thiilBeii st of Bar rie will carry the Liberal col nta Lzc ederr eecuon in Simcoe North it will be Mr Bells second bid or federal oiii He was deieated by PC itebcr Smith by 923 votes in the 1985 general election law other men were uom Rated at the meeting in the lllia Opera ilouse last nigh New Democrats Set May 14 or Convention The New Democratic Party will hold its nomination nlng May 14 at the Knights nl Colum bus Hall in Pontiac the Robert Dennis at announced he would seek the homlnation made the announce meat as president of the riding association The mectiu starts at L15 ALMOST 500 attended the Liberal nomination convention at the Oriilia Opera House last night 376 of these were dele ihey were Mayor it Boob ley of Barrie and John Palmer an Qritlla history teacher ltrDell won the nomination on the ï¬rst ballot at 16 del egater cut votes Robert lien tog riding president declined to release how the vote was split among the three menu The quietspoken alr Dell told his supporters that the Lib rty wer win Lhe leo th nationally and locally POSITIVE NOW He called lor the riding to send ran to Ottawa who sit on the government ride oi the house and wouldnt const antly be bringing to the riding criticism ol the governments job but news about what pos itive things it is doing Although tboy opposed torm er tinlnce minister Mitchell Sharps plan to raise tam Mr Dell pointed out that now the Tories are advocating an ev crage wage plan and Is us ual dont say where the money comes trom For treat lack of experi gates ABOVE Simcoedlorth Liberal candidate Bill Bell centre Rose Knicer of 32 Essa ltd wait tor results to come in Ross Gintis loll on Arrested In iiuto Theft ihreelyouths arrested by Me troiToronto police on Saturday have been renamed to Barrie and charged with clr lheit lti custody at Simhe County taillro Michael Roderick lico ller l7IlR Churchill Rich urd OSbea la olvno tired hddrcss and John Gilbert Chie lien 16 of no tired address They have been charged in connection with an auto that was stolen from the used car lot oi Byrontiraham Mbtor on Drachord Street during the weekend They wit appear helore Mega istraie Foster torrtorrmv looks onï¬BELOW Mayor Bentley ielt talks to well wisbera Mrs George Cooper and John Gammell oi Midland Examiner Photos am Elevate to ugh electionI xaldildt net Lalirtcnfcanrarou He called tor wordat Pnvchi 30th Here lune 25 To ualitles me mouth campaign starting with the almost 400 uberddele gttee in the audience to help get him elected Mr Elli said he was tilled with amwlnzcoecern for youth especially ever accelerating rate at change keeps ahead of us cm not dynamic person and will nottry too hard to be one Mr Bell said will make every cflort can to win the election he pledged War the convention Mr Bell told reporters he would try his best to bring Prime athlete Tnidentt to therid Mr Dell said he would have to be lair to his retinal Hill creat so hewouldnt he luv ing it tor full lime eamaigm inguntil the end oi lily since the bullets being tired at polineptt icers wearing the garments Panel discussions will be held at the Continental ton on the Police Act and the Hishwao haitleAct On June as cruise at Lake Simme will be oontittctedby city boat owners for the wives ot the police chiets The com ventlon delegates will also at tend lwestern theme dance at the darling club Chld ischirharthas rerved on the exécutive ot the Associo lion since 1964 currents rnn nantur nxammnn 1mm Mar Mayor Bentley Urges ilciidn ToBringDownljiousingCosts Mayor it ncntiay in his nomination speech at the Liberal convention in Orlliia last night called tor partnership be tween government and industry to bring housing costs down lied tape and government building restrictions lack up the cost at building and impede in dustry said the mayor Maney could be saved by goverumcnt land assembly and servicing Chief Keast iii Convention Chiel Dan Keast oi the Barrie Fire Department is attending the threeday annual meeting of the Ontarlo Association of Fire Chiefs at Kingston KINGSTON CF Fire Chiel James Meyer ol Teeswa ter 0nt was elected president of the association liome School ilsSociaiions Encourage Teenagers ToIoin Mrs Eleanor Agnew Area vicepresident of Barrie District Home and School Council said today that encouraging teen agers to into local associations was good idea Mrs Agnew was commenting on report from the Ontario Federation at Home and School Associations annual eonventi Erporietwed From the small home owners to the large indus trial complex years of experience are yours Crntact the trained people in Hamill which urged teen agers to join their ranks We work tor the welfare of children and thought children should have Rorlre aliens communications diatr man Attend the conveniir from the Barrie and District Council areMrs Henri Feidman Mrs Choir RR Baillie and Mrs Bateman CARRIER MISS NOTICE To EXAM 341 aAYrtsLo nsr cannoursnnvrcn tilt midnight Fri and sinrayon Oren Mr Chief Meyer was unopposed tor the position Also elected without opposi Lion were Chief Charles Town sen oi Brantlord lirstyicepres ident Chici Edward Johnston oi Kitchener second vicépresl dent Chiel Arnold Quillinau