Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1968, p. 17

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cows laid mms minister hir rpoke pitch at hctplng in perspective Mr 71 Mr Pearson txreturn up world he tell arises to gxiaago when he as assistant history prolmsor to twinge diplomat an occasional pmiessat at Universitys school at no allnirs here he will have time to write and weir on his voluminous papers Vl Combat LONDON on or 9v momenta both letternl Vand pgoitaclnl must either lcarp tn goptrol lnnd speculators and Voney leaders or begin pro gram oi expropriatulg lend to solve severe housing crisis mug director at the Chil tlren Aid Society sold Thurs AW Housing costs havesityrock led beyond all reoson land is orhllantly priced and interest es have never been higher AlladJudd told lamiiy hens Workshop at the onhunl theme or the Ontario Aesocin eating oi the Ontnrio Assoc on ot Childrens Aid Societies 33m Judrl auid lock or de mlato housing played pre hunt part in welfare prob could solve the hous fearson fi run onto one FormeiIfCaifeer The tanner prime ministers miiewoithohiatoriansrnie wusetotulntheprdaoeola ledure series he delivered at Princeton in 1955 later publishedunder the mots lnWoridPoiitit1 cw year was an 59 My scholarly apparatus by nowiscertaintymty butlm tain uvvlvtd JcOnvietlon ever that ii curswt opinions and popidarprhlddioea are not to irnposelhomselvu with rr lentteglcrm or our rnlnds we rousti ge smile the lighter historical knowledge and histor lralexpcricnce and of the truths that have been tested by such extra on log prob ems rest of the so cial problems would probably disippearh Ontario HousingCorp Hasnt yei hoguottofmeet the needs in eiglstédbcinrett was not up he said Subsidized housing nextulwo years would increasc by at least it times its present state unoo mun cornnor Government must redueejiio cost of housing so that home ownership is possible for man with $60th income if thEl cnnnot control the land specular tors and money lenders they must begin to expropria to land htr Judd also led or lowering of interest rates and constinction costsin order to siucor courrmrws ANGUS ms nuctrwohm Sympathy is extended to Mrs Alexander Fourier family and zeiatflcs in the sudden passing husband and lnther Alexand Fourier Sydenham St also sympathy to Fred Slocum tam iiy and relatives in the passing at with and mother LL and Mrs Thomas Leitch London spent the weekend with her grandmother Mrs Huntfand visited er uni who is patientvin Barr hospital Mr and Mrs 110 Sleeper spent the weekend with rela tives in Guelph Mrs John Duckworth Jr spent few days with relatives in Montreal dimaEiizahcth l3 ach return ed from Tornn May it to ome oi andso inviaw Mr iinBrowo daughter and Mrs by 55 banner number from here attended the funeral or Robert Brockwell Sr Apnlizt lro Thomas Fun eral Chanel Bu wa in All iston Cemetery Congratulation to Mr and Mrs guy Cochrane on the birth son April 28 and to Mr and Mrs lionWynder tnee Bettyvsawdeol on the oi er April i7 aham is pa ent in hospital and am in the Gem pronto at school aga Mr and Mrs Edgar Denney Mrs Brown and iltlr an JM ison Denney atten the 25th wedding anlt niversarynf Mr and Mrs Don Ho Toronto held at the their soninlaw and irs and Mrs Bob Elmer Dunn cele ratedtheir 25th wedding umnniversary May Mr and Mrs Bert Baehar oved irom the stjitlnrttn the section house here Worrali has moved new home at Dunnvillm Scott visited friends in Brighton over the weekend and attended Brighton Curling Club awards banquet gt Orville Smith Vancouv spent the past week with his mother Mrs it Glass and they visited in Butrte with Mr and Mrs Alvin Smith Misses Paddyflopper Toronto and Muriel Jenkins Coilingwnod were guests oi the farmers brother Hopper and Mrs liopperiiast elrfi 150 students from Banting Memorial High School who took part inthe Orlam walk to Bar rte Maytthire were only it dropouts Several Cookstown stu dents were in the March Lori Lynne lindet daughter oi Mr and Mrs Audet Peter borough and granddaughter at Mr and Mrs Raeburn was haptilud in the Presbyterian Church by Rev Wilson Ap iii 23 Her great grandmother Mrs Raeburn was present at the ceremony WOMENS VleTUTE Twenty eight members and one visitor was present tor the May institute meeting in the town hall The newly elected president MrsVilbert Trotter conducted the meeting with Mia William Riley as acting secre tory Donations will be given to junior and seniordepamnents oi theiair also to the recrea tionaleomrnittée iorhcnetit oi mmand district children June meeting or Vi to be held in the town hall at pm will have the senior eitiz ens as guests Congratulations to Mrs Mur ray MclJowellV who had two classroom won from grades and Sunnybra School Stroud in the Ki nis Music Festival in Drill ZThe Cen tennial Giris trio alieather Mm Dowcll Debbie Arnold and Shar on Cook second place The iollowrng students have returnedtootheir homes from colleges before leaving for sum mer work Douglas Jim Rean Wallace Smith it haol Stein Mary Sheiisw Marilyn Glass and Frances Hindie organism and an isher not for Statements URAA Wl Comerva five had Canada would be destroyed it Qudoee 15me hadvhee an or en Mr Stlntieldslid Each or these confrontation increased be diiflcuity in keep log the lplrltnl the federal provlnelal eonlerence ally The prime ministers