Elbe Merrie Excalibur Published by ennde moan Limited 16 Hayfield 8M Barrie Ontario Walla Publisher McPherson Managing Editor wunun row casual Manager MONDAY MAY 1H IAGI RSIm Is Maturity Now Held As Detrimént In Grillia Packet Times Theres new wave of young men in Canadian politics today and undoubted ly there will be many more compara tive youngsters in the House of Com monsafter the June elections The trond is to youth Turner Trudeau Hellyer and the many more young men in the backben ches of the Commons and the prom cial legislatures have given new vigor to Canadian politics and government At time when Canadians seem eager for change voters will be rcsponsrve to the call of any freshfaced young candi dates Youth in government is an asset In order to have our legislative bodies peak for all Canadians itls necessary to have representation from all genera flons of adults Good men should not be penalized for their youthfulness This present trend to youth is not entirely new Sir John Macdonaid was young man when he helped fonn con federation But there have been times when our governments seemed to be completely dominated by men of advanced age ap parentiy out of step with most of the people they served danger in the present trend is thattt seems to be gotng too far Age and maturity and experience new are lbiabilities that an older politicran must ear PolitiCS As the Liberal convention illustrated youth and philosophy of changerare greater voiegetters than age and ex perience Paul Martin the oldest and politically wisest offhe Liberal leader ship candldates it turned out had little chance of winning simply bacaiise of his There will be many cases during the next few weeks at riding conventions in which men will be chosen simply be cause they are young There is talk among Conservatives in our own riding of lmcoe Noi1li of choosing younger man than Dr Rynard to carry the Tory banner These people would sacriï¬ce Dr Rynards pro ven Rolltleal knowledge and service for yout and inexperience Dr Rynard finds his years of service rather than an asset have become liability In the rush for youth in politics it must not be forgotten that years are great educator Those men in their 805 705 and 80s have experience that no young man can match Their maturity stabilizing influence and yet as some have proven they can still cope with the awrngers The cry for youth in politics is led by the new generation of young voters who are taking more active part in politics than any young generation before It is right that they ould But the loss of older men in politics is high price to pay for the active participation of the young DOWN MEMORY lANE BARRIES CENTENNIAL YEAR Barrie Examiner May 13 1953 Color fui rural music festival at Barrie Arena directed by Miss Eva Rumble sponsored by Rotary Club Pageantfeatured Brit Eb Commonwealth Royal Victoria ospital joined regional group in new provincial plan Town Council ap roved by aw for stores with closing lleur pm Fridays and ti pm Satur days Barrie citizens turned out in thousands to Welcome home Memorial Cup champion Flyers from Wimupeg Great parade formed at Allandale rail way station with collegiate band and cit izens band Hap and Mabel Emma and Manager Howard Norris inconvertibles hockey players on decorated open truck With perfect weather celebra tion was held in Queens Park where bandstand seated hockey club officials civic and visiting dignitaries Walls was emcee and said that in all of Bariies looyear history there had bev er been such big crowd gatheredto gether in one place to do honor to team of any kind He introduced Mayor James Hart President Sandy Coutts of Chamber of Commerce then Lei 11 ton Emms main speakerwho introduced each layer in turn Presid ent Charles ristie introduced Fly ers hockey executive who had brought Canadas junior hockey championship to Barrie twice in three years ErrMayor Grant Mayor listed as Fan No thanked all for supporting team Presid entTory Gregg Wingham of Ontario Hockey Association also spoke Then Flyers visited patients in Royal Victoria Hospital and IOOF Home for aged be fore proceeding to civic dinner at Well ington Hotel Public victory dinner or Flyers Wednesday ni ht at Central nited Church Barr Arena hive of activity for annual motor and fashion show sponsored by Chamber of Com mores with Cbittick general chair man Canadian National Railways announced that worlds first mobile mu seum train would he in Barrie May 18 20 as Jpart of centennial program Capt Howard former training offia oer Grey dz Simcoe Foresters and veter an of Korean War sailed for England to take part in Coronation with Canadian Forces contingent Alderman Heber ESmith finance chairman gave week ly report From Town Hall Paul Meger former star leftwinger of Barrie Flyers in second full season with Montreal Canadiens found himself on Stanley Clip winner Bob Garner of Barrie layed for Weston Dukes who won Junior title Garrison BadmintonIClub held closing dance at Barrie Armoury Where guetsts welcom ed by Premdent Larry Whitby OpEn mtg dinner at Barrie Golf Club with Pre sr ent John Ough presiding 53rd annual inspection Barrie Collegi Cad ets at arena with Major Jack Garner in command Inspectinlgsoificer was Col onel Cameron ED Royal Ca gadian School of Infantry amp Bor en Pertinent Paragraphs Young boys make noise to convince themselves that they exist says psy chologist Efforts should he made