Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 May 1968, p. 1

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AMONG the presentations to Prime Minister mdcnu In eYellowknile was an impromp tu gift from llnun Empson who dug into his jacket pocket and produced alight Iy soiled landireelrer Thar Prime Minister pleased with the gesture inspects his gift red jawbreuker which any boy knows is the best be cause its spicicr Jimmy push ed through crowd of auto graph seekers to reach Mr Trudeau GP Wirephoto Honor Thant Trudeau In Alberta CeremOnies EDMONTON Edmon tons young set turned out Sun day to welcome Prime Minister deau They ranged from babes in mothers arms to shrieking teenagers pressing forward trying to touch the prime minis er Also arrlvnrg Sunday was Sec retaryvflencral Thant of the united Nations who received much quieter welcome Most lit the gatheringat the HT WASHINGTON Both are visiting the city to receive honorary doctor of laws degrees from the University of Alberta celebratlntltr 60th an niversary The men arrived about an hour apart at Edmontonlnter national Airport and were met by university and civic officials few Alberta Liberals were also on hand to greet the prime minister Erect Tent For Poor MarCh WAWGVNN AP The bar Peoples Campaign oliicial iy launched Sunday with Mothers Day march through riotripped Negro slum now be gins erecting the tent city to house some 3000 demonstrators slowly converging on the city The firat 450 of the cam paigns rank and file reached US capital during the weekend More are scheduled to arrive by weeks end Mrs Martin Luther King Jr widow of the slain civil rights leader who conceived the cam Pllgn as means of winning more federal help for the poor leg Sundays march he demonstration soaked by ram folmost of its duration went off without incident Police Lieut Prete estimated the of marchers at between 2000 to 3500 Today Rev Ralph DavidAb ch CAPSULENEWS Hit By Train Saul ransom saver ominous or Sault Ste eruathy Kings successor as head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference is to drive stake into parkland near the Lincoln Memorial and signal the start of construction of shel ters in whet campaign leaders call Resurrectioncity The Mothers Day march was sponsored by the Nationwide Welfare Rights Organization which sent delegations from chapters across the US The marchens including Negroes and whites American Indiana and MexicanAmeri cans passed the ruins of stores looted and burnad during three nights ofviolence that followed the April slaying of King in Memphis Earlier Sunday organization members mostly mothers on welfare spoke at 53 area urchcs asking for support Willard Merrick 18 oi Marie died in hospital Sundaynight an hour after behig struck by Canadian Pacific Railway freight train UK Heart Recipie ht Is Doing Well fl munch on FrederickWest given new heart to days ago in Britains first making good heart iransplantoperation today warre progress Melro OpensllastWest Subway gt Metropolitan Torontos subway greeted fishhour pamngerswith nine new stations the extension was inbred Both Candidates Cl aim Election was PANAMA Ali Panamaetwo major presidential candidates stitch claimed victory todaybut official returns were slow coming Spleen Transplant ForHemophilia resourcing Dr Sick Children said SatIndpy qfor hemophilia rm McClure of as Hospital for spleen transplantsmay be the cure Karate Ekpert Charged With Murder TALLAHASSEE an AP from former Cal Miami was arrested here liornia secretaries who transcontinental securities cons Jack Griffith karate expert today in the murders of two to question about police wanted piracy case today Reaction to airport for Mr Trudeau was made up of pcople in their teens and 20 And at City Hall per haps half the crowd was in the same age group Crowd estimates ranged from 1000 to 3000 although lru deau aide said the crowd was more than 5000 At the airport Thnnt was pre sented with grey Klondike style topper and canc which he passed to an aide Mr Trudeau received simb lur giltat Citydiall but planted the topper firmly on his head and posed for photographers men then retired to downtown hotel and were to meet later at private dinner Today they will receive their degree with Mr Trudeau giv ing the convocation address Later Thant was to address university public forum on lmatters of substance US headquarters said corn hined forces losses were 210 killed 67 of them Americans and 979 wounded including 33 Americans Congi Thrust Is Defeated SAIGON AP The main thrust of the Viet Congs nine dayold attack against Saigon has been crushed by US and South Vietnamese forces Lt Gen Fred Weyand said today Although isolated small ah tacks terrorism and harass ment by fire including rockets are stfll possible large numbers the enemy have been at tempting to withdraw from the battlefield forthe past 40 hours may being ercepted in the process said Weyand who commands the 2nd Field force The general said more than 5200 Viet Cong were killed or captured lnthe 3rd Corps tacti cal zoneSaigonaud the it Dies In NEON Blair Fru scr longtime Ottawa editor of Macieaus magazine and an au thor newspaper man and radio and television commentator was drowned Sunday while canocing in Algonquin Provln