eter ence was toQuebeca tend anoe with nearnational status at recent education conlerences Recommend Stepsro Housing CriSis solve the greatest single social problem facing our country May Whaley deputy manag ing directnrwith OHCI prop erty mnnigement division criii oiled social agencies tor drop ping ceaesonce housing was found ithtnk lomillea need coun sellingeven alter theyre placed in homes We ind that families say they cant eiford $35 month in real but theyve got ma car pay mentto make or 385 in time payments Social services were also erit ieized for their lack ol coordi nation by Graham Emslie Hamiltons urban renewal com missioner He said professional dogoo trs oilen felt as long as they supplied roof over someoner head the reel ohmproblems matter Lntn cornwvr seventyper ountd the new aiionoi the United States live ooaper cent at the Wit RitED ONCE 3W IIIAS MIRPD T0 menses 706 Wiflggéflmm 56570 TH BRMEESCRLVTIRESWMS nayuim There Wt he alarms and school meeting Tuesdéy May 21 at pm when tilnt soon to Stay concern ing chooldropoutswill he shown Parents are asked to at tend importantgmeetiogf The anniverlfeary ol the United Church mu ng ndevening goth Rev cCaw BA ERMA ROM less tom wore ills Sltti UNDERWEMS ONLY hebeitevu mum1 partlcipll tion in international eonierencu could be dangerous 51 carried Drum 111 Wield haa contended that Mr Trudeau should make immodiate use at icdorah provincial committee set up at Fdlnierya constitutional con ferean to workers contention issues point Ieadérs lniilthlayott mamanrrtm lJtll Goldmorthy oi Minnesota North Stars dill is the leading scorerj in the National Hockey Leonaplayotls despite the tact his team wait eliminated in the Stanieyfihip semifinals Atormeritoston Bruin Golde wmtamd eight goals and assisted onpoven other tor is pointhI Dickie Moore of St bouts held scoreless Thursday when MontNaif Canediena defeated thotllliiel to in overtime is tied iorintnnernp root with Milan Marcella at Minnesota Boih haveseuen goals and seven as aistrtgr polan YvonCaurnoyar oi Montreal moved into fourth spot with it points by picking up goal and an assist Thursday night WOMEN nv Goon sneer many GP physical illness testoi 119 women hero showed they measure up to the Canadian average But they did hettirr ythan Toro nto Momenfi hire John Munro or To STRIPS AND DON WHICH on Then lost Zermy piratroop Wt nmnm°° er jump near Canadian Enron Bu Pelanwav Wednesday night Nolothersare also ersing add to bodiesdarn addition at two uncovered from Wide treteiioittie Ottawa River known as Allumetto Lake miles north bl Penn Ont Amati air water and landsenrch under way tor the man in the area about 100 miles northwest ol 0ttawo Shouldiiuttitlt Pficeinmlasg me OP iii oom pants must be lorcod to polity prion inajeaseain thesame way that labor unions now have to Justify their wage demands he tore conciliation boards NDP Leader Douglas laid Thursday Addressing the Canadian the Labor Congress convention he slid victory or the MD in the June 25 lederal election would lead to establishment at prices reviewboardfthat will more constant study oi the re iationshipj et we income prices and profits it you makevwage demands governmeoltclanp concil iutlon board he told 2000 dele gates ropresenting 1500000 cuc members You hate logo be lore lheconciliation board and you have to Justliy the increase you are asking there anyreason why the steel industry shouldnt have to instlf price decreases the copper lhdilstry or the nutr mobile lndustry or tho linens ammoopms emanatioan FROM LEFT Cpl Knight W0 Riddeii Cpl Minter it Fields tCP Wircphoto run National Defencet cierr who raise interest rates without consulting anybody DERELILT oovnnNiinNr Mr Douglas said the Liberal government has been derelict in its duty to reduce price infla tion gt The government also had been negligent in its roiusal to adopt lair taxation system such as the one outlined by the Carter commission oExciurive Pitta mm Ila NEMA table Hold Crystal Short utornatic se MWidtil Pull lFauoet connect injwuuloot DISHWASHER Oiilgh pressure let Sellcleaning ruler settings as automatic cycles PotsPlans Dual automatic detergent dispensers ronditioner dispenser Exclusive dust Berlin 51 load upper racks with pressure reliei awesome gentle as Iswatertempera uro Csurgilatm gitator OAutomattc spins stops selections when lid kill immune CLOTHES own or eye regitlnr an oasis wear OSpeiial mam cycleilor permanent press fabrics he lions regular wash owear and null OExtra large top mounted lior screen Ihutomatie door shutoil 15500 watt super speedelement oEquafloiv tempered heat IDruniis satin srhooth chemically treated enamel Reg l8995 forstereotypesfhere We want man with the desire torun his own bus selfdisciplin safety device tugged it horsepower motor OIdietirne aeryii enamel linish hurtonasspeake Mrs Milroy and Mrs Paris attended CGIT ban quet at Grand Valiey May when Milroy diet Ewart school choir etedoi irs Dalton on 1r part 11 Kiwanis Music tab Hospital Toronto it Nietcaliehas taken inistry first Baptist Church ielioEihe summer Mrs Prihiehe Vaneou er daughter Mr wont settle for less IAreyoti thacmanl édliketo hearf myou MaeLEOD MANAGE ckowu Lire iNSURAit company no is see Barri is William waiter te Sunday guests son and daugh and Mrs hivin brill rio

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