to train them to pinch themselves Instead Its paradoxical that the thicker persons skull is the more he is given to blowing his top American movies give people oversee the wrong tmpresslon of the oountry says an editor Mores thezplty they have to greatextent the same effect upon Americana minimumtanninsuororhimrimlLinnturrorzuiuunnrarmourmmnnunrnmrnruununwmuiwnmnunmnmmmmmmmm QUEBEC Delirious This in selection of edi torinls on current topics translated from the Frenchlanguage press of Canada ald Macdonaid the new feder al minister wlthout portfolio gave strange explanation of Mr Trudeaus motiiIcs for calling the elections while speaking recently to students at York University Mr Mecdonald said Mr Trude au wanted to give Quebecers chance to show that they are by nature than ouglrly federalist The prime minister wanted to provoke in Quebec confrontation among those whit share his strongly federalist flows those who OttaWILLe moltThe feder al cabinet reforms announced adhere to the separatist thesi of Reno Levasque and those who support Daniel Johnsons speclalstatus thesis Tomaintaln serl sly the Iuneflo elections will givr Quebecerl the opportunity to ch nose rbetwccn federalism and separatism is incredible such choice cannot be made at federal election The onlyhlway Quebec will be ab toshow their parattsin 15 by abstaining from voting since there is no such some in separatist group iu the running sepa ratist candidate could not do that federal arena since he ii tum damcutally not supporter of the fcderallst system Moreover certain avowed separatists displayed approval Montreal In DcvoirDon of the election of Prime Minis ter Trudeau at the recent Lib eral convention For them the presence of Mr Trudeau at thehead of the Canadian gov ernment will precipitate the confrontation they want be ttceen Ottawa arid Quebeca confrontation they believe will lead to the severing of federal ties In view of this it would not even be surprising to see that separatist votes it they are cast will be cast in favor of Mr TrudeauVincent Prince May by MrTrudeau ought only to has hint of greater things to come They should be only the prelude to the formation of restricted exécutive commit teesuch as Great Britains lndccd they should be ths prelude loa political system halfway between that of the United State endttbe one havenow Ml who oughl te be looking after disaadminlstra cenily solicit votes in the tion of the public wealare slaves of Parliament When minister has to waste atleast an hour day playing politth lnthe Commons ln thenanre of parliamentary responsibil ity it is evident that the gt would be little lost if politilt cal regime were established from the tiring parliamentary sittings unless their presence was specifically required The reform already In nounced are worthy of praise The reduction of the number of cabinet committees and the pnwervgiven to four of them rllghlens the ministers 1851 by reducing the number of rlt dngsthey are obliged to at tend If this little experiment proves sugcessfulafter few months hiaLlhere is nothing to prevent ue from altering our political system and hands paling ministers outside the Commons if suitable candl dates are not available within These ministers who could vary with called senators could thus devote faguforrtheir actions to the electedgepren sentatives of the people May it that would liberate ministers themselves kW an OTTAWAREPORT Question aPeriod Is Prime Battleground By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA The question pe riod in the House of Commons is the prime battleground of the politicians That is where the action Is as the Opposition out feet ministers to probing and prodding for an average of to minutes day five days week when the House is in ses iron menlyaavcn ministers in the mammoth Pearson cabinettho nth was senator so did not sit in the Housewere called upon to all there like Aunt Sal lys suffering bombardment by ill on curse slings and arrows of as they thought an outrageous 0p positinn gt Inqueshen period any MP can ask anyquastlonproyided it is properl frameden any aublectprovded Mr Speaker considers it to be concerned with matter of urgent nation al importance And it hi amaz ing to listen and learn what transitory parochial trivia can be so construed By BOB BOWMAN One of the most spectacular success stories in Canada today is the industrial development alongthe Strait ofCauso NS The building of causeway to connect Cape Breton with the remainder of NvoaScotia has resulted in the creation of deepvater harbor validan in dnstrles are beingcstabllshed there an sesultoftheim proved shipping facilities Canso wasnt always that for tunate It was on May 1744 that tboBritish settlement was destroyed by asmall French force from Louisburg Britain and France had become in or core Examinin ld Hayfield Street Earphone Authorized as second class matter Post Ofï¬ce Depart ment Ottawa and for meat of postage to cash Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 50o weekly 32600 yearly Single copies inc By mall Barrie $500 yearly Ontario $1200 year motor throwoff 516 year Mail out slde Ontario 914 year Out side Canada British posses sions 15 year USA and vforelznrgm year National Advertising Offices 425 University Avenue Toron to 640 Calhear St Mon treal Mendelor off no Ecsggldian Daily Newspaper ers Association the Canadian Press andVAudlt Bureau circulations The