oi Guelph secretary andChiei Walter Tally of TtlLsonburg treasurch Cut PiantOdors in Ontario Packing rrorwmo or Health Minister Matthew Dymond said Monday his department is tak ing action to reduce odors lrorn packing plants in the province Dr Dymond told the legisla turein reply to question from Dr Morton Sbulrnnn NDPTo ronto High Partr thatthe prov incial sir pnlluiioucontrol serv ice is rnpletingr an emissions study in rootoa St Clair Ave ntte packing house district bel lore preparing control mess urns Dr Dymoud said that when regulations are devised to deal With the situation in Toronto they will be appliedtotborem trrevmeatpaeking industry 7i8D94i illicit westwards 110ur It yonrliarrle carrier bu not arrived by 13 pan please phone 7282433 and copy of The Examiner will be deliveréd to your home bye rocoNracrrnssxahiNra CIRCULATION osrA mgr pm Set Valiant EXAMINER Mayor Bentley said that full employment with stable prices could be echlersd only it re latinushlpb established between wage increase and the aver ge increase in physical output per man Quality rather than quantity in government is more import ant and best lor the peopiehhe declared fWhen was asked to consld er the nomination reacted that my ï¬rst responsibility was to Barrie as mayor but in looking turthcrat the proposition rea lized that my mainycnncerns oi housing urban renewal trans portation and area planning were all closnly related to and port of lederal policy he said BOLD STROKE He said that by the great bold stroke at electing Pierre Elliott Trudeau the Liberal Party has conmiltted itselt to ammonia and allfmndern Canadians will respond John Palmer the Drillia tea oher called on the delegates to help deliver North Simcoe from We deed band of Conserva srn He said the Tory motto is The past is dead long may it reign Mr Palmer said that one at the things that is important to the riding is to get certain persons mind oil drug prices and onto something else lie was referring to Dr Rynard Slmcoe East MP in the last parilemenl Welsh masons orrsirsirvrurro Hlt BARRIE warriors tiililt NURSES RESIDENCE RISES Work on the addition to the the nurses residence at Royal Victoria Hospital appears to be proceedingen schedule The QUESTIONS snr ciane that grows with the building is now an the tittit tloortlcvcl Work is supposed to be completed for this tall urtnasWrnro bctorc new group at studclrt nurscs itdds to the load on the present residence Exam incr Photo Orillia cityrsiatus Gains QMBAPPrdel The town of Orillins mave toward city status whicbrbe comes ottieial January 1965 is being iollowcd throughout Simcoe Countyyvith close in terest The Ontario hlunicipal board approved the applicatio yes terdny Regulations have angcd considerably since he rte be came city on January 1559 and county otliciais are await 0MB ing dariticallonof the ruling of approval Anuestlon which remains to answered isiyhetbcrf 0r illias city status will mean separation from the county on the same basis as Barrio or whether Orillia will become city within the county orbit as provided in new amendments to the Ontario MunicipalAct COUNTY ASSESSMENT Orillia clerk Bruce Bayne al so pointed out Oriliias position on county assessment awaits clariï¬cation As city Barrie has control or itsown assess ment department Although 0r illiaopposed the county taking over itsassessment in vote more than two years ago the town representatives were out voted and now all Oriliia asA scssment cards and documents are with the countyrcgional ofticc Oue otzorillias com plaints was the sharp increase in assessing costs from $22000 year to $70000in diree years alter therebauge to the county sy and pcumsbly itwould dcsrre to regain control at its own assessment ndministsa iorillias former assessors Ralph Hartshnrn and iv French are uowwith the coup tystatt at incroascd pay and therewouldhave to he needs tiations to get them back Mr Hartshorn is now supervisor at the county regional assess ment cities at Orillia which is in charge of assessing in that area VWitb the change in admin istration of justice jurisdiction to the province and the health services to district operation Orillias interests in these ser vices are expected to be main Ciiiidrcus Aid Society sertiicea on the samc basis as Barrie ELECTION CHANGE Orlliia anticipates city status will mhan rcbunge in its clec tion system with the reeves dropped and an increase to eightor possibly 12 Aldermen All nineol the present mem bers have heeneleetcd at large tinder the new system the city would be divided into wards torelection of alderman The mayor would he the only council member elected at vlarge The complete text of the On tarioittunicipnl Boards ruling which is expected in Oriilia within few days is expected to clarify at least some at the points which currently have been causing some anxiety DEATHS scrum Wilhelm Suaduuy at sunnmlc near San Francisco alumnus vuneim schaeter or too Henry streeruunz in his arm year beloved husband at Siellnla KoleiflLkV and sltnrfllhzl DI EVe int it some Funeral service um tained Oriilia also is expected to continue its interest in the Paper tough on Tito glenrent will be In Sunnyvale norm