Adayortwobeloreailhu role neighbor come to help the ceiling tanner to get reldy irecbgle eomhinpf mm spree err mono owe ere harmoe haler grinder Iced drain icalrs tanning mill plus usually lot oi equipment held over lrom the home are met be spawn in one or more rvwelnanenrtrytleld One wagon la reserved imagin numemu to me like shovels iarka wrenche pailn and anti er like hon eugar huiu elxh bells and even tool Iglllarlï¬g and mortislng morning at the all day how hold died otten must be brought outdoor and may in clude pine cupboards modern and antique glauware and china Holy of mbstentiai Chill including the old mm the roam sins fronted china eehinete aldeboarde chuterfleida piano or organ tablea and other amniln itema eageriy nought alter by women iolk looking or some thing well nude and solid When eein noti rltietea Hie flirting time 1130 arp there by one odock no that you are ready when the Iale Reta under way at 130 When it come to rolling and getting one int dollar out oi tardy wait and lee hidden auctioneer are real article They elwayr keep the crowd in good hlnnor and bidding among and last And they have an Ippro priate am or everyone and every oocealon end inddent NORMAL VOICE lntalkingto the hidderoren lookere the auctioneer urea hie normal voice but when be it calling he use nearly monotone voice that in nonethe leer wonderiui to liaten to eon hid tux dollar ior thin line maple Ward wholl give me the entioneer lweive twelve twelve Am hid wholl make it fourteen antean is there any advance are you ell done oil through Sold to the Lady in lmnt here with the flue hat Oflenhthe audionemuat do come ing to ge mov ing in the right direction Now look boya Chilethal it ever end in not going to play Santa Clara Title is $6000 tractor hiding in if SP when you have all that henvy cultivating to do Hup am hid 31600 wholl make it $2000 Mr Smith Now wholl make WHO WILL buy me ocean to say this line red liveyeurold cow Daisy one oi herd sold at Inn pump that imparts plea eeut iron taste to the elect cold water the excitement ol euctloriing in lnlectiour no you which thrilled buyer taking away their hem Lil boy or Kiri ing call women antique col lector accumulate closely guarded pile oi eheire and old lend promin in theiluction tale diarile Beitoridgo Thornton by euc tloneer le Barrie Baker picture and Intioue hoiuehold uteruile yams couple talk exdtediy about dinlng room let chain and twin they tor mere ten dollarl Formcre take nondialient at titude about their arm mech ery pulthneet but you know that underneath they are ied to death with them mini to Page GA Pietra iuvns FARM KNflWHflll DilflilPSA suauusr mer flit miciiimii armor Piissuuritiiin WOOD Alter one auctioneer hed acid three cow ina row to one tellow baldheaded he leid Sold right over there to Mr Brown He might not have much on top of hie head but hes lire doing some good thinking underneath NEVER FLUSKBIED ii In itan in broken or fella apart when it it being held up or sale auctioneers never be come iliistered hut rave the hit uatlon with their lnahnt reuse it himtor Once bunch of hardware tidings or sale was contained in one oi those on under bed normed ionoea common belote indoor plinnhing Wholl give me dollar for this you lcnow whet Ind Iii the good hardwml drew attention to hole hclhway up the container Wail looaiifthgued revelation eer cerhinLv at then nothing atali Itert it at yon own price then ding one bidder who owl out an pesahnlet an mm éaxeiuny explained flint til flerence between on nines in he loll peaaimist would say it was hell empty Everyone laughed and bidding become stronger We were helping to get the cattle ready at one arm when block heifer Aberdeen Angus chit made break and sent on flying like bowling pine while one follow for an instant looked as it how landing on tile AV W000siill mm mm Moreno not moonlellastheaeaver 1M MI SbndtnlWood Silo meson TREATElIL Al hubI land or the ll the legal cavemen or the stamina Silo he been no WDWTBd Mullah It PM it om msuunoufu Maul mnuoï¬ihelwd ulddhfwlvhtmbtiitfllnt Thur nominal thickness at the wood halls ha times the imlenon value of mum wall 112qu one ncrieu 1mm olllzI irenee LESS MAINIENANCE rim ma malntenaoee who the lhndllet cm the hem um ammo motion resistantAil de 3th load Ind mun sum nom with the Canadian Farm Building reroute Soonth as In the Natlovul shining non of emu heed as he sornereauiteddown over the litter pile We nearly died laughing lhe other day at enle we were coaxing cow out at her atoll when the aue tioneer iotlowed by me scar ed onlookeie ltampededoutot theuienringintothebamwlth snorting Cow oulheir heoie At every form ealekwimttna church of WI groups not up in the farm house with refresh mnt bar veiling pop coflee eendwlches cnkee hum tori and hot dogs lhey even bring their own ownnestom and gas cylindemor electric heat ers Soinotimee you col cori leerned he to whether they get enough tumeke all their eliort and trouble worthwhile buyerr andthelr kids delight drinking water they cnn pump lot themselves at the old Allister no irer611 name12mm City nthcareer watching our mothera feeling their care their guidance and diede we took their contri is rueh time wh deep eatlefaction Ar children he 553 iii33E if is iii Eggs digit it it erg rat fringes 33 sight 33 3555 Er Save $2000 on VIKING $37995 Selemoch no without exten Centremounted Sixtmi unbreakable 14 E5 55 liven The tint project it the short oouroe where the lrulnic tormeetiotlhanmrpoleo men in their home community Thenmavnrietynllqilce available Including clothing and textiler home end home mm iheruamd type at program which on use to help in achieve our oblectivee In our unto ï¬n to Page Sove $9000ni he VIKING SUBURBAN 3V2 HJ MOWERS Easily operated model give or videqulck aettlnga from Vi to itgnuge rleel aerojet deck and hauled phasphntedipped to inhibit rust cut initant height adjuster pro our in cornere Briggs areth easyspin recoil startingi choke plow iaat hwhietiwheele Re $8295 Selle each Elude mowers 62 yTw hlades give Iniooth Huh ion out rlrwJor clonetrim mine malls etc Swingover or oy mowing Chat aluminiunhzlivdydeck wheeiewithribber tlrea Poli tive on off twitch on handle mttlngwidth Xvihp mo Viki ng REFRIG RATOR FREEZER 37 Chest iype FREEZER cu ieet utomntlc deiroat ti 751 MW Mt