Canadian Press is cxr elusiver entitled to the use for republication of alhnewn dispatches in thispaperrored ited to it or The Associeted Eessor Reuters andlalao gt Port March and nurightsailed Now there are all sorts of criticisms levied against this agecld parliamentary tradition Opposition MPs complain and with good reason that there are too many cabinet absenth on most days so their questions can only be fielded by the min isters parliamentary secretary who replies will bring the niesllon to the notice of the minister on his return And that is generally the end of It 0413er oohrPLAiNs The cabinet on the other hand complains about therbondage of question purgatory It toms pets ministers to be in the House as regularly its possible and to sit there in ldlencss in case any MP wants to ask question Ottawa should certain ly follow the better practice of Westminster and allocate one day each week for all questions to specific minister This would be real and realistic improvement The question period used to be much shorter and pltbler ind CllllllDllsvSTORY French Force Hit CansoHarjd Iii1774 volved in the war of Ienlilns ear and Dnuisburg heard the news first Governor DuQuesnel decided to attack Cause imme diately and the British garrison was taken by surprise because it did not know that war had been declared However DuQuesucls enter prise backfired The British prisoners were taken to Muta burg where they quickly learned that the fortress was not nearly as strong salt was supposed to be The Intendant Francois Bigot whose crookednesa was to contribute to the fall of Que bec in 1759 had already begun this evil workllnferior material was being used in the fortifica tions and Bigot was making graft from supplier of ammunl tion and provisions Swisssol dicrs who formeda large part of the garrisouxhad not re ceived any pay from France for longtime The fortress recited of dlstruct and suspicions DuQuesnel realized there was not enough food at Loulshucg to look after the British prisoners so he showed them to go to Bos ton on the understanding they would stay outofthe war Howv ever Governor Shirley of Maslt sechusetts learned about the weakened condition of Louis iburg fromtbeCansu men and it was thisinformation that en couraged the NewEnglandcrs to capture Loulsburg the fellows ins reen omen MAYll nvnuier ISMChamplalh arrived at Mouton from Boston fovjattaekaort UziRoyal edict ered stone wall to be built forde lence of Montreal For one not shunned to declare unto you all Ihecoun Jo at Gndt Acts 2027 The whole world is standing need of the whole gospel To and to deprive the people Shelbnrne District Hospital BIBLE THOllGHT this September give them lessls to betray God flllllmrmrilml ll arm ll HELLOUh comes wrsnro REPORT AN rx worthler In the days before the decade of the DicfenbakerPear son dobauch of Parliament Iyp leaily there would he lust four or five questions each one seri ous and signiï¬cant and the whole question period would be ended with in or is minutes In those days bfPs knew what constituted urgent national tin portance and were guided by that knowledge But toda every sort of irrele vaney an superflelallly goes After the question period has cn in progress for Is minutes or so all the serious prepared questions have been asked then from the galleries one can see backbench MFs getting itchy in their chairs and scarehingtheir minds for any topic which could be framed as question Questionperiod is the stuff newspaper headlines are made of And who knows chance cast by the Hon mcrnber for Punkeydoodles lust might catch him headline But the question period also covers written questions to which written answers are prov vided some time later These usually call for solid informa tion they are probing and often dynamiteladen In the 155 days of the last ses slonlm such written ques tions were placed on the order paper When Parliament was dissolved no less than is re mained unanswered To gather the information sought some times takes the civil service staff of the minister concerned days or even weeks Yet it was inexcusable and shocking that one question asked on Maylo 1961 remained unanswered whenParllament was dissolved on April 23 1568 Some of the most active oppo sitlon MPs saw many of their serious questions thus did un answered on the Order Paper For example Heath Macquarrla PEll had five unenswered and Alt Hales Guelph four No doubt many ncampeign audi ence will hear about this The Liberal government did not dare to asked for LETTERS TO THE EDITOR NURSING $711001 Dear Sir Twice in the last few months your paper has published pic tures of abuilding being built on Wellington Street and called it thenurss residence of the Royal Victoria Hospital This information is wrong The building is rainew residence of the Royal Vic or Regional School of Nurslng and is not used bythe hospital The Regional School of Nurs ing was incorporated Marcher will It uses classroomand resi dence facilities in the Laldlew Residence which is rented from tbeï¬nyal Victoria Hospital The school uses the clinical areas of five other hospitals aswell as Lhe Royal Victoria Hospital General and Marine Hospital Collingwood St Andrews Hus pltal Midland General Hospital Penetanguishene Stevenson Me morial Hospital Alliston and Regional schools of nursing were started in Ontarlo to edu catelnore nurses by using the clinlchl areas in more honpita The Royal Victoria