurora nine as names litre Hughes was hostess to in members and visitors of tini tcd Church Women lilay hire Kirby displayed quilt the ladies had quilted Mrs Guth rie led the Bible study liliss Evelyn Stong showed her pic tnrea onHawail which she tooir on her trip in the winter Barman the Gilford church ltlay 11 DONALD DUCK ment of baptistThey View At anna Bethdaugh at litrI and Mrs Bob Atkinsf Gregory Ai tan son olhlr and Mrs John Clark Timothy William soiitif Mr and Mrs Don Grlifithe Dec vid Brooke son at Mr andiil VArt lack of Toronto Gilford womens Institute will meet Tuesday rlilay 2lvat it pm ntthe homeof hlrs Swings Roll call udll be answer ed with package of flower seeds bulbs or house plant The bit club min at Achieve ment Day at Allistonhhlay ll All the club girls had parade of dresses during the afternoon Those irom Gilt receiving county honors were Nancy Kneeshnw Christlns htilligan and Jean SnvtycrA number oi institute members and mothers were visitors in the afternoon litre William Kellwaa lead er for the course and Miss tiar bsra Guthrie assistant one nwaswi How new new wi 33 EL are at Dry 22 Male as JULIET Jonas GRANDMA SECRET GENrjoc BLONDIE so Gnu CAM our new vswcem TO me 600a ALL arson worms nus FELM Who was ASKIN REMEMER THE Hm SILLVAND MADE YESTERDAYmTNAT WAS HDPP THE NAMES CD 5M SHERIFEAND IE SYAING NEE WELLVVENNLEP LII 0N ITAND MADE LITTLE LEROYA TAILI AVIV gt Di YE araneiteiV55$E 1630 change 71mm iii reat av denee SE 29 5130 entersn lam rlvera Jo tear apart a1Romutpoet Mandarin 4ates Moving Ldayvehicle IOU KNOW phoneme AROUN Bradford St Barrio write nyzz SA muses Ath SKEETER WinnTRACK n1 PONTIAC SAVE oN THE can save ON THE onTIoNs PONTIAC BUICK LTD Dial mlicos WELL MR SWWEKMNE CERTAIN ME TO THE RIGHT PLACE YOU SAY YOWE EXHAUSW AlL OTHER SOUR 0F ELF LOOK IVE BEEN EVERYWHERE at in was sun bankmkuu TODAYS GOODWILL USED Spgaai loos voLsswannN on Heres your chance to net but Ur ems Gie exterior men Red uvllolstnry $895 25 3mm Goooivlu WARRANTY ACTUAlLY MR SVUWER THERPS ONLV 0N OREANIZATIDN EOUiPPED T0 SAFEGUARD YOUR OIL WELLS ON THE SEA UOTIDM THAYS THE ll5 MAW TiiE PROBLEM

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