cial Park lie was 50 The scene of the drowning was at theiloiiwey Rapids on the Pelawawa River 40 miles oorthwast of Perrlbrokeand it miles inside the park boundary Mr Fraser was with five other members of its Voya geurs canoe club in weekend trip in the area about no miles northwest of Ottawa in 1054 on crossCanada canoe trip he passed through the same rapids with Dr Soiandt another club member and chancellor of University of Toronto Besides Dr Solnndt others with him Sunday were Coollcnn Toronto viconrerl dent ofadminlstratlon for tira zillan Light and Power Maj Gen Elliot Rodger Winnipeg Eric Morse Ottawa national di rector of the Association of Ca nedian Clubs and Bayly Ontario deputy minister of lands and forests SHOT RAPIDS BEFORE All experienced canoelsts they had been on many such trips in the past including mitlitéréls58tndrinl9th llgainsi Pressure from Soviets PRAGUE lAP Tlio libEral leadership of Czechoslovakia Communist party shows no signs of lmucklingauuder to pressure from the Soviet Union Poland and East Germany The party president is Expect ed to meet this week and add momentum tothe campaign to break away from the Kremlins domination it is nosecret here that pres sure has been carerted by bios cow and other Soviet bloc mem bers disturbed by Czechoslova kias trend toward indcpcnd ence But there is no sign of panic among Pragues gove ment and party leaders over rumors of threat ened Soviet military interven tion was generated abroad not in Czechoslovakia hut apparent ly there was strong enough hint of military pressure from Moscow to give the Czechoslo vaks picture of what could happen if Prague carries itsina dependence movement too far informed sources say Soviet troop movements on thePolish Czechoslovak border last week in the form of staff man oeuvres of Warsaw Pact forces were not big enough to threaten any military action But they were sufficient toget the message across the sources Says provinces around iHldce the Viet Cong launched their otfen sive May rv Madness School Classroom MONTREAL tCP ideas for the school of tomorrow are prolificmost otthem pleasing tothe unwilling schoolboy One concept is that the stu dent of the future will not go to school at all but merely turn on home television ills multi screen console would show the but ideas were generally less extreme at seminar on teach er education concluded during the weekend by the Cpnadian Teachera Federation One crr otficial afformer teacher said the best guide is present and possible future attii tudes toward educstiou The prekent attitude is the impor tance ofthe individual child In the past ideology or system sometimes hadbecn regarded as more important than an indi vidual child But if present ntt Iudes continue methods of diagnosis and evaluation will be tailored more andmoss to the child Group exashinalons faces of classmates and teach as understoodxnow will disaplt pear CLEVELAND Ohio AP Fldeb Castros popularity has been sustainedrby his opposition to US policy in Vietnam Cyrus Eaton Styearold Cleveland financier said after visit with the Cubanpremier last yeelr Vietnam and the abortive Bay of Plgsinvasion have beennsed in Cash0s propaganda in solid ltyhia support with tha Cuban masSes Eaton native of The Exam ner 1VT0DllY7 Ann LanderFG gt City Nays21 nal Womena6 OppositionT0 his Clevel ocleans Editor Rapids much whitewalcr travel Over the years the cluhmembers had traced the routes of the original voyageurs in the rnorthem and western parts of Canada The other mendocra of Les Voyageurs left the area Sunday night department of lands and forests airman look corolt ner Hermitte to Iha scene He was to takathe body to Pembroke later The Soviet Union can also considerable economic and pollheai pressure Czecho slovakia depends upon the So viet Unionlorimportant raw materialshnod by condemning the leadership of Party Chief AlexanderDuhcek Moscow would encourage large numi her of hardline Communist eon servatives who would like to throw out the new liberal leader Predict Record Australian Wheat mm Australia cal Heavy rain in the last four days has broken drought over most of easternAustralia and erec ord wheat crop is forecast More than four inches have fallen overIarge areas of New South Wales where years of drought had reduced lush pas lures todustland Farm dams are filling up and water is flowing into giant stor age dams some ofwhieh were virtually empty in Canberra there was talk of lifting water restrictions in fore since last Vlélnant War Surlains Castros Populariiy Pugwash its told the at remnants man smr 10170ng Eli About 300 eats mug lites pneu matf drills and picks to the latest thing in house parties durlngthe weekenda des tructoramut in $65000 house Arclllted Davrd Rosen recently bought some prop criy la submban Forest liiii to build twu town houses but was find with the problem of geltlng rid of an llroom house geadhy onlthe int gr ng professional wrecker but then an associate of mine said that his kldsbcouid probably do boiler So blr Rusen invited his friends to the Saturday night party which he called dam tructorama to help level the house band played rock rrnrslc and film crew that footage for madnutethfilrror fog as esta wen roug housiusmashlng walls closets and llxturea