Regional School 01 Nursing enrolled 49 students in September 1966 57 in 1967 and plans to accept 84 Yours truly carHERiNr snowy Director or Mplvthe information lllllllllllll lull ll ill un QUEENS PARK House Often llllI ll Inn HIBITIONIST omnmwflmwstmwvmmmmcwamw mltrmlmmmllmn Ill ftlI illlltl tittilt HI Isnt HellForLeather By DON OEEARN TORONTO It often Isnt quite as heliforlcntber herons it may sound One of the short comings of regular press roperisls that on occasion they cant convey the actual sphit of the proceed logs The black and white of ink on newsprint can make things up pear much more stem or angry than they actually are good example were re marks about the medical profes sion made by Health Minister Dr Drymond while on his esti mates When talking about hospitals and the shortageof beds and edit ofhospltal care the minia ter said that the length of stay in hospital was under control of doctors ANSWERS QUESTION And again when talking about OMSIP he reported in answer to question that spot check was kept on doctors billings to ensure that there wasnt abusfl of the plan report of the first item in one paper started off Health th Minister Dr Matthew Dymond told the legislature that doctors are keeping hospital beds full by not discharging patients story on the second item read Health Minister Dr lInI thew Dymond laid in the Legis lature the government will not stand for doctors defrauding OMSlPs Both reports were essentially correct if bit extreme IMPRESSION LEFTl But they can leave quite wrong impression For one thing the render might believe that the health minister was aggressively at tackling the medical professiona He wasnt The statement concerned came in response to questions And they were calm matteroffact replies The reports also tended to make doctors look pretty bad They left the feeling they might be hlghsblnders However this wasnt It the sense of the debate The only allegation was that some of them were leaving pa ticnts in hospital too long out of consideration for the patient tprincipally because if released they couldnt rcceivs prop care This is no reflection against pressult is fact of weak ness of all secondhand commu nication However as in the instances cited it can lead to misunder standing and on occasion to serious coniusion AROUND THE worm By PHILIP DEANE Foreign Affairs Analyst There is some sort of revolu tion going on lawyer friend of mine from Washington told me corporation counsel aged 60 What happenadiat Colum bianearly happened at Prince ton They just managed to avert it there But for how long The lmportant word in this statement by this moderate con servative man is Princeton Princeton is the most elite of all the elite universities Ittakes in only the best young intellec tuals Generally they are from affluent families and materially they face the rosiest of futures It is uotposslble to dismiss their rebelliousness merely by saying they are spoiled or that rasmall minority among them would rebel while the majority would slapdhelplessly by That small minority would cause must of the trouble and spenrhead clashes with author ity is true most probably in Princeton as it is true in the University of Toronto where small minority of students are activists But majority agrees iwith the complaint of the activ frontatfons the North American youth rebellion may be less in tense and possibly muehrrlesa justified than youth rebellions in other countries The protests of French students against condii tionsin their universities are amply justified The Sorbonnai University is adisgrace lti hands out medical degrees toE peoplewho have had no hospital Lralnlng whatsoever There are professors whose exams one cannot the profesors are the main shareholders These cramming schools exist in rnly in Green and many other European coun pass unlul one goes to cramming school ln which Student Revolution Spreads Even To Elite Universities tries They are channel for bribing the professor and are dishonest racket the students bitterly resent especially since the professor involved mph often than not will not even ap pear to lecture at the Univu Blth BEL TEXTBODK One Athens University proies sor publishes and sells his own textbook Students must buy at his home and sign registe student who has not bought the bookand it costs many times more than other textbooks eannot sit the exams The pro fessor does not allow students to buy this book second hand The student who buys three copies in air topass In ltaly and Greece itudenla 1ike everyone elsFuecd cer tainlygovernment certificates belt fore registering at university To obtain such certificate one at bribe lbscivil servants affix their rubber stamps to the certificate In Greec student needs certificate of loyalty to the regime Itll enough to haven relative who is not considered loyals dleoyal relative means you cannot get loyalty certificate and cannot Abstracting the racial con have university education Manyof these countries db not recognize the validity of de grees issued by the best North American universities 115 trained physician from the Har yard medical school cannot practicerin Greece This pro tects the rocket of the profes sorsiThesc are some of that things that after years and years of quiet protest have driv en students to violence CAN YOU WET The electric scoreboard ln Houstons Aslrodome fsulong than football field and raV quues five operators to runlt