WileOlPress Executive Dies rononro 3M thiia Purcell wife of the general manager of The Canadian Press died suddenly sunday after atiilering stroke She lsrsurvlved by live chil dren Eetei in Montreal Ju dith Mrs Mdrcel Hamelln Otta To Withdraw PARIS AP The United States realised North Vietnam directly today oft moving sub rtaatial and increasing numbers of troops and supplies into the South and called on the Hanoi lovemment to take some im portant step toward peace in an opening statement at the first round of substantive negotiations Ambassador Avcreli Harrlman renewcd US offer to withdraw forces from Vietnam if and when the North pulls its forces from the South and the level of vio lence subsides For our part Harrlman de clared we desire no bases in South Vietnam and we are pre gored to leave the facilities we ave builtthare to the people to use as they wish For the other side Xuan ihuy bodi meeting the United told the States has been defeated but is condoning its aggression against the people of Vietnam OUTLINE VIEWS An outline of Khan ihuya speech was given to news con ference after the meeting by Nguyen Thanh be chief spokes man for the North Vietnamese delegation Xuan lhuy said the United States has been condemned by international opinion including opinion in the United States President Johnson he said was obliged to announce limitation of US bombing but in reality Wh certaintbomgardfmleiut of an country cgntinuing and US reconnais sance planes continue to fly over thacoun including the capital we Patricia hirelohn Smart Kingston Robut in Toronto andsusan inldontrcal Xuan Thuy saldvnetvjroops Harriman Renews are being brought from the US and cw appropriations are rreucrraorrerj Unions Students Strike VPARIS APt French labor unions students and opposition politicians Joined today in the first nationwide general strike of President deGaulles 10year rule But by midday the attempt to paralyseFrance appeared to have fallenfar short of its mark Excth for scattered slo try seemed largely unaffected Train service was reduced departure of international tsfrom lrancewas can celled traffic in theclty was less than uoimai Iliut power auppli continued with only spotty internrptlons and shops and offices did business one of the electricity iiut at the conference build ing whata fullscale discussions dents are expected to loin with got under way today there were no effects Frances four main trade unions acted together for the first time in morethan doc ada to organize the strike through working to the LeitBahk cutoffs hit the tch hotelavhons that ing the US and North Viet namesedeiegationsto the Viet ua peace conference Dealer in an interview at hiat Acadi arms in nearby North Eaton said Castro pointslo Vietnam as an example of what to expect from America towards mall nation that goes Com munist in live very crowded day in Cuba Eaton said he saw chii dren rushiugito shake Castros handaudrvolunteer coffee tree plantersapplaudingfrom trucks and buses when they sighted the boarded leader in nice with up dyguest Eaton Ksrpent part of two do wrth Cas Castro Eaton said isthe complete oss ofCuba He buldand dever mun gt and he has had some phenome nal breaks such as the Bay Pigs and VietnamHe is also in my opinion thevmoatjeuergetlcf andlstrenuouaatatesmanin the war Eatons dedication to cncnlst ence between communlain and capitalism financier is Ill attentiveuudienee from Cuban Pr mleride1custradurlhg adobe Boss Gladiy you do comes effective when year madatn the island last week Eatona secretary US Offer From Vietnam being sought from the US Cork gresr For the United States mm man told the more than three hour meeting the securing of South Vietnams freedom from outside interference is at the core of serious and produc tive acttona for peace Refuse To Reium Miners To Work lit Hominy falls noumy nus AP Mine operators are re fusing to send their men back to worlr in Big Seweli Mountain until rescue workers locate the es of lo men behaved to ave drowned in flooded coal shalt here on official said There are at least nine actlva urine in the mountain owned by llaust Coal Co and tbs imperial Coal Co Some areon eratcd by subsidiaries of these large companies and other by independent contractors In addition there in mutant abandoned mlna tunnelsand the mine operators have real ized that they too mlghtvhe tun nelling dangerously close to one of those old flooded workings Twentyfiva men wéra trapped underground May en crew of miners working in the Gauley Coal and Coke Co No minea Maorisubsidiary acddentally broke into flood edabundoned shaft Fifteen efihe men were cued early saturday after fiv daya entombment Ten miners steamisslng and an ad ea The strike called in sup port of the students at ihaUnia versity of Paris whose conflict with the government erupted last week in bloody battleavwltll police The students today chhrged that police used chlorine gal mhs against them Iand de manded the dismissal of the minister the interior and the The police denied the charge andd said only tear gases were use The strike began at one min ute past mi ht when the to leprinters of Agence Franck Presse the French newa agency stopped From then on Eaton

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